Last Breath Denied Concert History

Have you ever seen a jackhammer tear through a slab of concrete? That is impact. Have you ever seen the aftermath of a high-speed motorcycle accident? That is shred. Have you ever seen a world-class weightlifter put so much iron on the sides of a barbell that it bent the steel in his hands like a limp noodle? That is heavy. Want to see something as fierce as all of the above? Go to an LBD show.

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 29, 2009
Cilinder Fest IV
Neuk! / Legion Of The Damned / Kickback (FR) / Enemy Ground / The Lucifer Principle / Rise And Fall / Length of Time / The Setup / My City Burning / Omission / Last Breath Denied / Divine Sins / Sixth Disease
De Hoeve Hoofddorp, North Holland, Netherlands
Canadian Hardcore
Mexican Metal
Mexican Death Metal

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