Miesha and the Spanks Concert History

Miesha And The Spanks are a ferocious garage-pop twosome, and the remnants of punk rock n rollers- Calgary's BOGART!.

Date Concert Venue Location
Mar 13, 2025
Truck Violence / The OBGMs / Aliz Fernz / Holy Void / Miesha and the Spanks / Knitting

Range Magazine 2025 SXSW Showcase

Chess Club Austin, Texas, United States
Feb 08, 2025
Cold Bones Fest Day 2
Skinny Dyck / Duff Thompson / Audio Rocketry / The Secret Beach (CAN) / Starpainter / Paris Pick / Sargeant X Comrade / Fire Next Time / Mox Jet / Miesha and the Spanks / Sinzere / betaboys / Hermitess / Trashed Ambulance / Hendrika / Quit It! / The Whats / Wants / Tea Fannie / Brain Bent / The Corey Hotline / Gil & Wil / Willy Big Bull / Natalie Inga / Liquor Mountain / REBEL GRRRLZ Show all bands
Heller Good Sandwiches Drumheller, AB
Jun 19, 2024 –
Jun 23, 2024
Sled Island 2024
36? / Abrupt Decay / Aladean Kheroufi / Alice Longyu Gao / Alice Longyu Gao (DJ set) / Aniqa Dear / ArtSaves / Astrology Girl / Baby Jey / Bad Bodies / Bad Waitress / Banggz / Barbara / Bennett Mitchell / betaboys / Big Evil Rat / Big Rig / Bile Sister / Bill Can / BITTER/WASHED / Bluffing / Blume / Bog Bodies / Boy Wonder / Brain Bent / Brass Lip / bratboy / Bridgeland / Brock Geiger / bugswallow / Burro / Carissa Gem / Cassia Hardy / Cat Piss / Chairman / Cherry Glazerr / Cinna Peyghamy / cistern / Closetalkers / Corey Gulkin / Corridor / Crystal Eyes / Cuerpos / Culled / D.Blavatsky / Death Valley Girls / Dial Up / The Discussion / DJ Dine & Dash / Dot Cardigan / Double Rider / Echthros / Eine Kleine China / EKKSTACY / Eliza Niemi / Emilie Kahn / Enny Owl / Ethereal Tomb / Evan Hardy / Eve Parker Finley / Everythingyoueverloved / False Body / Fold Paper / Fraud Perry / The Furnace / Gadfly / Genizah / Ginger Beef / GLASSCULT / GOLPESAR / Gremlyn / Grimelda / Hailstones / Hair Control / Haleluya Hailu / Hardcore Makeout / Harsh / Heaven For Real / Hermitess / Hip Hip Thursday / Iron Tusk (AB) / Irreversible Entanglements / Jed Arbour / Jeff Parker / Juana Molina / k.burwash / Kari Faux / Kee Avil / Kehiw / Kerkland Jerks / Kilamanzego / Knitting / KTheChosen and The Knomads / Kue Varo & The Only Hopes / L4ZR GR1D / L4ZR GR1D / Lael Neale / Last waltzon / LATISHA / Laughing / Laura Hickli / Lavoro / Liminal Shroud / Liquor Mountain / Local Singles / Look Alive / Lost Decade / Lovelet / Lucy (Cooper B. Handy) / Lushings / Lustsickpuppy / Maky Lavender / Malaika Hailey / Malcolm Mooney & The Eleventh Planet / Man Meat / Mauvey / Michael Peter Olsen / Mick Jenkins / Midnight Channel / Midnight Peg / Miesha and the Spanks / mineo kawasaki / More Than Nothing / Mouraine / Mox Jet / myst milano / N NAO / Natlak / Neighbourly / Nesha Nycee / Never Plenty / New Age Doom / Niloufar Shiri & Caleb Klager / Nora Kelly Band / NPNP Trio / Nutrients / Obroa-Skai / OKGB / Okpk / Old Mound / Oranje / Paisley Fields / Pancake / Parisian Orgy / Pearly Moon / Phantom Orchid / Planet Giza / Pøltergeist / Pony Girl / Pop Pop Vernac / Quit It! / Radioactive Vampire Teeth / REBEL GRRRLZ / respectfulchild / The Rifle County Players / Ryan Bourne & the Plant City Band / S[K]IES / Sam Tudor / Samantha Savage Smith / Sarah Davachi / Sargeant X Comrade / Sea of Lettuce / The Sediment Club / Sentries / The Serfs (OH) / shn shn / Show Me The Body / SHY FRiEND / sid. / Skinny Dyck / Slauson Malone 1 / Smokey / So Tired / Soul Glo / Squelch / State n Division / stem champ / Still Depths / Stucco / Sub / / Cell / SuKha Never Dies / Sunflower Dreams / Sunforger / Sunglaciers / Sydanie / Tanajah / Tawni Bias / Tea Fannie & The Collective / Tebby & the Heavy / Temps / Tess Roby / Thanya Iyer / thisquietarmy / Thomas Thomas / Thunder Queens / TimberFang / Tomb Mold / Tova / Uncanny Valley / VERTTIGO / Victrix / viñu-vinu / Völur / W.I.T.C.H. / Wack / WAIT//LESS / Wallgrin / Wants / The Wesleys / Whiling / WifiGawd / Window Lamp Corp. / Witch Victim / Wombo / WUT / ZURGLIN Show all bands
Sled Island 2024 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
May 02, 2024
Miesha and the Spanks / Thunder Queens Dominion House Tavern Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Aug 12, 2023
Billy Talent / Comeback Kid / The Flatliners / Miesha and the Spanks

