Iggor Cavalera is best known for his part as the drummer in Brazilian super band Sepultura. Throughout the nineties, Sepultura cemented itself into the backbone of modern Metal music and Iggor was a major factor in making this happen. His ability to project emotions and evoke thought through his percussive talents saw him accumulate a wealth of accolades including many Best Drummer titles, as well as touring the globe and selling in excess of 10 million albums.
The Defiled / Anti-Flag / Gary Numan / Band of Skulls / HIM / Limp Bizkit / Hounds / LostAlone / Canterbury / Yashin / Comeback Kid / Devil You Know / Fuckface Unstoppable / Atari Teenage Riot / Anthrax / Electric Wizard / 65daysofstatic / Mixhell / Infamy / Shrine / Black Dogs / Centiment / TRC / October File / Protafield / Brutality Will Prevail / Carnifex / Glass City Vice / Straight Lines / Emp!re / Love Zombies / Fort Hope / Max Raptor / Messenger / Little Matador / Scholars / Demonic Resurrection / Tesseract / Babymetal / Ghost / Anthrax / Frank Turner / Deftones / Iron Maiden / Alestorm / Chas & Dave / The Winery Dogs / Carcass / Hundred Reasons / Slayer / Hang The Bastard / Calling All Cars / Voodoo Six / Blitz Kids / Reckless Love / The Virginmarys / Black Spiders / Dog Eat Dog / New Model Army / Sisters Of Mercy / Collibus / The Wild Lies / Empire Kill / The Hell / Stormzone / Glamour Of The Kill / Stampin Ground / Zico Chain / Bleed from Within / The Raven Age / Rival State / Broken Hands / The Safety Fire / Fin Taylor / John Hastings / Alfie Brown / John Robertson / The Noise Next Door / Andrew O'Neill / Lounge Kittens / Eureka Machines / The Yo-Yos / Gojira / Devin Townsend Project / Airbourne / Mastodon / Alice In Chains / Metallica / Protest The Hero / Karnivool / Reel Big Fish / Dropkick Murphys / Dream Theatre / The Struts / The Cadillac Three / Truckfighters / Bo Ningen / Gallows / Chiodos / Kerbdog / The Bronx / Therapy? / Nirvana Defiled / Boy Jumps Ship / Dripback / Palm Reader / Krokodil / Beastmilk / Sweet Savage / Dregen / Anti-Nowhere League / Raging Speedhorn / The One Hundred / The Hype Theory / The Bots / Itch / Rob Deering / Matt Rees / Alfie Brown / Pat Cahill / Mat Ewins / Jim Smallman / Silverstein / Only Crime / Trash Talk / The Prodigy
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The Prodigy / Iron Maiden / Metallica / Limp Bizkit / HIM / Band of Skulls / Gary Numan / Anti-Flag / The Defiled / TesseracT / BABYMETAL / Ghost / Anthrax / Frank Turner / Deftones / Gojira / Devin Townsend Project / Airbourne / Mastodon / Alice In Chains / Alestorm / Chas & Dave / The Winery Dogs / Carcass / Hundred Reasons / Slayer / Protest the Hero / Karnivool / Reel Big Fish / Dropkick Murphy’s / Dream Theater / Hounds / LostAlone / Canterbury / Yashin / Comeback Kid / Devil You Know / Bam Margera's Fuckface Unstoppable / Atari Teenage Riot / Electric Wizard / 65 Days of Static / Mixhell / Infamy / Hang The Bastard / Calling All Cars / Voodoo Six / Blitz Kids / Reckless Love / The Virginmarys / Black Spiders / Sebastian Bach / New Model Army / The Sisters of Mercy / The Struts / The Cadillac Three / Truckfighters / Bo Ningen / Gallows / Chiodos / Kerbdog / The Bronx / Therapy? / The Defiled / Voodoo Six / Shrine / Black Dogs / Centiment / Malefic / October File / Protafield / Brutality Will Prevail / Carnifex / Colibus / The Wild Lies / Empire Kill / The Hell / Stormzone / Glamour Of The Kill / Stampin’ Ground / Zico Chain / Bleed From Within / Boy Jumps Ship / Dripback / Palm Reader / Krokodil / Beastmilk / Sweat Savage / Dregen / Anti Nowhere League / Raging Speedhorn / The One Hundred / The Hype Theory / The Bots / Itch / Rob Deering / Matt Rees / Alfie Brown / Pat Cahill / Mat Ewins / Silverstein / Only Crime / Trash Talk / The Raven Age / Rival State / Broken Hands / The Safety Fire / Fin Taylor / John Hastings / Alfie Brown / John Robertson / The Noise Next Door / Andrew O'Neill / The Lounge Kittens / Eureka Machines / The Yo-Yo's / Glass City Vice / straight lines / Empire / Love Zombies / Fort Hope / Max Raptor / Messenger / Little Matador / Scholars / Demonic Resurrection
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Metallica / Iron Maiden / Alice In Chains / Limp Bizkit / The Prodigy / Deftones / Dropkick Murphys / Slayer / Mastodon / Dream Theater / Band of Skulls / Anthrax / HIM / Silverstein / Frank Turner / Ghost / Reel Big Fish / Gojira / Gary Numan / Chiodos / Anti-Flag / The Sisters of Mercy / The Struts / Airbourne / BABYMETAL / Alestorm / Electric Wizard / 65daysofstatic / Protest the Hero / Carcass / TesseracT / Gallows / Karnivool / The Cadillac Three / Devin Townsend Project / Comeback Kid / The Bronx / Therapy? / Carnifex / Sebastian Bach / New Model Army / The Virginmarys / Atari Teenage Riot / Truckfighters / The Winery Dogs / Hundred Reasons / Trash Talk / Anti-Nowhere League / The Bots / Bleed From Within / Dog Eat Dog / Bo Ningen / Wilko Johnson / The One Hundred / Yashin / Itch / Reckless Love / Canterbury / The Raven Age / Glamour Of The Kill / Calling All Cars / Devil You Know / Blitz Kids / Chas 'n' Dave / The Safety Fire / Black Spiders / TRC / Mixhell / Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls / Fort Hope / Defiled / Shrine / Only Crime / Brutality Will Prevail / Raging Speedhorn / Messenger / Voodoo Six / Hounds / LostAlone / Max Raptor / Palm Reader / Broken Hands / Kerbdog / Zico Chain / Dregen / Hype Theory / Krokodil / Malefice / Hang The Bastard / The Lounge Kittens / Beastmilk / Scholars / Demonic Resurrection / Eureka Machines / Fuckface Unstoppable / Boy Jumps Ship / Little Matador / Stampin' Ground / The Sleeping Souls / Sweet Savage / The Yo-Yo's / Black Dogs / October File / Blaas of Glory / The Wild Lies / Stormzone / Infamy / Rival State / Collibus / Love Zombies / Truck / Protafield / Centiment / Glass City Vice / Dripback / EMP!RE / Empire Kill / Hundred Reason / Truckfi
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Metallica / Iron Maiden / Alice In Chains / Limp Bizkit / The Prodigy / Deftones / Dropkick Murphys / Slayer / Mastodon / Dream Theater / Band of Skulls / Anthrax / HIM / Silverstein / Frank Turner / Reel Big Fish / Ghost / Gojira / Gary Numan / Chiodos / Anti-Flag / The Sisters of Mercy / Airbourne / The Struts / BABYMETAL / Alestorm / 65daysofstatic / Electric Wizard / Protest the Hero / Carcass / TesseracT / Gallows / Karnivool / Devin Townsend Project / The Cadillac Three / Comeback Kid / The Bronx / Therapy? / Carnifex / Sebastian Bach / New Model Army / The