Discordant, elusive, and utterly hypnotic, Loop conjured a dark, trance-like spell that contrasted sharply with the prevailing British pop music trends of their time. Touching upon the likes of the Stooges and Can in their sonic template, they resurrected the concept of space rock for a new era in tandem with fellow travelers Spacemen 3, creating droning soundscapes of bleak beauty and harsh dissonance. Their initial run lasted only a few years during the late '80s and the start of the '90s...
Daughters / Lingua Ignota / Orchestra of Constant Distress / Old Man Gloom / Anna von Hausswolff / Bossk / SUMAC / Black Bombaim / Peter Brötzmann / Mono / The Jo Quail Quartet / Heilung / Thou / Loop / Sleep / Bliss Signal / Sleep / Wolvennest / Hexvessel / Molasses / Fontän / MJ Guider / Stuck in Motion / Thor Harris & Friends / Cave In / Cave / Have A Nice Life
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Faust / Loop / White Hills / Giant Swan / Tomaga / K-X-P / Cosmic Dead / Thought Forms / Za! / Necro Deathmort / Evil Blizzard / Afrirampo / Charles Hayward / Bilge Pump / Ruins (JP) / Cattle / Sly & the Family Drone / Paddy Steer / The Jimmy Cake / Blood Sport / Shitwife / Dead Neanderthals / Luminous Bodies / Qujaku / Albert Newton / Makoto Kawabata / WREN (UK) / Steve Davis (Snookerstar DJ)
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PJ Harvey / The Last Shadow Puppets / Brian Wilson / Action Bronson / Moderat / John Carpenter / Drive Like Jehu / Deerhunter / Dinosaur Jr. / Kamasi Washington / Ty Segall / Julia Holter / Thee Oh Sees / Tortoise / Mudhoney / Robert Forster / Boredoms / Beak> / Shellac / Goat / Unsane / Black Lips / Richard Dawson / Loop / Julien Baker / Radiohead / Explosions in the Sky / Tame Impala / Deerhunter / Savages / Manel / LCD Soundsystem / Animal Collective / Air / Sigur Rós / Suede
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Jay Rock / A R Kane / Shinkiro / NAO / Cala Vento / Holly Herndon / Barry Hogan / Hudson Mohawke / Oh Pep! / C+C=Maxigross / Younghusband / SG Lewis / Evian Christ / Bernard Butler / Methyl Ethel / Optimo Espacio / Stara Rzeka / EEK Featuring Islam Chipsy / Andy Shauf / Siberian Wolves / Twin Drama / Autumn Comets / Moses Sumney / Richard Dawson / Dj Richard / Maceo Plex / Boom Pam / Grupo de Expertos Solynieve / Alberto Montero / Holögrama / fasenuova / Psychic TV / Doble Pletina / Jenny Hval / PXXR GVNG / DJ Koze / Alessandro Cortini / El Último Vecino / Mbongwana Star / Baywaves / Boredoms / Pumuky / Neil Michael Hagerty & the Howling Hex / Dâm-Funk / Nothing Places / White Reaper / Freddie Gibbs / Action Bronson / Cabaret Voltaire / My Expansive Awareness / Baby Dee / Kiasmos / Loop / Powell / Old King Cole Younger / Dave P / Pantha du Prince / Carla / Ho99o9 / Deradoorian / Dj Coco / Power Burkas / Orchestra Baobab / Six Organs of Admittance / Joana Serrat / Cavern of Anti-Matter / Inspira / Aliment / The Saurs / Islam Chipsy / Pajaro Jack / Big Summer / Ben Watt Band / Die Katapult / Invisible Harvey / Mar Otra Vez / Ben Watt / Radiohead / Tame Impala / Sigur Rós / Beach House / Beirut / Air / Animal Collective / Daughter / Pusha T / Explosions in the Sky / PJ Harvey / Neon Indian / Deerhunter / Dinosaur Jr. / Chairlift / Black Lips / LCD Soundsystem / Wild Nothing / The Last Shadow Puppets / Battles / Suede / The Avalanches / Moderat / Vince Staples / Destroyer / Ty Segall / Thee Oh Sees / Cass McCombs / Richard Hawley / Parquet Courts / Savages / Brian Wilson / Mudhoney / Titus Andronicus / Tortoise / Julia Holter / Bob Mould / Floating Points / Suuns / Shura / White Fence / Autolux / Shellac / Jessy Lanza / Kamasi Washington / Car Seat Headrest / Dungen / Venom / Har Mar Superstar / Roosevelt / Empress Of / John Carpenter / The Chills / Alex G / Drive Like Jehu / Beak> / Current 93 / Royal Headache / Manel / Beach Slang / Steve Gunn / Julien Baker / U.S. Girls / Algiers / Unsane / Angel Witch / Robert Forster / The James Hunter Six / Selda / Lubomyr Melnyk / Sheer Mag / Ty Segall and The Muggers / Bradford Cox / Mueran Humanos / Univers / Viva Belgrado / Wind Atlas / C. Tangana / Goat / Protomartyr / Sr. Chinarro / Jack Carty / Matilde Davoli / Altre di B / Water Rats
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Radiohead / Tame Impala / Beach House / Pusha T / Sigur Rós / Vince Staples / Daughter / Beirut / Air / LCD Soundsystem / Jay Rock / Animal Collective / PJ Harvey / Explosions in the Sky / Action Bronson / Deerhunter / Neon Indian / The Last Shadow Puppets / The Avalanches / Freddie Gibbs / Dinosaur Jr. / NAO / Moderat / Car Seat Headrest / SG Lewis / Wild Nothing / Chairlift / Black Lips / Parquet Courts / Suede / Ty Segall / C. Tangana / Alex G / Cass McCombs / Moses Sumney / Battles / Kamasi Washington / Destroyer / Julien Baker / Osees / Floating Points / Hudson Mohawke / Empress Of / Richard Hawley / DJ Koze / Shura / Brian Wilson / Savages / Roosevelt / Maceo Plex / Kiasmos / Mudhoney / Julia Holter / Andy Shauf / Methyl Ethel / Pantha du Prince / Tortoise / Goat / Titus Andronicus / DāM-FunK / Bob Mould / Suuns / John Carpenter / U.S. Girls / Orchestra Baobab / Protomartyr / Jessy Lanza / Shellac / Venom / White Fence / Dungen / Autolux / White Reaper / Har Mar Superstar / Jenny Hval / Beak> / The Chills / Cabaret Voltaire / Algiers / Steve Gunn / Manel / Beach Slang / Ho99o9 / Sheer Mag / Psychic TV / Royal Headache / Holly Herndon / Richard Dawson / Ben Watt / Current 93 / Boredoms / The James Hunter Six / Drive Like Jehu / Six Organs of Admittance / Loop / Deradoorian / Unsane / Lubomyr Melnyk / Angel Witch / Alessandro Cortini / Mbongwana Star / Evian Christ / Oh Pep! / Bernard Butler / Robert Forster / Cavern of Anti-Matter / Powell / Carla / Younghusband / El Último Vecino / PXXR GVNG / Cala Vento / Joana Serrat / Selda / Grupo de Expertos Solynieve / Boom Pam / Viva Belgrado / Baby Dee / Dj Richard / Baywaves / Bradford Cox / Mueran Humanos / Doble Pletina / Optimo Espacio / Ty Segall and The Muggers / Stara Rzeka / C+C=Maxigross / Pumuky / Inspira / Autumn Comets / Aliment / Univers / Islam Chipsy / fasenuova / Wind Atlas / Dj Coco / My Expansive Awareness / The Saurs / Alberto Montero / Nothing Places / Die Katapult / Holögrama / Dave P / Power Burkas / Siberian Wolves / Big Summer / Pajaro Jack / Invisible Harvey / A R Kane / Neil Michael Hagerty & the Howling Hex / Mar Otra Vez / Ben Watt Band / Twin Drama / EEK Featuring Islam Chipsy / Shinkiro / Old King Cole Younger / Barry Hogan
