Kwes. is a record producer, songwriter & musician who makes 'freepop' (pop music without boundaries). He has worked with artists including The xx, Ghostpoet, Elan Tamara, Dels, Damon Albarn's DRC Music, Leftfield, Micachu (Kwesachu Mixtapes) and more. He has also reworked several including Hot Chip and The Invisible amongst others.
Franz Ferdinand / The National / James Blake / Lykke Li / HAIM / Bombay Bicycle Club / Metronomy / Kelis / Jake Bugg / Groove Armada / The Horrors / Nick Mulvey / Damon Albarn / Wild Beasts / The Staves / Midlake / Jagwar Ma / Luke Sital-Singh / Drenge / X-press 2 / Gilles Peterson / Kwes. / Outfit / Tim Burgess / Peter Hook / Kiran Leonard / Jimi Goodwin / Craig Charles / Huey Morgan / Don Letts / Mary Anne Hobbs / Weird Shapes / Nemone / British Sea Power / PINS / The Staves
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AlunaGeorge / Foxes / Django Django / The Cribs / The Staves / Peace / Liars / John Grant / Dry the River / Palma Violets / Charlotte Church / Gallows / Drenge / Scritti Politti / Fossil Collective / Toy / The Invisible / Earth / Deptford Goth / The Blackout / Teleman / Pedestrian / Lanterns on the Lake / Pulled Apart By Horses / Kwes. / Clock Opera / Errors / Stealing Sheep / SPLASHH / Fear of Men / Joanna Gruesome / Micachu & The Shapes / Bodhi / Arcane Roots / PINS / Tall Ships / Turbowolf / Various Cruelties / Man Without Country / Bo Ningen / Paper Aeroplanes / Nebula / Mazes / Hexstatic / The Family Rain / Falls / Evergreen Official / A.N.I.M.A.L. / The Lovely Eggs / Gwenno / The School / Rozi Plain / Echo Lake / Bright Light Bright Light / Sweet Baboo / Swiss Lips / The Physics House Band / NO CEREMONY/// / Stubborn Heart / Mine / Astroid Boys / Gallops / Pale Seas / Feed the Rhino / Glass Pear / Ifan Dafydd / Gulp / Black Moth / Two Wounded Birds / Save Your Breath / Islet / Cold Pumas / Sam Airey / This Many Boyfriends / Martin Creed / Desolated / Laura J Martin / Hey Sholay / Greta Isaac / Dad Rocks! / Seasfire / Rivals / My First Tooth / Alone / Faye / Escapists / The Knox / Hawk Eyes / Esther / Al Lewis / Holy Mountain / Milk Maid / Jethro Fox / Marc O'Reilly / Tapestry / Goodtime Boys / Golden Fable / Katell Keineg / Among Brothers / Gala Drop / Zervas & Pepper / Trwbador / Cut Ribbons / The Naturals / Harry Keyworth / Rangda / Chain of Flowers / Pariso / The Experimental Tropic Blues Band / Casual Sex / Mik / Sion Russell Jones / We Are Animal / Denuo / We're No Heroes / Rusty Shackle / Night Engine / Pol / Brotherhood Of The Lake / Jewellers / Swnami / Portasound / Mowbird / Samoans / R.Seiliog / Death at Sea / Exit International / Love Motel / Sex Hands / The Vestals / Verity Susman / Dirty Goods / Afro Cluster / Yngve / Irma Vep / Spooky Bizzle / Hysterical Injury / Prosperina / Y Bandana / Shy and the Fight / Crushing Blows / Face + Heel / Casi Wyn / Effluence / Beard Of Wolves / Kutosis / Sen Segur / Kid Chocolat / Bright Young People / Lleuwen / A Girl Called Ruth / Joyce the Librarian / H.u.d. / The Adelines / Jake Mattison / Quiet Marauder / Out of the Woods / The Bent Moustache / Sun Drums / Manhattan Coast / Without Maps / The Ash and The Oak / No Thee No Ess / Yr Angen / Tomos Lewis / Ratatosk / clinigol / Draw Me Stories / Jemma Roper / Y Pencadlys / Fist Of The First Man / The Fire Season / The Dead Beggars / Survivalists / Y Lladron / Cloud4mations / Tom Ap Dan / Eugene Francis Jr / Torches Uk / The Lay Lows / Eilir Pierce / Gareth Potter
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clinigol / Tom Ap Dan / AlunaGeorge / Foxes / Django Django / The Cribs / The Staves / Peace / John Grant / Liars / Dry the River / Palma Violets / Charlotte Church / Gallows / Drenge / Scritti Politti / Toy / Fossil Collective / The Invisible / Earth / Teleman / Deptford Goth / The Blackout / Pedestrian / Kwes. / Lanterns on the Lake / Pulled Apart By Horses / Stealing Sheep / Clock Opera / Errors / SPLASHH / Fear of Men / Arcane Roots / Joanna Gruesome / Micachu & The Shapes / Turbowolf / Bodhi / PINS / Man Without Country / Various Cruelties / Tall Ships / Nebula / Bo Ningen / A.N.I.M.A.L. / Paper Aeroplanes / Falls / Gwenno / The Lovely Eggs / Rozi Plain / The Family Rain / Hexstatic / Mine / Mazes / Evergreen Official / The School / Bright Light Bright Light / Sweet Baboo / The Physics House Band / Astroid Boys / Echo Lake / Swiss Lips / Stubborn Heart / Pale Seas / NO CEREMONY/// / Gallops / Feed the Rhino / Black Moth / Gulp / Glass Pear / Ifan Dafydd / Sam Airey / Two Wounded Birds / Save Your Breath / Rivals / Greta Isaac / Desolated / Faye / Islet / Cold Pumas / Martin Creed / This Many Boyfriends / Laura J Martin / Alone / Hey Sholay / Esther / Mik / Seasfire / Dad Rocks! / My First Tooth / Escapists / Tapestry / The Knox / Al Lewis / Marc O'Reilly / Hawk Eyes / Holy Mountain / Milk Maid / Katell Keineg / Jethro Fox / Golden Fable / Goodtime Boys / Gala Drop / Zervas & Pepper / Among Brothers / Harry Keyworth / The Naturals / Trwbador / Chain of Flowers / Cut Ribbons / Rangda / Rusty Shackle / The Experimental Tropic Blues Band / Pariso / Sion Russell Jones / Casual Sex / Denuo / Swnami / We Are Animal / We're No Heroes / Pol / Night Engine / Brotherhood Of The Lake / Jewellers / Afro Cluster / R.Seiliog / Samoans / Spooky Bizzle / Portasound / Mowbird / Death at Sea / The Vestals / Y Bandana / Verity Susman / Exit International / Sex Hands / Irma Vep / Love Motel / Dirty Goods / Yngve / Prosperina / Hysterical Injury / Quiet Marauder / Lleuwen / Shy and the Fight / Face + Heel / Casi Wyn / Crushing Blows / Effluence / Sen Segur / Beard Of Wolves / Kid Chocolat / Kutosis / Bright Young People / H.u.d. / Out of the Woods / Joyce the Librarian / A Girl Called Ruth / Jake Mattison / The Adelines / Ratatosk / Yr Angen / The Bent Moustache / Manhattan Coast / Sun Drums / Tomos Lewis / Without Maps / The Ash and The Oak / No Thee No Ess / Draw Me Stories / Jemma Roper / Y Pencadlys / The Fire Season / The Dead Beggars / Fist Of The First Man / Survivalists / Y Lladron / Cloud4mations / Eugene Francis Jr / Torches Uk / The Lay Lows / Eilir Pierce / Gareth Potter / Mr Fogg / Virals
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The xx / Major Lazer / alt-J / Two Door Cinema Club / Stevie Wonder / Disclosure / Florence and the Machine / Clean Bandit / Sigur Rós / Ben Howard / Charli XCX / Alabama Shakes / New Order / Justice / Miike Snow / Rudimental / Emeli Sandé / NERO / Hot Chip / Bonobo / Little Dragon / AlunaGeorge / BASSNECTAR / First Aid Kit / De La Soul / Kate Nash / Warpaint / Friendly Fires / Four Tet / Azealia Banks / Michael Kiwanuka / Bat For Lashes / Lianne La Havas / Gabrielle Aplin / Rizzle Kicks / Sub Focus / King Krule / The Horrors / MF Doom / Gold Panda / Sister Sledge / Gary Numan / Spiritualized / Orbital / Ane Brun / Soulwax / Bondax / The Staves / Adam Ant / Maya Jane Coles / Camo & Krooked / Gemini / Delilah / Julio Bashmore / Claude VonStroke / Friends / Stooshe / Field Music / The 2 Bears / Porcelain Raft / Summer Camp / Gallows / dan le sac Vs Scroobius Pip / The Gaslamp Killer / Frankie Rose / Forest Swords / Stanton Warriors / Scuba / Dirty Beaches / Buraka Som Sistema / Toy / Eats Everything / Moodymann / This Is The Kit / Max Cooper / Dub Pistols / LTJ Bukem / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / King Khan & The Shrines / The Japanese Popstars / Krafty Kuts / Sleepy Sun / To Kill A King / The Coronas / Kwes. / Jinja Safari / Clock Opera / DJ Yoda / Mosca / The Nextmen / Slagsmålsklubben / Prince Fatty / Plastician / Beans on Toast / Milagres / Patterns / Bellowhead / Kevin Saunderson / David Rodigan / The Correspondents / Krystal Klear / Turbowolf / 2:54 / Eliza Shaddad / Jaguar Skills / Melé / L.A. Salami / Pearl and the Beard / The Other Tribe / Gush / Francois Kevorkian / Ryan Keen / Josh Kumra / Evian Christ / Jackmaster / Scratch Perverts / Annie Mac / Chas 'n' Dave / Spencer / Fiction / Emily Barker & The Red Clay Halo / Redinho / Francois K. / Greg Wilson / Drums of Death / Stay+ / Ben UFO / Ahab / Gecko / Liz Green / James McCartney / Tom Williams / Oneman / PBR Streetgang / Clement Marfo and the Frontline / The Cuban Brothers / Jeffrey Lewis & the Junkyard / dirtybird / Random Impulse / Mary Epworth / Laurel Collective / Sunless '97 / Lucky Elephant / Brassroots / Lux Lisbon / Murkage / T.E.E.D / Alonestar / Dingus Khan / Sarah Williams White / Lunch / Rosie Ribbons / Caribou DJ Set / Giles Smith / The Al Mckay Allstars / The Robbie Boyd Band / Perhaps Contraption / James Priestley / Young British Artists / DJ Shepdog / Hallouminati / Ghost Outfit / Mano De Dios / St Spirit / Jaipur Kawa Brass Band / Gak Jonze / Largo Embargo / Two Jackals / Katy Prado & the Mamboleros / James Frost / Three Bonzos And A Piano / Heathward / Church of Love & Ruin / The Shellac Collective / Blackhouse Crow
