Manes Concert History

Manes started around the end of 1992/early 93. It started as a project with Sargatanas on vocals and Cern playing all instrucments. With that line-up Manes recorded the three demos „Maanens natt” (93), „Ned i stillheten” (94) and „Til kongens grav de døde vandrer” (95). The two first demos was later re-released by the Hammerheart Records sub-label „Unveiling the Wicked” in 98. In 99 the album „Under ein blodraud maane” was released by Hammerheart Records as well...

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 09, 2023 –
Aug 12, 2023
Brutal Assault 2023
Trivium / In Flames / Anthrax / Sepultura / Beartooth / Meshuggah / While She Sleeps / Knocked Loose / Russian Circles / Midnight / Carpenter Brut / Converge / Napalm Death / Overkill / Volumes / Perturbator / The Acacia Strain / Dying Fetus / Deicide / Nile / Agnostic Front / Sodom / Fit For An Autopsy / Terror / Zeal & Ardor / Cult of Luna / The Ocean / Heaven Shall Burn / Maybeshewill / Moonspell / Crowbar / Eyehategod / Biohazard / Gorgoroth / Brand of Sacrifice / Marduk / Watain / Hypocrisy / Cro-Mags / Shadow of Intent / Anaal Nathrakh / Crippled Black Phoenix / Ingested / Malevolence / Archspire / Signs Of The Swarm / Gatecreeper / Dismember / Caligula's Horse / Borknagar / Within Destruction / Be'lakor / Lionheart / Omnium Gatherum / Carach Angren / Skinless / downset. / Car Bomb / Bell Witch / Church of Misery / Benediction / Death Before Dishonor / Slapshot / Wolfheart / Suicidal Angels / The Callous Daoboys / Cabal / Get the Shot / Exciter / Church of the Cosmic Skull / Capra / Angelus Apatrida / Mantar / White Ward / Artificial Brain / Wiegedood / Messa / Aura Noir / Ithaca / Misþyrming / Crisix / Ellende / Spectral Wound / Lik / Nordjevel / EvilDead / Abbie Falls / LLNN / Manes / Insanity Alert / Horskh / Dödsrit / Sacramentum / Lamp of Murmuur / Grave Miasma / Hypnos / InnerSphere / Nemuer / Concrete Winds / Nero Di Marte / Cobra the Impaler / Pensées Nocturnes / Obsidious / Feastem / Coffin feeder / Kurokuma / Catastrofy / Profetus / Crippled Fingers / Sijjin / 1914 (UA) / Forgotten Silence / I Am Morbid / ADACTA / Solothus / Heaving Earth / Spy (USA) / InnerSphere (CZ) Show all bands
Pevnov Josefov / Josefov Fortress Jaroměř, Czech Republic
Aug 08, 2023 –
Aug 12, 2023
Brutal Assault 2023
Agnostic Front / Angelus Apatrida / Archspire / Beartooth / Be'lakor / Benediction / Biohazard / Birds In Row / Bleed From Within / CarpenterBrut / Borknagar / Brand of Sacrifice / Cabal / Capra / Church of Misery / Church of the Cosmic Skull / Converge / Crisix / Crowbar / Cult Of Fire / Death Before Dishonor / Deicide / Demonical / Dismember / Dödsrit / Dying Fetus / Enslaved / EvilDead / Exciter / Eyehategod / Fit For An Autopsy / Gang Green / Gatecreeper / Get the Shot / Heilung / Horskh / Hypocrisy / I Am Morbid / Immolation / In Flames / Infected Rain / Insanity Alert / Kataklysm / Konvent / Krisiun / Lamp of Murmuur / Malevolence / Manes / Mantar / Marduk / Meshuggah / Miasmatic Necrosis / Mispyrming / Mork / Napalm Death / Nile / Nordjevel / Obituary / Omnium Gatherum / Overkill / Pensées Nocturnes / Perturbator / Possessed / Russian Circles / Sacramentum / Saturnus / Sepultura / Signs Of The Swarm / Skinless / Slapshot / Sodom / Solothus / Spectral Wound / Suicidal Angels / Terror / The Agonist / Tribulation / Trivium / Watain / White Ward / Wiegedood / Within Destruction / Wolfheart / Zeal & Ardor / Bell Witch / Gorgoroth / Devoid Of Thought / Heaven Shall Burn / Moonspell / Shadow of Intent / Knocked Loose / Cobra the Impaler / Anaal Nathrakh / Shadow of Intent / Orbit Culture / Caligula's Horse / Abbie Falls / Okult / Orbit Culture / Ingested Show all bands
Fortress Josefov Jaroměř, Czech Republic
Aug 09, 2022 –
Aug 13, 2022
Brutal Assault 2022
As I Lay Dying / Clutch / Static-X / Cannibal Corpse / Cradle of Filth / The Black Dahlia Murder / While She Sleeps / Katatonia / Paradise Lost / Mayhem / TesseracT / Alcest / Comeback Kid / Unearth / Sick of It All / Decapitated / Venom / Insomnium / Jinjer / mercyful fate / Terror / Pentagram / Darkest Hour / Suffocation / Cattle Decapitation / Leprous / Rings of Saturn / Bloodbath / Dark Funeral / Atari Teenage Riot / Fleshgod Apocalypse / Soen / Myrkur / Front Line Assembly / Melt-Banana / Butcher Babies / The Agonist / Pallbearer / Life Of Agony / Wolves In the Throne Room / Lorna Shore / Toxic Holocaust / Despised Icon / Igorrr / Aborted / Swallow the Sun / Revocation / Amenra / Sacred Reich / Die Krupps / Exhumed / Nekrogoblikon / Rivers of Nihil / Shadow of Intent / Arcturus / Mors Principium Est / Misery Index / VOLA / Psycroptic / Beyond Creation / Asphyx / Gatecreeper / Abbath / Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals / Benighted / John Garcia / Onslaught / Winterfylleth / M.O.D. / Vanessa / Me And That Man / Lost Society / Sigh / Necrophobic / Blood Incantation / Malevolence / Author & Punisher / Humanity's Last Breath / Exhorder / Voices / Razor / Uada / Aviana / Conjurer / The 1914 / Soreption / Frontierer / Evoken / Tallah / Nunslaughter / Imperial Triumphant / Slope / Fueled by Fire / Necrot / Vulture Industries / BAEST / Gaahls Wyrd / Manes / Hangman's Chair / Regarde Les Hommes Tomber / Undergang / Excrementory Grindfuckers / Psykup / Nailed To Obscurity / Valkyrja / Extinction Ad / V.i.t.r.i.o.l. / Mysticum / Stake / God Mother / Panzerfaust / Hentai Corporation / Pupil Slicer / Nocturnus A.D. / M.O.D. (Method of Destruction) / Phlebotomized / Slagmaur / Denial Of God / URNE / Vio - Lence / Mass Infection / Ottone Pesante / 1914 (UA) / John Garcia & the Band of Gold / AHAB DOOM / Draconis Infernum / Skywalker (post-hardcore) / STELL/\RIS Show all bands
Brutal Assault Jaroměř, Czech Republic
Aug 07, 2019 –
Aug 10, 2019
Brutal Assault 2019
Anathema / Soilwork / Electric Wizard / Carcass / Thy Art Is Murder / Caspian / After the Burial / Combichrist / Sick of It All / Ensiferum / Deicide / Decapitated / Emperor / Carpenter Brut / Cult of Luna / Prong / Therion / Sodom / The Contortionist / The Ocean / Eyehategod / Hypocrisy / Rotting Christ / Destruction / Godflesh / Discharge / Daughters / Raised Fist / Windhand / Aborted / Walls of Jericho / Voivod / Diablo Swing Orchestra / Anaal Nathrakh / Primordial / Violator / Immolation / Jinjer / Taake / Sacred Reich / Tankard / Krisiun / Iron Reagan / Omnium Gatherum / Coven / Lionheart / Incantation / Batushka / Gost / Slapshot / Ektomorf / Jungle Rot / Gorod / Car Bomb / The Obsessed / Deluge / Hellhammer / Exumer / Alien Weaponry / Toska / Wolfbrigade / Oceans of Slumber / Vulvodynia / Saor / Wormed / Antaeus / Demolition Hammer / Kraanium / Shape of Despair / Get the Shot / VUUR / Venom Prison / vampillia / Manes / Dr. Living Dead / Cytotoxin / SKELETAL REMAINS / Higher Power / Hexis / Nordjevel / Gutalax / Unfathomable Ruination / Au-Dessus / THE ARSON PROJECT / Letters From The Colony / Crystal Lake - Official / Azusa / Zuriaake / TAPHOS / Frog Leap / PERFECITIZEN / Violent Magic Orchestra / Decultivate / Meat Spreader / Parkway Drive / Anthrax Show all bands
