Roger Taylor / Justin Hawkins / Rufus Taylor / Tom Robinson / Tom Robinson Band / Kiki Dee / Madeline / Fabbgirls / Jim Cregan / Roachford / Toyah / Spike Edney / Sas Band
Franz Ferdinand / Rita Ora / Olly Murs / Stereophonics / Jake Bugg / Elbow / KT Tunstall / Madness / The Dandy Warhols / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Band of Skulls / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Tom Walker / Frank Turner / Raye / Maxïmo Park / Feeder / Frightened Rabbit / The Charlatans / Temples / Dan Caplen / Slaves / Sundara Karma / The Hunna / Lewis Watson / Tom Grennan / Turin Brakes / Shy FX / Sea Power / Palace / Lady Leshurr / Peter Doherty / Rationale / Young Guns / Deaf Havana / Field Music / Tiggs Da Author / Toy / Will Joseph Cook / Leo Stannard / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Bad Sounds / Echobelly / Pulled Apart By Horses / Macka B / SikTh / Hacktivist / Silhouettes / The Slow Readers Club / Black Foxxes / Otherkin / Crows / Tribe / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Black Slate / Featurecast / SHVPES / Banfi / Matt Wills / Jerry Williams / Fort Hope / Lazy Habits / Madeline / Tom Martin / Lauran Hibberd / Timeless / Kassassin Street / Cut Capers / Mayfield / Normanton Street / Craig Charles / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / The Curious Incident / Elixir / Seán McGowan / Mirror Fury / Dean Dyson / The Silver Beatles / Wren / Michael Baker / Folsom / Ben Pryer / Pets / The Great Scott / Is Bliss / The Jackobins / Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles / Novatones / Jamin / Subgiant / Des-C / Tom Bertram / Arcade Hearts / Coax / Seething Akira / Blackfoot Circle / Me and the Moon / BigTopp / The Racketeers / Tom Millichamp / Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy Weirdos / Rhythm of the 90s / SUBMARINER / Richard Morris / Marley Blandford / Grant Sharkey / The Day of the Rabblement / Lucas & King / Matuki / Archie Langley / Shoot the Duke / Good Times Roll / Bemis / Toffees / Andrew Foster / Southsea Alternative Choir / Our Propaganda / Tim Cheatle / SOUL 45 / Strumdiddlyumptious / Brock Landers / Paddy Taylor / Emptifish / DRGM / Lily Garland / Colour of the Jungle / Josh & Daisy / Panthalassa / Bog Rolling Stones / Harmonie London / Four Folds Law / Megan Linford / Sasha Ilyukevich & the Highly Skilled Migrants / The Aim (UK) / Minque / Brandon Rivers / The Mantic Muddlers / Devin-Jade / Marmalade Moonshine / Skaraman / Grand Tradition / Ben Brookes / Indiana Quiet Cats / Nine Ace Deck / Emiliyah and the Mightyz All Stars / Becky Jerams / Archive 45 / Kelly Woods / Los Cojones / Joe Mongan / Dirty Diesel Outlaw Orchestra / Bella Estelle / Naan Breddaz / Ruby and the Revelators / The Philosipha / Southerlies / Paul Dillon / Kate Bush-Ka / Jamie Hiron / The Vinalls / The Smiley Campbell Band / Alice Milburn / Fellowship of Groove / Kingz of Leon / Yeehaa Granma / Chip Jacks / Jake Hassell / Robyn Grace / Waif & Stray / Crown Of Thieves / Neneh Cherry (DJ Set) / Symphonica feat. Mr Switch / Jesse Ray / Rachel Broad / Hannah Hay / Dave Baker Project / Wesley Brown / Too Much 2Tone / The Vela Tides / The Tuesday Trend / Marcus Payne / Charlotte Neal / Brock Landers & The Estelles / Rhythm City Six / Dan O'Farrell / Mark Handley / Livvy / Josh Tremain / Jimi & The Jaffa Cakes / Ade Cull / John Adams (UK) / Remedy Sounds / Kojak's Revenge / Silver Rejects / Latin Dance Workshop / Mechelle Medeelee / Big Noise Rhythms / Los Hombres Inglese / Mikkee Majestic Sound System / Inner Gold International Sound System / Duke Bossa / Pan Jazz International Ensemble / The Richard Henry Edward Keam Band / The Morning (UK) / Sophie & The Darlings / Serena Spells & The Explorers / Rebekka Nightingale / Paisley Jones / Mollie Scott & Parv / Miami Driveway / Los Cranes / Lewis Smith & The Collision / Lauren Barker / Joshua Sanderson / Jessica Lawler / Harrison Etherington / Hanna Doswell / Goldlaw / Foxier / Fainties / Erin Gracie / Clayton Connor / Assorted Sax / Andy Osman / Alaina Sparkes / The Bootlegs (UK) / Lily Rendle-Moore / Basement 83 / Percival Elliot / Monkeylove Stunt Team / Francisco Jones / Justsayyes / Prince Brandon / Brent Hutchinson Band / Dextasy (UK) / The Plucking Missfits / The Urban Vocal Group / The Machete (UK) / Lennon Taylor / Katie Louise Ball / Fjorka / Roy Peplow / Becky Anderson
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Franz Ferdinand / Rita Ora / Olly Murs / Stereophonics / Jake Bugg / Elbow / KT Tunstall / Madness / The Dandy Warhols / Band of Skulls / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Frank Turner / Raye / Tom Walker / Maxïmo Park / Frightened Rabbit / Feeder / The Charlatans / Temples / Dan Caplen / Slaves / Sundara Karma / Lewis Watson / The Hunna / Turin Brakes / British Sea Power / Tom Grennan / Shy FX / Lady Leshurr / Peter Doherty / Palace / Young Guns / Rationale / Deaf Havana / Field Music / Tiggs Da Author / Toy / Will Joseph Cook / Leo Stannard / Pulled Apart By Horses / Echobelly / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Bad Sounds / Macka B / SikTh / Hacktivist / Silhouettes / Otherkin / Crows / The Slow Readers Club / Black Foxxes / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Tribe / Black Slate / Featurecast / Banfi / Matt Wills / Fort Hope / Lazy Habits / SHVPES / Madeline / Jerry Williams / Tom Martin / Kassassin Street / Timeless / Mayfield / Lauran Hibberd / Cut Capers / Normanton Street / Craig Charles / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / Elixir / The Curious Incident / Seán McGowan / Mirror Fury / The Silver Beatles / Dean Dyson / Wren / Michael Baker / Folsom / Ben Pryer / Pets / The Great Scott / Is Bliss / The Jackobins / Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles / Novatones / Subgiant / Jamin / Des-C / Coax / Arcade Hearts / Tom Bertram / Blackfoot Circle / Me and the Moon / BigTopp / Seething Akira / The Racketeers / Tom Millichamp / Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy Weirdos / SUBMARINER / Rhythm of the 90s / Richard Morris / Marley Blandford / Grant Sharkey / The Day of the Rabblement / Matuki / Lucas & King / Good Times Roll / Shoot the Duke / Bemis / Archie Langley / Toffees / Andrew Foster / Southsea Alternative Choir / Tim Cheatle / Our Propaganda / SOUL 45 / Strumdiddlyumptious / Brock Landers / Emptifish / Paddy Taylor / DRGM / Lily Garland / Bog Rolling Stones / Josh & Daisy / Panthalassa / The Aim (UK) / Sasha Ilyukevich & the Highly Skilled Migrants / Harmonie London / Colour of the Jungle / Minque / Megan Linford / Four Folds Law / Marmalade Moonshine / Brandon Rivers / The Mantic Muddlers / Devin-Jade / Grand Tradition / Skaraman / Becky Jerams / Kelly Woods / Ben Brookes / Dirty Diesel Outlaw Orchestra / Nine Ace Deck / Archive 45 / Los Cojones / Joe Mongan / Indiana Quiet Cats / Emiliyah and the Mightyz All Stars / Naan Breddaz / Ruby and the Revelators / The Philosipha / Southerlies / Kingz of