Virginmarys / Atari Teenage Riot / Truckfighters / Hundred Reasons / The Winery Dogs / Trash Talk / Anti-Nowhere League / The Bots / Bleed From Within / Dog Eat Dog / Bo Ningen / The One Hundred / Wilko Johnson / Yashin / Itch / Canterbury / Glamour Of The Kill / Reckless Love / The Raven Age / Calling All Cars / Devil You Know / Chas 'n' Dave / Blitz Kids / The Safety Fire / Black Spiders / TRC / Mixhell / Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls / Fort Hope / Defiled / Shrine / Only Crime / Brutality Will Prevail / Raging Speedhorn / Messenger / Voodoo Six / Hounds / LostAlone / Max Raptor / Broken Hands / Palm Reader / Kerbdog / Zico Chain / Dregen / Hype Theory / Krokodil / Malefice / Hang The Bastard / Beastmilk / The Lounge Kittens / Scholars / Demonic Resurrection / Boy Jumps Ship / Fuckface Unstoppable / Eureka Machines / Little Matador / Stampin' Ground / The Sleeping Souls / Sweet Savage / The Yo-Yo's / Black Dogs / October File / Blaas of Glory / The Wild Lies / Stormzone / Rival State / Infamy / Love Zombies / Collibus / Truck / Protafield / Centiment / Glass City Vice / Dripback / EMP!RE / Empire Kill / Hundred Reason / Truckfi
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Metallica / Iron Maiden / Alice In Chains / Limp Bizkit / The Prodigy / Deftones / Dropkick Murphys / Slayer / Mastodon / Dream Theater / Band of Skulls / Anthrax / HIM / Silverstein / Frank Turner / Ghost / Reel Big Fish / Gojira / Gary Numan / Chiodos / Anti-Flag / The Sisters of Mercy / The Struts / Airbourne / BABYMETAL / Alestorm / Electric Wizard / 65daysofstatic / Protest the Hero / Carcass / TesseracT / Gallows / Karnivool / The Cadillac Three / Devin Townsend Project / Comeback Kid / The Bronx / Therapy? / Carnifex / Sebastian Bach / New Model Army / The Virginmarys / Atari Teenage Riot / Truckfighters / The Winery Dogs / Hundred Reasons / Trash Talk / Anti-Nowhere League / The Bots / Bleed From Within / Dog Eat Dog / Bo Ningen / Wilko Johnson / The One Hundred / Yashin / Itch / Reckless Love / Canterbury / Glamour Of The Kill / The Raven Age / Calling All Cars / Devil You Know / Blitz Kids / Chas 'n' Dave / The Safety Fire / Black Spiders / TRC / Mixhell / Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls / Fort Hope / Defiled / Shrine / Only Crime / Brutality Will Prevail / Raging Speedhorn / Messenger / Voodoo Six / Hounds / LostAlone / Max Raptor / Palm Reader / Broken Hands / Kerbdog / Zico Chain / Dregen / Hype Theory / Krokodil / Malefice / Hang The Bastard / The Lounge Kittens / Beastmilk / Scholars / Demonic Resurrection / Eureka Machines / Fuckface Unstoppable / Boy Jumps Ship / Little Matador / Stampin' Ground / The Sleeping Souls / Sweet Savage / The Yo-Yo's / Black Dogs / October File / Blaas of Glory / The Wild Lies / Stormzone / Infamy / Rival State / Collibus / Love Zombies / Truck / Protafield / Centiment / Glass City Vice / Dripback / EMP!RE / Empire Kill / Hundred Reason / Truckfi
