Loverless 's 2005 Concert History

Loverless is comprised of Elijah Ocean on guitar and vocals, Danny MacLeod on bass and organ and Michael C. Anderson on drums. They are influenced by everyone from Muddy Waters to Tool, The Mars Volta and Sleep. Though the music is often-times extraordinarily heavy, the classic tenants of hook-based songwriting are never abandoned. For three years they have established themselves as a gripping live band, securing a place in the local rock scene with fiery, impassioned performances and building a large following of devoted fans who have fallen in love with what the band describes as "science-fiction blues." They have...

Date Concert Venue Location
May 29, 2005
Sidecar Radio / Why Hello / Loverless

End of School... Hello Summer Bash 2005

The Big Easy Portland, Maine, United States
Pop Punk
2009 1 concert
2005 1 concert
 Michael Shugars
 Erica Spalding
 Adamnicholas Tm
 Little Whip322

As Seen On: