Mary Anne Hobbs Concert History

Mary Anne Hobbs (born May 15th, 1964 in Preston, England) is an English DJ and music journalist from Garstang, Lancashire. In the 1980s, at the age of 19, she worked as a journalist for Sounds Magazine. She later went to work for the NME, before going on to help found Loaded Magazine. She got her break in radio at BBC GLR, working alongside Mark Lamarr. She then worked at XFM before going to BBC Radio 1. She also presented the World Superbikes series 2005 for British Eurosport.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 24, 2024
All Points East - Field Day 2024
George Riley / I.Jordan / Shygirl / Romy / Mura Masa (DJ Set) / Justice / Mary Anne Hobbs / Memphis LK / horsegiirL / Sega Bodega / Yaeji / Skinon Skin / Brutalismus 3000 / Kettama / Deena Abdelwahed / Ela Minus / LCY / Yazzus / Afrodeutsche / Anna / Jlin / Batgril / Once Twice / Olivia Ward / Aru / Sola Guinto / Junior SIMBA / Kiimi / Charlotte De Witte / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / Tiga b2b Hudson Mohawke Show all bands
Victoria Park London, England, United Kingdom
Mar 09, 2024
The Smile / Jordan Rakei / Mary Anne Hobbs / Anna Phobe

6 Music Festival

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O2 Victoria Warehouse Manchester Stretford, England, United Kingdom
Aug 19, 2023
Field Day 2023
Aphex Twin / Bonobo / Arca / Fever Ray / Jayda G / Jon Hopkins / Kelela / Moderat / SBTRKT / Sudan Archives / Tsha Live / Actress / Desire / Giulia Tess / Hagop Tchaparian / Kai Campos / LSDXOXO / Mafro / Surusinghe / Juliana Huxtable / Ella Knight / Mary Anne Hobbs / quest?onmarq / Elkka / Yunè Pinku / Effy / Anastasia Kristensen / Chloé Robinson / Bibi Seck / Love Remain / Gazzi / Art School Girlfriend Show all bands
Victoria Park London, England, United Kingdom
Jun 09, 2022 –
Jun 11, 2022
Primavera Sound Festival Weekend 2 2022
Gorillaz / Lorde / Tame Impala / Tyler, The Creator / The Strokes / Dua Lipa / M.I.A. / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Charli XCX / Playboi Carti / Interpol / Jorja Smith / Clairo / Metronomy / Megan Thee Stallion / Jamie xx / Jessie Ware / Chet Faker / Mogwai / Run the Jewels / Khruangbin / Courtney Barnett / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Burna Boy / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / King Princess / Big Thief / Slowdive / Sky Ferreira / Giveon / Beach Bunny / Yung Lean / The Magnetic Fields / Ashnikko / Black Coffee / Jay Electronica / Angèle / Bicep / Pond / Connan Mockasin / L'Impératrice / Tainy / Cautious Clay / Kero Kero Bonito / Jamila Woods / 100 Gecs / KHEA / Peggy Gou / John Talabot / TOPS / Romy / The Automatic / Molchat Doma / Mi-ke / Fred Again / Cazzu / Iceage / Nina Kraviz / Turnstile / Celeste / Monolink / High On Fire / Nicola Cruz / Sampa The Great / Bad Gyal / Goldie / Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever / Shame / Les Savy Fav / Mall Grab / Viagra Boys / Shellac / Alex Cameron / Holly Humberstone / Nicki Nicole / The Weather Station / Lightning Bolt / Cuban Doll / Amelie Lens / Sons of Kemet / Griff / Beak> / Danny L Harle / Altın Gün / Squid / Perfume / Dorian Electra / Gilles Peterson / Chaos In The CBD / Yung Beef / Tropical Fuck Storm / El Mató a un Policía Motorizado / Dry Cleaning / Kamaal Williams / Hailu Mergia / Amaarae / Genesis Owusu / sen senra / Bandalos Chinos / Pile / Jawbox / Rigoberta Bandini / Hannah Diamond / The Murder Capital / Lord Apex / Victor! / LA MAFIA DEL AMOR / Pa Salieu / Triangulo de Amor Bizarro / Pangaea / Jockstrap / AROOJ AFTAB / Prospa / L Devine / Los Bitchos / Antònia Font / Working Men's Club / Isabella / Haai / Moonchild Sanelly / Erika de Casier / Mafalda / La Zowi / Oranssi Pazuzu / Cassandra Jenkins / FLOHIO / Enny / Gracey / Sad Night Dynamite / Wesley Joseph / Mujeres / Vladislav Delay / Easyfun / CMAT / Joyhauser / Las Ligas Menores / Teki Latex / The Albany / Jensen McRae / Penelope Isles / Shanti Celeste / Hidrogenesse / Cheb Khaled / Nala Sinephro / Craig Richards / Namasenda / Núria Graham / VTSS / Priya ragu / Lo-key / Derby Motoreta's Burrito Kachimba / Young Turks / Dark0 / Soleá Morente / Yasmin Williams / Nueva Vulcano / Torus / Menta / Oli XL / Special Interest / Anz / Twin / Gaahls Wyrd / KeiyaA / Disclosure (DJ Set) / Stein / I. JORDAN / Renaldo & Clara / Doble Pletina / apartamentos acapulco / Senyawa / Kinetic / Hector Oaks / Angel Bat Dawid / Steam Down / Future Utopia / Confeti de Odio / 107 Faunos / Tim Reaper / Marco Shuttle / STR4TA / Da Souza / KMRU / Mary Anne Hobbs / Hyd / Lost Girls / Dance System / Ben Yart / Rata Negra / Paranoid 1966 / Secret Night Gang / Ethan P. Flynn / Vulk / Gabber Modus Operandi / Agoraphobia / sherelle / Sama' Abdulhadi / Casero / Aksak Maboul / Afrikan Sciences / Maria Jaume / Tarta Relena / Saoirse / Duma / Marta Knight / Gazzi / Dave P / Sourakata Koité / Power Burkas / A.G. Cook / Spelling / John Talabot (DJ Set) / yung prado / Bikökö / Sandré / Dj Black Low / SPFDJ / El Punto / Dj Fra / Sonido Tupinamba / JOKKO / Daniel Avery Live / Alanaire / Ikram Bouloum / DJ Playero / Anika Kunst / Dead Normal / Virginie / C. Tangan / NYEGE NYEGE / Nicola Cruz Dj Set / Fenne Lilly / Soccer 96 / Britanny Howard / Tarquim / Dj Seinfield / Sabla / Alizz / Soul Jazz Records Sound System / mad miran / Austrohúngaro / Sofia Kourtessi Live / LCY Live / Acemoma Live / Marie Montexier / Nagui / HARLECORE / Dj Pastis / Bad Gyal's Gogo Club / Slickback / Efdemim / Wata Igarashi Live / Acemoma Dj Set / Logic1000 Live / Los Hijos De Yayo / Dj Naranjito / El Bloque Dj's / Aufwachen Live / CØNJUNTØ VACÍØ SHOWCASE / Coàgul Live / Julio Tornero Live / MT Formula Dj Set / SDH Live / Seltar Live / Verushka Sirit Dj Set / SECRETLY GROUP PARTY / Dj Brava / HIVERN / Cucina Powera / Draing Gang / III Considered / Awesome Tapes Dj Set / Diverso: Hi-Ki + La Diabla + Alvva / BEAK> Dj Set / Eli Winter + Cameron Knowler / Phillip Sherbourne / Maria Sommerville / NYGE NYGE / D.R.O.P: Marvyn + Bonnie Soul / Unai Muguruza / El Mató A Un Policia Motorizado Dj's / Valentino Mora Live / Courtesy Live / Ela Minis / Renaldo y Clara / The Weather Nation Show all bands
Parc del Fòrum Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Show Duplicates for Jun 09, 2022
Jun 05, 2022 –
Jun 12, 2022
Primavera Sound Festival Weekend 2 2022
Lorde / Gorillaz / The Strokes / Tame Impala / Tyler, The Creator / Dua Lipa / Beck / M.I.A. / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Charli XCX / Massive Attack / Interpol / Playboi Carti / Jorja Smith / Metronomy / Jessie Ware / Jamie xx / Clairo / Chet Faker / Mogwai / Megan Thee Stallion / Run the Jewels / Courtney Barnett / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Khruangbin / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / King Princess / Burna Boy / Sky Ferreira / Slowdive / The Magnetic Fields / Big Thief / Jay Electronica / Black Coffee / Yung Lean / Pond / Japanese Breakfast / Bicep / Beach Bunny / Ashnikko / Connan Mockasin / Angèle / Cautious Clay / Tainy / Kero Kero Bonito / Jamila Woods / Giveon / John Talabot / L'Impératrice / Romy / TOPS / The Automatic / Khaled / Iceage / Nina Kraviz / KHEA / Peggy Gou / High On Fire / Cazzu / 100% / Goldie / Sampa The Great / Nicola Cruz / Les Savy Fav / Celeste / Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever / Monolink / Mi-ke / Shame / Shellac / Turnstile / Molchat Doma / Alex Cameron / Mall Grab / Bad Gyal / Lightning Bolt / Cuban Doll / The Weather Station / Beak> / Danny L Harle / Jehnny Beth / Sons of Kemet / Amelie Lens / Viagra Boys / Gilles Peterson / Perfume / Chariot / Squid / Altın Gün / Chaos In The CBD / Dorian Electra / El Mató a un Policía Motorizado / Hailu Mergia / Tropical Fuck Storm / Kamaal Williams / Nicki Nicole / Noga Erez / Griff / Pile / Yung Beef / Jawbox / Holly Humberstone / Hannah Diamond / Genesis Owusu / Dry Cleaning / Victor! / Fred Again / Triangulo de Amor Bizarro / Pangaea / The Murder Capital / Lord Apex / sen senra / L Devine / Isabella / Antònia Font / Bandalos Chinos / Malika / Moonchild Sanelly / Prospa / Pa Salieu / Working Men's Club / FLOHIO / Oranssi Pazuzu / Mafalda / Vladislav Delay / Easyfun / Mujeres / LA MAFIA DEL AMOR / Teki Latex / Gracey / Haai / Erika de Casier / Rigoberta Bandini / Amaarae / Joyhauser / Hidrogenesse / Las Ligas Menores / La Zowi / Shanti Celeste / Enny / Cassandra Jenkins / Craig Richards / Los Bitchos / Penelope Isles / Jockstrap / AROOJ AFTAB / Núria Graham / Lo-key / Young Turks / Sad Night Dynamite / The Albany / Nueva Vulcano / Dark0 / Torus / Soleá Morente / Menta / Jensen McRae / Derby Motoreta's Burrito Kachimba / Disclosure (DJ Set) / Stein / Oli XL / Twin / Gaahls Wyrd / VTSS / Doble Pletina / Kinetic / Namasenda / Wesley Joseph / Priya ragu / Renaldo & Clara / Yasmin Williams / India Jordan / Special Interest / apartamentos acapulco / Senyawa / KeiyaA / 107 Faunos / Angel Bat Dawid / Mary Anne Hobbs / Sinead O'Brien / Steam Down / CMAT / Nala Sinephro / Confeti de Odio / Marco Shuttle / Maeve / Lost Girls / Future Utopia / Anz / Hector Oaks / Da Souza / STR4TA / King Hannah / Dance System / Agoraphobia / Rata Negra / Tim Reaper / Afrikan Sciences / Vulk / KMRU / Casero / Paranoid 1966 / Aksak Maboul / Gabber Modus Operandi / Maria Jaume / Saoirse / Dave P / Ethan P. Flynn / Sourakata Koité / Power Burkas / Marta Knight / Secret Night Gang / John Talabot (DJ Set) / Duma / Tarta Relena / Spelling / Sama' Abdulhadi / sherelle / Sandré / Ben Yart / Hyd / El Punto / Bikökö / A.G. Cook / Dj Black Low / SPFDJ / Dj Fra / Sonido Tupinamba / JOKKO / yung prado / Gazzi / Ikram Bouloum / Virginie / DJ Playero / Dj Seinfield / Dead Normal / Anika Kunst / Alizz / Fenne Lilly / Alanaire / Soccer 96 / mad miran / Soul Jazz Records Sound System / Logic1000 Live / Daniel Avery Live / Acemoma Live / Acemoma Dj Set / Nicola Cruz Dj Set / Wata Igarashi Live / Tarquim / Britanny Howard / Slickback / Bad Gyal's Gogo Club / NYEGE NYEGE / C. Tangan / Marie Montexier / The Weather Nation / Renaldo y Clara / Ela Minis / Courtesy Live / Valentino Mora Live / LCY Live / Efdemim / Sofia Kourtessi Live / El Mató A Un Policia Motorizado Dj's / Unai Muguruza / D.R.O.P: Marvyn + Bonnie Soul / NYGE NYGE / Maria Sommerville / Phillip Sherbourne / Eli Winter + Cameron Knowler / BEAK> Dj Set / Dj Pastis / HARLECORE / Nagui / Diverso: Hi-Ki + La Diabla + Alvva / Awesome Tapes Dj Set / III Considered / Draing Gang / Austrohúngaro / Sabla / Cucina Powera / HIVERN / Dj Brava / SECRETLY GROUP PARTY / Verushka Sirit Dj Set / Seltar Live / SDH Live / MT Formula Dj Set / Julio Tornero Live / Coàgul Live / CØNJUNTØ VACÍØ SHOWCASE / Aufwachen Live / El Bloque Dj's / Dj Naranjito / Los Hijos De Yayo / Amyl & The Sniffers / The Smile / IC3PEAK / Mura Masa Show all bands
Parc del Fòrum Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Mar 21, 2022
Elkka / Mary Anne Hobbs / Jamz Supernova / Nia Archives / Effy

All Queens

Fabric, London London, England, United Kingdom
Mar 06, 2020
Mike Skinner / Mary Anne Hobbs / Gaika

6 Music Festival - By Night: Mike Skinner (DJ Set), Mary Anne Hobbs +

Powerhaus London, England, United Kingdom
Apr 26, 2017
Anna Meredith / Forest Swords / Kadhja Bonet / Gaika / Stuart Braithwaite / Mary Anne Hobbs St Luke’s Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Sep 15, 2016
Lone @ XOYO
Lone / Mary Anne Hobbs / Benga / Eclair Fifi / Funk Butcher / Geeneus / Illum Sphere / Jon K / Josey Rebelle / Loefah / Artwork / Pearson Sound / Raji Rags / Roska / Rustie / Special Request / Paul Woolford / Tessela / Untold / Youngsta / Alexander Nut / Hatcha / Horsepower / Katy B / Objekt / Pangaea / Pariah / Plastician / Trim (UK) / Toddla T Show all bands
XOYO London, England, United Kingdom
Feb 12, 2016
6 Music Festival
"6 Music Festival" / Primal Scream / Savages / Roots Manuva / Yeasayer / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / Blossoms / Mary Anne Hobbs / Pinch / Lamont / Chris Farrell
Various Venues Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Aug 05, 2015
"BBC Proms" / Mary Anne Hobbs / Nils Frahm