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Metallica / The Prodigy / Iron Maiden / Alice In Chains / Limp Bizkit / Deftones / Dropkick Murphys / Slayer / Band of Skulls / Mastodon / Dream Theater / Silverstein / Anthrax / Frank Turner / Reel Big Fish / HIM / Gary Numan / Chiodos / Anti-Flag / Gojira / Airbourne / Ghost / 65daysofstatic / Protest the Hero / Gallows / Carcass / Electric Wizard / Comeback Kid / Karnivool / The Bronx / Therapy? / Alestorm / The Struts / Devin Townsend Project / TesseracT / Carnifex / The Virginmarys / The Cadillac Three / New Model Army / Atari Teenage Riot / Sebastian Bach / Hundred Reasons / Trash Talk / Truckfighters / The Winery Dogs / The Bots / Anti-Nowhere League / Bo Ningen / Yashin / The One Hundred / Dog Eat Dog / Canterbury / Chas 'n' Dave / Calling All Cars / Wilko Johnson / Bleed From Within / Itch / Reckless Love / Devil You Know / Black Spiders / Blitz Kids / Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls / The Safety Fire / Mixhell / The Defiled / TRC / Only Crime / Fort Hope / Shrine / Raging Speedhorn / Brutality Will Prevail / LostAlone / Messenger / Kerbdog / Voodoo Six / Max Raptor / Zico Chain / Malefice / Broken Hands / The Raven Age / Hype Theory / Dregen / Beastmilk / Krokodil / Hang The Bastard / Palm Reader / Scholars / Demonic Resurrection / Hounds / Little Matador / Boy Jumps Ship / Eureka Machines / Fuckface Unstoppable / The Lounge Kittens / Stampin' Ground / Sweet Savage / The Yo-Yo's / The Sleeping Souls / Black Dogs / October File / Blaas of Glory / Infamy / Rival State / Stormzone / Truck / The Wild Lies / Centiment / Glass City Vice / Dripback / Collibus / Love Zombies / Protafield / EMP!RE / Empire Kill / Hundred Reason / Truckfi / Glamour Of The Kill / The Sisters of Mercy / Babymetal
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The Subways / Slaves / The Struts / Reverend and The Makers / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / Nine Black Alps / The Blackout / The Virginmarys / Orange Goblin / Dash / The Howling / Little Barrie / Parade / Dinosaur Pile-Up / The Xcerts / Turbowolf / Gnarwolves / Hacktivist / The One Hundred / Sonic Boom Six / Empire / Calling All Cars / Flagship / Arms / Blitz Kids / Devil Sold His Soul / Indoor Pets / Raglans / Mixhell / Audiowhores / Adam French / Sample Answer / Apologies, I Have None / Flood of Red / Fearless Vampire Killers / The Graveltones / SHVPES / Sam Duckworth / God Damn / Max Raptor / Nevermind / THePETEBOX / straight lines / Empress / Exit Calm / Crazy Arm / Tankus the Henge / Broken Hands / Romance / Money for Rope / Ginger Wildheart / Hounds / Palm Reader / Verses / Deadcuts / Hype Theory / Kerri Watt / New Desert Blues / Hang The Bastard / Duchess (Amy Cervini, Hilary Gardner, Melissa Stylianou) / Shattered Skies / The Carnabys / Hero Fisher / Bleech / Tax The Heat / Storms / The Din / The Front / Toseland / Vex / A Plastic Rose / Boy Jumps Ship / Eureka Machines / I Am in Love / Whales In Cubicles / Saint Agnes / Mavis / Deadly Circus Fire / Vuvuvultures / Wounds / Rubylux / The Talks / Shea (US) / Under the Influence / Zoax / The Ratells / St Pierre Snake Invasion / Attention Thieves / Rat Attack / Colt 45 / Dead Harts / Beasts / The RPMS / Healthy Junkies / IC1s / Black Dogs / Oxygen Thief / Turbogeist / Dolomite Minor / Electric River / LTNT / Chasing Cadence / Goldray / The Mercy House / The Petals / Voodoo Vegas / Hey Vanity / Sons of Icarus / Los Pepes / Young Aviators / To the Bones / Exit International / The Wild Lies / The Dogbones / Bleach Blood / Cypher16 / Crystal