Burt Block Party

Burt Block Party Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Jun 21, 2023 –
Jun 25, 2023
Sled Island 2023
Liturgy / Spellling / Pom Pom Squad / THICK / Gustaf / PACKS / Haviah Mighty / Housewife / Laurence-Anne / Weird Nightmare / Jaywood / Miesha and the Spanks / Marlaena Moore / Pony Girl / Asko / Mother Tongues / Cinema Hearts / Mvll Crimes / Burs / La Sécurité / Bennett Mitchell / Roya (SE) / Amy Nelson (Calgary) / Yawn (CA) / Fold Paper (CA) Show all bands
The Royal Canadian Legion Calgary (alberta No. 1) Calgary, Alberta, Canada
May 31, 2023 –
Jun 04, 2023
Digging Roots / Miesha and the Spanks

International Indigenous Music Summit 2023 @ Massey Hall

Massey Hall Toronto, Ontario, Canada
May 19, 2023 –
May 21, 2023
Pouzza Fest 2023 @ Pouzza Fest
Anxious / Bridge City Sinners / The Dirty Nil / One Step Closer / Broadway Calls / Gulfer / Paint It Black / No Trigger / Elway / Dollar Signs / Chastity / City of Caterpillar / Joystick / Lone Wolf / Mobina Galore / Teenage Halloween / New Junk City / Crazy Arm / The Bollweevils / Lucas Silveira / Dog Party / Vacation / FOMO / Brendan Kelly / Raygun Cowboys / Micah Schnabel / Decent Criminal / The Raging Nathans / We Hate You Please Die / Brutal Youth / Eamon McGrath / Hans Gruber & the Die Hards / Dead Bars / Cold Wrecks / The Peelers / Emily Davis / Flying Raccoon Suit / School Damage / City Mouse / Boss' Daughter / Kicksie / Twenty2 / Horace Pinker / Lost Love / Miesha and the Spanks / Teens in Trouble / Fat Heaven / Elissa Janelle Velveteen / Wordplay / audio/rocketry / Heart Attack Kids / Sudden Waves / Doghouse Rose / Stuck Out Here / No matter / The Bloodstrings / Dead Fucking Last / The Dreaded Laramie / No Waves / Panic Attack / Ellen and the Degenerates / theWorst / Heart & Lung / Cross Dog / BOIDS / Arms and Hearts / double date with death / Oh The Humanity / Les Ordures Ioniques / Abertooth Lincoln / Wolfrik / Joe Vickers / Zach Quinn / The Last Mile / Mudie / The Band Cope / Record Thieves / Ill Scarlet / Fortune Cookie Club / Capable! / Debt Cemetary / Postage / The Carousers / East End Radicals / Among Legends / Ezra Cohen / Ghost Town Remedy / L'affaire Pélican / Oh my snare! / Bucky Harris / The Beatdowns / Pl Mafia / Sixteen Scandals / Thunder Queens / Julius Sumner Miller / The Vulgar Deli / margaret tracteur / One Fall / Chuck Coles / The Mendozaz / Blurry Eyes / Dogo Suicide / Heartless Folk / Russian Tim & Pavel Bures / Enfants Sauvages / La Querelle / Heavy Petter / Seed Toss / Radio Compass / brand new lungs / Jacob Danielsen-Moore / The Loneliers / Quit It / Ancient Teeth / Less Miserable / Rope Skills / Alie Sin / Guttrot / Lone Wolf (NL) / GENERAL CHAOS / Subsun / Fire Cult / Craig Shay / Barnak / Matty Grace / Sweet Anne Marie / The Slow Death (USA) / RECLAWED / Answering Machine (BK) / Awful Din (BK) / beauregard. (MTL) / After the Fall (US) / The Amorphous Blob Orchestra / Joystick (NOLA) Show all bands
Pouzza Fest Montréal, Québec, Canada
Mar 08, 2023 –
Mar 12, 2023
