Lowgold are an English alternative rock band. Their name is often said to derive from a Nordic word briefly translated as "of hidden worth", however the band have admitted during interview that it is just a word that Darren Ford made up
Eminem / Green Day / The Strokes / System of a Down / Queens of the Stone Age / Papa Roach / Marilyn Manson / Iggy Pop / Cat Power / Bright Eyes / Staind / PJ Harvey / Biffy Clyro / Dropkick Murphys / Elbow / Eels / Mogwai / Travis / Manic Street Preachers / The Cult / Rancid / Alien Ant Farm / Run-D.M.C. / Reel Big Fish / Feeder / Gary Numan / Ladytron / Ash / Roots Manuva / Supergrass / The Freestylers / Moldy Peaches / Richard Hawley / Fear Factory / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Guided By Voices / Teenage Fanclub / Lostprophets / Mercury Rev / American Hi-Fi / Tone-Lōc / Iggy & the Stooges / Green Velvet / The Posies / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / The Donnas / The Living End / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks / (hed) p.e. / Kosheen / Mad Caddies / Richie Hawtin / I Am Kloot / Save Ferris / Arab Strap / Electrelane / OPM / Good Riddance / So Solid Crew / Delinquent Habits / Tahiti 80 / Wookie / Ugly Duckling / Backyard Babies / Hundred Reasons / Gene / Lo Fidelity Allstars / Rocket from the Crypt / Ignite / Public Domain / Mouse on Mars / Murder City Devils / Evan Dando / The Electric Soft Parade / Gorky's Zygotic Mynci / Godhead / Oxide & Neutrino / Skinny / Frank Black & The Catholics / Amen / Snuff / My Vitriol / Nebula / Hell Is for Heroes / Hefner / Haven / Ben Onono / David Kitt / Shelter / Linea 77 / Capdown / Mull Historical Society / Grooverider / Boy Hits Car / Gloss / Lift to Experience / South (LON) / Clearlake / Gay Dad / Backyard Dog / Infinite Mass / Dirty Harry / Vex Red / Goldrush / Ikara Colt / Cosmic Rough Riders / Seafood / Proud Mary / Andy Votel / Lowgold / Easyworld / Grand Theft Audio / Hopewell / Mark B And Blade / King Adora / Bridge and Tunnel / Mower / Crackout / Bs 2000 / Spek / The Zephyrs / Pattern / Colin MacIntyre / The Parkinsons / Regular Fries / The Cooper Temple Clause / Anyone / Big Dog / Terris / Dislocated Styles / Mo Solid Gold / Defenestration / Pepe Delux / Voy / Kids Near Water / Little Hell / Hammel On Trial / Xposure / Fuzz Lightyears / 28 Days
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Travis / Manic Street Preachers / Eminem / Green Day / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Marilyn Manson / PJ Harvey / Supergrass / Papa Roach / Iggy Pop / Feeder / Queens of the Stone Age / The Strokes / Rancid / The Cult / Eels / Frank Black and the Catholics / System of a Down / Run-D.M.C. / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / Fear Factory / Lo Fidelity Allstars / OPM / (hed)PE / The Living End / Public Domain / Staind / The Donnas / Terris / Boy Hits Car / Ash / Mogwai / Mercury Rev / Evan Dando / Teenage Fanclub / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks / Bs 2000 / My Vitriol / Gene / Amen / The Folk Implosion / Lowgold / King Adora / Elbow / Mark B / Cosmic Rough Riders / Gorky's Zygotic Mynci / Alien Ant Farm / Mull Historical Society / Guided By Voices / Grand Theft Audio / South / Dislocated Styles / Seafood / The Moldy Peaches / The Electric Soft Parade / Hundred Reasons / Crackout / Goldrush / Murder City Devils / Easyworld / The Zephyrs / Biffy Clyro / Green Velvet / Rocket from the Crypt / Grooverider / Gary Numan / Reel Big Fish / Wookie / Richie Hawtin / Good Riddance / Roots Manuva / Backyard Dog / Snuff / Oxide & Neutrino / DJ Erol / Mad Caddies / Freestylers / Mouse on Mars / Ignite / Regular Fries / Pepe Deluxe / Dropkick Murphys / Delinquent Habits / Big Dog / Shelter / Kosheen / Andy Votel / Capdown / So Solid Crew / Original Bedroom Rockers / Save Ferris / Ben Onono / Ugly Duckling / Linea 77 / Dj Dee Kline / Spek / Kids Near Water / Infinite Mass / Arab Strap / Backyard Babies / Hefner / The Posies / Lostprophets / Gay Dad / I Am Kloot / Nebula / Clearlake / Mo Solid Gold / Defenestration / Cat Power / Proud Mary / Anyone / David Kitt / Richard Hawley / The Cooper Temple Clause / Ladytron / American Hi-Fi / Voy / Godhead / Hamell On Trial / Lift to Experience / Haven / Bright Eyes / Hell Is for Heroes / Gloss / Tahiti 80 / Skinny / Electrelane / Danny Cichuta / Vex Red / Fuzz Light Years / The Pattern / Thirteen:13 / Hopewell / Little Hell / Dirty Harry / Mower / Ikara Colt / Bridge & Tunnel / Redwood / The Parkinsons
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Eminem / Green Day / The Strokes / System of a Down / Queens of the Stone Age / Papa Roach / Marilyn Manson / Iggy Pop / Cat Power / Bright Eyes / Staind / PJ Harvey / Biffy Clyro / Dropkick Murphys / Elbow / Eels / Mogwai / D12 / Travis / Manic Street Preachers / The Cult / Rancid / Alien Ant Farm / xzibit / Run–D.M.C. / Reel Big Fish / Feeder / Gary Numan / Ladytron / Ash / Roots Manuva / The Freestylers / Moldy Peaches / Richard Hawley / Lostprophets / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Fear Factory / Supergrass / American Hi-Fi / Mercury Rev / Teenage Fanclub / Guided By Voices / Green Velvet / The Posies / Frank Black / The Donnas / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / The Living End / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks / Kosheen / (Hed) P.E. / Mad Caddies / I Am Kloot / Stephen Malkmus / Save Ferris / Richie Hawtin / OPM / Electrelane / Arab Strap / So Solid Crew / Good Riddance / Tahiti 80 / Wookie / Delinquent Habits / Ugly Duckling / Backyard Babies / Lo Fidelity Allstars / Public Domain / Hundred Reasons / Rocket from the Crypt / Gene / Mouse on Mars / Ignite / Folk Implosion / Murder City Devils / Evan Dando / The Electric Soft Parade / Godhead / Oxide & Neutrino / Gorky's Zygotic Mynci / Frank Black & The Catholics / Snuff / Skinny / My Vitriol / Hell Is for Heroes / Hefner / Amen / Nebula / Ben Onono / David Kitt / 28 Days / Mull Historical Society / Linea 77 / Capdown / Shelter / Grooverider / Boy Hits Car / Haven / COUSTEAUX / South (LON) / Gloss / Angelica / Clearlake / Lift to Experience / Backyard Dog / Gay Dad / Infinite Mass / Goldrush / Vex Red / Ikara Colt / Seafood / Cosmic Rough Riders / Dirty Harry / Proud Mary / Andy Votel / Easyworld / Lowgold / Grand Theft Audio / Hopewell / Mark B And Blade / Bridge and Tunnel / King Adora / Mower / Bs 2000 / Crackout / Spek / The Zephyrs / Colin MacIntyre / Pattern / Regular Fries / The Parkinsons / The Cooper Temple Clause / Anyone / Big Dog / Dislocated Styles / Terris / Soft Parade / Mo Solid Gold / Defenestration / Bravecaptain / Thirteen13 / Pepe Delux / Kids Near Water / Little Hell / Voy / Hammel On Trial / Xposure / Fuzz Lightyears
