Aug 31, 2018
– Sep 02, 2018
North Coast Music Festival 2018
Jamiroquai / Juice WRLD / Lil Skies / Cashmere Cat / Gramatik / Vulfpeck / The Revivalists / NoMBe / Robert DeLong / Moon Taxi / Axwell Λ Ingrosso / Monte Booker / Crywolf / Two Friends / TAUK / KNOWER / Barclay Crenshaw / Edamame / Yheti / The Snails (US) / Maddy O'Neal / LWKY / Bentley Dean
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Union Park
Chicago, Illinois, United States
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Aug 31, 2018
– Sep 02, 2018
North Coast Music Festival 2018
Robert DeLong / Gramatik / Crywolf / Moon Taxi / The Revivalists / Cashmere Cat / Jamiroquai / Axwell Λ Ingrosso / Vulfpeck / SNAILS (Montreal) / Yheti / LWKY / Bentley Dean / Barclay Crenshaw / NoMBe / Edamame / Maddy O'Neal / TAUK / Two Friends / Monte Booker / Lil Skies / KNOWER / Juice WRLD
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Union Park
Chicago, Illinois, United States
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Show Duplicate for Aug 31, 2018
Jun 08, 2018
– Jun 10, 2018
#GRIDLIFE Midwest 2018
Gingerman Raceway
South Haven, MI, US
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May 25, 2018
– May 27, 2018
Summer Camp Music Festival 2018
Diplo / Action Bronson / Slightly Stoopid / RL Grime / Guster / Cherub / SOJA / Zomboy / Jai Wolf / TOKiMONSTA / Keys N Krates / Umphrey's McGee / Beats Antique / Ookay / STS9 / JJ Grey & Mofro / Lee DeWyze / moe. / Lettuce / Yonder Mountain String Band / Keller Williams / Tyler Childers / Greensky Bluegrass / Papadosio / Reo Cragun / Lawrence / OPIUO / Tipper / Break Science / Twiddle / City of The Sun / Nikki Lane / Monophonics / Mija / Leftover Salmon / Eoto / Michal Menert / Pigeons Playing Ping Pong / GG Magree / Anomalie / TAUK / Parker / The Main Squeeze / the werks / Joe Hertler & the Rainbow Seekers / The Funk Hunters / John Craigie / Zoogma / Marvel Years / Noizu / KUURO / Kung Fu / Spafford / Mad Zach / SoDown / Big Something / Con Brio / Shlump / Los Colognes / Kat Wright / Zeke Beats / Horseshoes and Hand Grenades / Kyle Hollingsworth / Aqueous / Organ Freeman / Kitchen Dwellers / Maddy O'Neal / Lespecial / Rumpke Mountain Boys / Euforquestra / Everyone Orchestra / Chicago Farmer / Pink Talking Fish / Backup Planet / Mungion / Phil Lesh & the Terrapin Family Band / The Pretty Fantastics / Old Shoe / Zeshan B / Steady Flow / The Lizards / Hyryder / Egi / LWKY / Electric Orange Peel / sun stereo / Parsonfield / Mickman / Still Shine / Brandon "Taz" Niederaur / Kyle Hollingsworth Band / Nick Cassarino / Mike Dillon's Punk Rock Percussion Consortium / Willie Waldman Project / Jen Hartswick / Roberto Cofressi
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Three Sisters Park
Aurora, Illinois, United States
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May 25, 2018
– May 27, 2018
Summer Camp Music Festival 2018
Diplo / Action Bronson / Slightly Stoopid / RL Grime / Guster / Cherub / SOJA / Tyler Childers / Jai Wolf / TOKiMONSTA / Zomboy / Keys N Krates / Umphrey's McGee / Beats Antique / Ookay / STS9 / JJ Grey & Mofro / Lettuce / moe. / Lee DeWyze / Yonder Mountain String Band / Greensky Bluegrass / Lawrence / Keller Williams / Reo Cragun / Papadosio / Tipper / OPIUO / Twiddle / Monophonics / City of The Sun / Break Science / Nikki Lane / Pigeons Playing Ping Pong / Leftover Salmon / Mija / Anomalie / Eoto / Michal Menert / GG Magree / Noizu / TAUK / John Craigie / The Main Squeeze / Parker / Joe Hertler & the Rainbow Seekers / The Funk Hunters / the werks / SoDown / KUURO / Zoogma / Marvel Years / Spafford / Mad Zach / Big Something / Kung Fu / Shlump / Con Brio / Kat Wright / Zeke Beats / Los Colognes / Horseshoes and Hand Grenades / Kitchen Dwellers / Aqueous / Kyle Hollingsworth / Maddy O'Neal / Organ Freeman / Lespecial / Rumpke Mountain Boys / Euforquestra / Everyone Orchestra / Chicago Farmer / Pink Talking Fish / Mungion / Backup Planet / The Pretty Fantastics / Phil Lesh & the Terrapin Family Band / Steady Flow / The Lizards / Zeshan B / Old Shoe / Hyryder / Egi / LWKY / Electric Orange Peel / sun stereo / Mickman / Still Shine / Parsonfield / Nick Cassarino / Brandon "Taz" Niederaur / Kyle Hollingsworth Band / Mike Dillon's Punk Rock Percussion Consortium / Willie Waldman Project / Roberto Cofressi / Jen Hartswick
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Three Sisters Park
Chillicothe, IL, US
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Show Duplicate for May 25, 2018
Sep 01, 2017
– Sep 03, 2017
North Coast Music Festival 2017
Kasbo / Deadmau5 / Gucci Mane / Bonobo / Eric Prydz / WebsterX / Post Malone / Damian 'Jr Gong' Marley / Big Boi / Skepta / Electric Guest / Carnage / Lil Dicky / Ween / The Cool Kids / BadBadNotGood / Hippie Sabotage / Don Diablo / STS9 / Goldfish / Bob Moses / Lettuce / Destructo / Autograf / Vallis Alps / Tipper / A Tribe Called Red / Elephante / Whethan / Manic Focus / Russ Liquid / Sunsquabi / Tank and the Bangas / SAINT WKND / Harrison Brome / Late Night Radio / Joe Russo's Almost Dead / Edamame / Spafford / London On Da Track / Rich Jones / Crystal Knives / LWKY / The Russ Liquid Test / Carlile / Akenya (US) / Ganja White Night
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Union Park
Chicago, Illinois, United States
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Nov 18, 2016
Artifakts / Marvel Years / LWKY / Blue Future
1st Ward / Chop Shop
Chicago, Illinois, United States
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Sep 02, 2016
– Sep 04, 2016
North Coast Music Festival 2016
Ty Dolla $ign / Zedd / Logic / Juicy J / Grouplove / ODESZA / Galantis / BASSNECTAR / Matt and Kim / Action Bronson / Sleigh Bells / MATOMA / Sam Feldt / Baauer / Raury / Hermitude / Vulfpeck / The Revivalists / Zomboy / Big Wild / Keys N Krates / Umphrey's McGee / Stick Figure / Jamila Woods / Louis Futon / Allan Rayman / Greensky Bluegrass / The Polish Ambassador / Brillz / The Floozies / Twiddle / Justin Jay / Hotel Garuda / Michael Christmas / The Claypool Lennon Delirium / Walker & Royce / Kastle / TAUK / Jesse Royal / Jackmaster / Kite / Edamame / Future rock / Golf Clap / DJ Hyperactive / Cofresi / Fatboy / Jesse Saunders / Presto / LP Giobbi / Statik / Trap House / Zebo / Void Pedal / Zavala / Solara / Thibault / Combustibles / Wayne Williams / LWKY / Translucent / Liberation Music Orchestra / Loren Stillman / Alan King / Vapor Eyes / Mia Wallace / Tim Zawada / Trew / Intel / Tony Trimm / Tewz / Gant Man / Bucky Fargo / Sky Society / Subverb / Mr. Bobby / Czboogie / Soul Summit Djs / Ghengis Won / Dariox / Select Inverse / deejay pickel
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Union Park
Chicago, Illinois, United States
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Sep 02, 2016
– Sep 04, 2016
North Coast Music Festival 2016
Future rock / TAUK / BASSNECTAR / Zedd / Grouplove / Juicy J / Matt and Kim / Ty Dolla $ign / Sleigh Bells / ODESZA / Logic / Galantis / Baauer / Action Bronson / Hermitude / Zomboy / Keys N Krates / Umphrey's McGee / MATOMA / Raury / Sam Feldt / Brillz / The Polish Ambassador / Stick Figure / Vulfpeck / Big Wild / The Revivalists / Greensky Bluegrass / The Floozies / Kastle / Louis Futon / Allan Rayman / Justin Jay / Twiddle / Jackmaster / Hotel Garuda / Michael Christmas / Kite / Jamila Woods / The Claypool Lennon Delirium / Jesse Royal / Walker & Royce / Presto / Fatboy / DJ Hyperactive / Jesse Saunders / Edamame / Golf Clap / Zebo / Statik / Zavala / Trap House / Void Pedal / Combustibles / Wayne Williams / Cofresi / Thibault / Translucent / Alan King / Vapor Eyes / Intel / LWKY / Solara / Tim Zawada / Trew / Gant Man / Tony Trimm / Mia Wallace / Tewz / Mr. Bobby / Subverb / Bucky Fargo / Czboogie / Soul Summit Djs / Sky Society / deejay pickel / Select Inverse / LP Giobbi / Dariox / Ghengis Won
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Union Park
Chicago, Illinois, United States
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Sep 02, 2016
– Sep 04, 2016
North Coast Music Festival 2016
Ty Dolla $ign / Zedd / Logic / Juicy J / Grouplove / ODESZA / Galantis / BASSNECTAR / Matt and Kim / Action Bronson / Sleigh Bells / MATOMA / Sam Feldt / Baauer / Raury / Hermitude / Vulfpeck / The Revivalists / Big Wild / Zomboy / Keys N Krates / Umphrey's McGee / Stick Figure / Jamila Woods / Louis Futon / Allan Rayman / Greensky Bluegrass / The Polish Ambassador / Brillz / The Floozies / Twiddle / Justin Jay / Hotel Garuda / Michael Christmas / The Claypool Lennon Delirium / Walker & Royce / Kastle / TAUK / Jesse Royal / Kite / Jackmaster / Edamame / Future rock / Golf Clap / LP Giobbi / DJ Hyperactive / Cofresi / Fatboy / Jesse Saunders / Presto / Statik / Trap House / Zebo / Void Pedal / Zavala / Solara / Thibault / Combustibles / Wayne Williams / LWKY / Translucent / Liberation Music Orchestra / Alan King / Loren Stillman / Vapor Eyes / Mia Wallace / Tim Zawada / Trew / Intel / Tony Trimm / Gant Man / Bucky Fargo / Tewz / Sky Society / Subverb / Mr. Bobby / Czboogie / Soul Summit Djs / Select Inverse / deejay pickel / Dariox / Ghengis Won
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Union Park
Chicago, Illinois, United States
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Show Duplicates for Sep 02, 2016
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