LIINES are Manchester-based post-punk trio. They released much-anticipated debut album, Stop-Start via Reckless Yes in May 2018. Comparisons range from Savages, PINS and Sleater-Kinney to Joy Division, WIRE and Gang of Four. LIINES have built a reputation as one of the most exciting acts to emerge from Manchester playing frenetic, electric shows across the UK and Europe.
Future Islands / Girl Scout / Pip Blom / Trout / Liines / Bis / The Big Moon / Panic Shack / Chameleons / Dexys / Prima Queen / PET NEEDS / Goat Girl / BDRMM / Jim Bob / Do Nothing / Amyl and the Sniffers / English Teacher / Abdoujaparov / Battlesnakes / Baxter Dury / K Klass DJ set / Ist Ist / SOFTPLAY / Bleach Lab / Jane's Addiction / Bentley Rhythm Ace / Orbital / System 7 / Dinosaur Jr.
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Jane's Addiction / Future Islands / Dinosaur Jr. / Orbital / The Orb / Sleaford Mods / Amyl and the Sniffers / Utah Saints / 808 state / Jane Weaver / Roni Size / New Model Army / Gentleman's Dub Club / Ibibio Sound Machine / Beans on Toast / Pip Blom / BDRMM / Bis / Wargasm / Bob Vylan / The March Violets / System 7 / Sonic Boom Six / [Spunge] / Punk Rock Factory / Green Lung / SPRINTS / Ferocious Dog / English Teacher / Peat and Diesel / Panic Shack / Jim Bob / 3 Daft Monkeys / The Bar Stool Preachers / Hotwax / Liines / Full Flower Moon Band / Katie Malco / Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican / The Meffs / Girl Scout / big special / Trout / Problem Patterns / His Lordship / Jess Silk / Emma O'Reilly / Ed Tudor Pole / Divorce (UK) / Dryadic / The Busketeers / RHG Music / Pet Needs - Convoy / Pet Needs - Pallet / Pet Needs - Rum Bus / Bez / Leeroy Thornhill (X-Prodigy) / Bodega - Dylan cover set / Grandma's House / Battlesnake / Beatles Dub Club / The High Points / Soft Play (fka Slaves) / Son Of Jim / The Big Band Of Boom / The Mighty Flux / Barefoot Bandit / Hot Tramp / Brad Dear / Randy Pandy Hand Shandy Band / Chrome & Illinspired / Dj From london / Veeblefetzer / Klonk / Shanghai Treason / The Cain Pit / Project Mork / Emma O'Reilly / Common Culture / Thy Last Drop / Old Time Sailors / Punch The Sky / Alice Wicks / One Eyed King / Nick Parker / Brewer's Daughter / My Mate Dave / The Lunar Trixies / Flo And The Escape Lane / I, Doris / Tarantism / Headmix / Muddy Summers & the Dirty Field Whores / Katie Paton / POG / Attila the Stockbroker / Star Botherers / Common Culture / Steve White & The Protest Family / Abdoujaparov / Interrobang!? / Irie Fire / Dead Anyway / Dexys / Lambrini Girls / omega nebula / Bentley Rhythm Ace / Fidget And The Twitchers / Penetration / OneDa / The Big Moon / Ist Ist / Chameleons / Therapy? / Goat Girl / BC Camplight / Orbital Dj / Bodega / Dry Cleaning / Les Savy Fav / Baxter Dury / Steve Davis & Kavus Torabi / Do Nothing / Marika Hackman
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Future Islands / Jane's Addiction / Dinosaur Jr. / Orbital / Soft Play (fka Slaves) / Amyl and the Sniffers / The Orb / Sleaford Mods / 808 state / Utah Saints / Roni Size / BDRMM / English Teacher / New Model Army / Pip Blom / Wargasm / Ibibio Sound Machine / Jane Weaver / Gentleman's Dub Club / Bob Vylan / SPRINTS / Beans on Toast / Bis / Green Lung / The March Violets / Punk Rock Factory / System 7 / Dexys / Sonic Boom Six / big special / [Spunge] / Panic Shack / Hotwax / Peat and Diesel / Desperate Journalist / Ferocious Dog / Katherine Priddy / HENGE / Full Flower Moon Band / Girl Scout / The Bar Stool Preachers / Jim Bob / The Meffs / 3 Daft Monkeys / Problem Patterns / Liines / Katie Malco / Trout / Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican / His Lordship / China Shop Bull / Jess Silk / Ed Tudor Pole / Divorce (UK) / Muddy Summers & the Dirty Field Whores / anarchistwood / Steve White & The Protest Family / Rites Of Hadda / Dryadic / My Mate Dave
