Lindsay Smith Concert History

At the age of 13, Lindsay Smith decided she was going to be a rock star. At the age of 32, she decided to get married and buy a house. At the age of 35, she decided to have a child. Balancing these choices and dreams is the theme of her latest album, Beautiful Life, her most personal and compelling work to date. Recorded in just ten days in Atlanta, Beautiful Life features the clever songwriting and the eclectic mix of styles her fans have come to expect, while also drawing them deeper than ever into the singer/songwriter's inner world.

Date Concert Venue Location
May 17, 2014 –
May 18, 2014
Long Beach Pride 2014
Kelly Rowland / DEV / Donovan / Belanova / Ce Ce Peniston / chely wright / Cazwell / Pamela Williams / Fedro / Corday / Eryn Woods / Karina Nistal / Lunden Reign / Vinita / Jesse Medeles / Lindsay Smith / Aunjel Adams / Troy Jones / Jay Justified / Twisted Angels / Nicole Santiago / Miles Long / Alec Mapa / Dream Chase Collective / Travis Foxx / Cumbia Sun / Lady Jazmynne Show all bands
Long Beach Gay Pride Los Angeles, California, United States
Geek Folk

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