MILKING THE GOATMACHINE's 2010 Concert History

Milking the Goatmachine is a death metal/grindcore band from Germany, formed in 2008. The band is consisting of Goatleeb Udder (vocals / drums) and Goatfreed Udder (guitar / bass) . For live shows the band is enhanced by Tony Goatana (guitar) and Lazarus Hoove (bass). As notable, all member of the band are using aliases that are more or less goat-related.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 19, 2010 –
Aug 21, 2010
Summer Breeze
1349 / AOD / Agnostic Front / Ahab / Anathema / Annotations of an Autopsy / Asphyx / Barren Earth / Be’Lakor / Blasmusik Illenschwang / Bleeding Red / Breschdleng / Callisto / Cannibal Corpse / Children of Bodom / Count Raven / Cumulo Nimbus / Dark Funeral / Dark Tranquillity / Das Pack / Deadstar Assembly / Despised Icon / Destinity / Dew-Scented / Die Apokalyptischen Reiter / disbelief / Down Spirit / Dream Evil / Dying Fetus / Eisbrecher / Eisregen / End of Green / Endstille / Ensiferum / Equilibrium / Fejd / Feuerschwanz / Fiddler’s Green / Gorgoroth / Grailknights / Gwar / Hacride / Hail of Bullets / Heaven Shall Burn / Hypocrisy / Ill Niño / InMe / Insomnium / Johnny and the Hot Rods / Kadavrik / Korpiklaani / Kylesa / Leaves’ Eyes / Letzte Instanz / Leviathan / Long Distance Calling / Macabre / Månegarm / Maroon / Milking the Goatmachine / Mono Inc / My Dying Bride / Napalm Death / Necrophagist / Obituary / Origin / Orphaned Land / Pantheon I / Parasite Inc / Parkway Drive / Poisonblack / Psychopunch / Rage / Raised Fist / Rebellion / Sepultura / Sick of It All / Sideblast / Sólstafir / Subway to Sally / Suffocation / Suicidal Angels / Swallow the Sun / The 69 Eyes / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Crown / The Devil’s Blood / The Foreshadowing / The Smack Ballz / The Very End / Tieflader / Torturized / Tracedawn / Triptykon / Undertow / Unleashed / Van Canto / War from a Harlots Mouth / Warbringer / Watain / We Butter the Bread with Butter / FreiWild Show all bands
Flugplatz Dinkelsbühl, Bavaria, Germany
Aug 18, 2010 –
Aug 21, 2010
Summer Breeze Open Air 2010
Children Of Bodom / subway to sally / Heaven Shall Burn / Hypocrisy / Sick of It All / Dark Tranquillity / Cannibal Corpse / Obituary / Sepultura / My Dying Bride / Die Apokalyptischen Reiter / Agnostic Front / Parkway Drive / Gorgoroth / Unleashed / Rage / Equilibrium / Suffocation / Suicidal Angels / Annotations of an Autopsy / MILKING THE GOATMACHINE / Ensiferum / Dark Funeral / Eisbrecher / End Of Green / Korpiklaani / Gwar / The 69 Eyes / Behemoth / Anathema / Frei.Wild / Raised Fist / Eisregen / Napalm Death / Poisonblack / Ill Nino / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Crown / Hail of Bullets / Fiddler's Green / The Devil's Blood / Dying Fetus / Triptykon / Necrophagist / Maroon / Leave's Eyes / Despised Icon / Asphyx / 1349 / Letzte Instanz / Psychopunch / Macabre / Swallow the Sun / Orphaned Land / Dream Evil / Disbelief / Watain / Count Raven / Dew-Scented / Warbringer / Insomnium / Månegarm / Origin / Kylesa / Rebellion / Sólstafir / Tracedawn / Van Canto / Long Distance Calling / Ahab / War From a Harlots Mouth / Barren Earth / Mono Inc. / undertow / InMe / Deadstar Assembly / We Butter The Bread With Butter / Hacride / Grailknights / Callisto / Feuerschwanz / The Foreshadowing / Destinity / Cumulo Nimbus / Fejd / Pantheon I / Sideblast / Be'lakor / Bleeding Red / Kadavrik / Parasite Inc. / Leviathan / A.O.D / Torturized / Breschdleng / The Very End / Tieflader / Das Pack / The Mean / Smack Ballz / Johnny & The Hot Rods / Bülent Ceylan Show all bands
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Flugplatz Dinkelsbühl-Sinbronn 91550 Dinkelsbühl, Germany
Aug 13, 2010
Party San Open Air
"Party San Open Air" / Autopsy / Asphyx / The Crown / Devourment / Dying Fetus / Lividity / MILKING THE GOATMACHINE / Ofermod / Onheil / Origin / Sarke / Suicidal Angels
Party Sans Open Air Grounds Bad Berka, Germany
Jun 05, 2010
MILKING THE GOATMACHINE / Celeste / Carnal Decay / Chant Of Blasphemy / Bitterness / Zerfall

Tod und Teufel Festival III

Juze Emmendingen, Germany

Photos from 2010 View All 2010 Photos

Summer Breeze Open Air 2010 on Aug 18, 2010 [530-small]

Summer Breeze Open Air 2010
Aug 18 - 21, 2010
 91550 Dinkelsbühl, Germany
  Uploaded by Laza

Death Metal
Brutal Death Metal
Comic Metal
German Death Metal
German Grindcore
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