Maggie Thorn Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 02, 2018 –
Aug 05, 2018
Mile of Music
Wilderado / Cory Chisel / Sarah Potenza / The National Parks / LOLO / Mo Lowda & The Humble / Zane Carney / Lilly Hiatt / Pert Near Sandstone / Dan Rodriguez / Adriel Denae / JC Brooks Band / Melodime / The Suitcase Junket / Vesperteen / Smooth Hound Smith / Caleb Caudle / J-Council / Amasa Hines / Kristin Diable & The City / Terra Lightfoot / Luke Winslow-King / Strange Americans / Carson McHone / The Trongone Band / Cat Clyde / Miles Nielsen and The Rusted Hearts / McKinley Dixon / Abby Jeanne / Jesse Ray And The Carolina Catfish / Girl Blue / Me Like Bees / Motherfolk / The Hooten Hallers / Jamie Kent / The Rooks / Bishop Gunn / Maybe April / Them Coulee Boys / The Sea The Sea / Captain Ivory / Adrian + Meredith / Hillary Reynolds / Levi Parham / LUTHI / Sam Burchfield / Heather Maloney / SZLACHETKA / Forlorn Strangers / Michigander / Andrew Leahey & The Homestead / The High Divers / Christopher the Conquered / Quiet Hollers / Carter Hulsey / Wild Skies / Christopher Gold and the New Old Things / Sun Seeker / C2 & The Brothers Reed / Bob Barrick / Ben Clark / Nora Collins / India Rameye / Caleb Hawley / Chestnut Grove / Elle Winston / Leading the Blind / Chasing Lovely / The Right Now / More Then Merry / Endiana / Paul Otteson / Michael Shynes / Kerosene Kites / The Raglanders / Sons of Kong / Fox Grin / Emily Kopp / Zach Pietrini / Daniel Ellsworth & The Great Lakes / Lemon Sky / Flagship Romance / The Belle Weather / Louie Bello / Kyle Megna & The Monsoons / Porky's Groove Machine / Poncé / Will Dailey / Audiodacity / Stone & Snow / Cole Woodruff / Fort Frances / Pudge / Heather Styka / The Mammoths / The Vegabonds / Bradford Loomis / Michelle Mandico / Lost Lakes / Frederick the Younger / The Lately / RedHawks / Mark Steven Hillstrom / Eric W. Krueger / The Crane Wives / Phillip-Michael Scales / The Hawkeyes / Beth Bombara / Wonky Tonk / Ida Jo / Joshua Powell & The Great Train Robbery / Weep & Willow / Camille Rae / REYNA / Jacob Fannin / The Talbott Brothers / Mammal Dap / Auralai / Harpooner / Matt Blake / Queen Hilma / FINKEL / Paul Childers / Genevieve Heyward / Roscoe & Etta / Katie Boeck / Al Scorch / Christopher Gold / Greg Jackson Combs / The Artisanals / Zach Vinson / Jubal / Cool Waters Band / Pierce Edens / Ben Vanden Boogaard / The Hook Up / Ryan M. Brewer / The Priggs / Kyle Megna & Dave LeBlanc / Tarl Knight / Wilder Adkins / Bascom Hill / David Paul Martin / Good Night Gold Dust / Skyway Man / HOLLY / Julia Haltigan / Kurt Gunn / Mike Wheeler / Calliope Musicals / Nicholas Raymond / High Up / Midnight Noon / Beth Kille / The Young Revelators / Pip the Pansy / Nordlund / Desert Noises / Todd Kessler / Little Stranger / Marty Paschke / Asumaya / Jon Kundson / Faux Fawn / Michael Grabner / Mira Goto / Chris Jourdan / Tommy / Ian Olvera / The Brothers Footman / Jackie Rae Daniels / Last Acre / Redshift Headlights / Listening Party / Blackbelt Yellowbelli / Christina LaRocca / Small Houses / Carver Commodore / The Outside Voices / Kari Arnett / Zach DuBois / Ifdakar / Nickel & Rose / Tyler & The Streeters / Nathan Kalish & The Lastcallers / Jesse Voelker / B.Lilly / TAE / Lizzie No / Lou Shields / Farewell Milwaukee / Armchair Boogie / Humbird / Maggie Thorn / The Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers / Una Walkenhorst / Let's Be Leonard / Rebecca Horn / Feed the Dog / Freddie Haas & Tate Sampson / Brandon Beebe / Jack T. Russell / Daydream Retrievers / J. Hardin / Fine Lines / Nick Hickman / Danen Kane / Horace Greene / Walt Hamburger & The Taste Buddies / Forté and the Pianissimos / Duke Otherwise Show all bands
