Kyrie Kristmanson's 2011 Concert History

Kyrie Kristmanson is a 21 year old Canadian singer/songwriter, guitarist and trumpeter with a growing international following. Born in Ottawa, Ontario, she has lived in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan and in France. Since appearing at the 2006 Winnipeg Folk Festival at the age of fifteen, Kristmanson has performed widely in Canada and Europe. Her performances have been broadcast nationally in Canada by CBC Radio 2, and by Radio-France.

Date Concert Venue Location
Mar 04, 2011
Kyrie Kristmanson National Arts Centre Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Feb 11, 2011
Kyrie Kristmanson National Arts Centre Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
2011 2 concerts
2010 2 concerts
2009 3 concerts
2008 1 concert
 Steve Mcgill
 Leea Dandelion
 Bryan Steiss

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