Little Ruckus Concert History

Little Ruckus is a wildly entertaining traveling electronic self-help dance party. Their live shows will make you feel better about life.

Date Concert Venue Location
Mar 22, 2013 –
Mar 24, 2013
Treefort Music Fest 2013
Unknown Mortal Orchestra / K.Flay / Gold Panda / Foxygen / Built to Spill / Trevor Powers / Shlohmo / YACHT / Brother Ali / Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings / Dan Deacon / The Walkmen / Slow Magic / Shy Girls / El Ten Eleven / Sage Francis / Shigeto / Widowspeak / Earth / Delicate Steve / French Horn Rebellion / White Lung / Emily Wells / Brainstorm / The Boys / Pickwick / Japanther / The Last Bison / Wampire / Magic Sword / Radiation City / Quasi / THEESatisfaction / The Brothers Comatose / Deep Sea Diver / Rose Windows / Scarf! / Grass Widow / LAKE / Mt. St. Helens Vietnam Band / Kris Orlowski / Naomi Punk / Wax Idols / Natasha Kmeto / boy eats drum machine / The Heligoats / The 4onthefloor / Burnt Ones / Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt / The Pharmacy / South of France / Campfire OK / Digital Leather / Mallard / Forrest Day / Dead Winter Carpenters / Bad Weather California / SW/MM/NG / Ben Fisher / Finn Riggins / Slam Dunk / Genders / SISU / Ash Reiter / Menace Ruine / Blasted Canyons / Pony Time / Wolvserpent / Wooden Indian Burial Ground / Deathfix / Messy Sparkles / The Hand / Tartufi / Jake McKelvie & the Countertops / Death Songs / Andy D / Lenguas Largas / The Hoot Hoots / Stickers / grandparents! / Rubedo / Nude Pop / Sun Angle / Customary / Uzala / Le Fleur / You Are Plural / Dodgy Mountain Men / Terrible Buttons / Karaoke From Hell / Apostrophes / Talkative / Couches / Jeff Crosby & The Refugees / Hang Time / Ugly Winner / pony village / Sleepy Seeds / Red Hands Black Feet / Sam Cooper / Gentleman Surfer / Dedicated Servers / Little Ruckus / Dark Swallows / Hallowed Oak / A.m. Pleasure Assassins / Lionsweb / James Plane Wreck / Host (US) / BOYS (US) / LYNDEN WILLIAMS / Rollersnakes / Sam Cooper and Friends / Tommy Dirtweed Show all bands
Boise, Idaho, United States
Jul 07, 2012
80/35 Festival 2012
Death Cab for Cutie / The Avett Brothers / Atmosphere / Dinosaur Jr. / Dan Deacon / Freddie Gibbs / Fucked Up / Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit / Leftover Salmon / Greensky Bluegrass / Jaill / Night Moves / Pieta Brown / Leslie And The Ly's / Sundogs / Useful Jenkins / TAJH / Alex Brown / Dumptruck Butterlips / Dead Larry / Maxilla Blue / Mumford's / Bright Giant / Dustin Smith & the Sunday Silos / Little Ruckus / DJ Eight Ten / Mantis Pincers / Sun Company / Christopher the Conquered and His Black Gold Brass Band / John Solarz Show all bands
Western Gateway Park Des Moines, Iowa, United States
Jul 06, 2012 –
Jul 07, 2012
80/35 Music Festival 2012
Death Cab for Cutie / The Avett Brothers / Dinosaur Jr. / Leftover Salmon / Atmosphere / Fucked Up / Dan Deacon / Greensky Bluegrass / Freddie Gibbs / Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit / Pieta Brown / Useful Jenkins / Leslie & the Ly's / K-Holes / Jaill / Christopher The Conquered / Dead Larry / Mark Mallman / Now Now / Delta Rae / Night Moves / Dumptruck Butterlips / Maxilla Blue / Love Songs for Lonely Monsters / Bright Giant / The Sundogs / Mantis Pincers / Tajh / Dustin Smith & the Sunday Silos / Mumford's / Seedlings / Little Ruckus / Derek Lambert and the Prairie Fires / Ladysoal / The Sun Company / Brad Goldman / John Solarz / Jesse Aldridge / Alex Brown / DJ Eight Ten / Jade Reed Show all bands
Western Gateway Park Des Moines, Iowa, United States
Jun 25, 2012
Girl Talk / Trouble Lights / Little Ruckus Wooly's Des Moines, Iowa, United States
Sep 22, 2011 –
Sep 25, 2011
Maximum Ames Music Festival 2011
The Mountain Goats / Xiu Xiu / Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin / Brass Bed / Caroline Smith & The Good Night Sleeps / Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt / Mark Mallman / Euforquestra / Workshy / Christopher The Conquered / Mordecai / Lesbian Poetry / The Barn Owl Band / Brooks Strause / Datagun / Lane Weaver / Tires / Utopia Park / Little Ruckus / Rebel Creek / Skye Carrasco / Cleo's Apartment / Nuclear Rodeo / Sun Company / Pennyhawk / Longshadowmen / BeJae Fleming / Derek Lambert and the Prairie Fires / Jen Mcclung / The Wire Frames / Coyote Slingshot / Andy Anderson Band / Jordan Mayland / Bella Soul / Phoenix L'amour Show all bands
Des Moines, Iowa, United States
Children's Music
2013 1 concert
2012 3 concerts
2011 1 concert
 Brad Robinson
 Sandy Me

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