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Major Lazer / The xx / Stevie Wonder / alt-J / Disclosure / Two Door Cinema Club / Clean Bandit / Florence + the Machine / Charli XCX / Rudimental / New Order / Sigur Rós / Ben Howard / Alabama Shakes / Bonobo / Justice / Emeli Sandé / Miike Snow / Hot Chip / NERO / Little Dragon / AlunaGeorge / BASSNECTAR / First Aid Kit / Michael Kiwanuka / De La Soul / Four Tet / Azealia Banks / Warpaint / Kate Nash / Lianne La Havas / Friendly Fires / Bat For Lashes / King Krule / Gabrielle Aplin / Sub Focus / Rizzle Kicks / MF Doom / The Horrors / Sister Sledge / Gold Panda / Gary Numan / Spiritualized / Orbital / Ane Brun / Soulwax / The Staves / Bondax / Maya Jane Coles / Adam Ant / Camo & Krooked / Gemini / Delilah / Julio Bashmore / Claude VonStroke / Stooshe / Friends / Max Cooper / Field Music / The 2 Bears / This Is The Kit / Moodymann / Gallows / Porcelain Raft / Summer Camp / Eats Everything / Forest Swords / The Gaslamp Killer / dan le sac Vs Scroobius Pip / Stanton Warriors / Toy / Buraka Som Sistema / Dirty Beaches / Frankie Rose / Scuba / Dub Pistols / LTJ Bukem / Krafty Kuts / The Coronas / Sleepy Sun / King Khan & The Shrines / The Japanese Popstars / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / To Kill A King / Kwes. / Prince Fatty / The Nextmen / DJ Yoda / Krystal Klear / Jinja Safari / Spencer / Beans on Toast / Clock Opera / Mosca / The Correspondents / Slagsmålsklubben / Turbowolf / Plastician / Kevin Saunderson / Francois Kevorkian / Patterns / L.A. Salami / Bellowhead / Melé / Eliza Shaddad / David Rodigan / Milagres / Jaguar Skills / Josh Kumra / 2:54 / Gush / Pearl and the Beard / Ryan Keen / The Other Tribe / Evian Christ / Jackmaster / Annie Mac / Scratch Perverts / Fiction / Greg Wilson / Redinho / Emily Barker & The Red Clay Halo / Chas 'n' Dave / Francois K. / Ahab / Gecko / Stay+ / Ben UFO / Drums of Death / Random Impulse / PBR Streetgang / James McCartney / Tom Williams / Liz Green / Clement Marfo and the Frontline / The Cuban Brothers / Oneman / dirtybird / Jeffrey Lewis & the Junkyard / Mary Epworth / Alonestar / Laurel Collective / Sunless '97 / Lucky Elephant / Brassroots / Murkage / Lux Lisbon / Sarah Williams White / T.E.E.D / Lunch / Dingus Khan / The Al Mckay Allstars / Rosie Ribbons / Caribou DJ Set / Perhaps Contraption / Giles Smith / The Robbie Boyd Band / James Priestley / Young British Artists / Hallouminati / DJ Shepdog / Ghost Outfit / Mano De Dios / St Spirit / Jaipur Kawa Brass Band / Gak Jonze / Largo Embargo / Two Jackals / Katy Prado & the Mamboleros / James Frost / Three Bonzos And A Piano / Heathward / Church of Love & Ruin / The Shellac Collective / Blackhouse Crow
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Beach House / Hot Chip / Four Tet / King Krule / Madlib / Chilly Gonzales / John Talabot / Rustie / Ghostpoet / Lapalux / TNGHT / Clark / The Field / Fuck Buttons / Gang Gang Dance / The Gaslamp Killer / Eskmo / Scuba / Michael Mayer / Kwes. / Sepalcure / Jimmy Edgar / Mouse on Mars / The Black Dog / Speech Debelle / Brandt Brauer Frick / Lucy / L-VIS 1990 / Saschienne / 120 Days / Young Montana / Full Crate & Mar / Morphosis / Caribou DJ Set / Mijk van Dijk
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alt-J / Feist / Van Morrison / James Blake / Daughter / Metronomy / Mogwai / The Tallest Man On Earth / Mr. Scruff / Yann Tiersen / Michael Kiwanuka / tUnE-yArDs / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Junior Boys / The Walkmen / Lucy Rose / Damien Jurado / Slow Club / Cass McCombs / Savages / Lower Dens / The Staves / Friends / Nick Mulvey / Jamie N Commons / Ghostpoet / Field Music / King Charles / Bowerbirds / Willy Mason / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks / The Felice Brothers / BEES//// / Scritti Politti / Lone / Toy / Dark Dark Dark / Joe Pug / Cate Le Bon / Jonathan Richman / Loney Dear / King Creosote & Jon Hopkins / Megafaun / The Wave Pictures / Airhead / Stealing Sheep / Joanna Gruesome / Kwes. / Bullion / Gang Colours / Beth Jeans Houghton & The Hooves of Destiny / Three Trapped Tigers / Ambassadeurs / Treetop Flyers / Paul Thomas Saunders / Withered Hand / Tiny Ruins / Dexys / Sweet Baboo / Pictish Trail / Ahab / Trembling Bells / Teeth of the Sea / Cairobi / Cashier No. 9 / Tom Williams / Steve Smyth / Islet / Laura J Martin / Crybaby / STUFF. / RM Hubbert / The Time and Space Machine / Rocketnumbernine / Georgia Ruth / Goodnight Lenin / Greta Isaac / Alaska (UK) / Mowbird / David Mccaffrey / One Sixth of Tommy / Chailo Sim / Richard Warren / Sen Segur / Count Drachma / No Thee No Ess / The Perch Creek Family Jug Band / Pen Pastwn / Pete Paphides / Seamus Fogerty / of Montreal