New Colossus Festival 2023
Various Artists / Demob Happy / French Cassettes / Sobs / Snotty Nose Rez Kids / Silverbacks / Teenage Halloween / Claudia Bouvette / Public Body / Plattenbau / Miesha and the Spanks / Nat Vazer / The Silver Lines / Bonnie Trash / Day & Dream / O. Wake / 36? / Pleasure Pill / His His Show all bands
Various Venues, Nyc New York, New York, United States
Sep 22, 2021 –
Sep 25, 2021
Reeperbahn Festival 2021
Tom Odell / Ry X / William Fitzsimmons / Weval / Kid Francescoli / Dillon / Alice Phoebe Lou / Robot Koch / Blanks / Kadavar / All We Are / Joy Denalane / HAEVN / Alice Sara Ott / Jupiter Jones / Lambert / Blue Lab Beats / The Pale White / Leslie Clio / Rangleklods / Jeremias / Niklas Paschburg / Hania Rani / Die Höchste Eisenbahn / The Howl & The Hum / Working Men's Club / Mavi Phoenix / Communions / Anna Leone / Another Sky / Isolation Berlin / Luwten / Mind Enterprises / Millie Turner / Ilira / Black Sea Dahu / Yard Act / Goldroger / Los Bitchos / Pool / Pillow Queens / Danitsa / Bruckner / TWO LANES / Dagobert / Núria Graham / Amilli / Nana Adjoa / Suzane / ÄTNA / Yukno / Muff Potter / Some Sprouts / The Cool Quest / BLVTH / Lola Young / Katy J Pearson / Goss / Han / Trümmer / Shishi / L’Eclair / Boundaries / Talk Show / Wu-Lu / Edwin Rosen / Fortuna Ehrenfeld / Annelie / Cosby / Antje Schomaker / Buntspecht / Bohemian Betyars / Lui Hill / Dino Brandao / Idiotape / Olmo / MoLa / The Clockworks / Maarja Nuut / Máni Orrason / Balbina / Shelter Boy / Bryn / Ajimal / John Moods / Schmyt / Silly Boy Blue / Taloula / James BKS / Sarah McCoy / Bayuk / ML Buch / Sebastian Knauer / Arp Frique / Bee Bee Sea / King Hannah / Kian Soltani / Nina Chuba / Meskerem Mees / Lie Ning / Slow Down, Molasses / Konvent / Nand / The Screenshots / Francis of Delirium / BETTEROV / Lasse Matthiessen / Quarry / St. Lundi / Mulay / Keep Dancing Inc / Red Moon / Arvid Nero / Casper Clausen / Daughters of Reykjavik / Luke Noa / Drab City / Swutscher / Mia Morgan / Jazzbois / Sharktank / The Golden Dregs / Albertine Sarges / The Hanged Man / Oska / Komfortrauschen / Glauque / Mother Nature / Jealous / Remme / Immortal Onion / Roy Bianco & Die Abbrunzati Boys / Naïma Joris / Kimmortal / Tim Freitag / Cyril Cyril / The Devil's Trade / Dopha / Umme Block / Rote Mütze Raphi / Discovery Zone / K.ZIA / Annie Taylor / Die P / StÖj Snak / Miesha and the Spanks / Thala / PIPPA / PVA (UK) / Gaddafi Gals / Lonely Spring / Siamese Elephants / Yn / Leopold / Finn Ronsdorf / Linus Bruhn / Amparito / Dobrawa Czocher / C'est Karma / Tomma Intet / Elis Noa / Schlindwein / Niklas Liepe / Ydegirl / Atzur / Eugenia Post Meridiem / School of Zuversicht / Laura Lee & the Jettes / Juno Francis / JADA (DK) / Viah / WHT?! / Wezn / Gina Été / Ro Bergman / Fo Sho / Veps / Meredi / Kollapse / Joplyn / Trixsi / Ragnhild Hemsing / Diana Goldberg / The Entrepreneurs (DK) / Scott Mathew / STANOVSKY / FLEKS / Melting Palms / Roosmarijn / Brew Berrymore / Shelly Phillips / Hawel/McPhail / Romc / Lisa Wanloo / Iuma / Famous (UK) / Dead Star Talk / wedance / St. Arnaud / Joachim Franz Büchner Band / adam carpels / BSÍ (IS) / futurebae / Robert Neumann / Boddy (DE) / Lamila / Hedda Mae / Griff / Tayla Parx / Sting Show all bands
