Lush was a shoegaze/alternative rock band, formed in 1987 in London, England. The group consisted of Miki Berenyi and Emma Anderson on guitars and vocals, Philip King on bass, and Chris Acland on drums. Other members were the bassist Steve Rippon (from 1987 to 1992) and the vocalist Meriel Barham (from 1987 to 1988). Lush was one of the first shoegaze bands, later moving toward Britpop.
Death Cab for Cutie / James Bay / Jimmy Eat World / Jake Bugg / Dropkick Murphys / Barenaked Ladies / Explosions in the Sky / The Hives / The New Pornographers / Lake Street Dive / Okkervil River / Drive-By Truckers / Julien Baker / The Hold Steady / Wild Child / Guided By Voices / Julia Jacklin / Lush / The Sheepdogs / The Felice Brothers / Matthew Good / Margo Price / Marlon Williams / John Moreland / Corb Lund / Whitehorse / Mekons / The Sadies / Matt Mays / Skinny Lister / Matt Andersen / The Belle Game / The Deslondes / Modern Space / Rheostatics / Lee Harvey Osmond / Adam Baldwin / Simone Denny / Matt Andersen & the Bona Fide
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Dropkick Murphys / Explosions in the Sky / Barenaked Ladies / The Hives / Jake Bugg / James Bay / The New Pornographers / Okkervil River / The Hold Steady / Drive-By Truckers / Guided By Voices / Lake Street Dive / Lush / The Sheepdogs / Matthew Good / Julien Baker / Matt Andersen / Margo Price / Marlon Williams / Rheostatics / Julia Jacklin / Adam Baldwin / Mekons / The Felice Brothers / The Deslondes / Modern Space / Corb Lund / Matt Mays / Lee Harvey Osmond / John Moreland / Simone Denny / Death Cab for Cutie / Jimmy Eat World / Wild Child / Matt Andersen & the Bona Fide / Skinny Lister / Whitehorse / The Belle Game / The Sadies
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James Blake / Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros / Belle and Sebastian / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Warpaint / Laura Marling / Cigarettes After Sex / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Wild Beasts / Battles / Whitney / Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit / White Denim / Kamasi Washington / Grandaddy / Kevin Morby / The Oh Hellos / Jagwar Ma / Connan Mockasin / Floating Points / Julia Holter / Ezra Furman / Lush / Suuns / Cate Le Bon / Sunflower Bean / Clare Maguire / Julianna Barwick / Fat White Family / Dungen / Gengahr / Margaret Glaspy / The Besnard Lakes / Vessels / Beak> / Nikki Lane / The Weather Station / Daniel Norgren / Songhoy Blues / Blanck Mass / Matt Maltese / Kelly Lee Owens / Akua Naru / DJ Yoda / Ryley Walker / Ardyn / BC Camplight / Amber Arcades / Joan Shelley / The Moonlandingz / Palace Winter / Emma Pollock / Formation / Will Varley / Fews / Phil Cook / Cavern of Anti-Matter / Pictish Trail / Deep Throat Choir / Haiku Salut / Exploded View / Miracle Legion / Kiran Leonard / Oliver Coates / Michael Rother / Bryde / Gun Outfit / Meilyr Jones / The Northwest Passage / By the Rivers / Steven Adams / Bill Baird / Sea Pinks / Awesome Tapes From Africa / Guts (FR) / 47soul / Chainska Brassika / Mothers (GA) / Luke Potter / Black Peaches / Low Chimes / I See Rivers / Trader Horne / The Urban Folk Quartet / Wesley Gonzalez / Dmytro Morykit / Climbing Trees / Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog / Tony Njoku / Yorkston Thorne Khan / Asbo Disco / The Future Dub Project / Hedluv + Passman / Sam Green & the Midnight Heist / Meilir Tomos / Earth Recordings / Chai Wallahs / Lastigband / The Membranes (UK) / Spinx / Pete Paphides / Diplomats of Sound / Gringo Ska / Shelanagig / Carny Villians / Moneyshot & Parker / Makuti
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James Blake / Cigarettes After Sex / Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros / Belle and Sebastian / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Laura Marling / Warpaint / King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard / Whitney / Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit / Wild Beasts / Battles / Kamasi Washington / The Oh Hellos / White Denim / Kevin Morby / Matt Maltese / Floating Points / Grandaddy / Connan Mockasin / Jagwar Ma / Julia Holter / Ezra Furman / Lush / Cate Le Bon / Suuns / Sunflower Bean / Julianna Barwick / Fat White Family / Clare Maguire / Gengahr / Dungen / The Weather Station / Kelly Lee Owens / Margaret Glaspy / Daniel Norgren / Beak> / Nikki Lane / The Besnard Lakes / Vessels / Songhoy Blues / Blanck Mass / Akua Naru / DJ Yoda / Ryley Walker / BC Camplight / Ardyn / Joan Shelley / Amber Arcades / Will Varley / The Moonlandingz / Phil Cook / Palace Winter / Fews / Emma Pollock / Pictish Trail / Oliver Coates / Formation / Cavern of Anti-Matter / Exploded View / Deep Throat Choir / Haiku Salut / Miracle Legion / Michael Rother / Kiran Leonard / Bryde / Gun Outfit / Meilyr Jones / By the Rivers / The Northwest Passage / Singing Adams / 47soul / Bill Baird / Guts (FR) / Sea Pinks / Chainska Brassika / Awesome Tapes From Africa / Kristine Leschper / Luke Potter / Black Peaches / I See Rivers / Wesley Gonzalez / Low Chimes / Trader Horne / The Urban Folk Quartet / Dmytro Morykit / Tony Njoku / Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog / Climbing Trees / Asbo Disco / Yorkston Thorne Khan / Hedluv + Passman / The Future Dub Project / Sam Green & the Midnight Heist / Meilir Tomos / Earth Recordings / Chai Wallahs / Lastigband / The Membranes (UK) / Spinx / Diplomats of Sound / Shelanagig / Carny Villians / Pete Paphides / Moneyshot & Parker / Gringo Ska / Makuti
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"Oya Festival" / Eagles of Death Metal / CHVRCHES / New Order / Lush / Daughter / Highasakite / Thundercat / Travis Scott / NAO / Band of Gold / Hedvig Mollestad Trio / Gundelach
Belle and Sebastian / The Avalanches / Gold Panda / Battles / FIDLAR / Savages / La Femme / Julia Holter / Tindersticks / Pantha du Prince / The Field / Lush / Sleaford Mods / Suuns / Rival Consoles / Fat White Family / Hælos / Psychic Ills / Morgan Delt / Ulrika Spacek / Minor Victories / Lost Under Heaven / Exploded View / Requin Chagrin / Halo Maud / Kevin Morby (Full Band) / La Colonie de Vacances / Aquagascallo
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