Magic de Spell is a greek rock band, which was formed in 1980. Their first albums' verses are in english but after 1993 they chose greek lyrics for their songs. Magic de Spell is described as one of the most known greek rock bands of the past decade. Some of their most famous works are: Diakopes sto Sarajevo ( Holiday in Sarajevo) which is also a song against war and apathy, Nipson Anomimata Mi Monan Opsin, Trabala stis taratses etimoropon spition...
These are videos from concerts where Magic de Spell played, so they may be of other bands that played the concert as well.
Magic de Spell Dec 29, 2023 Krókos, West Macedonia, Greece Embedded by Kirillidis Sotiris
Magic de Spell / Ενδελέχεια / Υπόγεια Ρεύματα Jan 17, 2020 Thessaloníki, Greece Embedded by Kirillidis Sotiris