Make A Move's 2019 Concert History

MAKE A MOVE bounces from the streets of Berlin onto the big stages! There are brass players in tutus, bass and guitar pumping the groove, and it's all driven by a rapping drummer in a swimsuit. Sounds over the top? It is. In a daring live show, the concert halls are torn apart with the most radical softness. Groove-hungry fans will be filled to bursting with tight raps and fat beats. No matter whether it's a techno club or a large festival area: at MAKE A MOVE there's dancing and singing, jumping and sweating.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 26, 2019 –
Jul 28, 2019
SNNTG Festival 2019
Jeremias / Tru / Lips / Say Yes Dog / alec troniq / YASSIN / Simeon / Brigade / JPattersson / Sound Nomaden / Julian Wassermann / Pilocka Krach / Footprint Project / Ecke Prenz / MADANII / Make A Move / Gold Teeth / Die Lieferanten / Tiflis Transit / Duo Stiehler/Lucaciu / Botticelli Baby / Presslufthanna / Horst Wegener / Bookwood / Wanubalé / Poly Poly / KID BE KID / Ronja Maltzahn / Bartleby Delicate / Sleepwalker's Station / LVNG / You Silence I Bird / Ericson / Tober & Tober / LUNIR / Evelyn Kryger / Hagelslag / Bonjour Ben / Sonoras Mil / HAIÓN / Waking Up In Stereo / m.age.project / Napalma / Finkbass / Acoustic Generation / Rabea / Rob Me / Sout / Chris Gerber / Feathers & Greed / Marvin Miller / Rabauks / The Ladies Home Journal / Senkel / Aerodice / BrassWoofer / Snataka / Funky Fizzle / Ranios & Rayk / Studio Bigband / Sanuye / Arju / Oya Band / Ej & Tiemoko / Natalie Palsa / Mit offenen Armen / Kimby / LaRensch / Janni B / Mina Taurus / Muende / Nik Bøder / Floppy’s Eleven / Silaz, Tobi & Freimusik / Fenge / Es krAcht / Turnklub Show all bands
Hannoversches Straßenbahn-Museum Sehnde, Germany
Jun 07, 2019
Make A Move / 2ersitz

Bouncen? Vol. 08 mit 2ersitz und Make A Move

Badehaus Berlin Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Apr 30, 2019
Vizediktator / Die Toten Crackhuren Im Kofferraum / Make A Move / John Apart / Kaela

Rhythm Against Racism 2019

Luisenplatz Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany
Show Duplicate for Apr 30, 2019

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 Photography By Anne K
 Ronan Lüttig
 Floele B
 Celina ✨
 Media Dorn
 Yvonne L.
 Jones The Bones
 Maybe Me

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