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Radiohead / Tame Impala / Sigur Rós / Beach House / Beirut / Pusha T / Air / Animal Collective / Daughter / PJ Harvey / Explosions in the Sky / Neon Indian / Deerhunter / LCD Soundsystem / Vince Staples / Action Bronson / Dinosaur Jr. / Chairlift / Black Lips / The Last Shadow Puppets / Wild Nothing / Jay Rock / The Avalanches / Moderat / Suede / Battles / Ty Segall / Thee Oh Sees / Destroyer / Freddie Gibbs / Parquet Courts / Cass McCombs / NAO / Hudson Mohawke / Richard Hawley / Savages / Brian Wilson / Car Seat Headrest / Mudhoney / Kamasi Washington / Shura / Julia Holter / Pantha du Prince / Titus Andronicus / SG Lewis / Floating Points / Maceo Plex / Tortoise / DJ Koze / Bob Mould / Moses Sumney / Suuns / Goat / Roosevelt / Kiasmos / (Sandy) Alex G / White Fence / Jessy Lanza / Julien Baker / Shellac / Empress Of / Autolux / Dâm-Funk / Andy Shauf / Dungen / Venom / Har Mar Superstar / John Carpenter / Orchestra Baobab / Protomartyr / Methyl Ethel / Cabaret Voltaire / Jenny Hval / The Chills / Beach Slang / Algiers / White Reaper / Beak> / Ben Watt / Boredoms / Six Organs of Admittance / Steve Gunn / Royal Headache / Drive Like Jehu / U.S. Girls / Psychic TV / Manel / Current 93 / Loop / Deradoorian / Holly Herndon / Sheer Mag / Evian Christ / Unsane / C. Tangana / Bernard Butler / Angel Witch / Mbongwana Star / The James Hunter Six / Ho99o9 / Richard Dawson / Robert Forster / Lubomyr Melnyk / Younghusband / Powell / Alessandro Cortini / Selda / Cavern of Anti-Matter / Oh Pep! / Joana Serrat / Grupo de Expertos Solynieve / Baby Dee / Boom Pam / El Último Vecino / Optimo Espacio / Ty Segall and The Muggers / Dj Richard / Bradford Cox / Doble Pletina / Baywaves / Viva Belgrado / Stara Rzeka / Mueran Humanos / Carla / PXXR GVNG / Pumuky / Autumn Comets / C+C=Maxigross / Inspira / Aliment / Cala Vento / Univers / The Saurs / Wind Atlas / Dj Coco / fasenuova / Islam Chipsy / Nothing Places / My Expansive Awareness / Alberto Montero / Dave P / Holögrama / Neil Michael Hagerty & the Howling Hex / Pajaro Jack / A R Kane / Big Summer / Siberian Wolves / Die Katapult / Ben Watt Band / Power Burkas / Invisible Harvey / EEK Featuring Islam Chipsy / Mar Otra Vez / Shinkiro / Twin Drama / Old King Cole Younger / Barry Hogan
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Radiohead / Tame Impala / Sigur Rós / Beach House / Beirut / Air / Animal Collective / Pusha T / Daughter / PJ Harvey / Explosions in the Sky / Neon Indian / Deerhunter / LCD Soundsystem / Action Bronson / Dinosaur Jr. / Chairlift / Black Lips / Vince Staples / The Last Shadow Puppets / Wild Nothing / The Avalanches / Jay Rock / Battles / Suede / Moderat / Ty Segall / Thee Oh Sees / Destroyer / Freddie Gibbs / Parquet Courts / Cass