Reeperbahn Festival Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
May 16, 2019 –
May 18, 2019
Focus Wales 2019
Neck Deep / Kero Kero Bonito / Skindred / Cate Le Bon / Avi Buffalo / Paul Williams / The Beths / Proxy / BC Camplight / Boy Azooga / lau.ra (DJ) / Rachel K Collier / The Lovely Eggs / Snapped Ankles / Rich Aucoin / The School / Working Men's Club / Art School Girlfriend / Nate Husser / Penelope Isles / Life / Martyn Joseph / audiobooks / Islet / Swims / Man of Moon / Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard / The High Dials / Lysistrata / Peaness / Miss Eaves / Wetter / The Gentle Good / 9Bach / Colorama / Murkage / DOOMSQUAD / Iris Gold / Agent Blå / Golden Fable / :Papercutz / I See Rivers / Alffa / Yes We Mystic / Tallies / Jekyll / Kidsmoke / Gwenifer Raymond / MNNQNS / Seazoo / Lizzy Farrall / Sera / Dan Bettridge / The Zangwills / Adwaith / Gabrielle Papillon / Dread / Denuo / Average Sex / Ben Roberts / Scott Fitzgerald / CHEW / Bronnie / Underline The Sky! / Toby Hay / Los Blancos / Katie Mac / Christopher Rees / COW / The Bongo Club / Albert Jones / FRANKIIE / Chupa Cabra / Those Goddamn Hippies / Gwilym / Oblong / Miesha and the Spanks / Mondegreen / Routines / The Sandinistas / T. Thomason / Sock / HMS Morris / Campfire Social / Me and Deboe / Graham Van Pelt / Straight Jacket Legends / zabrinski / New Luna / Elizabete Balčus / Rosehip Teahouse / Bad Animal / Gunner & Smith / AF THE NAYSAYER / I Fight Lions / Matthew Frederick / Lewys / Ani Glass / Victoria+Jean / ABAKOS / Cynefin / Emily Magpie / Baby Brave / Sunset Beach Hut / Connah Evans / Ennio the little brother / Darren Eedens / Papur Wal / Slow Place Like Home / EVANDER / Luke RV / Martyn Peters / Jamie Wrecs / Little Folk / Rebecca Hurn / Gravves / Perfect Body / Souljacker / Trash Hawks / The Cheap Thrills (UK) / iamkyami / Velvet Shakes / Hannah Willwood / Everyone and Anyone / Olly Flavell / The Shudders / Quodega / Rosey Cale / Geraint Rhys / Jemma Roper / Jack Found / Elis Derby / BAHR / Beachcomber / Elan Catrin Parry / Runic / Cerys Eless / Flamingo House / Faded Strangers / She's Got Spies / Sustinere / Zac White / Mountainface / Aled RHEON / Darren Eedens & the Slim Pickin’s / The Columbians / George Fell / Maines / Radio Rhydd / Eugene Capper / The Cazales / Bryony Sier / Malcolm-Jay / Lucy Mayhew / Kela Topan / Karma Shake / Siobhan McCrudden / Andy Hickie / Hollow Lane / Shot Of Hornets / Accü (Wales) / Blind Wilkie McEnroe / Namsakē / Red Telephone (UK) / Glove (UK) / CHROMA (UK) / Tegid Rhys / wrightoid / Chembomusic / Razkid / Rees Sorby / Xerru / THE UNDRCLASS / Diives / Sightseers (UK) / Cor DAW / #Ffloc / AA55A / Audio Farm presents! / Bardd / Benjamin J Wilson / Bridie Squires / Colossous / Delta Academy Ladies Choir / Double-Barrelled / Glan Aber Singers / Lianne Futia (UK) / Marti Avi / Natasha Borton / Pat Edwards / Sunday Morning Ritual / Telo Vision / The Magnettes (Sweden) / Virgin Kola / Vulpes Urbana / Worldcub (US) / Wrexham One Love Choir / Stevie Eh / Korason / 1987tilpresent / Aiden Keryn / MADI (UK) / Killjoys UK / CRY (Uk) / Chasing Shadows (UK) / Ali Anwar & Dave Owen / HABITS (Wales) / The Rodeo (France) / Gulls (UK) Show all bands
Wrexham, Wales, United Kingdom
May 09, 2019 –
May 11, 2019
The Great Escape / Alternative Escape 2019
Lewis Capaldi / Oliver Tree / Big Wild / The Jungle Giants / NEIKED / Maisie Peters / Oh Land / Easy Life / Marika Hackman / Viagra Boys / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Sons Of The East / Shame / Psychedelic Porn Crumpets / Greentea Peng / Giant Rooks / The Beths / Doe / Confidence Man / Tim Atlas / Mini Mansions / PREP / Josiah and the Bonnevilles / Kingswood / Tropical Fuck Storm / Self Esteem / The Murder Capital / Charly Bliss / Porridge Radio / blackwave. / KAWALA / Alexandra Stréliski / Pip Blom / Hand Habits / Stonefield / Brutus / Radiant Children / Himalayas / Gia Margaret / Emily Burns / Snapped Ankles / Tommy Newport / Portland / JVCK JAMES / Tess Parks / Black Sea Dahu / Leifur James / Conducta / LUCIA / Silhouettes / duendita / L Devine / Connie Constance / Kara Marni / Black Peaks / Pixx / The Howl & The Hum / Liily / Belle Mt / Fieh / Katie Pruitt / Whispering Sons / Millie Turner / Big Joanie / BEA1991 / Diamond Thug / Life / whenyoung / Orchards / Zuzu / Penelope Isles / Some Sprouts / Archie Faulks / Petrol Girls / My Life Story / Blackout Problems / Ferris & Sylvester / Dead Posey / Pottery / Gaffa Tape Sandy / Voka Gentle / Snotty Nose Rez Kids / BABii / Gender Roles / Jazz Morley / altopalo / Pearl Charles / Lewsberg / Jeffe / RALPH TV / Bang Bang Romeo / SCALER / Broken Hands / Million Miles / Shey Baba / Swimming Girls / Thyla / Italia 90 / Superlove / Nia Wyn / A. Swayze & The Ghosts / Callum Pitt / Sick Joy / Tashan / 5K HD / MarthaGunn / PLANET (AUS) / Liza Owen / Hatis Noit / Horror My Friend / Patrick Martin / Lazy Day / Johnny Mafia / Weird Milk / Haggard Cat / Yes We Mystic / Kidsmoke / The Van T's / Finn Andrews / Itoldyouiwouldeatyou / Pengshui / Sun Silva / Michael Baker / Projector / Malihini / Giungla / Praa / Long Tall Jefferson / Heavy Rapids / OK Button / Shunaji / Tom Joshua / Jordan Prince / Realz / Miesha and the Spanks / Micah Erenberg / T. Thomason / Zooni / Chkbns / Graham Van Pelt / The Intergalactic Republic of Kongo / Louis and The Shakes / Warming / Kim Logan & The Silhouettes / Jack Perrett Music / Trash Hawks / Lisa Nora / Motherhood (Canada) / Ayy / Creatures Official / Dboy (CAN) / iris (NO) / The Dollymops - OX4 / RHGCOVERS / the pier (IT) / Haze97 / Brownswood Music's Future Bubblers / LÚNA SWE Show all bands
The Great Escape / Alternative Escape 2019 Brighton, England, United Kingdom
May 11, 2018
"Canadian Music Week & Music Conference" / Antisocial Surf Club / Make-overs / Miesha and the Spanks / Little You, Little Me

Canadian Music Week & Music Conference

Bovine Sex Club Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Apr 19, 2017
"Canadian Music Week & Music Conference" / Miesha and the Spanks / Stairwell

Canadian Music Week & Music Conference

Bovine Sex Club Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Oct 11, 2015
Up + Downtown Music Festival
"Up + Downtown Music Festival" / Ought / The Pack A.D. / Miesha and the Spanks / Duotang / The Provincial Archive / The Feverfew / Conjure / Sóley / Cashmere Cat
Various Venues Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Jul 18, 2015
Cowpuncher / Miesha and the Spanks / The Velveteins / Braden Gates / Beach Season / Leeroy Stagger / The Wisers / Layten Kramer / Two Bears North / Transit
Palomino Smokehouse & Social Club Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Dec 31, 2013
Public Animal / Highkicks / Napalmpom / Miesha and the Spanks Broken City Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Nov 09, 2013
The Balconies / Miesha and the Spanks Ship & Anchor Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Jul 09, 2013
Tim Barry / Miesha and the Spanks Commonwealth Bar & Stage Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Jun 20, 2013
Sled Island Festival
"Sled Island Festival" / The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion / catl / July Talk / The Noble Thiefs / Miesha and the Spanks / Gooeys
#1 Legion Hall Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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Hot Blood Bombers / The Pine Tarts / Miesha and the Spanks on Oct 16, 2009 [737-small]

Hot Blood Bombers / The Pine Tarts / Miesha and the Spanks
Oct 16, 2009
 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  Uploaded by Chimp82x

Garage Rock
2025 2 concerts
2024 2 concerts
2023 5 concerts
2021 1 concert
2019 2 concerts
2018 1 concert
2017 1 concert
2015 2 concerts
2013 5 concerts
2011 2 concerts
2010 5 concerts
2009 5 concerts
2008 1 concert
 Amy Pletz
 Ashley Ehs
 Leila Bj
 Chiara Noemi
 Jules Wong
 Dj Lethal2049
 Madi Floyd 🦋

As Seen On: