Jan 27, 2024
The Social
London, England, United Kingdom
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Nov 10, 2023
Two Palms
London, England, United Kingdom
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Jul 14, 2023
Makeness / Free Love
The Shacklewell Arms
London, England, United Kingdom
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Jun 01, 2023
Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Makeness
London, England, United Kingdom
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Jun 09, 2022
– Jun 18, 2022
Hidden Door 2022
Yellow Days / This Is The Kit / Portico Quartet / She / Dry Cleaning / Far Caspian / Warmduscher / Saint Etienne / LoneLady / Girl Ray / Real Lies / Connie Constance / Penelope Isles / The Bug Club / Makeness / PVA (UK) / Asa Moto / Bleach Lab / Dana Gavanski / Naima Bock / Efe / Swiss Portrait / Benefits / m(h)aol / Kaputt / Cheap Teeth / Nuha Ruby Ra / Flo Perlin / Billy got waves / Tinderbox Orchestra / Future Get Down / Pleasure Pool / Jacuzzi General
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Old Royal High School
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
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Jan 17, 2019
Makeness / Self Esteem / Felicita / Jockstrap
The Lexington
London, England, United Kingdom
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Jan 14, 2019
– Jan 18, 2019
Five Day Forecast 2019
Faye Webster / Squid / Black Country, New Road / Emily Burns / self esteem / Our Girl / Gia Margaret / Call Me Loop / Millie Turner / Brooke Bentham / Squirrel flower / Jockstrap / Makeness / Malena Zavala / Ohtis / Felicita / Konradsen / Gently Tender / Déyyess
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The Lexington
London, England, United Kingdom
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Show Duplicate for Jan 14, 2019
Nov 15, 2018
Lizzie Reid / Makeness / ONR / Luna the professor / Carla J Easton / Kate Kyle
Resonate Live
Barras Art and Design
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
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Sep 19, 2018
– Sep 22, 2018
Reeperbahn Festival 2018 @ Reeperbahn Festival
Lewis Capaldi / Passenger / Jungle / H.E.R. / Men I Trust / Jess Glynne / Metronomy / Cuco / Parcels / Sam Fender / Bishop Briggs / L'Impératrice / King Princess / Hollow Coves / Sigrid / Ocean Alley / Bear's Den / Amber Run / Joep Beving / Poppy / Yoke Lore / Soccer Mommy / Xavi / Freya Ridings / Ane Brun / Ziggy Alberts / Okkervil River / WhoMadeWho / Babe Rainbow / ALMA / Harrison Storm / Viagra Boys / Michael Nau / Amyl and the Sniffers / Kazy Lambist / Charlotte Lawrence / Darwin Deez / Ibeyi / The Wood Brothers / Leto / Blanco White / Zak Abel / Tamino / Psychedelic Porn Crumpets / Julien Doré / Black Midi / S. Carey / slenderbodies / Altın Gün / Jaz Karis / Rone / The Blue Stones / David August / Graveyard / Agar Agar / Angie McMahon / HAERTS / Princess Chelsea / Flavien Berger / Grace Carter / LEA / The Magic Gang / cleopatrick / Jeremy Loops / Bad Nerves / Thylacine / Tank and the Bangas / Westerman / Kyan / Noga Erez / Cassia / Joshua Hyslop / liza anne / Declan J Donovan / Smash Into Pieces / Mammal Hands / Dizzy / Kadavar / Cari Cari / Goat Girl / Pip Blom / Bad Sounds / Tom Gregory / Liniker e os Caramelows / Scarlet Pleasure / Black Sea Dahu / Geowulf / Milk & Bone / Blue Lab Beats / Cat Clyde / Jon Bryant / Denai Moore / Ruston Kelly / Aisha Badru / The Night Game / Voyou / Sunset Sons / Ran / Kelvin Jones / Peter Gregson / Hyphen Hyphen / Get Well Soon / Anna Leone / Long Distance Calling / DeWolff / Yung Heazy / Mélissa Laveaux / Chris Garneau / Whitehorse / Aeris Roves / Kelvyn Colt / Shotty Horroh / The Dirty Nil / Novaa / Emily Burns / Kimberose / SASSY 009 / Pompeya / The Slow Readers Club / Fatherson / Jett Rebel / PONGO / SAGE / Ecca Vandal / Tempesst / The Mauskovic Dance Band / Joel Culpepper / Boy Azooga / Henrik Lindstrand / Black Foxxes / Half Waif / John Metcalfe / Rikas / Declan Welsh & The Decadent West / Naked Cameo / Anna Burch / Kara Marni / Hugar / Faces on TV / Kid Simius / Haute / Hubert Lenoir / Rosemary & Garlic / Fieh / Lary / Estrons / Belako / Ainslie Wills / Pale Honey / Lion / Pom Poko / Pieter de Graaf / Das Paradies / Laing / Soleima / Hugo Helmig / Sepalot / Tanya Morgan / Foe / Wyvern Lingo / The Legendary Tigerman / Vama / Theodore / Petrol Girls / Lydmor / ACE TEE / CEEYS / Yukno / Blackout Problems / Jamie Lenman / Nugat / Theo Lawrence & The Hearts / Nakhane / Tula / Mikaela Davis / Askjell / Kinnie Starr / BLVTH / Tender Games / whenyoung / Malena Zavala / Bon Voyage Organisation / The Ninth Wave / Temperance / Ferris & Sylvester / Bala / Solo Ansamblis / Nelson Can / Berywam / Jack Vallier / Mellah / ViVii / Hangman's Chair / Life (US) / International Music / Jazn / Rina Mushonga / Steiner & Madlaina / Moli / Strange Bones / Saint Agnes / Better Person / Sero / Stereo Honey / Áine / Serious Klein / Part-Time Friends / Pish / Friedberg / Lysistrata / Dena / Lxandra / Shacke One / Mariama / Ilgen-Nur / Odd Couple / Zach Said / Makeness / SIND / The Cruel Intentions / TAMPLE / Matt Gresham / Halo Maud / The Courettes / Asylums / Okta Logue / Field Division / The Homesick / Tundra / Monowhales / Any Other / Guts (FR) / Kids Of Adelaide / Kuoko / Keir / Moka Efti Orchestra / A Tale Of Golden Keys / Two Year Vacation / Walrus / Marius Bear / Lomboy / Linn Koch-Emmery / Tiwayo / D/troit / Awir Leon / Great News / Anna Aaron / EUT / Jugo Ürdens / Tess Roby / Marina Baranova / Christof Van Der Ven / Be Charlotte / Rola / Evelinn Trouble / MNNQNS / Chima Ede / Glass Museum / Robocobra Quartet / Karies / Fight the Fight / Wargirl / Iris Gold / Neufundland / The Eskies / Charlotte Brandi / Muthoni Drummer Queen / Leon of Athens / Vizediktator / The Wet Secrets / Nuela Charles / iskwē / Swedish Death Candy / Love Machine / Crispies / NEWSKI / Jungstötter / Queen Zee / Hillsburn / MarieMarie / Bayuk / Flut / WWWater / Love X Stereo / Alma Negra / makola / Nina Attal / Laura Carbone / Stevans / Please The Trees / Moonlight Benjamin / 1000 Gram / Rosie & the Riveters / Felix RÄuber / BLINKER / Botticelli Baby / Kito Jempere / Die Sauna / Jaguwar / Bazzookas / Double Experience / Giungla / Chagall / Royaume / Gewalt / Dope Calypso / Neøv / Konni Kass / Ecke Prenz / Praa / DECIBELLES / Mister Me / MADANII / SCOTCH & WATER / Finna / Halcyon Days / Napoleon Gold / The Blackberries / Jim Kroft / The Town Heroes / Nico Casal / leroy menace / Chris Imler / Baby Jesus / Blind Butcher / Ripe & Ruin / [LEAK] / At Pavillon / Dream Catcher / Fogh Depot / Candice Gordon / Little Destroyer / Der Täubling / Beauty & The Beats / Hjalte Ross / Dandelion Wine / Micah Erenberg / Anton Maskeliade / Schlaraffenlandung / Inge Van Calkar / Planetarium / Cats & Breakkies / Easy October / Chikiss / Aquarama / Poems For Jamiro / Me & Reas / Wolf Mountains / Milkywhale / Marshall Cecil / Marianne Aya Omac / ISKANDAR WIDJAJA / Min T / Bottlecap / Kala Brisella / Wanthanee / Rayannah / Barry Paquin Roberge / I am K / Rock N Roll Radio / Bartleby Delicate / EINFACHSO / Null + Void / Lafote / Σtella (GR) / MAURICE & DIE FAMILIE SUMMEN / BBXO / Matthew Matilda / LVNG / Okay Monday / Baby Galaxy / Dives (AT) / Mijo Biscan / The Holy (FIN) / Cardri / JESSICA EINAUDI / Riot of Colours / Blue Jean Serenade / Black Sea Dahu fka JOSH / The Dogs (NO) / Shirley & The Pyramids / Hope (DE) / LÜT (NO) / LUEAM / Nick Faye / Le Vertigo / Tom Allan / Keele (DE) / The Florines / BRETT (DE) / The Nectars (NJ) / RÁN (GE) / AROMA (DE) / Eveline (official) / TENTS (AT) / Lord Kessel And The Drums / Nuage das Bassorchester / Bled White (GER) / MAURICE UND DIE FAMILIE SUMMEN / Octavian (DE) / Philipp Poisel
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Reeperbahn Festival
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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Sep 19, 2018
– Sep 22, 2018
Reeperbahn Festival 2018
Passenger / Jess Glynne / Her / Metronomy / Lewis Capaldi / Jungle / Bishop Briggs / Cuco / Sigrid / King Princess / Amber Run / Bear's Den / Okkervil River / Ane Brun / Darwin Deez / ALMA / Parcels / Ibeyi / Zak Abel / Ocean Alley / Men I Trust / Freya Ridings / Charlotte Lawrence / The Wood Brothers / S. Carey / Sam Fender / Yoke Lore / HAERTS / WhoMadeWho / Ziggy Alberts / Soccer Mommy / L'Impératrice / David August / Joep Beving / Hollow Coves / slenderbodies / Rone / Graveyard / Poppy / The Magic Gang / Julien Doré / Harrison Storm / Jeremy Loops / Kazy Lambist / liza anne / Agar Agar / Kyan / Grace Carter / Tank and the Bangas / Blanco White / Denai Moore / Joshua Hyslop / Psychedelic Porn Crumpets / Princess Chelsea / Milk & Bone / Kadavar / LEA / The Night Game / Sunset Sons / Geowulf / Bad Sounds / Flavien Berger / Kelvin Jones / Get Well Soon / Angie McMahon / Chris Garneau / Michael Nau / cleopatrick / Tamino / Goat Girl / Shotty Horroh / The Blue Stones / Mammal Hands / Liniker e os Caramelows / Yung Heazy / Whitehorse / Scarlet Pleasure / Declan J Donovan / Long Distance Calling / Ran / Novaa / Thylacine / Black Midi / Jon Bryant / The Babe Rainbow (aus) / Westerman / Hyphen Hyphen / Pompeya / Dizzy / Viagra Boys / Blue Lab Beats / Altın Gün / Cassia / Jett Rebel / Amyl and the Sniffers / Fatherson / Ecca Vandal / John Metcalfe / Aisha Badru / DeWolff / Cat Clyde / Smash Into Pieces / Boy Azooga / Ruston Kelly / Jaz Karis / Pip Blom / Aeris Roves / Haute / Lary / Noga Erez / The Dirty Nil / Half Waif / Emily Burns / Anna Burch / Kelvyn Colt / Tanya Morgan / Estrons / Mélissa Laveaux / Lion / The Slow Readers Club / Pale Honey / SAGE / Black Foxxes / Laing / Ainslie Wills / Kara Marni / Kid Simius / Wyvern Lingo / Tula / Kinnie Starr / Soleima / Faces on TV / Leto / Sepalot / Joel Culpepper / ACE TEE / The Legendary Tigerman / Lydmor / Life (US) / Belako / Tender Games / Hugo Helmig / Anna Leone / Cari Cari / Stereo Honey / Rosemary & Garlic / Jamie Lenman / Jack Vallier / Nakhane / whenyoung / Voyou / Foe / Bon Voyage Organisation / Fieh / SASSY 009 / Xavi / PONGO / Nelson Can / Mikaela Davis / Tom Gregory / Jazn / Vama / Rina Mushonga / Part-Time Friends / The Mauskovic Dance Band / Makeness / Dena / Áine / Hubert Lenoir / Blackout Problems / Theo Lawrence & The Hearts / Serious Klein / Ferris & Sylvester / Peter Gregson / Zach Said / Asylums / Rikas / Malena Zavala / Mariama / Field Division / Moli / Matt Gresham / Lxandra / Pom Poko / Strange Bones / The Ninth Wave / Hugar / Odd Couple / Black Sea Dahu / Mellah / Pish / Okta Logue / Kids Of Adelaide / Sero / Yukno / Better Person / BLVTH / Tempesst / Temperance / ViVii / Declan Welsh & The Decadent West / Lomboy / Theodore / Petrol Girls / Anna Aaron / Halo Maud / Nugat / Guts (FR) / Berywam / Ilgen-Nur / Any Other / Walrus / Solo Ansamblis / Saint Agnes / Das Paradies / A Tale Of Golden Keys / Great News / Keir / Be Charlotte / Kimberose / Lysistrata / Tess Roby / Steiner & Madlaina / The Wet Secrets / Shacke One / Christof Van Der Ven / D/troit / Naked Cameo / Awir Leon / Rola / Iris Gold / The Cruel Intentions / International Music / Pieter de Graaf / The Eskies / The Homesick / Chima Ede / TAMPLE / Neufundland / MarieMarie / EUT / Nuela Charles / Jugo Ürdens / Love Machine / Friedberg / Tundra / Crispies / Askjell / Tiwayo / Swedish Death Candy / WWWater / Henrik Lindstrand / Queen Zee / makola / Leon of Athens / 100% / Please The Trees / Karies / Love X Stereo / Stevans / Hillsburn / Evelinn Trouble / Laura Carbone / Hangman's Chair / Muthoni Drummer Queen / Bala / Wargirl / Chagall / Two Year Vacation / MNNQNS / Alma Negra / Rosie & the Riveters / Linn Koch-Emmery / Brett Newski / Giungla / Bayuk / CEEYS / Royaume / Vizediktator / Nina Attal / Fight the Fight / Konni Kass / Jungstötter / Jaguwar / Moka Efti Orchestra / iskwē / Praa / Ecke Prenz / Bazzookas / Glass Museum / Marius Bear / Mister Me / Double Experience / DECIBELLES / Monowhales / Flut / leroy menace / Jim Kroft / Neøv / Napoleon Gold / Halcyon Days / The Blackberries / Marina Baranova / SIND / MADANII / Robocobra Quartet / Dream Catcher / Candice Gordon / BLINKER / The Town Heroes / Die Sauna / Nico Casal / Moonlight Benjamin / Kito Jempere / Ripe & Ruin / Dandelion Wine / Charlotte Brandi / Dope Calypso / Schlaraffenlandung / The Courettes / At Pavillon / Blind Butcher / Felix RÄuber / Micah Erenberg / [LEAK] / Kuoko / Easy October / Fogh Depot / Little Destroyer / Baby Jesus / Planetarium / Milkywhale / Wolf Mountains / Poems For Jamiro / Der Täubling / Anton Maskeliade / Chikiss / Bottlecap / Min T / Gewalt / Chris Imler / Aquarama / Kala Brisella / Me & Reas / Beauty & The Beats / ISKANDAR WIDJAJA / I am K / Marshall Cecil / EINFACHSO / Botticelli Baby / Inge Van Calkar / Marianne Aya Omac / Bad Nerves (UK) / Null + Void / Rock N Roll Radio / Hjalte Ross / Rayannah / Wanthanee / Finna / LVNG / MAURICE & DIE FAMILIE SUMMEN / BBXO / Okay Monday / Matthew Matilda / Baby Galaxy / Lafote / Cats & Breakkies / SCOTCH & WATER / Bartleby Delicate / Mijo Biscan / Barry Paquin Roberge / Dives (AT) / The Holy (FIN) / Cardri / Riot of Colours / The Dogs (NO) / Hope (DE) / JESSICA EINAUDI / LUEAM / Blue Jean Serenade / Black Sea Dahu fka JOSH / BRETT (DE) / LÜT (NO) / Le Vertigo / The Florines / Σtella (GR) / Keele (DE) / Tom Allan / Nick Faye / The Nectars (NJ) / Shirley & The Pyramids / TENTS (AT) / MAURICE UND DIE FAMILIE SUMMEN / RÁN (GE) / AROMA (DE) / Eveline (official) / Bled White (GER) / Octavian (DE) / Nuage das Bassorchester / Lord Kessel And The Drums / The Pier / Malakoff Kowalski / Muse / Mint Mind / Disarstar
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Reeperbahn Festival
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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Show Duplicate for Sep 19, 2018
May 25, 2018
Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Makeness
Unknown Mortal Orchestra @ SWX
Bristol, England, United Kingdom
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