McCombs / Hudson Mohawke / Richard Hawley / Savages / Brian Wilson / NAO / Mudhoney / Titus Andronicus / Car Seat Headrest / Pantha du Prince / Julia Holter / Tortoise / Shura / Maceo Plex / Floating Points / Bob Mould / Kamasi Washington / DJ Koze / Suuns / SG Lewis / Goat / White Fence / Jessy Lanza / Shellac / Roosevelt / Autolux / Kiasmos / Moses Sumney / (Sandy) Alex G / Dâm-Funk / Dungen / Empress Of / Venom / Har Mar Superstar / Andy Shauf / Julien Baker / John Carpenter / Orchestra Baobab / Cabaret Voltaire / Protomartyr / The Chills / Beach Slang / Jenny Hval / Boredoms / Ben Watt / Six Organs of Admittance / Beak> / Methyl Ethel / Steve Gunn / Royal Headache / Drive Like Jehu / Algiers / Psychic TV / Current 93 / Manel / White Reaper / Loop / Deradoorian / U.S. Girls / Holly Herndon / Evian Christ / Unsane / Bernard Butler / Sheer Mag / Angel Witch / Mbongwana Star / The James Hunter Six / Robert Forster / Ho99o9 / Younghusband / Lubomyr Melnyk / Powell / Richard Dawson / Selda / Alessandro Cortini / Cavern of Anti-Matter / Oh Pep! / C. Tangana / Joana Serrat / Grupo de Expertos Solynieve / Baby Dee / Boom Pam / El Último Vecino / Optimo Espacio / Ty Segall and The Muggers / Bradford Cox / Dj Richard / Doble Pletina / Stara Rzeka / Mueran Humanos / Pumuky / Carla / Inspira / Autumn Comets / C+C=Maxigross / Viva Belgrado / Baywaves / Aliment / PXXR GVNG / Univers / Cala Vento / The Saurs / Dj Coco / Wind Atlas / fasenuova / Islam Chipsy / Nothing Places / Dave P / Alberto Montero / My Expansive Awareness / Neil Michael Hagerty & the Howling Hex / A R Kane / Pajaro Jack / Holögrama / Big Summer / Siberian Wolves / Ben Watt Band / Die Katapult / Power Burkas / EEK Featuring Islam Chipsy / Invisible Harvey / Mar Otra Vez / Shinkiro / Twin Drama / Old King Cole Younger / Barry Hogan
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Radiohead / Tame Impala / Sigur Rós / Beach House / Beirut / Air / Animal Collective / Pusha T / Daughter / Explosions in the Sky / PJ Harvey / Neon Indian / Deerhunter / Dinosaur Jr. / Chairlift / LCD Soundsystem / Action Bronson / Black Lips / Wild Nothing / The Last Shadow Puppets / Battles / Suede / The Avalanches / Jay Rock / Vince Staples / Moderat / Ty Segall / Destroyer / Thee Oh Sees / Hudson Mohawke / Cass McCombs / Parquet Courts / Freddie Gibbs / Richard Hawley / Savages / Brian Wilson / Mudhoney / NAO / Titus Andronicus / Pantha du Prince / Julia Holter / Tortoise / Bob Mould / Maceo Plex / DJ Koze / Shura / Floating Points / Suuns / Car Seat Headrest / Kamasi Washington / Goat / White Fence / Shellac / Jessy Lanza / Autolux / SG Lewis / Dungen / Venom / Roosevelt / Dâm-Funk / Empress Of / Har Mar Superstar / Kiasmos / John Carpenter / Moses Sumney / Andy Shauf / (Sandy) Alex G / Orchestra Baobab / Cabaret Voltaire / The Chills / Protomartyr / Julien Baker / Boredoms / Six Organs of Admittance / Ben Watt / Beach Slang / Beak> / Jenny Hval / Drive Like Jehu / Psychic TV / Royal Headache / Current 93 / Steve Gunn / Manel / Deradoorian / Loop / Algiers / U.S. Girls / Holly Herndon / Evian Christ / White Reaper / Unsane / Bernard Butler / Angel Witch / Methyl Ethel / Mbongwana Star / Robert Forster / The James Hunter Six / Younghusband / Selda / Lubomyr Melnyk / Sheer Mag / Powell / Alessandro Cortini / Joana Serrat / Grupo de Expertos Solynieve / Baby Dee / Cavern of Anti-Matter / Richard Dawson / Oh Pep! / Boom Pam / El Último Vecino / Optimo Espacio / Ty Segall and The Muggers / Bradford Cox / Dj Richard / Doble Pletina / Stara Rzeka / Pumuky / Inspira / Mueran Humanos / Autumn Comets / C+C=Maxigross / Aliment / Carla / Univers / Baywaves / Viva Belgrado / PXXR GVNG / The Saurs / Wind Atlas / Dj Coco / C. Tangana / fasenuova / Islam Chipsy / Nothing Places / Dave P / Alberto Montero / Cala Vento / A R Kane / Neil Michael Hagerty & the Howling Hex / My Expansive Awareness / Pajaro Jack / Big Summer / Holögrama / Ben Watt Band / Siberian Wolves / Die Katapult / EEK Featuring Islam Chipsy / Power Burkas / Shinkiro / Old King Cole Younger / Invisible Harvey / Mar Otra Vez / Twin Drama / Barry Hogan / Ho99o9
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Radiohead / Tame Impala / Pusha T / Beach House / Sigur Rós / Vince Staples / Daughter / Beirut / Air / LCD Soundsystem / Jay Rock / Animal Collective / PJ Harvey / Explosions in the Sky / Action Bronson / Deerhunter / Neon Indian / The Last Shadow Puppets / Dinosaur Jr. / NAO / The Avalanches / Wild Nothing / Moderat / Freddie Gibbs / Chairlift / Black Lips / SG Lewis / Suede / Parquet Courts / Car Seat Headrest / Ty Segall / Cass McCombs / Battles / Moses Sumney / Kamasi Washington / Destroyer / Osees / Hudson Mohawke / Empress Of / Richard Hawley / DJ Koze / Julien Baker / Brian Wilson / Savages / Floating Points / Shura / Roosevelt / Maceo Plex / C. Tangana / Kiasmos / Julia Holter / Mudhoney / Andy Shauf / Pantha du Prince / Tortoise / Methyl Ethel / Dâm-Funk / Titus Andronicus / Goat / Bob Mould / Suuns / Jessy Lanza / U.S. Girls / Shellac / Orchestra Baobab / White Fence / John Carpenter / Protomartyr / Venom / Dungen / Autolux / Har Mar Superstar / White Reaper / Jenny Hval / Beak> / The Chills / Cabaret Voltaire / Algiers / Beach Slang / Steve Gunn / Manel / Ho99o9 / Sheer Mag / Royal Headache / Psychic TV / Ben Watt / Holly Herndon / Current 93 / Boredoms / Drive Like Jehu / Six Organs of Admittance / Loop / Richard Dawson / The James Hunter Six / Alex G / Deradoorian / Unsane / Angel Witch / Lubomyr Melnyk / Mbongwana Star / Evian Christ / Alessandro Cortini / Oh Pep! / Bernard Butler / Robert Forster / Cavern of Anti-Matter / Powell / Younghusband / El Último Vecino / Selda / Joana Serrat / Grupo de Expertos Solynieve / Carla / Boom Pam / Cala Vento / Baby Dee / Dj Richard / PXXR GVNG / Viva Belgrado / Baywaves / Bradford Cox / Optimo Espacio / Doble Pletina / Mueran Humanos / Ty Segall and The Muggers / Stara Rzeka / Inspira / Pumuky / C+C=Maxigross / Autumn Comets / Aliment / Univers / Islam Chipsy / Wind Atlas / fasenuova / The Saurs / My Expansive Awareness / Dj Coco / Alberto Montero / Nothing Places / Holögrama / Dave P / Die Katapult / Siberian Wolves / Big Summer / Pajaro Jack / Power Burkas / Invisible Harvey / Neil Michael Hagerty & the Howling Hex / A R Kane / Ben Watt Band / Mar Otra Vez / Twin Drama / Shinkiro / EEK Featuring Islam Chipsy / Old King Cole Younger / Barry Hogan
