Marek Dyjak Concert History

Marek Dyjak was born on April 18th, 1975. The Son of Jan and Alicja. He is a Polish musician playing rock and similar music to it, including jazz and alternative. A plumber from education, debiuted in 1993 on Art Zine Gallery festival. Marek is sometimes called a Polish Tom Waits, because of his hoarse and big voice scale.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 03, 2023 –
Aug 05, 2023
29. Pol'and'Rock Festival
Apollo 440 / Brodka / Biohazard / Bullet for My Valentine / Carpenter Brut / Drain / Epica / Get the Shot / Hoffmaestro / Kwiat Jabłoni / Lady Pank / Lemon / Luiku / Napalm Death / Piotr Bukartyk / Pull the Wire / Rise of the North Star / Royal Republic / Spin Doctors / Steve 'n' Seagulls / The Rumjacks / Transgresja / While She Sleeps / Wicked Dub Division / Krzysztof Zalewski / .bHP / Booze & Glory / Doctor Victor / Etna Kontrabande / Golden Life / Jagoda Kret / Jazz Forum Machine / Marek Dyjak / Mulk / Proletariat / Rootstone / Saint City Orchestra / Światy Sztuczne / The Scratch / Uuhai / Włochaty / Wojtek Szumański / Zacier Show all bands
Lotnisko Czaplinek-Broczyno Czaplinek, West Pomerania, Poland
Nov 01, 2012
Marek Dyjak Strzecha u Wojciecha Chełm, Lublin, Poland
Male Vocalists
Classic Polish Pop
Sung Poetry
Show more genres
2023 1 concert
2012 1 concert
 Paulius Arbatavičius

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