Seagulls / Versechorusverse / Longy / Dead! (UK) / Johnny Walker / Mia Klose / Damn Dice / Shooting Stars / Love Zombies / Sondura / Richa / The Honey Ants / The Broken Chords / Protafield / 4th Street Traffic / Peckham Cowboys / Mr Shiraz / Stereo Juggernaut / Kenelis / Dead Sea Skulls / Generation Graveyard / The DeRellas / Avosetta / Matty James Cassidy / Johnny Borrell & Zazou / Shiva and the Hazards / West of the Sun / Legend in Japan / The Dirty Truth / Star Scream / Tropical Contact / Ugly Love / Walk The Night / Death Koolaid / Silver Arm / Eat The Evidence / Vox Empire / ITAMAR / Drones (UK) / Plastic Barricades / Dirty Harrys / Cramatics / Burning Beaches / My Little Empire / Gemma Rogers & The Mil Men / Menshevik / Paris Pickpockets / Sean Grant / Weatherbird / Camden Rocks / Acoustic TV / Fur Cough / Gang of Gypsies / charlie and the band of demons / Panic the Vulture / Mitsubishis / The Undivided (UK) / Dead Eye Mariners / Scott Riskee And The Ridicule / Rob Jones (Missing Andy) / Knights (UK) / Milk n Kinski / Remote View / Life (US) / Shoulder of Giants / Aerial Light / Jamie kimmet / Blast Until Moscow / The Hell / Baby Godzilla / Joe Fox / Riskee & The Ridicule / Sam Forrest / The Show / Missing Andy
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Soft Play (fka Slaves) / The Struts / The Subways / Reverend and the Makers / The Howling / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / Orange Goblin / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Dash / Nine Black Alps / The Blackout / The Virginmarys / Little Barrie / Turbowolf / Parade / The Xcerts / Hacktivist / Gnarwolves / The One Hundred / Empire / Sonic Boom Six / Verses / Flagship / Indoor Pets / Adam French / Devil Sold His Soul / Calling All Cars / Blitz Kids / Arms / SHVPES / Mixhell / Raglans / Life (US) / Sample Answer / Apologies, I Have None / Audiowhores / Saint Agnes / Palm Reader / Tankus the Henge / Fearless Vampire Killers / The Graveltones / Flood of Red / Romance / Empress / Nevermind / Max Raptor / Hounds / THePETEBOX / God Damn / Broken Hands / Sam Duckworth / Ginger Wildheart / straight lines / Crazy Arm / The St Pierre Snake Invasion / Exit Calm / Shattered Skies / Deadcuts / Money for Rope / Hype Theory / Kerri Watt / Tax The Heat / Hang The Bastard / New Desert Blues / Bleech / Vex / Toseland / The Din / Eureka Machines / Hero Fisher / Duchess (Amy Cervini, Hilary Gardner, Melissa Stylianou) / The Carnabys / The Front / Storms / Deadly Circus Fire / Mavis / A Plastic Rose / Boy Jumps Ship / Wounds / I Am in Love / Whales In Cubicles / Vuvuvultures / Rubylux / Under the Influence / The Talks / Zoax / Colt 45 / Healthy Junkies / The Ratells / Rat Attack / Beasts / Attention Thieves / Shea (US) / Dolomite Minor / Los Pepes / Oxygen Thief / The RPMS / Dead Harts / Goldray / IC1s / The Petals / LTNT / Black Dogs / Chasing Cadence / Electric River / The Dogbones / Turbogeist / Voodoo Vegas / Sons of Icarus / The Mercy House / Longy / The Wild Lies / Hey Vanity / Richa / Young Aviators / To the Bones / Cypher16 / Exit International / Bleach Blood / Versechorusverse / Johnny Walker / Crystal Seagulls / Love Zombies / Damn Dice / Shooting Stars / Mia Klose / Sondura / Dead! (UK) / Mr Shiraz / Protafield / Dead Sea Skulls / The Honey Ants / The DeRellas / The Broken Chords / 4th Street Traffic / Kenelis / Peckham Cowboys / Stereo Juggernaut / Eat The Evidence / Generation Graveyard / Shiva and the Hazards / Johnny Borrell & Zazou / Matty James Cassidy / Plastic Barricades / West of the Sun / Avosetta / ITAMAR / The Dirty Truth / Tropical Contact / Star Scream / Death Koolaid / Legend in Japan / Vox Empire / Drones (UK) / Ugly Love / Silver Arm / Walk The Night / Dirty Harrys / Burning Beaches / Cramatics / Sean Grant / My Little Empire / Gemma Rogers & The Mil Men / Menshevik / Paris Pickpockets / Camden Rocks / Panic the Vulture / Acoustic TV / Fur Cough / Weatherbird / Gang of Gypsies / charlie and the band of demons / Mitsubishis / Jamie kimmet / Scott Riskee And The Ridicule / Knights (UK) / The Undivided (UK) / Dead Eye Mariners / Remote View / Shoulder of Giants / Aerial Light / Baby Godzilly / Blast Until Moscow / Rob Jones (Missing Andy) / Milk n Kinski
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Clean Bandit / Kodaline / Royal Blood / Jungle / Action Bronson / Courtney Barnett / Wolf Alice / Jon Hopkins / Bipolar Sunshine / Amber Run / Circa Waves / Albert Hammond Jr / The Hold Steady / Raleigh Ritchie / Saint Raymond / Phox / Marika Hackman / Luke Sital-Singh / Fuck Buttons / Say Lou Lou / Gruff Rhys / Highasakite / Drenge / Fat White Family / San Fermin / We Have Band / Blaenavon / The Wytches / Superfood / Lanterns on the Lake / Norma Jean Martine / Happyness / Girls Names / Chloe Howl / Darlia / Findlay / Racing Glaciers / Thumpers / Public Access T.V. / Rah Rah / Solids / TRAAMS / Lyla Foy / Evergreen Official / The Parrots / Babe / Big Ups / Mixhell / Cattle & Cane / The Minutes / Jimi Goodwin / Fair Ohs / Gambles / MMODE / We the Wild / Loom / Cleft / Shy Nature / Sons And Lovers / Lola Colt / Hero Fisher / ANTIMATTER PEOPLE / Dolomite Minor / Deathcrush / IC1s / Bridie Jackson & the Arbour / Lucille / Ninetails / Lsa / Skyroads / Mutant Vinyl / Bloodflower / Gentlemen (UK) / J.Appiah / Maya Avgar / Caleb Major
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Clean Bandit / Bloodflower / Kodaline / Royal Blood / Action Bronson / Jungle / Courtney Barnett / Jon Hopkins / Bipolar Sunshine / Wolf Alice / Amber Run / Circa Waves / Albert Hammond Jr / The Hold Steady / Raleigh Ritchie / Saint Raymond / Phox / Marika Hackman / Luke Sital-Singh / Fuck Buttons / Say Lou Lou / Gruff Rhys / Drenge / Highasakite / San Fermin / Fat White Family / We Have Band / Blaenavon / The Wytches / Superfood / Lanterns on the Lake / Girls Names / Happyness / Chloe Howl / Norma Jean Martine / Darlia / Findlay / Racing Glaciers / Thumpers / Public Access T.V. / Rah Rah / Solids / TRAAMS / Evergreen Official / Lyla Foy / Babe / Big Ups / The Parrots / Mixhell / Cattle & Cane / The Minutes / Fair Ohs / Jimi Goodwin / Gambles / MMODE / We the Wild / Loom / Shy Nature / Cleft / Sons And Lovers / Lola Colt / Hero Fisher / ANTIMATTER PEOPLE / Dolomite Minor / Deathcrush / IC1s / Bridie Jackson & the Arbour / Lucille / Ninetails / Lsa / Skyroads / Mutant Vinyl / Gentlemen (UK) / J.Appiah / Maya Avgar / Caleb Major / Flyte / Fickle Friends / Moats / Jagwar Ma / Tea Street Band / The Kooks
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