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The Orb / Future Islands / Soft Play (fka Slaves) / Jane's Addiction / Dinosaur Jr. / Orbital / Roni Size / Sleaford Mods / Amyl and the Sniffers / 808 state / Utah Saints / New Model Army / BDRMM / Pip Blom / Gentleman's Dub Club / Jane Weaver / Bob Vylan / Ibibio Sound Machine / Wargasm / English Teacher / SPRINTS / Bis / The March Violets / Green Lung / System 7 / Sonic Boom Six / Punk Rock Factory / Dexys / [Spunge] / Panic Shack / Hotwax / Desperate Journalist / Peat and Diesel / Ferocious Dog / Katherine Priddy / HENGE / big special / Jim Bob / The Bar Stool Preachers / 3 Daft Monkeys / Full Flower Moon Band / Girl Scout / The Meffs / Liines / Katie Malco / Problem Patterns / Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican / His Lordship / Trout / China Shop Bull / Jess Silk / Ed Tudor Pole / Muddy Summers & the Dirty Field Whores / anarchistwood / Steve White & The Protest Family / Rites Of Hadda / Dryadic / My Mate Dave / Les Savy Fav / Dry Cleaning / Slope / Do Nothing / Lambrini Girls / POG / Beans on Toast / The Big Moon / Ist Ist / PET NEEDS / Dutty Moonshine Big Band / Meryl Streek
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The Kooks / The Wombats / Stereophonics / Scouting for Girls / Declan McKenna / Amy Macdonald / Gabrielle / Sundara Karma / Supergrass / Tom Grennan / Pale Waves / 808 state / Jade Bird / The Magic Gang / Orla Gartland / Sea Girls / Honeyblood / The Sherlocks / Alfie Templeman / Lanterns on the Lake / Sports Team / The Snuts / Ibibio Sound Machine / The Orielles / PINS / Pip Blom / The Slow Readers Club / Stone / Working Men's Club / The Reytons / Sam Ryder / Desperate Journalist / The K’s / The Mysterines / Bill Bailey / Church of the Cosmic Skull / Red Rum Club / Retro Video Club / The Lottery Winners / Lauran Hibberd / The Hara / Baby Queen / Jamie Webster / Bang Bang Romeo / SKIES / Lucia & The Best Boys / Heather Small / Valeras / False Advertising / Dylan John Thomas / Abbie Ozard / Liines / The Goa Express / Sam Redmore / Ellysse Mason / James Holt / Brooke Combe / Craig David's TS5 / Dirty Laces / Bandicoot / Hacienda Classical / Venus Grrrls / Charlotte Church's Late Night Pop Dungeon / Dilettante / Hello Cosmos / Sophie Ellis Bextor / The Academic / The Vaccines / Dick And Dom / Haçienda Classical / Bastille / The Lancashire Hotpots / Lazy Habits / Joel Corry
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The Flaming Lips / Placebo / The Hives / Patti Smith / Little Comets / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / the vapors / Shame / The Mission / Fat White Family / The Selecter / Jaws / Dreadzone / Dub Pistols / Yonaka / The Skints / Porridge Radio / Dubioza kolektiv / Peter Hook & The Light / Nova Twins / Pierce Brothers / Wilko Johnson / Working Men's Club / Eat Static / System 7 / Billy Nomates / Zion Train / Bob Vylan / Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls / Misty In Roots / JOHN / Do Nothing / Baka Beyond / Ferocious Dog / Lauran Hibberd / The Neville Staple Band / Popes Of Chillitown / Walt Disco / 3 Daft Monkeys / October Drift / Astralasia / Gaz Brookfield / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / Spyres / Afflecks Palace / Andrew Cushin / Liines / The Lagan / Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican / Emily Capell / The Kubricks / Katy Hurt / Subgiant / Blackballed / John Robertson / Tarantism / Jess Silk / Pleasure Centre / Concrete Rose / The True Deceivers / The Horse Puppets / The Cottons / Celtarabia / Ed Tangent / RHG Music / Brian Stone Cowboy / The Now (Wales) / Analogue Blood / Roland Gent / George Zach
