Lyssa Concert History

At least 3 bands of this name:

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 14, 2017 –
Sep 17, 2017
Rifflandia 2017
Moby / Bonobo / Hot Chip / Zeds Dead / Charlotte Day Wilson / Bliss N Eso / Peach Pit / Said the Whale / Grandtheft / Too Many Zooz / A Tribe Called Red / July Talk / Glorious Sons / G Jones / Black Tiger Sex Machine / Hannah Georgas / Yukon Blonde / Harrison / Busty and the Bass / Boogie T / RALPH / Dear Rouge / Dream Warriors / Choir / Neon Dreams / Zoology / Twin Bandit / K+Lab / Khotin / Bend Sinister / Five Alarm Funk / LIINKS / Rennie Foster / Slynk / Leeroy Stagger / Rykka / Louise Burns / Rae Spoon / Wil / Brass / Hot Chip (DJ Set) / Blonde Diamond / Skiitour / Astrocolor / Band of Rascals / Blue Satellite / Inky / Gang Signs / New Swears / Fleetmac Wood / Kendel Carson / Fintan / Carole Pope / Outlier / Carmanah / Alpha Omega / DUSTIN BENTALL / DJ Shub / GOODWOOD ATOMS / Kytami / Art D'Ecco / Illvis Freshly / Salamander / Fox Glove / J GRGRY / ninetyfour. / Matt Hopper & the Roman Candles / lazy syrup orchestra / Steph Macpherson / Moby Dj Set / Esb / Fallbrigade / Lovecoast / Labs / Paint the Town Red / Applecat / Spaceboots / Smash Boom Pow / Laura Reznek / Quoia / Lyssa / Chersea / Skulastic / Murge / Slim Sandy / Jennay Badger / Ryland Moranz / Souldier / Mr. Moe / Nashlyn / DJ Rpg / Lo Waight Show all bands
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Show Duplicate for Sep 14, 2017
Noise Rock
Background Jazz
Contemporary Jazz
Swedish Jazz
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 Moth *:・゚✧
 Noah Wilson
 Kayla Quan

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