Left Out Lamont Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 29, 2001
The Hellbillys / Left Out Lamont / Smarty Smoke Shop Auburn, California, United States
Apr 12, 2001
Marginal Profits / Left Out Lamont G Street Pub Davis, California, United States
Feb 23, 2001
Left Out Lamont / Smarty Smoke Shop Auburn, California, United States
Feb 17, 2001
Snubnose / Inruin / Smarty / Firepie / D.R.A.G. / Left Out Lamont / Stick Figure The Boardwalk Orangevale, California, United States
Jul 28, 2000
Dr. Rocket And The Moon Patrol / Section H / Monkey / Longshot / Sandwich Mafia / Ill Blooded / Anniston / Cremasters of Disaster / The Gitanos / Evenground / Novacain / The Mallrats / Lythic / Rocketcar / The Ultimate Skateboard / The Velvet Teen...
Dr. Rocket And The Moon Patrol / Section H / Monkey / Longshot / Sandwich Mafia / Ill Blooded / Anniston / Cremasters of Disaster / The Gitanos / Evenground / Novacain / The Mallrats / Lythic / Rocketcar / The Ultimate Skateboard / The Velvet Teen / 20 Minute Loop / Neptune Massive / Left Out Lamont / Thought Riot / Waterneck / Chris Murphy / Join’r / The Huxtables / Dan Potthast Show all bands
Weber Point Events Center Stockton, California, United States
May 13, 2000
Smarty / Left Out Lamont BoJangles Sacramento, California, United States
Show Duplicates for May 13, 2000
Jun 22, 1999
OLD GRANDDAD / ICARUS / GENERICS / BLEED / FAMILY MEN / LIZARDS / DAIRY QUEENS / CAPTURED BY ROBOTS / MEDICATION TIME / EMBALMED ALIVE / The Jocks / Kablamies / SNEAKY CREEKINS / 3 OUT OF 4 / EULOGY / MOTH HOUR / The Snacks / Tongue / Sledwreck / The Stupid Jerks / Uberkunst / Left Out Lamont / Low Caloric Ham / Milhouse SMF / The Wunder Years / Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits / Los Rabbis / Bracket / Dori Tourette and the Skirtheads / Scratch Habit / Feces Munchers / DEADBODIESEVERYWHERE Show all bands
East Park Resevoir Lodoga, CA
Feb 09, 1999
Superplum / Mojo Filter / Left Out Lamont Old Ironsides Sacramento, California, United States
Jam Band
Progressive Bluegrass
Christian Punk
Columbus Ohio Indie
Alabama Indie
Modern Psychedelic Folk
Show more genres
2001 4 concerts
2000 2 concerts
1999 2 concerts
 Sacramento Shows
 Steve M

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