Laughing Boy Concert History

Laughing Boy are the writing/production team of Phil Da Costa, Nick Ingram and Robin Goodfellow. They are all friends from previous projects and in 2013 decided to get together in the studio and make some magic!  

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 21, 1995
Laughing Boy / Ramones


The Edge Orlando, Florida, United States
Sep 16, 1989
Green Day / Samiam / Laughing Boy / Crummy Musicians / Econochrist / Platypus Scourge

Samiam / Laughing Boy / Crummy Musicians / Econochrist / Green Day / Platypus Scourge

Clunie Hall Sacramento, California, United States
1995 1 concert
1989 1 concert
 Sacramento Shows
 Sabrina Wade Haines
 Laura Patricia

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