Lou And Virginia Curtiss Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 30, 2007
Adams Avenue Street Fair
"Adams Avenue Street Fair" / The Bankhead Press / The Swedish Models / Mario Escovedo / Johnny "V" Vernazza / Anna Troy / Jeff Berkley / Sue Palmer / Tribe Of Judah / Kite Flying Society / Roxi Monoxide / Tom Griesgraber / Lindsey Cook / Silverbird / Blue Largo / Lessons From Zeke / The Blasters / Shelle Blue / Shoestring Strap / Brainbucket / Boom shaka / Telegraph Canyon / Lou And Virginia Curtiss / Saba / Candye Kane / Trevor Davis / Prayers / Joey Harris & The Mentals / Josh Damigo / Alfred Howard & The K23 Orchestra / Bass Clef Experiment / The Palominos Show all bands
Adams Avenue San Diego, California, United States
Sep 24, 2006
Adams Avenue Street Fair
"Adams Avenue Street Fair" / Evan Bethany / Mario Escovedo / Lou And Virginia Curtiss / Grand Ole Party / 145th St Deluxe Blues Band / Tomcat Courtney & the Bluesdusters / Dirty Sweet / Sara Petite / Kite Flying Society / 7th Day Buskers / Deere Johns / Action Andy & His Haunted Honky Tonkers / Big Rig Deluxe / The Bartender's Bible / Arabella Harrison / Cindy Lee Berryhill / Diablo Dimes / Molly Jenson / John Doe / Gregory Page / Roy Ruiz Clayton / Vegitation / Ras Michael & Sons Of Negus / Willovealot / Lazy Lester / Society / The Powercords / Lady Dottie & the Diamonds Show all bands
Adams Avenue San Diego, California, United States
American Orchestra
Soul Jazz
Jazz Saxophone
Jazz Blues
Muziek Voor Kinderen
2007 1 concert
2006 1 concert

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