Lee Corey Oswald Concert History

"Jovi meets Slayer meets Natalie Merchant! Wait, that's not right. Bolsheviks meets Orwellian Socialism meets post-civil war reconstruction era lingering racism! Wait, that's definitely not right. Apparently I'm terrible at comparing existing artists as a means to describe Lee Corey Oswald. That's a good thing. The boys swap genres like partners at an end of the world orgy. Punk rock, folk, indie rock, and rock and roll all meet up for a humble yet humbling experience when you grant your ears and eyes the privilege of their experience.

Date Concert Venue Location
No concerts found
2020 4 concerts
2018 7 concerts
2017 3 concerts
2016 12 concerts
2015 64 concerts
2014 29 concerts
2013 2 concerts
2011 8 concerts
2010 2 concerts
 I Loooose
 Andy Levitz
 Rachel T
 Nick E.
 Avery Springer
 Marissa Esposito
 Kyle S
 Adam Breidbart

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