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Downtown Appleton Appleton, Wisconsin, United States
Aug 04, 2016 –
Aug 07, 2016
Mile of Music
Robert Ellis / LOLO / Cory Chisel / SUSTO / Hubby Jenkins / DREAMERS / Lilly Winwood / Amasa Hines / Julia Jacklin / Tenement / The Dove & The Wolf / Andrew Combs / Los Colognes / Traveller / Pat Vegas / Blackfoot Gypsies / Adriel Denae / Aaron Lee Tasjan / Chuck Auerbach / Quiet Hollers / Dave & Whitney / Kristin Diable / Cereus Bright / Daryl Stuermer / Mike and the Moonpies / Bobby Long / Wild Adriatic / Parker Gispert / Bonesetters / Natalie Tate / Christopher Paul Stelling / Miles Nielsen and The Rusted Hearts / Andrew Bryant / Farewell Milwaukee / The Ghost Wolves / Keenan O'Meara / Liza Anne / Matt Hires / Me Like Bees / Levi Parham / Brooks Strause / Dead Horses / J-Council / GGOOLLDD / Kyle Megna & The Monsoons / Cool Waters Band / The Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers / Dan Rodriguez / The Kelson Twins / Bonnie Whitmore / The Jag / Lou Shields / Reality Something / New Age Narcissism / Una Walkenhorst / The Banner Days / The Lowest Pair / The Lately / Flint Eastwood / Jamie Kent / Lowland Hum / Lex Allen / Soul Low / Hayward Williams / Alaina Stacey / Motherfolk / Kate Tucker / Nick Hickman / Sarah Lou Richards / Weathered Souls / Erin Rae & The Meanwhiles / Pony Bradshaw / Jeff Campbell / Katie Boeck / Matthew Szlachetka / Megan Slankard / Charlie Hirsch / North By North / The Blisters / The Humble / Channing & Quinn / The Go Rounds / Vox Vidorra / Kristen Ford / Peridot / Brother O' Brother / Coup D'etat / Hero Jr. / Simon Balto / Veseria / Von Strantz / Geri X / Strange Americans / Christopher Gold and the New Old Things / Eagle Trace / Nicholas the Transparent / Pit Wagon / Rob Anthony / Trapper Schoepp / Adria Ramos / Anna Vogelzang / Asumaya / Auralai / AUTOMatic / Bascom Hill / Ben Vanden Boogaard / Beta Males / Beth Bombara / Beth Kille / Bird & Wag Trio / Blueheels / Bo & Airo / Bodega / Brandon Beebe / Camille Rae / Carter Hulsey / Cedarwell / Chakara Blu / Christopher Gold / Courtney Marie Andrews / Cree Myles / Damn Crow / DUSK / Elle Winston / Eric W. Krueger / Faux Fawn / Feed the Dog / Five Star Secret / Frank Anderson / Freddie Haas & Tate Sampson / Genevieve Heyward / Good Night Gold Dust / Grayling One Man Band / Greatest Lakes / Greg McMonagle / Gus Moon / Haunted Heads / Holly & Plastic / Holly and the Nice Lions / HOMME / Ian Olvera / Ida Jo / Idle Empress / J.E. Sunde / The Radio Wranglers / Jack Russell / Jacob Fannin / Jack Tell / Jackson Mankowski / Jay Matthews / Jessica Martindale / Jillian Rae / Joey Ryan & The Inks / John Statz / Joseph Huber / Josh Harty / Kalispell / Katie Scullin / Klassik / Kurt Gunn / Kweku Collins / Kyle Megna & Dave LeBlanc / Ladders / Listening Party / Little Legend / Lost Lakes / Paul Otteson / Maggie Thorn / Maria / Mark Steven Hillstrom / Marty Paschke / Max Garcia Conover / Mic Kellogg / Michael Gillespie / Mike Maimone / Mike Munson / Zed Kenzo / Murielle / Nell Robinson & Jim Nunally Band / Nick Vandenberg / Nora Collins / Nordlund / Oh My Love / Paul Demer / Paul Diedrich / Paul Hanna / Peter Wolf Crier / Porky's Groove Machine / Pudge / Queen Tut / Rahn Harper / RedBelt / RedHawks / Ric Wilson / Ricky Ganiere / Ross Catterton / Ryan Hommel / Ryan Joseph Anderson / SeaSaw / SolidState / Space Raft / Teddy Davenport / The Chocolateers / The Crowe Brothers / The Heart Pills / The Gilly Trio / The Kate Bloods / The Mascot Theory / The Priggs / The Revival / The Sharrows / The Sun Parade / The Young Revelators / Tom VandenAvond / Tyler & The Streeters / Bee Alford / Eric Lives Here / Walt Hamburger / William Wild / Windsor Drive / Zach Vinson / J. Hardin / Mr. Pete / Randy Peterson Show all bands