Leon / Paul Dillon / Bella Estelle / The Vinalls / The Smiley Campbell Band / Alice Milburn / Fellowship of Groove / Yeehaa Granma / Kate Bush-Ka / Jamie Hiron / Chip Jacks / Jake Hassell / Waif & Stray / Crown Of Thieves / Neneh Cherry (DJ Set) / Too Much 2Tone / The Vela Tides / Rachel Broad / Hannah Hay / Dave Baker Project / Wesley Brown / Robyn Grace / Mark Handley / Symphonica feat. Mr Switch / Kojak's Revenge / Jesse Ray / The Tuesday Trend / Marcus Payne / Jessica Lawler / Brock Landers & The Estelles / Justsayyes / Brent Hutchinson Band / Rhythm City Six / Dan O'Farrell / The Machete (UK) / Livvy / Josh Tremain / Jimi & The Jaffa Cakes / Ade Cull / John Adams (UK) / Fjorka / Remedy Sounds / Silver Rejects / Latin Dance Workshop / Mechelle Medeelee / Big Noise Rhythms / Los Hombres Inglese / Mikkee Majestic Sound System / Inner Gold International Sound System / Duke Bossa / Pan Jazz International Ensemble / The Richard Henry Edward Keam Band / The Morning (UK) / Sophie & The Darlings / Serena Spells & The Explorers / Rebekka Nightingale / Paisley Jones / Mollie Scott & Parv / Miami Driveway / Los Cranes / Lewis Smith & The Collision / Lauren Barker / Joshua Sanderson / Harrison Etherington / Hanna Doswell / Goldlaw / Foxier / Fainties / Erin Gracie / Clayton Connor / Charlotte Neal / Assorted Sax / Andy Osman / Alaina Sparkes / The Bootlegs (UK) / Lily Rendle-Moore / Basement 83 / Percival Elliot / Monkeylove Stunt Team / Francisco Jones / Prince Brandon / Dextasy (UK) / The Plucking Missfits / The Urban Vocal Group / Lennon Taylor / Katie Louise Ball / Roy Peplow / Becky Anderson
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Franz Ferdinand / Rita Ora / Olly Murs / Stereophonics / Jake Bugg / Elbow / KT Tunstall / Madness / The Dandy Warhols / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Band of Skulls / Tom Walker / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Frank Turner / Raye / Maxïmo Park / Feeder / Frightened Rabbit / The Charlatans / Temples / Slaves / Dan Caplen / Sundara Karma / The Hunna / Lewis Watson / Tom Grennan / Palace / Turin Brakes / Shy FX / Sea Power / Lady Leshurr / Peter Doherty / Rationale / Young Guns / Deaf Havana / Field Music / Tiggs Da Author / Toy / Will Joseph Cook / Leo Stannard / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Bad Sounds / Echobelly / Pulled Apart By Horses / Macka B / SikTh / Hacktivist / Silhouettes / The Slow Readers Club / Black Foxxes / Otherkin / Tribe / Crows / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Black Slate / SHVPES / Featurecast / Banfi / Matt Wills / Jerry Williams / Fort Hope / Lazy Habits / Madeline / Lauran Hibberd / Tom Martin / Cut Capers / Timeless / Kassassin Street / Mayfield / Normanton Street / Craig Charles / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / Elixir / The Curious Incident / Seán McGowan / Mirror Fury / Dean Dyson / The Silver Beatles / Wren / Michael Baker / Folsom / Ben Pryer / Pets / The Great Scott / Is Bliss / The Jackobins / Jamin / Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles / Novatones / Subgiant / Des-C / Tom Bertram / Arcade Hearts / Coax / Seething Akira / Blackfoot Circle / Me and the Moon / BigTopp / The Racketeers / Tom Millichamp / Rhythm of the 90s / Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy Weirdos / SUBMARINER / Marley Blandford / Richard Morris / Grant Sharkey / The Day of the Rabblement / Lucas & King / Matuki / Toffees / Bemis / Good Times Roll / Shoot the Duke / Archie Langley / Andrew Foster / Southsea Alternative Choir / Our Propaganda / SOUL 45 / Tim Cheatle / Emptifish / Paddy Taylor / Brock Landers / Strumdiddlyumptious / Colour of the Jungle / DRGM / Lily Garland / Harmonie London / Josh & Daisy / The Bog Rolling Stones / Panthalassa / Sasha Ilyukevich & the Highly Skilled Migrants / Megan Linford / Marmalade Moonshine / Minque / Four Folds Law / The Aim (UK) / Skaraman / Devin-Jade / The Mantic Muddlers / Brandon Rivers / Grand Tradition / Ben Brookes / Los Cojones / Kelly Woods / Becky Jerams / Emiliyah and the Mightyz All Stars / Nine Ace Deck / Indiana Quiet Cats / Kate Bush-Ka / Archive 45 / Dirty Diesel Outlaw Orchestra / Joe Mongan / Paul Dillon / The Philosipha / Ruby and the Revelators / Bella Estelle / Jamie Hiron / Naan Breddaz / Kingz of Leon / Fellowship of Groove / Alice Milburn / Southerlies / The Smiley Campbell Band / The Vinalls / Waif & Stray / Jesse Ray / Neneh Cherry (DJ Set) / Crown Of Thieves / Jake Hassell / Chip Jacks / Yeehaa Granma / Symphonica feat. Mr Switch / Robyn Grace / Wesley Brown / Dave Baker Project / Hannah Hay / Rachel Broad / Kojak's Revenge / Remedy Sounds / John Adams (UK) / Ade Cull / Jimi & The Jaffa Cakes / Josh Tremain / Livvy / Mark Handley / Dan O'Farrell / Rhythm City Six / Brock Landers & The Estelles / Charlotte Neal / Marcus Payne / The Tuesday Trend / The Vela Tides / Too Much 2Tone / Becky Anderson / Roy Peplow / Fjorka / Katie Louise Ball / Lennon Taylor / The Machete (UK) / The Urban Vocal Group / The Plucking Missfits / Dextasy (UK) / Brent Hutchinson Band / Prince Brandon / Justsayyes / Francisco Jones / Monkeylove Stunt Team / Percival Elliot / Basement 83 / Lily Rendle-Moore / The Bootlegs (UK) / Alaina Sparkes / Andy Osman / Assorted Sax / Clayton Connor / Erin Gracie / Fainties / Foxier / Goldlaw / Hanna Doswell / Harrison Etherington / Jessica Lawler / Joshua Sanderson / Lauren Barker / Lewis Smith & The Collision / Los Cranes / Miami Driveway / Mollie Scott & Parv / Paisley Jones / Rebekka Nightingale / Serena Spells & The Explorers / Sophie & The Darlings / The Morning (UK) / The Richard Henry Edward Keam Band / Pan Jazz International Ensemble / Duke Bossa / Inner Gold International Sound System / Mikkee Majestic Sound System / Los Hombres Inglese / Big Noise Rhythms / Mechelle Medeelee / Latin Dance Workshop / Silver Rejects / Jerry Williams (UK)
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Franz Ferdinand / Rita Ora / Olly Murs / Stereophonics / RAYE / Jake Bugg / Elbow / Madness / KT Tunstall / The Dandy Warhols / Tom Walker / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Band of Skulls / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Frank Turner / Maxïmo Park / Feeder / The Charlatans / Palace / Tom Grennan / Frightened Rabbit / Temples / Soft Play (fka Slaves) / Shy FX / Sundara Karma / The Hunna / Dan Caplen / Lewis Watson / Turin Brakes / Sea Power / Lady Leshurr / Peter Doherty / Rationale / Deaf Havana / Young Guns / Field Music / Will Joseph Cook / Tiggs Da Author / Toy / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Bad Sounds / Leo Stannard / Echobelly / Pulled Apart By Horses / SikTh / Macka B / Tribe / Hacktivist / The Slow Readers Club / Silhouettes / Black Foxxes / Crows / Otherkin / Jerry Williams / SHVPES / Black Slate / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Lauran Hibberd / Lazy Habits / Banfi / Featurecast / Fort Hope / Matt Wills / Madeline / Cut Capers / Tom Martin / Timeless / Mayfield / Kassassin Street / Craig Charles / Normanton Street / Jamin / Elixir / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / Seán McGowan / The Curious Incident / Mirror Fury / Pets / Dean Dyson / Wren / The Silver Beatles / Michael Baker / Seething Akira / Folsom / Is Bliss / Ben Pryer / The Great Scott / The Jackobins / Novatones / Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles / Tom Millichamp / Subgiant / Arcade Hearts / Tom Bertram / Coax / Des-C / Blackfoot Circle / Me and the Moon / The Racketeers / BigTopp / Rhythm of the 90s / Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy Weirdos / SUBMARINER / Grant Sharkey / Richard Morris / Marley Blandford / Harmonie London / Matuki / Lucas & King / Our Propaganda / The Day of the Rabblement / Toffees / Shoot the Duke / Bemis / Emptifish / Archie Langley / Good Times Roll / Andrew Foster / Southsea Alternative Choir / DRGM / Colour of the Jungle / Brock Landers / Tim Cheatle / SOUL 45 / Strumdiddlyumptious / Paddy Taylor / Lily Garland / Josh & Daisy / Kate Bush-Ka / Four Folds Law / Megan Linford / The Bog Rolling Stones / The Aim (UK) / Minque / Panthalassa / Marmalade Moonshine / Sasha Ilyukevich & the Highly Skilled Migrants / Brandon Rivers / The Mantic Muddlers / Devin-Jade / Ben Brookes / Grand Tradition / Becky Jerams / Skaraman / Los Cojones / Emiliyah and the Mightyz All Stars / Naan Breddaz / Joe Mongan / Dirty Diesel Outlaw Orchestra / Bella Estelle / Indiana Quiet Cats / Alice Milburn / Nine Ace Deck / Archive 45 / Kelly Woods / Jamie Hiron / Ruby and the Revelators / The Philosipha / Southerlies / Paul Dillon / Jake Hassell / Waif & Stray / The Vinalls / The Smiley Campbell Band / Livvy / Fellowship of Groove / Kingz of Leon / Yeehaa Granma / Rachel Broad / Marcus Payne / Chip Jacks / Wesley Brown / Robyn Grace / Crown Of Thieves / Neneh Cherry (DJ Set) / Symphonica feat. Mr Switch / Jesse Ray / Too Much 2Tone / The Vela Tides / The Tuesday Trend / Hannah Hay / Charlotte Neal / Brock Landers & The Estelles / Dave Baker Project / Rhythm City Six / Dan O'Farrell / Mark Handley / Josh Tremain / Ade Cull / John Adams (UK) / Roy Peplow / Remedy Sounds / Kojak's Revenge / Silver Rejects / Latin Dance Workshop / Mechelle Medeelee / Big Noise Rhythms / Los Hombres Inglese / Mikkee Majestic Sound System / Inner Gold International Sound System / Duke Bossa / Pan Jazz International Ensemble / The Richard Henry Edward Keam Band / The Morning (UK) / Sophie & The Darlings / Serena Spells & The Explorers / Rebekka Nightingale / Paisley Jones / Mollie Scott & Parv / Miami Driveway / Los Cranes / Lewis Smith & The Collision / Lauren Barker / Joshua Sanderson / Jessica Lawler / Harrison Etherington / Hanna Doswell / Goldlaw / Foxier / Fainties / Erin Gracie / Clayton Connor / Assorted Sax / Andy Osman / Alaina Sparkes / The Bootlegs (UK) / Lily Rendle-Moore / Basement 83 / Percival Elliot / Monkeylove Stunt Team / Francisco Jones / Justsayyes / Prince Brandon / Brent Hutchinson Band / Dextasy (UK) / The Plucking Missfits / The Urban Vocal Group / The Machete (UK) / Lennon Taylor / Katie Louise Ball / Jimi & The Jaffa Cakes / Fjorka / Becky Anderson