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Pevnov Josefov / Josefov Fortress Jaroměř, Czech Republic
Aug 31, 2018 –
Sep 02, 2018
Dream Village 2018
Kris Kross Amsterdam / Lil' Kleine / Gregor Salto / The Partysquad / Bizzey / Mr Belt & Wezol / Tony Junior / DJ Paul Elstak / SBMG / Da Tweekaz / Yung Felix / Jebroer / The Divine / D-block & S-Te-Fan / Drs / Afro Bros / LNY TNZ / Psyko Punkz / Dr. Phunk / DJ Licious / Ransom / Frequencerz / Sub Zero Project / Mark With a K / Neophyte / Dyna / Sefa / E-Force / SOUND RUSH / Phuture Noize / Malice / Adrenalize / Dr. Rude / Freddy Moreira / Partyraiser / Devin Wild / Made in June / Mental Theo / Sub Sonik / Panic / D-fence / Bass Chaserz / Rebelion / Demi Kanon / Deadly Guns / F Noize / Andy The Core / Roog / Angernoizer / Rooler / Manes / Omkara / Rat N Frikk / Rugged / Unresolved / Vertex / Lady Dammage / Boris Smith / System Overload / Capital Candy / Rejecta / Biggi / Pyrodox / Dutch Movement / Boef (NL) / Kim Kaey / MC DL! / Neroz / Spitnoise / Para Italia / Jason Payne / Chaotic Hostility / MC Livid / Ran-D (NL) / Weslo / DJ Rose / Mind Dimension / Udex / MC RG / Mia More / GPF - Greazy Puzzy Fuckerz / Outsiders (NL) / MYST (NL) / Delete (AU) / Dina van Diest / N-Vitral (NL) / Passa / Mental Penetration / SILQUE (DK) / Regain (PL) / AniMe (IT) / The Purge (VA) / CEAZAR (NL) / Dj Crypton / Marly Fox / Lody Lynne / Dorine Fox / DJ Deems / MC Robbie Rise / Benny Rodriques / Plug 'N Play (NL) / Servië Show all bands
Lage Aard Breda, North Brabant, Netherlands
Aug 06, 2014 –
Aug 09, 2014
Brutal Assault 2014
Bring Me The Horizon / Slayer / Amon Amarth / Red Fang / Soilwork / Katatonia / Combichrist / Obituary / Suffocation / Misery Index / Inquisition / Ringworm / Exivious / Severe Torture / Aosoth / Architects / August Burns Red / Benediction / Blindead / Broken Hope / Brutality Will Prevail / Children of Bodom / Church of Misery / Cinc / Converge / Cripper / Crowbar / Cruachan / Devin Townsend Project / Dew-Scented / Dodecahedron / Down / Enthroned / Keep on Rolling / Khold / Krabathor / Liveevil / Manegarm / Manes / Martyrdöd / Feastem / Fleshgod Apocalypse / Fleshless / Flotsam and Jetsam / Gehenna / God Is An Astronaut / Grand Exit / Gutted / H2O / Iwrestledabearonce / Hacktivist / Hail of Bullets / Hammercult / Havok / Heaving Earth / Helden / High On Fire / Ignite / Impaled Nazarene / Infernal Tenebra / In Mourning / Insania / Jesu / Isacaarum / Modern Day Babylon / My Dying Bride / Nervecell / Nightfall / Okkultokrati / Onslaught / PANYCHIDA / Rats Get Fat / Repulsion / Satyricon / Shining / Siberian Meat Grinder / Sick of It All / Six Degrees of Separation / Six Feet Under / Skeletonwitch / Sodom / Spasm / Suburban Terrorist / Terrorizer / Texas In July / The Agonist / The Ocean / Unleashed / Venom / Worship / Chthonic / Carnival in coal / Epicardiectomy / Mors Principium Est Show all bands
Pevnov Josefov / Josefov Fortress Jaroměř, Czech Republic
Jun 26, 2012
Manes / Uncle Ghost / Ratboys / JT Royster Township Chicago, Illinois, United States
May 17, 2012
American Wolf / Schwervon / Manes / Pisces at The Animal Fair Beat Kitchen Chicago, Illinois, United States

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Brutal Assault 2019 on Aug 7, 2019 [527-small]

Brutal Assault 2019
Aug 7 - 10, 2019
 Jaroměř, Czech Republic
  Uploaded by Barry Carter

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 Nick Chandler
 Junk Bond Trader
 Matt Consolazio

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