Lyy's 2016 Concert History

Lyy was founded in 2006. Since then they've created music where the lyric sounds and the melody brings stories to life. Lyy's repertoire consists of traditional music and self-penned material. All arrangements are performed with energy, preciseness and a good sense of humor.In 2010 Lyy released their self titled debut album and their second album "två" was released in June 2012.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 09, 2016 –
Jun 12, 2016
Ransäterstämman 2016
FolkBeat / Nordic / Eva Deivert / Marin/Marin / Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall / Lyy / MP3 / Mats Edén & Sara Parkman / Mats Berglund Trio / Thuva Härdelin & Lelo Nika / Ulrika Bodén, Emma Ahlberg, Daniel Ek & Niklas Roswall
Ransäters Hembygdsgård Ransäter, Värmland, Sverige
Hard Rock
Classic Rock
Blues Rock
Album Oriented Rock (AOR)
Country Rock
Mellow Gold
Southern Rock
Nordic Folk
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2016 1 concert
2011 1 concert

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