Leeways Concert History

Leeways: Energieke reggae met diverse roots. Nederland heeft een traditie met energieke bands zoals Beef, Gotcha! en Urban Dance Squad. Inmiddels klopt de Arnhemse band Leeways aan de deur om het stokje over te nemen. Twee maten en ze hebben je bij de kloten: Leeways staat ieder optreden te trappelen om de overvloedig aanwezige energie over te brengen op het publiek. En dat is ze tot nog toe altijd gelukt. Moe maar voldaan moeten band én publiek zich voelen na een optreden.

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 27, 2016
Typhoon / Max Meser / Leeways / Botticelli Baby / Rilan & the Bombadiers Arnhem Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands
Jul 22, 2012
Zwarte Cross 2012
Kaiser Chiefs / Within Temptation / Modestep / Suicidal Tendencies / The Asteroids Galaxy Tour / Beth Hart / Exodus / Kreator / Alestorm / Racoon / Chef'Special / North Mississippi Allstars / Di-rect / Municipal Waste / Eli 'Paperboy' Reed / Pain / Kenny B / Fiddler's Green / DeWolff / Russkaja / Frei.Wild / Che Sudaka / Bertolf / Ziggi Recado / Suicidal Angels / Quique Neira / Heideroosjes / Drive Like Maria / Nobody Beats The Drum / The Deaf / Boemklatsch / Ben Prestage / Automatic Sam / Lenny Keylard / Jah6 / Joggo / Maison Du Malheur / Leeways / Danny Panadero / Amsterdam Faya Allstars / The Judge Dread Memorial / Motorband / The Wild Berrys / Ruben Hoeke / The Tuners / Cuban Heels (NL) / The Voederbietels Show all bands
De Schans Lichtenvoorde, Gelderland, Netherlands
Jul 21, 2012
Zwarte Cross 2012
Kaiser Chiefs / Within Temptation / Modestep / Suicidal Tendencies / Beth Hart / Exodus / Kreator / Alestorm / Sonata Arctica / Chef'Special / Di-rect / Municipal Waste / The Answer / Eli 'Paperboy' Reed / Pain / Doro / Textures / Kenny B / Fiddler's Green / DeWolff / Dog Eat Dog / Russkaja / Deadbeat / Breakfast / Frei.Wild / Hell / Che Sudaka / Lizzy Borden / Baskerville / Bertolf / Ziggi Recado / Suicidal Angels / Quique Neira / Heideroosjes / Drive Like Maria / Beef / Postmen / Nobody Beats The Drum / The Excitements / The Deaf / Boo Boo Davis / Boemklatsch / Memphis Maniacs / BZB / Ben Prestage / Tornado / Automatic Sam / Lenny Keylard / Jah6 / Fragment / Joggo / Maison Du Malheur / The Dirty Denims / Henzel & Disco Nova / Veron / DJ Panko / Feuerengel / Leeways / Danny Panadero / Plork En De Aannemers / The Backcorner Boogie Band / The Heinoos / Motorband / The Wild Berrys / Meisjes Zonder Smaak / Ruben Hoeke / The Tuners / Warboel / Cuban Heels (NL) / The Voederbietels Show all bands
De Schans Lichtenvoorde, Gelderland, Netherlands
Jul 20, 2012
Zwarte Cross 2012
Kaiser Chiefs / The Hives / Within Temptation / Suicidal Tendencies / Modestep / Beth Hart / Exodus / Alestorm / Kreator / Chef'Special / Di-rect / Municipal Waste / Eli 'Paperboy' Reed / Pain / Will and the People / Kenny B / Fiddler's Green / DeWolff / Russkaja / Frei.Wild / Che Sudaka / Baskerville / Bertolf / Ziggi Recado / Suicidal Angels / Quique Neira / Heideroosjes / Drive Like Maria / Nobody Beats The Drum / The Deaf / Boemklatsch / Ben Prestage / Automatic Sam / Jah6 / Lenny Keylard / Joggo / Maison Du Malheur / Henzel & Disco Nova / Leeways / Danny Panadero / Motorband / The Judge Dread Memorial / The Wild Berrys / The Tuners / Ruben Hoeke / Cuban Heels (NL) / The Voederbietels Show all bands
Hummerlo Lichtenvoorde, Gelderland, Netherlands
Jul 17, 2011
Cloud Control / 2562 / Aux Raus / Bedroom Monkees / Birth of Joy / Black Bottle Riot / Blues Brother Castro / Bob Fosko / Chef'Special / De Kift / Eefje / Eins Zwei Orchestra / Eklin / Jah6 / Knalpot / Krach / la Boutique Fantastique / Memphis Man...
Cloud Control / 2562 / Aux Raus / Bedroom Monkees / Birth of Joy / Black Bottle Riot / Blues Brother Castro / Bob Fosko / Chef'Special / De Kift / Eefje / Eins Zwei Orchestra / Eklin / Jah6 / Knalpot / Krach / la Boutique Fantastique / Memphis Maniacs / No Blues / Obeah / Pien Feith / Pitto / Pop Up Animal Kids / Roy Santiago / Ruben Hein / Shaking Godspeed / The Black Atlantic / Phantom Four & the Arguido / Vanderbuyst / About Group / Architecture In Helsinki / Aucan / Avi Buffalo / Bibio / Blackie & The Oohoos / C.w. Stoneking & His Primitive Horn Orchestra / Charlie Jones' Big Band / Crocodiles / Dagoba / Dananananaykroyd / Dirty Beaches / Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros / Eskmo / Fenech-Soler / Gesaffelstein / Hauschka / James Vincent McMorrow / Jamie Woon / Kap Bambino / Keko Yoma / Mama Rosin / MDC / Mike Dehnert / Mount Kimbie / Palmbomen / Pete and The Pirates / Puro Instinct / Radio Moscow / Retro Stefson / San Soda / SBTRKT / Ska3 / Smoke Fairies / Spokes / Steak Number Eight / The .357 String Band / The Books / The Duke and the King / The Ocean / The Phoenix Foundation / Severed Limb / Traumahelikopter / Tuxedo Buck / Washed Out / Yori Swart / dd/mm/yyyy / Ólafur Arnalds / Hunting the Robot / Nausica / The Brew / Ceumar / Daar / Headaches / J.v. Mcmorrow / Leeways / Rey Cabrera Y Sus Amigos Habana / Sunnpimp / STRFKR Show all bands
Valkhofpark Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Straight Edge
Old School Thrash
Crossover Thrash
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2016 1 concert
2012 3 concerts
2011 1 concert

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