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The Flaming Lips / Placebo / The Hives / Patti Smith / Little Comets / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / The Mission / Fat White Family / Shame / The Selecter / Jaws / Dreadzone / Dub Pistols / The Skints / Yonaka / Peter Hook & The Light / Porridge Radio / Pierce Brothers / Wilko Johnson / Eat Static / System 7 / Working Men's Club / Nova Twins / Zion Train / Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls / Misty In Roots / JOHN / Baka Beyond / Billy Nomates / Do Nothing / Ferocious Dog / Lauran Hibberd / Bob Vylan / The Neville Staple Band / 3 Daft Monkeys / Astralasia / Gaz Brookfield / Craig Charles / Walt Disco / October Drift / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / The Spyres / Liines / Afflecks Palace / The Lagan / Andrew Cushin / The Kubricks / Katy Hurt / Subgiant / Blackballed / Tarantism / Jess Silk / Concrete Rose / Echo Machine / Pleasure Centre / The True Deceivers / Celtarabia / The Cottons / The Horse Puppets / Ed Tangent / Analogue Blood / The Vapors / Dubioza Kolektiv / The Bar Steward Sons Of Val Doonican / The Now / Dreadzone / The Popes Of Chillitown / Michael Dog / Templehead / Zubzub / Ozric Tentacles (Electronic) / Silas & Saski / The Neville Staple Band / Brian Stone / Attila the Stockbroker / The Sporadics / Blyth Power / The Fossilheads / The Lehmanns Brothers / The Dressing Gown Mob / Emily Capell / China Shop Bull / Tasha Killer Pussies / Theo Mizú & Banda
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Billie Marten / Palace / Aaron Smith / Allman Brown / Girl Band / Sports Team / Oscar Lang / Sorry / Spinn / Snapped Ankles / Sam Wise / mimi bay / Low Island / Finn Foxell / Kofi Stone / Mathilda Homer / Do Nothing / Smoothboi Ezra / Deco / Pinty / Junodream / Chappaqua Wrestling / Wu-Lu / Yard Act / Drug Store Romeos / Walt Disco / Chartreuse / The Clockworks / Chubby and the Gang / BEKA / Weird Milk / Tayo Sound / Liines / wych elm / Pixey / Steam Down / The Cool Greenhouse / Eve Owen / Efe / Molly Payton / Beaux / Sad Boys Club / Kay Young / Vaughan / Ellysse Mason / deep tan / Folly Group / joey maxwell / Jalle / S-X (UK) / Black Honey (UK) / Lizzie Reid / Grandmas House / L'objectif / Reflekter / Joe & The Shitboys / Moa Moa / Anorak Patch / Conchúr White / Regressive Left / CJ Pandit / Jerub / Luke Royalty / Frankie Beetlestone / Wunderhorse / Eaves Wilder / Blondes / George O'Hanlon
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Billie Marten / Palace / Aaron Smith / Allman Brown / Sports Team / Oscar Lang / Sorry / Spinn / Snapped Ankles / Sam Wise / mimi bay / Finn Foxell / Low Island / Kofi Stone / Mathilda Homer / Do Nothing / Smoothboi Ezra / Pinty / Deco / Junodream / Wu-Lu / Chappaqua Wrestling / Drug Store Romeos / Chubby and the Gang / Walt Disco / Chartreuse / The Clockworks / Tayo Sound / BEKA / Weird Milk / wych elm / Pixey / Liines / Steam Down / Molly Payton / The Cool Greenhouse / Eve Owen / Beaux / Efe / Sad Boys Club / Kay Young / Folly Group / deep tan / Ellysse Mason / Vaughan / joey maxwell / Grandmas House / Jalle / Lizzie Reid / L'objectif / Black Honey (UK) / S-X (UK) / Joe & The Shitboys / Conchúr White / Anorak Patch / Moa Moa / Reflekter / Regressive Left / CJ Pandit / Jerub / Frankie Beetlestone / Luke Royalty / HAAL / Wunderhorse / Eaves Wilder / Olive Featherstone / Blondes / Dave Huntriss / Gilla Band / Tungz / Hunny Buzz / Emily Magpie / Weird Milk / Psychic junk / Polemics (UK) / Nossiennes
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