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Eminem / Green Day / The Strokes / System of a Down / Queens of the Stone Age / Papa Roach / Marilyn Manson / Iggy Pop / Cat Power / Staind / PJ Harvey / Bright Eyes / Dropkick Murphys / Biffy Clyro / Elbow / Eels / D12 / Travis / Mogwai / Manic Street Preachers / The Cult / Rancid / Run-D.M.C. / Alien Ant Farm / xzibit / Reel Big Fish / Supergrass / Feeder / Ash / Gary Numan / Ladytron / Guided By Voices / Roots Manuva / Moldy Peaches / Richard Hawley / Fear Factory / The Freestylers / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Teenage Fanclub / Mercury Rev / American Hi-Fi / Lostprophets / Green Velvet / Frank Black / The Posies / The Living End / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / The Donnas / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks / (hed) p.e. / Kosheen / Mad Caddies / Stephen Malkmus / Arab Strap / Richie Hawtin / Save Ferris / Electrelane / I Am Kloot / Delinquent Habits / OPM / Good Riddance / So Solid Crew / Wookie / Tahiti 80 / Gene / Hundred Reasons / Ugly Duckling / Backyard Babies / Ignite / Rocket from the Crypt / Lo Fidelity Allstars / Mouse on Mars / Folk Implosion / Public Domain / Murder City Devils / Evan Dando / The Electric Soft Parade / Gorky's Zygotic Mynci / Haven / Amen / Oxide & Neutrino / Skinny / Nebula / Godhead / Frank Black & The Catholics / Snuff / Hell Is for Heroes / My Vitriol / Hefner / 28 Days / David Kitt / Ben Onono / Shelter / Linea 77 / Gloss / Capdown / Mull Historical Society / Lift to Experience / Grooverider / Boy Hits Car / Angelica / COUSTEAUX / Dirty Harry / South (LON) / Infinite Mass / Clearlake / Gay Dad / Backyard Dog / Vex Red / Ikara Colt / Goldrush / Cosmic Rough Riders / Seafood / Proud Mary / Lowgold / Andy Votel / Easyworld / Grand Theft Audio / Hopewell / King Adora / Mark B And Blade / Bridge and Tunnel / Pattern / Mower / Bs 2000 / Crackout / Spek / The Zephyrs / The Parkinsons / Colin MacIntyre / Regular Fries / The Cooper Temple Clause / Anyone / Big Dog / Terris / Dislocated Styles / Soft Parade / Defenestration / Mo Solid Gold / Thirteen13 / Bravecaptain / Pepe Delux / Voy / Little Hell / Kids Near Water / Hammel On Trial / Xposure / Fuzz Lightyears
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Spek / xzibit / Bridge and Tunnel / Save Ferris / Teenage Fanclub / Shelter / The Freestylers / Queens of the Stone Age / Clearlake / Rocket from the Crypt / The Electric Soft Parade / Easyworld / Roots Manuva / Capdown / Rancid / Hefner / Gary Numan / COUSTEAUX / Lowgold / Grand Theft Audio / Mo Solid Gold / Ignite / Mower / Ben Onono / Staind / Pepe Delux / Soft Parade / Mark B And Blade / Hammel On Trial / Big Dog / Nebula / Fuzz Lightyears / Hell Is for Heroes / Godhead / The Zephyrs / Terris / Angelica / (hed) p.e. / Bravecaptain / Richie Hawtin / Mouse on Mars / Andy Votel / Regular Fries / Arab Strap / Kids Near Water / Thirteen13 / Skinny / Defenestration / Lo Fidelity Allstars / Wookie / Goldrush / Moldy Peaches / Backyard Dog / Public Domain / The Murder City Devils / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks / Gay Dad / Delinquent Habits / Gloss / So Solid Crew / American Hi-Fi / Proud Mary / Snuff / Backyard Babies / The Cult / The Donnas / South (LON) / The Posies / Eminem / Guided By Voices / Frank Black / Vex Red / Elbow / Manic Street Preachers / Folk Implosion / Richard Hawley / Mad Caddies / Alien Ant Farm / Hundred Reasons / Anyone / Crackout / Pattern / Dislocated Styles / Good Riddance / Gene / Oxide & Neutrino / Little Hell / 28 Days / Seafood / Voy / The Parkinsons / Infinite Mass / Xposure / Tahiti 80 / Ugly Duckling / Cat Power / Ladytron / I Am Kloot / OPM / Papa Roach / Dirty Harry / Grooverider / Green Velvet / Mercury Rev / Colin MacIntyre / Stephen Malkmus / Electrelane / Bright Eyes / David Kitt / Haven / Boy Hits Car / Hopewell / Gorky's Zygotic Mynci / Ikara Colt / Ash / Green Day / The Strokes / System of a Down / Marilyn Manson / Iggy Pop / Biffy Clyro / PJ Harvey / Dropkick Murphys / Lift to Experience / Eels / Mogwai / Travis / D12 / Run-D.M.C. / Reel Big Fish / Feeder / Lostprophets / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Fear Factory / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / Supergrass / The Living End / Kosheen / Evan Dando / Frank Black & The Catholics / My Vitriol / Amen / Mull Historical Society / Linea 77 / Cosmic Rough Riders / King Adora / Bs 2000 / The Cooper Temple Clause
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Rocket from the Crypt / Iggy & the Stooges / Bridge and Tunnel / Save Ferris / Frank Black & The Catholics / Supergrass / Travis / System of a Down / Skinny / Infinite Mass / Little Hell / Snuff / Mo Solid Gold / Tahiti 80 / Rancid / Proud Mary / Staind / Bs 2000 / Mull Historical Society / Crackout / Tone-Lōc / Pattern / Good Riddance / Nebula / Pepe Delux / Lowgold / The Parkinsons / Richie Hawtin / Linea 77 / Ugly Duckling / Bright Eyes / Capdown / Andy Votel / The Donnas / Terris / Grooverider / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks / Vex Red / Murder City Devils / Mad Caddies / Hefner / South (LON) / The Freestylers / Clearlake / Biffy Clyro / Mercury Rev / Backyard Dog / Gene / Hell Is for Heroes / Goldrush / So Solid Crew / Elbow / The Posies / Eminem / Hundred Reasons / King Adora / (Hed) P.E. / Lift to Experience / Electrelane / Colin MacIntyre / Regular Fries / David Kitt / Gorky's Zygotic Mynci / Teenage Fanclub / OPM / Grand Theft Audio / Wookie / Ignite / Mark B And Blade / Dirty Harry / Hopewell / Gloss / Fuzz Lightyears / Easyworld / American Hi-Fi / Dropkick Murphys / PJ Harvey / Mogwai / Ikara Colt / My Vitriol / Ash / Amen / Queens of the Stone Age / The Cult / Gary Numan / Marilyn Manson / Fear Factory / Eels / The Living End / Iggy Pop / Green Day / Evan Dando / Guided By Voices / Cosmic Rough Riders / Cat Power / Reel Big Fish / The Strokes / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / The Cooper Temple Clause / Lostprophets / Feeder / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Kosheen / Manic Street Preachers / Ben Onono / Mower / Dislocated Styles / Seafood / Voy / Anyone / Alien Ant Farm / Delinquent Habits / Papa Roach / Arab Strap / Boy Hits Car / Spek / Gay Dad / Xposure / Haven / Kids Near Water / The Electric Soft Parade / Richard Hawley / Lo Fidelity Allstars / Hammel On Trial / Backyard Babies / Public Domain / Oxide & Neutrino / Green Velvet / The Zephyrs / Roots Manuva / Mouse on Mars / Godhead / I Am Kloot / Ladytron / Defenestration / Moldy Peaches / Big Dog / Shelter / Run-D.M.C.