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Downtown Appleton Appleton, Wisconsin, United States
Aug 06, 2015 –
Aug 09, 2015
Mile of Music
Cory Chisel & The Wandering Sons / Son Little / The Milk Carton Kids / Water Liars / T. Hardy Morris & The Hard Knocks / Steelism / Charlie Parr / Roadkill Ghost Choir / The Diamond Light / Luke Bell / Lily & Madeleine / Patrick Sweany / The Crane Wives / Alanna Royale / Wild Adriatic / Swear and Shake / Andrew Combs / Lex Allen / Adriel Denae / The Suitcase Junket / Los Colognes / Cereus Bright / Tim Barry / Raquel Rodriguez / Me Like Bees / Pop Goes The Evil / Mount Carmel / Ruby the Rabbitfoot / Frank Farfield / Firekid / Kacy & Clayton / Austin Lucas / Boom Forest / Jodrin Baas / Derek Hoke / Motherfolk / The Traveling Suitcase / Andrew Bryant / Dan Rodriguez / Blank Range / Brother O' Brother / Jamie Lono & Noble Heart / Caleb Caudle / Channing & Quinn / Daniel Ellsworth & The Great Lakes / The Noble Thiefs / Fort Frances / Hayward Williams / Hugh Bob and the Hustle / "Kings" / Cedarwell / Modern Mod / Caleb Hawley / North By North / Stone Cold Fox / Dead Horses / Faux Fawn / Sunblind Lion / Whips / Har-Di-Har / Wild Skies / Weathered Souls / Wilfret & Miss / O Conquerer / Aaron Baer / Adria Ramos / Adrian Krygowski / Anna Vogelzang / Art's Fishing Club / Auralai / Bright Kind / Bron Sage / Bruiser Queen / Camille Rae / Chris Jourdan / Christopher Gold / Clemency / Colee James / Cool Waters Band / Cory Chisel & Adriel Denae / Coup D'etat / Cygne / Damn Crow / Danny Kroha / Eagle Trace / Earl Burrows / Emily Frost / Eric W. Krueger / Frank Anderson / Freddies Haas & Tate Sampson / Genevieve Heyward / GGOOLLDD / Great Lake Drifters / Greatest Lakes / Greg McMonagle / Haunted Heads / Hello Death / Hero Jr. / Hillary Reynolds / Holly & Plastic / Holy Sheboygan / Ida Jo / Jack Tell / Jackson Mankowski / Jacob Fannin / Jaik Willis / Jamie Kent / Jamie Lynn Fletcher / Jay Matthes / J.E. Sunde / Jeff Campbell / Jeremy Johnson / Jess Reimer / John Statz / Joshua Fletcher / Kate Tucker / Katie Pederson / Kurt Gunn / Kyle Megna & The Monsoons / Lauryn Peacock / Levi Besaw / Maggie Thorn / Marty Paschke / Matthew Davies / Matthew Szlachetka / Megan Slankard / Mr. Pete / Mutts / Myles Coyne / Naomi Marie / Nick Vandenberg / Nicole Rae / Nineteen Thirteen / No / Noah Harris / Nora Collins / Oedipus Tex / Oh My Love / Paul Diedrich / Paul Hanna / Porky's Groove Machine / Rachele Eve / RedHawks / Red River Line / Ricky Ganiere / Rob Anthony / Ross Catterton / Ruben / Ryan Hommel / Ryan Joseph Anderson / Ryan M. Brewer / Sam Luna / Santah / Sarah Vos / Sean Raasch / Seasaw / Semi-Twang / Simon Balto / Stephanie Erin Brill / Strange Americans / Susan Howe / Tall Walker / Tarl Knight / Teddy Davenport / The Appalachians / Blackfoot Gypsies / The Delta Routine / The Electra Color / The Family Business / The Ghost Wolves / The Kickback / The Lately / Listening Party / The MAscot Theory / The Middle Ground / The Priggs / The Sharrows / Tony Anders and The Radiolites / Trapper Schoepp / Twin Brother / Veseria / Vic & Gab / Walt Hamburger / We are the Willows / Wooldridge Brothers / Cory Mathew Hart / Kyle Megna & Dave LeBlanc / Christopher Gold and the New Old Things / Michael Gillespie Show all bands
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Downtown Appleton Appleton, Wisconsin, United States

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Mile of Music on Aug 2, 2018 [695-small]

Mile of Music
Aug 2 - 5, 2018
 Appleton, Wisconsin, United States
  Uploaded by Eric Hurm

Mile of Music on Aug 2, 2018 [694-small]

Mile of Music
Aug 2 - 5, 2018
 Appleton, Wisconsin, United States
  Uploaded by Eric Hurm

Mile of Music on Aug 2, 2018 [693-small]

Mile of Music
Aug 2 - 5, 2018
 Appleton, Wisconsin, United States
  Uploaded by Eric Hurm

Mile of Music on Aug 2, 2018 [692-small]

Mile of Music
Aug 2 - 5, 2018
 Appleton, Wisconsin, United States
  Uploaded by Eric Hurm

Mile of Music on Aug 2, 2018 [691-small]

Mile of Music
Aug 2 - 5, 2018
 Appleton, Wisconsin, United States
  Uploaded by Eric Hurm

Mile of Music on Aug 2, 2018 [690-small]

Mile of Music
Aug 2 - 5, 2018
 Appleton, Wisconsin, United States
  Uploaded by Eric Hurm

Mile of Music on Aug 2, 2018 [689-small]

Mile of Music
Aug 2 - 5, 2018
 Appleton, Wisconsin, United States
  Uploaded by Eric Hurm

Mile of Music on Aug 2, 2018 [688-small]

Mile of Music
Aug 2 - 5, 2018
 Appleton, Wisconsin, United States
  Uploaded by Eric Hurm

Death Metal
Doom Metal
Death-Doom Metal
2018 1 concert
2016 1 concert
2015 1 concert
 Benjamin Cannon
 Eric Hurm
 Fox Cities Live
 Jacob Krull

As Seen On: