Macedo Concert History

Duality and individuality are overriding themes in the music of MACEDO—the surname of twin sisters Michelle and Melissa, who have taken a lifetime of creative energy and talent and produced their emotionally compelling, richly textured indie pop debut “FLAGS AND BOXES”. Born and raised in Pasadena, California, Michelle and Melissa Macedo were initially influenced by both Portuguese and Indian music as their father emigrated to the U.S. from the former Portuguese colony of Goa in India.

Date Concert Venue Location
Feb 26, 2020

Anna Akana

Mercury Lounge New York, New York, United States
Mar 18, 2016
RedGorilla Music Fest
"RedGorilla Music Fest" / City Under Siege / The Bergamot / Breelan Angel / The Outer Vibe / Millennial / Dragondeer / Stacy Stone / Hug the Dog / AyOH / Against Grace / The Trims / Avenue of the Giants / Roses & Revolutions / Color / Parker McCollum / The Boxers / Derek Anthony / Pullman Standard / The Tarlatans / First Year On Earth / Red Headed Indian / Corey Kilgannon / The Rise of the Broken / Tyto Alba / Last Chance Casanova / Stephen Hunley / Hillary Scott & The Scott Family / Dover Court / Holly Elle / Tetherball / The Syxth Synce / Modern Vices / Kaboom / Far Away Stables / Captain Squeegee / Gabe Kubanda / The Future Laureates / Levi Lowrey / Rosechild / Telepathic Teddy Bear / Attic Wolves / Matthew Mayfield / Mostly Dead / Clear The Day / Ben Cina / The Lately / Macedo / Nathan Kress / Best Brothers Band / Bonne Finken / Moneypenny / Pi Jacobs / Hydrogen Child / Davie & The Untamed / The Vanity / John Driskell Hopkins & Balsam Range / the lower caves / Acoustic Minds / The Ghost of Paul Revere / Down and Outlaws / The Statesboro Revue / The American Spirit / The Vantage / Que Billah / Mike Golden & Friends / Enormodome / Corrin Campbell / Falling Through April / Lion in the Mane Show all bands
Various venues Austin, Texas, United States
Jan 30, 2013
Honor Society / Michelle Macedo / Macedo Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles, California, United States
United States
Indie Pop
Female Vocalists
2020 1 concert
2016 1 concert
2013 1 concert

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