Lamine Sonko and The African Intelligence Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 28, 2019
Bendigo Autumn Festival
"Bendigo Autumn Festival" / Mojo Juju / Z-Star Delta / Katie Noonan / Harry James Angus / No Mono / Jeff Lang / Emily Wurramara / Thando / Arte Kanela / Brian Nankervis / Estere / Grand Salvo / Dan Kelly / Moussa Diakite And Wassado / Perch Creek / Van Duren / The Seven Ups / Archer / Fountaineer / emma russack / Lamine Sonko and The African Intelligence / Alice Skye / Merpire / Madeline Leman & The Desert Swells / Freya Josephine Hollick / Tiny Ruins / Hello Tut Tut / Hamish Stuart / Emilee South / Broads / Tek Tek Ensemble / The Maes / The Low Down Riders / the Twoks / Laura Jean / The Dusty Millers / Jess Ribeiro and The Bone Collectors / Lucie Thorne / Demon Days / Hannah Cameron / Elizabeth / Skyscraper Stan & The Commission Flats / Eliza Hull / The Bean Project / Black Orchid String Band / Alanna And Alicia / Alwan Trio / Melbourne Indie Voices / The Taylor Project / Asking For Trouble Theatre / Ruby Jones / Anchor And The Butterfly / Steve Lane And The Autocrats / Way Dynamic Show all bands
Various Venues Bendigo, South Australia, Australia
Apr 27, 2019
Bendigo Autumn Festival
"Bendigo Autumn Festival" / Cash Savage and the Last Drinks / Xylouris White / Mojo Juju / Tex Perkins / Z-Star Delta / Harry James Angus / No Mono / Brian Nankervis / Jeff Lang / Jazz Party / Arte Kanela / Emily Wurramara / ______ / ______ / Grand Salvo / The Seven Ups / Moussa Diakite And Wassado / Perch Creek / ______ / Elizabeth / emma russack / Lamine Sonko and The African Intelligence / Emilee South / Merpire / Madeline Leman & The Desert Swells / Dan Kelly / Ryan Downey / Freya Josephine Hollick / Van Duren / Felicity Cripps / Laura Jean / Jess Ribeiro and The Bone Collectors / Fountaineer / Tek Tek Ensemble / The Maes / Lucie Thorne / Demon Days / Alma Zygier / Hamish Stuart / Alwan Trio / the Twoks / The Dusty Millers / Cool Out Sun / Hannah Cameron / Skyscraper Stan & The Commission Flats / James Kenyon / Coda Chroma / Xani / Cope Street Parade / The Low Down Riders / The Stetson Family / Mariah McCarthy / 45 Packin Mama / Danny Walsh Banned / Wolf And Willow / The Bean Project / Ruby Jones / Anchor And The Butterfly / Mario Queen Of The Circus / Steve Lane And The Autocrats / Way Dynamic / The Taylor Project / Asking For Trouble Theatre / Melbourne Indie Voices / Four Lions / Grim Fawkner Show all bands
Various Venues Bendigo, South Australia, Australia
Show Duplicates for Apr 27, 2019
Apr 26, 2019
Bendigo Autumn Festival
"Bendigo Autumn Festival" / Cash Savage and the Last Drinks / Xylouris White / Z-Star Delta / Kurt Vile / Saskwatch / Jazz Party / Thando / Moussa Diakite And Wassado / Archer / Ryan Downey / The Seven Ups / Emilee South / the Twoks / Merpire / Perch Creek / RVG / Skyscraper Stan & The Commission Flats / Coda Chroma / emma russack / The Sugarcanes / Xani / Lamine Sonko and The African Intelligence / Cope Street Parade / Lucie Thorne / The Low Down Riders / Danny Walsh Banned / Hamish Stuart / Madeline Leman & The Desert Swells / Hannah Cameron / Mario Queen Of The Circus / Mariah McCarthy / Wolf And Willow / The Bean Project / The Taylor Project Show all bands
Various Venues Bendigo, South Australia, Australia
Nov 25, 2017
Queenscliff Music Festival
"Queenscliff Music Festival" / Bernard Fanning / Freya Josephine Hollick / Hot Potato Band / Jon Cleary / Mama Kin Spender / The Teskey Brothers / Yothu Yindi / Beccy Cole / Bob Evans / Caiti Baker / Gabriel Garzón-Montano / Hat Fitz & Cara / Hussy Hicks / Jazz Party / Lamine Sonko and The African Intelligence / Lindi Ortega / Little Georgia / Miss Eileen & King Lear / Pat Tierney / Ron Artis II & the Truth / Sammy J / Sex on Toast / The Bamboos / The East Pointers / The Imprints / The Mae Trio / The Wilson Pickers / Too Many Zooz / Travis Bowlin / Vince Peach Show all bands
Various Venues Queenscliff, South Australia, Australia
Mar 13, 2017
"Womadelaide" / Aziza Brahim / Baba Zula / Brushy One String / The East Pointers / Inna Modja / Lamine Sonko and The African Intelligence / L-FRESH The Lion / La Mambanegra / Mercedes Peon / Nattali Rize / Nhatty Man & Gara / Senyawa / The Specials / Sudha Ragunathan / TAGO / Tangents / William Crighton / Xanga Show all bands
Botanic Park Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Mar 11, 2017
"Womadelaide" / The Waifs / 9Bach / Brushy One String / Gawurra / Lamine Sonko and The African Intelligence / L-FRESH The Lion / Nattali Rize / Warsaw Village Band / Baba Zula / Dope lemon / The East Pointers / Emir Kusturica & The No Smoking Orch. / Flamingo / Inna Modja / "The Manganiyar Classroom" / Mercedes Peon / Sinkane / Skratch Bastid / Hanoi Masters / Oki Dub Ainu Band / TAGO / 30/70 / Ekosdance Company / La Mambanegra Show all bands
Botanic Park Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Nov 23, 2012
The Cumbia Cosmonauts / Congo Tardis / Lamine Sonko and The African Intelligence Northcote Social Club Northcote, Victoria, Australia
Electro Jazz
Mande Pop
2019 3 concerts
2017 3 concerts
2012 1 concert

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