Lazy Magnet Concert History

well, no point really in trying to be coy or mysterious... recognized as the only means of avoiding suicide and redirecting a compulsive/addiction prone personality away from abject alcoholism [at least for a few years] lazy magnet has enjoyed 13 years of solo recording and writing, eschewing most other life responsibilities opting instead for a continual bask in the glow that surrounds knowing that you made something only you could do and having it come out exactly the way you wanted.

Date Concert Venue Location
No concerts found
2014 1 concert
2013 1 concert
2010 3 concerts
2009 3 concerts
2006 1 concert
 Sacramento Shows
 Buz Zann
 Cooper Tanbusch
 Bryan P.
 Jen Pope
 Dan Stapleton
 Ashleigh Huber
 Leah Docktor
 Donald Carson
 Eazel Rodulfa
 Jessika Lynn22

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