Mikroboy's 2009 Concert History

Mikroboy ist eine Indie-Pop-Band aus Berlin und Mannheim.

Date Concert Venue Location
Dec 14, 2009
Kevin Devine / Mikroboy B72 Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Dec 11, 2009
Mikroboy / WIR (Band) Mensabar Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Dec 08, 2009
Mikroboy Blue Shell Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Oct 25, 2009

Mikroboy @ Universum

Universum Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Aug 27, 2009
The Get Up Kids / Mikroboy
Backstage Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Aug 26, 2009
The Get Up Kids / Mikroboy E-Werk Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany
Aug 25, 2009
The Get Up Kids / Mikroboy Postbahnhof Club Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Aug 23, 2009
The Get Up Kids / Mikroboy
Uebel & Gefährlich Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Aug 14, 2009 –
Aug 16, 2009
Dockville Festival 2009
MGMT / Metronomy / Wavves / The Whitest Boy Alive / Black Lips / William Fitzsimmons / HEALTH / Bill Callahan / Patrick Wolf / Turbonegro / Wintersleep / Panteon Rococo / dan le sac Vs Scroobius Pip / Miss Li / These New Puritans / Soap&Skin / Good Shoes / Chew Lips / Extrawelt / Bonaparte / Coma / Scroobius Pip / Crystal Antlers / Black Box Revelation / Frittenbude / Element of Crime / Kettcar / Blumentopf / Hundreds / Dan Le Sac / Indian Jewelry / Hjaltalín / Spectrum / Voltaire / Glint / Beat!Beat!Beat! / Turbostaat / We Are Enfant Terrible / Sonic Boom / Beta / Herrenmagazin / Super700 / Mediengruppe Telekommander / DJ Phono / Mikroboy / Vierkanttretlager / The Kabeedies / Locas In Love / Pascal Finkenauer / Dj Mad / Ghost of Tom Joad / Vincent Van Go Go / Jan / I-FIRE / Trashmonkeys / Dennis Lisk / GoldieLocks / Malakoff Kowalski / Goldie Locks / Sprout / Tilman Tausendfreund / Dancing Pigeons / Super 700 / I Am Austin / Junopilot / R.S.S. / JIM PANSEN / Nobelpenner / Fello / Misses Next Match / revolver club / Dan Treacy / Fickscheisse / MIO MYO / Estuar / Xrfarflight / Exits to Freeways / Terrible Eagle / Xochil / Electric Set / Sutsche / Andy Strauss / Raf & Superdefekt / Dancing Pigeons Like Ice Cream / The Haina / Sulaiman Masomi / Ratkat / Fickscheie / marcus carp / The Ricky Kings / Scufx / Pascal Finkenhauer / Same Teens / MOTORBOOTY! Show all bands
Wilhelmsburg Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Jul 18, 2009
Melt! Festival
"Melt! Festival" / Bloc Party / Digitalism / Phoenix / The Whitest Boy Alive / Animal Collective / Baddies / Erol Alkan / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / WhoMadeWho / Mediengruppe Telekommander / Filthy Dukes / Super 700 / Ellen Allien / Kiki / DJ Hell / James Holden / Tobias Thomas / Muff Potter / Anna Ternheim / The Wedding Present / Caribou / Bonaparte / The New Wine / Mikroboy / Diplo / Buraka Som Sistema / DJ Mujava / Jesse Rose / Boy 8-Bit / Thunderheist / Daniel Haaksman / Fever Ray / Amazing Baby / Jochen Distelmeyer / Sven Jozwiak / Le Hammond Inferno / Mathias Aguayo / Critical Mass / Drop The Lime / Channel X / Luna City Express / Skinnerbox / Kassette Boys / MSTRKRFT Show all bands
Ferropolis Greifenstein, Germany