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Franz Ferdinand / Rita Ora / Olly Murs / RAYE / Stereophonics / Jake Bugg / Elbow / Madness / KT Tunstall / The Dandy Warhols / Tom Walker / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Band of Skulls / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Frank Turner / Palace / Maxïmo Park / Feeder / Tom Grennan / The Charlatans / Soft Play (fka Slaves) / Frightened Rabbit / Temples / Shy FX / The Hunna / Sundara Karma / Dan Caplen / Lewis Watson / Sea Power / Turin Brakes / Peter Doherty / Lady Leshurr / Deaf Havana / Rationale / Young Guns / Field Music / Will Joseph Cook / Tiggs Da Author / Toy / Bad Sounds / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Leo Stannard / Echobelly / Pulled Apart By Horses / Tribe / SikTh / Macka B / The Slow Readers Club / Hacktivist / Black Foxxes / Silhouettes / Crows / Otherkin / Jerry Williams / Lauran Hibberd / SHVPES / Black Slate / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Lazy Habits / Banfi / Featurecast / Fort Hope / Matt Wills / Madeline / Cut Capers / Tom Martin / Timeless / Mayfield / Kassassin Street / Jamin / Craig Charles / Normanton Street / Elixir / Pets / Seán McGowan / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / The Curious Incident / Mirror Fury / Dean Dyson / Wren / The Silver Beatles / Seething Akira / Michael Baker / Folsom / Is Bliss / Ben Pryer / The Great Scott / The Jackobins / Novatones / Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles / Tom Millichamp / Subgiant / Arcade Hearts / Tom Bertram / Coax / Des-C / Blackfoot Circle / Me and the Moon / The Racketeers / BigTopp / Rhythm of the 90s / SUBMARINER / Grant Sharkey / Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy Weirdos / Richard Morris / Marley Blandford / Harmonie London / Matuki / Our Propaganda / Lucas & King / Toffees / The Day of the Rabblement / Shoot the Duke / Bemis / Emptifish / Archie Langley / Good Times Roll / Andrew Foster / DRGM / Colour of the Jungle / Southsea Alternative Choir / Brock Landers / Tim Cheatle / SOUL 45 / Paddy Taylor / Lily Garland / Strumdiddlyumptious / Kate Bush-Ka / Josh & Daisy / Four Folds Law / Megan Linford / The Bog Rolling Stones / The Aim (UK) / Minque / Sasha Ilyukevich & the Highly Skilled Migrants / Panthalassa / The Mantic Muddlers / Devin-Jade / Marmalade Moonshine / Brandon Rivers / Grand Tradition / Becky Jerams / Skaraman / Los Cojones / Ben Brookes / Emiliyah and the Mightyz All Stars / Naan Breddaz / Joe Mongan / Bella Estelle / Indiana Quiet Cats / Alice Milburn / Nine Ace Deck / Archive 45 / Kelly Woods / Jamie Hiron / Dirty Diesel Outlaw Orchestra / Ruby and the Revelators / The Philosipha / Southerlies / Livvy / Paul Dillon / Marcus Payne / Waif & Stray / The Vinalls / The Smiley Campbell Band / Fellowship of Groove / Kingz of Leon / Yeehaa Granma / Rachel Broad / Chip Jacks / Wesley Brown / Jake Hassell / Robyn Grace / Crown Of Thieves / Neneh Cherry (DJ Set) / Symphonica feat. Mr Switch / Jesse Ray / Too Much 2Tone / The Vela Tides / The Tuesday Trend / Hannah Hay / Charlotte Neal / Brock Landers & The Estelles / Dave Baker Project / Rhythm City Six / Dan O'Farrell / Mark Handley / Josh Tremain / Ade Cull / John Adams (UK) / Roy Peplow / Remedy Sounds / Kojak's Revenge / Silver Rejects / Latin Dance Workshop / Mechelle Medeelee / Big Noise Rhythms / Los Hombres Inglese / Mikkee Majestic Sound System / Inner Gold International Sound System / Duke Bossa / Pan Jazz International Ensemble / The Richard Henry Edward Keam Band / The Morning (UK) / Sophie & The Darlings / Serena Spells & The Explorers / Rebekka Nightingale / Paisley Jones / Mollie Scott & Parv / Miami Driveway / Los Cranes / Lewis Smith & The Collision / Lauren Barker / Joshua Sanderson / Jessica Lawler / Harrison Etherington / Hanna Doswell / Goldlaw / Foxier / Fainties / Erin Gracie / Clayton Connor / Assorted Sax / Andy Osman / Alaina Sparkes / The Bootlegs (UK) / Lily Rendle-Moore / Basement 83 / Percival Elliot / Monkeylove Stunt Team / Francisco Jones / Justsayyes / Prince Brandon / Brent Hutchinson Band / Dextasy (UK) / The Plucking Missfits / The Urban Vocal Group / The Machete (UK) / Lennon Taylor / Katie Louise Ball / Jimi & The Jaffa Cakes / Fjorka / Becky Anderson
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Franz Ferdinand / Rita Ora / Olly Murs / Stereophonics / Jake Bugg / Elbow / KT Tunstall / Madness / The Dandy Warhols / Raye / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Band of Skulls / Tom Walker / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Frank Turner / Maxïmo Park / Feeder / The Charlatans / Frightened Rabbit / Temples / Soft Play / Dan Caplen / Sundara Karma / The Hunna / Tom Grennan / Palace / Lewis Watson / Shy FX / Turin Brakes / Sea Power / Lady Leshurr / Peter Doherty / Rationale / Deaf Havana / Young Guns / Field Music / Tiggs Da Author / Toy / Will Joseph Cook / Leo Stannard / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Bad Sounds / Echobelly / Pulled Apart By Horses / SikTh / Macka B / Hacktivist / Silhouettes / The Slow Readers Club / Tribe / Black Foxxes / Crows / Otherkin / Jerry Williams (SWE) / SHVPES / Black Slate / Jerry Williams / Banfi / Featurecast / Lazy Habits / Matt Wills / Fort Hope / Madeline / Lauran Hibberd / Tom Martin / Cut Capers / Timeless / Kassassin Street / Mayfield / Craig Charles / Normanton Street / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / Elixir / The Curious Incident / Seán McGowan / Mirror Fury / Dean Dyson / The Silver Beatles / Wren / Michael Baker / Jamin / Pets / Folsom / Ben Pryer / Is Bliss / The Great Scott / The Jackobins / Seething Akira / Novatones / Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles / Subgiant / Tom Bertram / Tom Millichamp / Arcade Hearts / Des-C / Coax / Blackfoot Circle / Me and the Moon / BigTopp / The Racketeers / Rhythm of the 90s / Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy Weirdos / SUBMARINER / Richard Morris / Marley Blandford / Grant Sharkey / The Day of the Rabblement / Lucas & King / Toffees / Matuki / Our Propaganda / Harmonie London / Shoot the Duke / Bemis / Good Times Roll / Andrew Foster / Archie Langley / Southsea Alternative Choir / Emptifish / SOUL 45 / DRGM / Tim Cheatle / Brock Landers / Colour of the Jungle / Paddy Taylor / Strumdiddlyumptious / Josh & Daisy / Lily Garland / Megan Linford / The Bog Rolling Stones / Panthalassa / Kate Bush-Ka / Sasha Ilyukevich & the Highly Skilled Migrants / Minque / Four Folds Law / The Aim (UK) / Marmalade Moonshine / The Mantic Muddlers / Skaraman / Devin-Jade / Brandon Rivers / Ben Brookes / Grand Tradition / Los Cojones / Becky Jerams / Emiliyah and the Mightyz All Stars / Kelly Woods / Archive 45 / Nine Ace Deck / Indiana Quiet Cats / Joe Mongan / Naan Breddaz / Paul Dillon / Alice Milburn / The Philosipha / Ruby and the Revelators / Bella Estelle / Dirty Diesel Outlaw Orchestra / Kingz of Leon / Fellowship of Groove / Southerlies / The Smiley Campbell Band / The Vinalls / Jamie Hiron / Jesse Ray / Neneh Cherry (DJ Set) / Crown Of Thieves / Waif & Stray / Jake Hassell / Yeehaa Granma / Symphonica feat. Mr Switch / Josh Tremain / Robyn Grace / Wesley Brown / Chip Jacks / Dave Baker Project / Hannah Hay / Marcus Payne / Rachel Broad / Kojak's Revenge / Remedy Sounds / John Adams (UK) / Ade Cull / Jimi & The Jaffa Cakes / Livvy / Mark Handley / Dan O'Farrell / Rhythm City Six / Brock Landers & The Estelles / Charlotte Neal / The Tuesday Trend / The Vela Tides / Too Much 2Tone / Becky Anderson / Roy Peplow / Fjorka / Katie Louise Ball / Lennon Taylor / The Machete (UK) / The Urban Vocal Group / The Plucking Missfits / Dextasy (UK) / Brent Hutchinson Band / Prince Brandon / Justsayyes / Francisco Jones / Monkeylove Stunt Team / Percival Elliot / Basement 83 / Lily Rendle-Moore / The Bootlegs (UK) / Alaina Sparkes / Andy Osman / Assorted Sax / Clayton Connor / Erin Gracie / Fainties / Foxier / Goldlaw / Hanna Doswell / Harrison Etherington / Jessica Lawler / Joshua Sanderson / Lauren Barker / Lewis Smith & The Collision / Los Cranes / Miami Driveway / Mollie Scott & Parv / Paisley Jones / Rebekka Nightingale / Serena Spells & The Explorers / Sophie & The Darlings / The Morning (UK) / The Richard Henry Edward Keam Band / Pan Jazz International Ensemble / Duke Bossa / Inner Gold International Sound System / Mikkee Majestic Sound System / Los Hombres Inglese / Big Noise Rhythms / Mechelle Medeelee / Latin Dance Workshop / Silver Rejects
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Toby Keith / The Mountain Goats / Kimya Dawson / Andrew Jackson Jihad / Defiance, Ohio / Paul Baribeau / Nana Grizol / Ramshackle Glory / Ghost Mice / Heathers / Wild / The Taxpayers / Madeline / David Dondero / Good Luck / Spoonboy / Best Friends Forever / Your Heart Breaks / The Max Levine Ensemble / Onsind / Delay / Matty Pop Chart / Watercolor Paintings / Eric Ayotte / Street Eaters / Bad Banana / Madeline Ava / Dead Friends / dave deans musical forklift / The Dead Dog / Imperial Can / Pink Houses / Small Bones / FASHANU / Fat Shadow / Andrew Lips / Sara Cilantro / Zippers to Nowhere
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"Secret Stages" / The Fervor / Ahleuchatistas / Night Of The Wolf / Madeline / Fighting Meeces / Sovereign / Sharrif Simmons / Hammer No More The Fingers / Jacuzzi Boys / Vulture Whale / Dangermuffin / Hrom / Through The Sparks / Only Thieves / Taylor Hollingsworth / Glossary / Delicate Cutters / Jasmin Kaset / Non Commissioned Officers / Venice Is Sinking / Empress Hotel / Brass Bed / Sanders Bohlke / ______ / Johnny Bertram And The Golden Bicycles / The Booze / The Biters / William Tyler / Moonlight Bride / Church Of My Love / Wooden Wand / Young Buffalo / Thomas Function / ______ / The Love Language
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Keith John Adams / Afternoon Naps / The Antivillains / The Apples in Stereo / Bastards Of Fate / Big Fresh / BOAT / Boy Genius / Bunnygrunt / Cars Can Be Blue / Casper & the Cookies / Circulatory System / Dead Dog / Defiance Ohio / Dream Diary / Elekibass / Le Darts / Eux Autres / Flash to Bang Time / Go Sailor / Gold-Bears / The Humms / Laminated Cat / Los Meesfits / Madeline / Marshmallow Coast / Rose Melberg / Misfortune 500 / Mission of Burma / Nana Grizol / Oh-OK / Onward Chariots / Open Letters / Pipes You See Pipes You Don't / Poison Control Center / PS Eliot / Quiet Hooves / Quintion and Miss Pussycat / Raymilland / Singing Bridges / Sourpatch / Standard Fare / Sweater Girls / Terrapin Pond / Thee American Revolution / Titans of Filth / Tunabunny / The Wedding Present / Werewolves / Witches / World Atlas / Your Heart Breaks
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