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Phoenix / Snow Patrol / Spoon / Four Tet / Mase / Blonde Redhead / Ladytron / Gojira / The Damned / Mr. Vegas / Chilly Gonzales / Sizzla / The Orb / Orishas / DJ Krush / Aim / Alpha Blondy / Morgan Heritage / Dan the Automator / Afrika Bambaataa / Paul Johnson / Spor / Do Or Die / Adam F / The Dickies / The Gladiators / The Black Heart Procession / The Nextmen / Geoffroy / Disiz La Peste / D.O.A. / Sporto Kantes / Alpha / U.S. Bombs / Visión / My Vitriol / Badmarsh And Shri / Dead Moon / Benjamin Diamond / Rob / Zimpala / Bob Log III / Add N To (x) / Massilia Sound System / Francoiz Breut / Nicole Willis / Optical / Zenzile / Beat Junkies / Marcus Intalex / Bastian / Digital / Misty In Roots / Miles / Attaboy / T-Model Ford / Block 16 / Steve Rachmad / De Mens / Snooze / Arkangel / Fabio / Psychonauts / High Voltage / Panico / Tim Simenon / 100 Demons / Lowgold / Tommy Hools / Uman / Enhancer / Sharko / Cowboys & aliens / Starflam / Bush Chemists / The Married Monk / Fabrice Lig / Tim Hutton / Guem / Mile / Laëtitia Sheriff / Mauro / Afronaught / Troublemaker / My Little Cheap Dictaphone / DJ TIM / Mórpheus / Billy Ze Kick / K2R Riddim / Shutdown / Stampin' Ground / The Little Rabbits / Maximum Penalty / Ex-girl / Appliance / Krewcial / Raoul / Iv My People / Sweek / Natalia M King / Boys From Brazil / Kaly / Pure Science / Pink Satellite / L'Esprit du Clan / Hitch / Angel Crew / MC Supernatural / New Wet Kojak / Olaf Hund / Bloodshot / Awkward Thought / Rizwan-Muazzam Qawwali / Reiziger / 2nd Gen / Surge Of Fury / Live Human / Glorybox / Settle the Score / Virago / The Steels / Fred And The Healers / Nj Bloodline / GHB / Marcel And Son Orchestre / Kutmasta Kurt & Motion Man / Fonky Familly / Coem / Miam Monster Miam / Zop Hopop / Studio Pagol / The Flying Dewaele Brothers / Full Court Press / DJ Tomaz / EC8OR / DJ G-force / Negate / Homethrust / Indication / Brekbit / Citizen Pain / The Syncopated Elevators Legacy / Arolde / Rawakari / Tom Barman Dj / Ten Dubians / Mo & Benoelie / Lester Lewitt / Wicona Airbag / Trevor Rockcliffe Dj / Tlp & Dors
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Weezer / Phoenix / The Shins / Queens of the Stone Age / Limp Bizkit / Iggy Pop / Tool / Dropkick Murphys / Godsmack / The Hives / Zero 7 / Faithless / Manic Street Preachers / Opeth / Ladytron / Aimee Mann / Ash / Ane Brun / Starsailor / Turin Brakes / Soulfly / Kent / Håkan Hellström / Étienne de Crécy / Sage Francis / Danko Jones / I Am Kloot / The Skatalites / Ed Harcourt / The Hellacopters / The Soundtrack Of Our Lives / The Ark / The Haunted / Lisa Miskovsky / Backyard Babies / Rocket from the Crypt / Breakestra / Jello Biafra / Randy / Moneybrother / Nashville Pussy / Ulf Lundell / Sahara Hotnights / Tomas Andersson Wij / Looptroop / Magnus Carlson / The Nomads / Division of Laura Lee / Last Days of April / The Latin Kings / Chip Taylor / Bigelf / Wayne Kramer / J. Mascis & The Fog / 59 Times The Pain / El Caco / Fireside / The Bear Quartet / Lowgold / Organism 12 / Bad Cash Quartet / Silverbullit / Fattaru / David and the Citizens / Yvonne / Loosegoats / Uscb Allstars / Feven / Dub Sweden / Broder Daniel / Thug Murder / Headplate / Melinda Wrede / Sedlighetsroteln / Mobbade Barn Med Automatvapen / Spnka Nkpg
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