BBC Proms

Royal Albert Hall London, England, United Kingdom
Feb 21, 2015
6 Music Festival
"6 Music Festival" / Gruff Rhys / Jungle / Simian Mobile Disco / Kate Tempest / Eliza Carthy / Villagers / Maximo Park / The Fall / Royal Blood / Hot Chip / The Cribs / Django Django / Father John Misty / Ghostpoet / Craig Charles / Jamie xx / Four Tet / Gilles Peterson / Mary Anne Hobbs Show all bands
Sage Gateshead Gateshead, England, United Kingdom
Feb 20, 2015 –
Feb 22, 2015
BBC Radio 6 Music Festival 2015
Interpol / Hot Chip / Glass Animals / Jamie xx / The War on Drugs / Father John Misty / Mogwai / Royal Blood / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Four Tet / Jungle / The Maccabees / Jamie T / Django Django / Jon Hopkins / Maxïmo Park / Simian Mobile Disco / The Charlatans / Villagers / The Cribs / Neneh Cherry / Sleater-Kinney / British Sea Power / Young Fathers / The Fall / Ghostpoet / Public Service Broadcasting / Kate Tempest / Gruff Rhys / Daniel Avery / Teleman / Gaz Coombes / Gilles Peterson / DJ Yoda / LoneLady / Ibibio Sound Machine / Eliza Carthy / Richy Ahmed / Craig Charles / Rob da Bank / Mary Anne Hobbs / Slug (UK) / Nemone / Richard Searling Show all bands
Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom
Feb 28, 2014 –
Mar 01, 2014
BBC Radio 6 Music Festival 2014
Franz Ferdinand / The National / James Blake / Lykke Li / HAIM / Bombay Bicycle Club / Metronomy / Kelis / Jake Bugg / Groove Armada / The Horrors / Nick Mulvey / Damon Albarn / Wild Beasts / The Staves / Midlake / Jagwar Ma / Luke Sital-Singh / Drenge / X-press 2 / Gilles Peterson / Kwes. / Outfit / Tim Burgess / Peter Hook / Kiran Leonard / Jimi Goodwin / Craig Charles / Huey Morgan / Don Letts / Mary Anne Hobbs / Weird Shapes / Nemone / British Sea Power / PINS / The Staves Show all bands
O2 Victoria Warehouse Manchester Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Jun 13, 2013 –
Jun 15, 2013
Sonar 2013
Skrillex / Major Lazer / Two Door Cinema Club / Diplo / Justice / AlunaGeorge / Pet Shop Boys / Bat For Lashes / Baauer / Jurassic 5 / Kraftwerk / Nicolas Jaar / Gold Panda / Paul Kalkbrenner / C2C / Sébastien Tellier / Jamie Lidell / Todd Terje / Soulwax / Foreign Beggars / Modeselektor / Delorean / Maceo Plex / TNGHT / Lindstrøm / Laurent Garnier / Hot Natured / Eats Everything / Darkstar / Richie Hawtin / Seth Troxler / Alvin Risk / Mykki Blanco / Matthew Herbert / La Bien Querida / Samaris / Krystal Klear / Derrick May / Objekt / Fantastic Mr Fox / Fatima Al Qadiri / Vatican Shadow / Raime / Anenon / Oneman / BeGun / Mr Beatnick / Karl Hyde / Christeene / Karenn / Nacho Marco / Lindstrom & Todd Terje / Matthias Zimmermann / Uma / Sherwood & Pinch / Mary Anne Hobbs / Gluteus Maximus / Bruna / Barış K / Le K / Dinos Chapman / Panoram / Olafur Arnalds Trio / Jason Zenga (High-Def) / bradien / Bradien + Eduard Escoffet / Ed Banger 10 Show all bands
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Jun 16, 2012
Sonar (Barcelona)
"Sonar" (Barcelona) / New Order / The Roots / Deadmau5 / Hot Chip / Die Antwoord / Luciano (DJ) / Azari & III / Laurent Garnier / Metronomy / Modeselektor / Mary Anne Hobbs / Kode9 / Maya Jane Coles / Pretty Lights / Darkside (Austria) / Julio Bashmore / Madeon / L.A. Vampires / Maria Minerva / Cooly G / DVA / The Suicide of Western Culture / Ital / Magic Touch / Harvey Al Dante / Keys N Krates / XXXY / Andrea Balency / Salva / Brenmar / Jesse Boykins III / Star Slinger / Arbol / Logical Nonsense / Radiorifle Show all bands
Various Venues Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Jun 14, 2012 –
Jun 17, 2012
Sonar 2012
Lana Del Rey / James Blake / Deadmau5 / New Order / Fatboy Slim / The Roots / Hot Chip / Metronomy / Flying Lotus / Die Antwoord / Thundercat / Pretty Lights / Madeon / Friendly Fires / Gesaffelstein / Nicolas Jaar / Simian Mobile Disco / Keys N Krates / Amon Tobin / Austra / Modeselektor / Jesse Boykins III / Maya Jane Coles / Squarepusher / John Talabot / Lapalux / Luciano / Nina Kraviz / Julio Bashmore / Jacques Greene / Trevor Jackson / Laurent Garnier / Daedelus / The 2 Bears / Star Slinger / Brodinski / Azari & III / Richie Hawtin / Jack Beats / When Saints Go Machine / Peaking Lights / Daniel Miller / Salva / Trust / Jacques Lu Cont / Mouse on Mars / Untold / Kode9 / Blawan / Club Cheval / Coyu / James Murphy / Yosi Horikawa / Om Unit / XXXY / Arbol / Brenmar / Sinjin Hawke / Andrea Balency / Sizarr / Cooly G / DVA / Annie Mac / UNER / John Paul Jones / Maria Minerva / Kutmah / Nguzunguzu / Ital / Zora Jones / Scratcha DVA / Nightwave / Supersilent / Darkside (Pink Floyd Tribute) / Diamond Version / Esperanza / The Suicide of Western Culture / The Magic Touch / LA Vampires / Eduardo De La Calle / Psilosamples / Ricardo Donoso / Pegasvs / T.E.E.D / Dago / Clip / Mary Anne Hobbs / Fabel / Dj Amable / James Blake (DJ Set) / Stand Up Against Heart Crime / Igor Marijuán / Masaki Batoh / Esperit / Exeter / Logical Nonsense / Mostly Robot / Santiago Latorre / Dj2d2 / Raisa K / Lenticular Clouds / Plapla Pinky / Atsuhiro Ito / Blastto / Microfeel / Koulomek / Radiorifle / Monki Valley / Machine Beats / D.Forma / YALLbcn Show all bands
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Aug 27, 2011
Tauron Nowa Muzyka
"Tauron Nowa Muzyka" / Bodi Bill / Little Dragon / Pearson Sound / Lorn / Mary Anne Hobbs / Darkstar
KWK Katowice Katowice, Silesia, Poland
Aug 25, 2011 –
Aug 28, 2011
Tauron Nowa Muzyka Festival 2011
Little Dragon / Mount Kimbie / Jamie Woon / Apparat / Lamb / Amon Tobin / Modeselektor / Machinedrum / Lorn / Teebs / Lunice / Darkstar / FaltyDL / Emika / Matias Aguayo / The Walls / Seefeel / Superpitcher / Dels / Ford & Lopatin / Spoek Mathambo / Boxcutter / Roska / Bodi Bill / Instra:Mental / Novika / Daisuke Tanabe / Eleven Tigers / Wojtek Mazolewski Quintet / Jacek Sienkiewicz / Mary Anne Hobbs / Apparat Band / Oris Jay Aka Darqwan / Pearson Sound Aka Ramadanman / Karnety Show all bands
Katowice, Silesia, Poland
Apr 24, 2011
Mary Anne Hobbs Paradise Rock Club Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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Coachella 2010
Apr 16 - 18, 2010
 Indio, California, United States
  Embedded by Concert Archives

