Late Night Lies Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Nov 18, 2023
Froth & Fury Fest 2023
The Butterfly Effect / Suicidal Tendencies / Sunk Loto / Alien Weaponry / The Halo Effect / Ocean Grove / Redhook / Caligula's Horse / Windwaker / Ocean Sleeper / lagerstein / Beyond The Black / The Amenta / Reliqa / Dr Collosus / Mirrors / Mélancolia / Hidden Intent / Devilskin / Mannequin Death Squad / Ivanyi / Freedom of Fear / Stabbitha & The Knifey Wifeys / Cauldron Black Ram / Dyssidia / CULL The Band / Nocturnal Animals / Relapse / Captain Hellfire & the Wretched Brethren / Emergency Rule / Descend to Acheron / Chainsaw preachers / Warpath / Vapours / Late Night Lies / Suffer The Evenue Show all bands
Pirate Life Brewing Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Chill Out

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