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Belle & Sebastian / Iggy Pop / Godspeed You! Black Emperor / Swans / Mudhoney / The Field / Deafheaven / Iceage / Drive Like Jehu / Loop / Younghusband / Ghostigital / Run the Jewels
Belle and Sebastian / Iggy Pop / Godspeed You! Black Emperor / Swans / Mudhoney / The Field / Iceage / Deafheaven / Chelsea Wolfe / The Bug / Kiasmos / Ought / clipping. / Drive Like Jehu / Loop / White Hills / Younghusband / Tall Firs / Xylouris White / Ghostigital / Vision Fortune / Run the Jewels
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Mac DeMarco / St. Vincent / Sharon Van Etten / The Growlers / Tune-Yards / Perfume Genius / Parquet Courts / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Cloud Nothings / Dr. John / Son Lux / Swans / Savages / Wire / Bonnie 'Prince' Billy / Autechre / Tim Hecker / king tuff / Benjamin Booker / Iceage / Xiu Xiu / Broncho / Hinds / Sleaford Mods / Suuns / Owen Pallett / Curtis Harding / Preoccupations / The Garden / Julianna Barwick / Einstürzende Neubauten / Hauschka / Amen Dunes / The Vaselines / Ought / Helado Negro / A Winged Victory for the Sullen / Wreckless Eric / Jenny Hval / Homeboy Sandman / Ben Frost / Daniel Norgren / White Lung / She Keeps Bees / Dean Blunt / Dorian Concept / William Basinski / Steve Gunn / The Coathangers / Ryley Walker / Silver Apples / Wildbirds & Peacedrums / Loop / Trans Am / Selda Bağcan / Brandt Brauer Frick / Juan Wauters / Prurient / Bo Ningen / Jozef Van Wissem / Federico Albanese / Steve Hauschildt / Greg Haines / Crows / Tamikrest / Baba Zula / The Parrots / Raime / Tape / Intelligence / Mdou Moctar / Xylouris White / zZz / Emptyset / Sebastian Plano / Machinefabriek / Jameszoo / PAUS / Greylag / Sir Richard Bishop / Selda / Carla Bozulich / The Monsters / Lucrecia Dalt / Hieroglyphic Being / The Walking Who / Baby Dee / Stephen O'Malley / Carlos Cipa / Jerusalem In My Heart / Leafcutter John / PC Worship / Torn Hawk / Cut Hands / Yonatan Gat / Chuckamuck / Okkyung Lee / Cristobal and the Sea / Peter Walker / Norberto Lobo / Movie Star Junkies / Tomaga / Father Murphy / Liquor Store / Obliterations / Broeder Dieleman / Thug Entrancer / Maarten Vos / John Lemke / Dracula Legs / Nouveau Vélo / Rodion G.A. / Danny and the Darleans / Ashraf Sharif Khan / Miseries / Full Ugly / Svava / uKanDanZ / Grup Ses Beats / Ela Stiles / Far-Out Fangtooth / I Am Many / Thee Oops / Dirk Serries / WOLVON / The Afterveins / Victor Herrero / PCPC / House of Cosy Cushions / Rooie Waas / DJ Fitz / Heartsnatcher / 7090 / Naomi Sato / Go Go Kill / John Eichenseer & Carla Bozulich / Rebel Up Dj's
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May 26, 2023
Norwich, England, United Kingdom
Uploaded by Smalltown England Credit:
T D Gilbert
- "Loop poster - Norwich 26-May-23"
(Public Domain)
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