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Osheaga Festival 2010 on Jul 31, 2010 [765-small]

Osheaga Festival 2010
Jul 31 - Aug 1, 2010
 Montréal, Québec, Canada
  Uploaded by Matty Matt138

The Smile / Jordan Rakei / Mary Anne Hobbs / Anna Phobe on Mar 9, 2024 [513-small]

The Smile / Jordan Rakei / Mary Anne Hobbs / Anna Phobe
Mar 9, 2024
 Stretford, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Leanne O’leary Jackson

The Smile / Jordan Rakei / Mary Anne Hobbs / Anna Phobe on Mar 9, 2024 [508-small]

The Smile / Jordan Rakei / Mary Anne Hobbs / Anna Phobe
Mar 9, 2024
 Stretford, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Leanne O’leary Jackson

The inevitable battle of bottle vs balloon, Leeds Fest, 2002, Leeds Festival (and Reading Festival) 2002 (Complete Line Up from flyer - not all bands were at both festivals) on Aug 23, 2002 [701-small]

The inevitable battle of bottle vs balloon, Leeds Fest, 2002

Leeds Festival (and Reading Festival) 2002 (Complete Line Up from flyer - not all bands were at both festivals)
Aug 23 - 25, 2002
 Leeds, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Sable D
Credit: © Sable Delaney

Leeds Fest, 2002, Leeds Festival (and Reading Festival) 2002 (Complete Line Up from flyer - not all bands were at both festivals) on Aug 23, 2002 [700-small]

Leeds Fest, 2002

Leeds Festival (and Reading Festival) 2002 (Complete Line Up from flyer - not all bands were at both festivals)
Aug 23 - 25, 2002
 Leeds, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Sable D
Credit: © Sable Delaney

Foo Fighters, Leeds Fest, 2002, Leeds Festival (and Reading Festival) 2002 (Complete Line Up from flyer - not all bands were at both festivals) on Aug 23, 2002 [698-small]

Foo Fighters, Leeds Fest, 2002

Leeds Festival (and Reading Festival) 2002 (Complete Line Up from flyer - not all bands were at both festivals)
Aug 23 - 25, 2002
 Leeds, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Sable D
Credit: Sable Delaney

Sum 41, Leeds Fest, 2002, Leeds Festival (and Reading Festival) 2002 (Complete Line Up from flyer - not all bands were at both festivals) on Aug 23, 2002 [697-small]

Sum 41, Leeds Fest, 2002

Leeds Festival (and Reading Festival) 2002 (Complete Line Up from flyer - not all bands were at both festivals)
Aug 23 - 25, 2002
 Leeds, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Sable D
Credit: © Sable Delaney

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