Jul 17, 2009 –
Jul 19, 2009
Melt Festival 2009
Diplo / Phoenix / Deadmau5 / Passion Pit / Foals / Kasabian / Cold War Kids / Bloc Party / La Roux / Miike Snow / Crystal Castles / Metronomy / Röyksopp / Caribou / Animal Collective / Aphex Twin / Travis / Gossip / Klaxons / Moderat / Digitalism / Paul Kalkbrenner / The Whitest Boy Alive / Fever Ray / Boys Noize / Trentemøller / Simian Mobile Disco / MSTRKRFT / Glasvegas / Skream / The Dodos / Hudson Mohawke / DJ Koze / This Will Destroy You / Tiga / Magnetic Man / The Virgins / WhoMadeWho / Delphic / Yuksek / Âme / Jazzanova / Benga / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / Patrick Wolf / Goldie / Videoclub / Kakkmaddafakka / The Wedding Present / Anna Ternheim / Ellen Allien / Brodinski / Buraka Som Sistema / James Yuill / Kevin Devine / Oasis / James Holden / Henrik Schwarz / The Soundtrack Of Our Lives / Erol Alkan / Bonaparte / Dixon / Sascha Funke / Azzido Da Bass / Kasper Bjørke / Matthew Herbert / Matias Aguayo / Anna / Kode9 / Frittenbude / The Twelves / Drop The Lime / Rex the Dog / Cosmin TRG / Radio Slave / DJ Hell / Jesse Rose / Gisbert zu Knyphausen / Polarkreis 18 / Thunderheist / Boy 8-Bit / Klute / Amazing Baby / Hell / Kiki / Filthy Dukes / DJ Mujava / Ruede Hagelstein / Bodi Bill / Luke Slater / Kode9 & The Spaceape / LCMDF / Planetary Assault Systems / Dinky / Channel X / The New Wine / Circlesquare / spaceape / Marcus Meinhardt / Fagget Fairys / Daniel Haaksman / ClickClickDecker / Pilooski / Muff Potter / Daniel Stefanik / Mujava / Skinnerbox / Gunnar Stiller / Virginia Jetzt! / Tim Exile / Super700 / Mediengruppe Telekommander / Luna City Express / Gunjah / DJ Phono / Coop / Jochen Distelmeyer / Mikroboy / Paul Randolph / Baddies / Lexy / Deize Tigrona / Fabiano / Lars / Zander VT / The Cheapers / DJ Eric / Le Hammond Inferno / Samavayo / David Dorad / Markus Kavka / Cajuan / Tobias Thomas / Dj Shir Khan / Hecker / Whitenights / Tos / ND_Baumecker / King Kong Kicks / Radioslave / Empro / Avid / DJ Supermarkt / Andioliphilipp / Miss Bliss / The Rising Rocket / Kleinschmager Audio / Werner Krauss / Koze / Fraenzen Texas / Michael Mac / revolver club / Das Actionteam / Kassette Boys / Karrera Klub / markus welby / Phases of Life / Team Monster / Radio&fernseh / Team Recorder / Les Yper Sound / Sven Jozwiak / A Critical Mass / Andreas Eckhardt / Lars Christian Müller / Lars-Christian Müller / Sick Sinus / King Kong Klub / Scharrenbroich / MC Justyce / Taktzyklus Show all bands
Ferropolis - Stadt Aus Eisen Arena Gräfenhainichen, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Show Duplicates for Jul 17, 2009
May 21, 2009
Mikroboy / WIR (Band) KTS Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Feb 07, 2009
Bloc Party / Mikroboy
Cineplex Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Indie Rock
Indie Pop
German Pop
Emo Pop
German Indie
German Indie Rock
Show more genres
2016 1 concert
2012 1 concert
2011 4 concerts
2010 2 concerts
2009 13 concerts
2008 2 concerts
 Lisamag Musik
 Vera Oppowa Abarquez
 Kathrin T
 Christoph Müller
 Enrico Schwind
 Lena Pollmann
 Denny Van Eyghen

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