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King Krule / Cass McCombs / Mount Kimbie / Toots & The Maytals / Wild Beasts / Cloud Nothings / Roots Manuva / Japandroids / Junior Boys / Maya Jane Coles / Still Corners / Ghostpoet / Julio Bashmore / Patrick Wolf / Willy Mason / The Felice Brothers / Star Slinger / Submotion Orchestra / Peaking Lights / Beak> / Eagulls / Theme Park / Kwes. / Admiral Fallow / Errors / Hookworms / Factory Floor / Pearson Sound / XXXY / D/R/U/G/S / 2:54 / Jam City / Mazes / Bok Bok / Stay+ / Dancing Years / Gross Magic / That Fucking Tank / Au Palais / Sunless '97 / Bos Angeles / Grass House / Runaround Kids / Stalking Horse / Runners (UK) / Freakin' / Midland / Andrew Weatherall / Future of the Left / Lanterns on the Lake / Swim Deep / Hawk Eyes / Disclosure / Jacuzzi Boys / Antibang / Juffage / Great Waves / One Root Band / Oneman
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Lana Del Rey / Bon Iver / alt-J / M83 / Daughter / Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros / Janelle Monáe / SBTRKT / Metronomy / St. Vincent / First Aid Kit / Simple Minds / Elbow / Explosions in the Sky / The War on Drugs / Yeasayer / Kurt Vile / Rufus Wainwright / Laura Marling / Bat For Lashes / White Lies / Lianne La Havas / Sharon Van Etten / Django Django / Chairlift / Paul Weller / The Antlers / The Horrors / Tune-Yards / Glen Hansard / Poliça / Lucy Rose / Wild Beasts / Battles / Destroyer / The Staves / Richard Hawley / Slow Club / Zola Jesus / Peace / Other Lives / Givers / Thomas Dolby / kindness / George Fitzgerald / Augustines / Iceage / Rumer / Lang Lang / Cold Specks / Baxter Dury / We Have Band / Jonathan Wilson / Toy / I Break Horses / Deap Vally / Daryl Hall / The Phenomenal Handclap Band / Theme Park / Laetitia Sadier / Howler / Kwes. / Clock Opera / Team Me / SPLASHH / The Cast of Cheers / Josh T. Pearson / Smoke Fairies / Paul Thomas Saunders / Baloji / Soft / Kal Lavelle / Sam Airey / Zun Zun Egui / Fiona Bevan / Sunless '97 / Seye / Antonio Lulic / Lewis Mokler / Dingus Khan / The Delegators / Ben Perowsky / Benjamin Bloom / 2forjoy / Goldierocks / Alabama Shakes / Apparat / Dexys / Lloyd Cole / Low / Perfume Genius / The Silver Seas / Twin Shadow / dEUS / Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club
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Bastille / alt-J / Disclosure / The Temper Trap / Alabama Shakes / HAIM / Grimes / AlunaGeorge / Chet Faker / Foxes / Lianne La Havas / Madeon / St. Lucia / Django Django / Perfume Genius / Nils Frahm / Half Moon Run / Mystery Jets / Booka Shade / Emma Louise / Boy / Com Truise / College / Jamie N Commons / We Were Promised Jetpacks / Foy Vance / Peace / The Barr Brothers / Tanlines / Don Broco / Last Dinosaurs / Shabazz Palaces / Six / Reverend and The Makers / Lapalux / Dry the River / Swim Deep / Lower Than Atlantis / Husky / Max Cooper / JD McPherson / Friends / Body Language / Willy Mason / Bass Drum of Death / Mallory Knox / Porcelain Raft / Dillon / EMA / Forest Swords / Spector / Toy / Fossil Collective / We Have Band / We Are the Ocean / A Winged Victory for the Sullen / Princess Chelsea / Gaz Coombes / When Saints Go Machine / DZ Deathrays / Avalanche City / Trust / Koreless / Loney Dear / The Skints / Chew Lips / Dauwd / Eagulls / Yukon Blonde / Theme Park / Natty / Kwes. / White Arrows / Frànçois and The Atlas Mountains / I Am Oak / Admiral Fallow / Howler / Vondelpark / Oliver Tank / Electric Wire Hustle / Jinja Safari / Exitmusic / Doldrums / Clock Opera / Young Magic / Dante / Errors / Zulu Winter / Fear of Men / Rolo Tomassi / Jonquil / Micachu & The Shapes / S.C.U.M / Lulu James / Tiny Ruins / NZCA LINES / New Look / Milagres / Hooded Fang / Mikill Pane / French Films / The Darcys / ME / Jam City / Tall Ships / Juveniles / Maxxi Soundsystem / PAWS / O. Children / Devin / Paul Thomas Saunders / Young Dreams / Rich Aucoin / Hannah Cohen / Treetop Flyers / Beth Jeans Houghton & The Hooves of Destiny / Duologue / Soft / W.I.M. / Evergreen Official / Owlle / Cymbals / Solar Bears / Winter / Fiction / Retro Stefson / Mujeres / The Black Belles / 22 / Gold & Youth / Stay+ / Pale Seas / Novika / Sonic Boom / The Computers / Black Moth / Weird Dreams / Big Sleep / Eight and a Half / Mojo Fury / Halls / Odonis Odonis / Novella / Cheveu / Gross Magic / Violet / Bad Pop / Boxes / Revere / Mesparrow / Hey Sholay / Binary / Ben Caplan & the Casual Smokers / Visions of Trees / Seasfire / The British Expeditionary Force / Massmatiks / Flip Grater / Wet Nuns / Hawk Eyes / Jethro Fox / The Psychologist / Pikachunes / Bos Angeles / Among Brothers / Inland Sea / Graphics / Zebra and Snake / Step-Panther / Grass House / Hans Chew / Cut Ribbons / Me And The Bees / Shinies / Slow Down, Molasses / Ben Salter / Gabriel and the Hounds / Fanzine / Films Of Colour / Big Wave Riders / Antlered Man / Spoek / Drop Out Venus / I Ching / Furguson / Bueno Bros / Pets With Pets / Martha Paton / Seward / Face + Heel / My Best Friend / Negative Pegasus / Kinnie the Explorer / The Killgirls / The Jaguar Shark / Sing Tank / Redhino
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Bastille / alt-J / Disclosure / The Temper Trap / Alabama Shakes / HAIM / Grimes / AlunaGeorge / Nick Murphy fka Chet Faker / Foxes / Madeon / Lianne La Havas / St. Lucia / Django Django / Perfume Genius / Mystery Jets / Nils Frahm / Half Moon Run / Boy / Emma Louise / College / Booka Shade / Com Truise / We Were Promised Jetpacks / Jamie N Commons / Peace / Foy Vance / Tanlines / The Barr Brothers / Dry the River / Shabazz Palaces / Reverend and The Makers / Lapalux / Swim Deep / Friends / Body Language / Last Dinosaurs / Lower Than Atlantis / Willy Mason / Husky / Don Broco / JD McPherson / Porcelain Raft / EMA / Bass Drum of Death / Mallory Knox / Dillon / We Have Band / Fossil Collective / We Are the Ocean / Forest Swords / Toy / Spector / When Saints Go Machine / Max Cooper / Trust / Avalanche City / Chew Lips / Loney Dear / Gaz Coombes / Koreless / A Winged Victory for the Sullen / Theme Park / Eagulls / DZ Deathrays / White Arrows / Yukon Blonde / Princess Chelsea / Howler / Admiral Fallow / I Am Oak / Vondelpark / Kwes. / Jinja Safari / Natty / Dauwd / The Skints / Frànçois and The Atlas Mountains / Oliver Tank / Doldrums / Young Magic / Electric Wire Hustle / Clock Opera / Exitmusic / Errors / Zulu Winter / Jonquil / Fear of Men / Micachu & The Shapes / Milagres / New Look / S.C.U.M / Lulu James / French Films / Rolo Tomassi / NZCA LINES / Tall Ships / Dante / Hooded Fang / Juveniles / Tiny Ruins / PAWS / Six / O. Children / The Darcys / Young Dreams / ME / Beth Jeans Houghton & The Hooves of Destiny / Maxxi Soundsystem / Evergreen Official / Paul Thomas Saunders / Treetop Flyers / Mikill Pane / Jam City / Rich Aucoin / Devin / W.I.M. / Solar Bears / Duologue / Cymbals / Fiction / Soft / Retro Stefson / Owlle / The Black Belles / Hannah Cohen / Gold & Youth / Stay+ / 22 / Pale Seas / Winter / The Computers / Weird Dreams / Novika / Big Sleep / Eight and a Half / Mojo Fury / Halls / Black Moth / Novella / Sonic Boom / Mujeres / Gross Magic / Odonis Odonis / Cheveu / Bad Pop / Hey Sholay / Boxes / Violet / Ben Caplan & the Casual Smokers / Mesparrow / Visions of Trees / Seasfire / Binary / The British Expeditionary Force / Wet Nuns / Flip Grater / Hawk Eyes / Massmatiks / Revere / Jethro Fox / Pikachunes / Among Brothers / Bos Angeles / The Psychologist / Graphics / Inland Sea / Zebra and Snake / Step-Panther / Grass House / Cut Ribbons / Hans Chew / Shinies / Me And The Bees / Slow Down, Molasses / Gabriel and the Hounds / Fanzine / Films Of Colour / Ben Salter / Big Wave Riders / Antlered Man / Drop Out Venus / Spoek / I Ching / Furguson / Pets With Pets / Bueno Bros / Martha Paton / Face + Heel / Negative Pegasus / Seward / Kinnie the Explorer / My Best Friend / The Killgirls / The Jaguar Shark / Sing Tank / Redhino
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Grimes / Simian Mobile Disco / Hudson Mohawke / Death In Vegas / Squarepusher / Ghostpoet / Lone / Rustie / Forest Swords / Lunice / Nathan Fake / Kwes. / Planningtorock / Stealing Sheep / Team Me / Young Magic / Errors / Male Bonding / Hooded Fang / Jackmaster / Man Like Me / Space Dimension Controller / Deadboy / Redinho / Cloud Boat / Boy Friend / Caribou DJ Set
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Spoek Mathambo / Polarsets / Kaos / Dee Dee / Ed Sheeran / Cities Aviv / Hess Is More / Sleep Over / The Lumineers / Devin / Rich Aucoin / Jay-Z / Mozart's Sister / Cuckoo Chaos / Ava Luna / Zammuto / ScHoolboy Q / Elephant Stone / Saints of Valory / Miike Snow / Tim Fite / The Darcys / Library Voices / Charli XCX / Scorpion Child / Capital Cities / Dinosaur Feathers / Grimes / Young Prisms / LOL Boys / Larkin Poe / SBTRKT / Washed Out / Au / Imogen Heap / Phil Ade / Bixel Boys / Silver Swans / The Dunwells / Purity Ring / Nick Catchdubs / Flight Facilities / New Roman Times / Bleu / Fiona Apple / Sinden / Jim-e Stack / Danny Brown / Aunt Martha / The War on Drugs / Soft Metals / Zambri / The Eastern Sea / Mars Red Sky / Maus Haus / The-Dream / Cubic Zirconia / Cults / Teeel / Father John Misty / Retro Stefson / Black Books / Kimbra / Tycho / The Velvet Teen / Band of Skulls / Gliss / A-Trak / Tashaki Miyaki / The Rocketboys / Ume / fiN / Lex Land / New Build / Blaqstarr / Habibi / Royalty / Little Tybee / Just A Band / Hudson Moore / Sounds Under Radio / Wussy / Pompeii / Lincoln Durham / Nguzunguzu / Sore Losers / Pujol / Ripe / Waco Brothers / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Candy / Mean Jeans / Chairlift / Big Sleep / The Heavy / Driver Friendly / Hollywood Holt / Whiskey Shivers / Flosstradamus / Delhi 2 Dublin / Wavves / Dark Time Sunshine / In Tall Buildings / Youth Lagoon / Scoundrels / Trivium / Soul Khan / Jeffrey Tambor / Cold Fronts / Spirit Animal / Blood Orange / Rubies / Cashier No. 9 / Electric Guest / Possessed By Paul James / Samo Sound Boy / Fenster / Kidstreet / Clap Your Hands Say Yeah / Say Anything / Filter / Nicolas Jaar / Beach Fossils / Blitzen Trapper / Built to Spill / Yelle / Shimmering Stars / Cloud Nothings / Ritualz / Future Unlimited / Motionless In White / Aloud / Vanaprasta / The Blind Shake / The Big Pink / My Jerusalem / The Tontons / The Magnetic Fields / Deleted Scenes / Family of the Year / The Seedy Seeds / YACHT / Pretty & Nice / Mr. Pauer / Jubilee / Youngblood Hawke / Voltaire Twins / Burnt Ones / J Boogie / Japandroids / Burger Records / Apparat / Tim Sweeney / Santah / Shakey Graves / Loom / My Best Fiend / Texas / Bare Wires / Hellbound Glory / Thee Oh Sees / Shlohmo / Cashier No.9 / The Stamps / Chic Gamine / Total Slacker / White Denim / Goldenboy / Secret Colours / The Drowning Men / Grave Babies / Kimya Dawson / Michael Logen / A Skylit Drive / Dubbel Dutch / Nakia / We Were Promised Jetpacks / Couch / FIDLAR / Philco Fiction / Com Truise / Tango In the Attic / Slow Club / Mike Wexler / Dan Deacon / Rebecca Loebe / Heartless Bastards / Star & Micey / Dre Skull / Lake Street Dive / Tearist / Grandchildren / Deerhoof / Lucius / Barb Wire Dolls / Tanlines / This Will Destroy You / The Young Evils / Dirty Ghosts / Ida Maria / Bishop Morocco / Attwenger / Kishi Bashi / ZEALE / Dad Rocks! / Kosha Dillz / Niki & The Dove / Dignan / Light FM / Ana Egge / Spanish Prisoners / MNDR / Telephoned / Matthew Dear / Cousins / Jurassic Shark / Lower Dens / Penguin Prison / Lost Bayou Ramblers / Fierce Creatures / Un / Rainbrother / Au Palais / Camden / Thomas Dolby / Ramesh / Andy Clockwise / Nick Jaina / Rapsody / R.W. Grace / Sun Hotel / The Ashes / Boog Brown / Skewby / Dark Sister / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / Oddisee / Alpine / Freshkills / Daniel Johnston / Ear Pwr / Nova Heart / Oneohtrix Point Never / Mallard / El-P / Today the Moon, Tomorrow the Sun / Allen Stone / Adam & The Amethysts / Vacationer / Rachel Brooke / OBN III'S / Bear In Heaven / Jess Williamson / Body Language / Salim Nourallah / Hanni El Khatib / Sahara Smith / Canailles / Wallpaper / The Wonder Villains / The Chain Gang of 1974 / SORNE / Oberhofer / Finn Riggins / Paper Diamond / Aimon / Chris Garcia / J Roddy Walston & the Business / Chains of Love / Eli Mardock / Chelsea Wolfe / Peter Gregson / The Dead Ships / Jennifer Castle / Jon Connor / The Hood Internet / Amplified Heat / Yellow Ostrich / RUST / Kid Congo Powers / Star Slinger / Mikal Cronin / Nightlife / The Pauses / Class Actress / Sundress / ECID / KCRW / Taken by Trees / Teeth & Tongue / Time Wharp / Gigamesh / Signs / Magnetix / Free Energy / Il Abanico / Choir of Young Believers / 4th Pyramid / Two Gallants / Daedalus / The Hundred Days / Chasing Kings / Anna Lunoe / K-Holes / Bob Schneider / Chad Valley / Carnivores / Foxy Shazam / Vacances / Motopony / Jef Barbara / Uncle Skeleton / Waters / vampillia / Bass Drum of Death / The Foreign Resort / Beat Connection / Pree / Alberta Cross / Rockwell Knuckles / Plants and Animals / James Hand / The Sour Notes / Buraka Som Sistema / Unicycle Loves You / James Leg / Bleached / V for Volume / Andy Suzuki & the Method / White Fence / Nightmare Air / Whiskey Daredevils / The Mess / And So I Watch You from Afar / Each Other / Cans / Blasted Canyons / B L a C K I E / Tribes / TV Torso / Caveman / Telebit / PAPA / TOPS / Superstar DJs / ILLUMNTR / Kraddy / Sphynx / Paper Route / La Sera / MonstrO / Peaking Lights / Cairo Knife Fight / Statik Selektah / Trust / Fred Falke / Hydra Melody / CFCF / Housse de Racket / Sleepy Vikings / Blouse / Restavrant / Ghost Beach / Javelin / Terrible Twos / The Fresh & Onlys / Minnesota / The Dickies / Young Empires / Toddla T / Cotton Jones / Kool Keith / Nite Jewel / Breton / Sleepy Sun / White Arrows / Jacuzzi Boys / The Strange Boys / Howler / Peter Wolf Crier / Laura Gibson / Jenny O / Pictureplane / Ki:Theory / Current Swell / You Can Be a Wesley / Trash Talk / Le Blorr / Orthy / Gauntlet Hair / The Lions Rampant / The Boxing Lesson / The Gardens / Films Of Colour / Mansions on the Moon / SUENALO / Henry + the Invisibles / The Dandies / Quilt / Screaming Females / Wheelchair Sports Camp / The Wandas / Conner Youngblood / Dent May / Inch Chua / Bethesda / Ruby Jane / Lilies On Mars / Light Asylum / Drop The Lime / The Zoltars / Yearbook Committee / 'mexican Summer / Young Magic / Rademacher / Kopecky Family Band / M.A.K.U. SoundSystem / The Funerals / Oh Mercy / Musikanto / The Calamity Cubes / Kids These Days / We Were Pirates / Teengirl Fantasy / Brown Brogues / Voxhaul Broadcast / Big John Bates / Mwahaha / Cuba Cuba / Princeton / Nemes / Frontier Brothers / Bleeding Knees Club / The Beauvilles / Night Moves / Supreme Dicks / Foot/Ball / Dead Sara / Shuga / Doldrums / Zlam Dunk / Strange Powers / Outer Minds / Alpha Rev / Astronautalis / Sour Soul / Kid Cedek / DZ Deathrays / Stereo Is A Lie / Ketamines / Truth Universal / The Love Language / Tumblr / The Higher State / Exitmusic / UV Pop / Jonquil / Citizen's Band / Henry Clay People / System and Station / The Parlotones / Suite 709 / Lovedrug / Jeff Campbell / The Dalles / Superhumanoids / Bad Rabbits / Noisey / Amp Live / Zzz's / Modern Time Machines / Tom Vandenavond / U.S. Royalty / The Rec. Center / Dikes Of Holland / Chapter 24 / Triple Cobra / Soulicit / Marcus Foster / Little Lo / Heavy Glow / Nena Anderson / Husky Burnette / General Fiasco / Sundresses / Black Flamingo / Speech Debelle / Pets With Pets / Reignwolf / Kwes. / Allen Thompson / DJ Z-Trip / Fire Ex / Mr. Bleat / Future Blondes / Brighter Than a Thousand Suns / Netherfriends / Throwing Up / The Manichean / Stepdad / Marc Maron / Hillfolk Noir / Cains & Abels / Korallreven / Phoebe Hunt / Sun Araw / The Young / Dead Black Hearts / Royal Canoe / Dangermaker / The Silent Comedy / Paper Thick Walls / Speak / New York Rivals / DJ Sliink / David Garza / Smoke and Feathers / Love Inks / Chili Cold Blood / Audrey Ryan / Tic Tic Boom! / Sister Sparrow and the Dirty Birds / grape st / Black Bone Child / Carletta Sue Kay / Leif Vollebekk / Standing Shadows / Dive / TJ Kong and The Atomic Bomb / Sunday Valley / The Bottom Dollars / Ariok / How I Quit Crack / Luster / American Royalty / Brandon Rhyder / naked gods / Sea of Bees / The Wrong Words / Suburbians / Molly Rankin / NO / Alana Amram & The Rough Gems / Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire / ORO11 / Streetwalkers / Fake Your Own Death / Carrie Rodriguez / The Silence Kit / Prince Rama / Duzheknew / Chelsea Crowell / Holy Fiction / Silent Drape Runners / Just Blaze / Le Fleur / White Ring / Nosaprise / Men in Burka / Japan Nite / Les Rav / Plastic Plates / Transgressive / Hello Wheels / Jotdog / Dear Rabbit / The Toothaches / Oh! Pears / X-Ray Eyeballs / AnR / The BGP / Andra Suchy / Elliot & the Ghost / Nā Palm / The Pinz / Soda Gardocki / Party Supplies / Redgrave / Common Anomaly / Ssleeperhold / Ganglians / Dax Riggs / Mike Rocket / Art Versus Industry / DJ Scorpio / Juston Stens / Nat Geo / Tax the Wolf / Sweet Tea Pumpkin Pie / Pearls Mahone / DJ Mike Simonetti / Johnny Hootrock / Andy Vaughan / Rhett Miller 12a / O Giant Man / Los Headaches / Blunt Fang / Michelle Armstrong / Shorty Boy Boy / Pearls Mahone & the Oneeyed Jacks / Suicide Squeeze / Nike Nando / Sxsw Interactive at Mohawk / Paw Tracks / The Silver Chords / Aaron Blount / Gamebouy / Sesac / OldJack / Beastial Mouths / Deuce Coup / Epic Ruins / Alpha Wavez / Skeletonkids / Young Mothers / Shandy Mandies / Rockfeedback / Steel Toed Slippers / Farmer Barrett / John Wayne Bro / K C Solaris / Heyward Howkins / Casey Ley / Jp Jones / Eric Jennings / Finnegan / Mystery Twins / Andrew Leahy / Andrew Pierzina / Oh My Me / Chris Keating Dj Set / Kntrlr / Cameron Vannini / Aisha Orazbayeva / M for Montreal / The Lost Pines / MWTX / Fulton Read / Thrillist / New Granada / Baby Teardrops / Dolores Boys / Cool Serbia / Brody and Choch / Two Tone Wolf Pack / Lily Taylor / Sneakpeek / Lagitagida / Vonnegut / M¥rrĦ Ka Ba / Auto Defiance / Greencarpetedstairs / The Revolving Birds / Nokies / Break It Up / Good Night, Gold Dust / Brandon Reid / Iamsound / King Stork / Aussie Bbq / Pillage And Plunder / Shorty Boy-boy / Stout Cortez / John Neilson / Jana G. / Ceremonial Dagger / The Akabane Vulgars on Strong Bypass / Last Second Signal / Saito Johnny / Day Sailor / Attia Taylor / The Union Suits / Karma Jonze / Ready to Live / Jealous Creatures / Bur / Hashknife Outfit / The Liquid Kitchen / Glendenning / Iceland Airwaves / Soundspeak / Exoskeleton / Charlie Blacksmoke / Samuel Davidson / The Fox Derby / Far Out Fangtooth / Mike Textbeak / Ben Kronberg / Brainbusters / Maywa Denki / A Sundae Drive / INSOUND / Ïoda / Ivory Theory / Denver Smith / Shawn Reynaldo / John L. Sullivan / Chris Thayer / The Brett Netson Band / Clay Campania / Carpark / The Devil's Water / Maps on Fire / Scopitones / Madd3n
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Ed Sheeran / The Lumineers / Jay-Z / ScHoolboy Q / Charli XCX / Miike Snow / Grimes / Capital Cities / SBTRKT / Washed Out / Flight Facilities / The-Dream / Purity Ring / Father John Misty / Danny Brown / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Imogen Heap / The War on Drugs / Fiona Apple / Kimbra / Blood Orange / Tycho / Cults / A-Trak / Band of Skulls / Electric Guest / Beach Fossils / The Heavy / Trivium / Flosstradamus / Nicolas Jaar / Shakey Graves / Wavves / Chairlift / Filter / Motionless In White / Clap Your Hands Say Yeah / Say Anything / Built to Spill / Trevor Powers / Blitzen Trapper / Family of the Year / Yelle / Lake Street Dive / Shlohmo / Apparat / The Magnetic Fields / Cloud Nothings / FIDLAR / Rapsody / Texas / Youngblood Hawke / White Denim / YACHT / The Big Pink / Japandroids / Lucius / Osees / Com Truise / Kishi Bashi / We Were Promised Jetpacks / Kimya Dawson / MNDR / A Skylit Drive / Heartless Bastards / This Will Destroy You / Oddisee / Slow Club / Dan Deacon / Allen Stone / Gigamesh / Daniel Johnston / Matthew Dear / Oneohtrix Point Never / Deerhoof / Niki & The Dove / Lower Dens / Penguin Prison / Tanlines / Ida Maria / Thomas Dolby / Chelsea Wolfe / Vacationer / Alpine / TOPS / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / El-P / The Chain Gang of 1974 / Hanni El Khatib / Jon Connor / J Roddy Walston & the Business / Body Language / Bear In Heaven / Oberhofer / Wallpaper / Anna Lunoe / Bass Drum of Death / Star Slinger / Class Actress / Paper Diamond / Yellow Ostrich / Mikal Cronin / Taken by Trees / Statik Selektah / Choir of Young Believers / Bleached / Cotton Jones / The Hood Internet / Bob Schneider / Waters / Motopony / Two Gallants / Chad Valley / Fred Falke / Foxy Shazam / Free Energy / Buraka Som Sistema / White Fence / Beat Connection / And So I Watch You from Afar / Plants and Animals / Alberta Cross / Minnesota / Netherfriends / Night Moves / Tribes / Toddla T / Blouse / Reignwolf / Caveman / Kraddy / Peaking Lights / Paper Route / Kool Keith / CFCF / PAPA / DZ Deathrays / The Dickies / Current Swell / Jacuzzi Boys / La Sera / Trust / Leif Vollebekk / Screaming Females / Javelin / Sleepy Sun / Ghost Beach / Nite Jewel / Dent May / Ki:Theory / Young Empires / Housse de Racket / Laura Gibson / Larkin Poe / Breton / The Fresh & Onlys / Conner Youngblood / Kwes. / White Arrows / Jenny O / Light Asylum / The Strange Boys / Dead Sara / Pictureplane / Quilt / Trash Talk / Peter Wolf Crier / Astronautalis / Howler / Kids These Days / Amp Live / Mansions on the Moon / Bleeding Knees Club / Doldrums / Gauntlet Hair / Ripe / Exitmusic / Teengirl Fantasy / Young Magic / Voxhaul Broadcast / Oh Mercy / Princeton / Drop The Lime / DJ Sliink / The Parlotones / Alpha Rev / SPEAK / Bad Rabbits / Kopecky Family Band / The Love Language / Superhumanoids / Jim-e Stack / The Silent Comedy / Jonquil / Royal Canoe / Lovedrug / Sun Araw / Marcus Foster / Henry Clay People / Marc Maron / Speech Debelle / General Fiasco / U.S. Royalty / Stepdad / The Young / DJ Z-Trip / Just Blaze / American Royalty / White Ring / Plastic Plates / Brandon Rhyder / Jeffrey Tambor / Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire / Party Supplies / Korallreven / fiN / David Garza / Kaos / The Darcys / Mars Red Sky / Sister Sparrow and the Dirty Birds / Prince Rama / Cities Aviv / Love Inks / Dive / Sea of Bees / NO / Jotdog / Carrie Rodriguez / Devin / Dax Riggs / Spoek Mathambo / Phil Ade / Scoundrels / Habibi / Hess Is More / Dee Dee / Zammuto / Rich Aucoin / AnR / Elephant Stone / The Dunwells / Saints of Valory / X-Ray Eyeballs / Ava Luna / Sinden / Scorpion Child / Nā Palm / Polarsets / Tim Fite / Little Tybee / Nick Catchdubs / Ganglians / Sleep Over / Tashaki Miyaki / Aunt Martha / Black Books / Candy / Hudson Moore / Jurassic Shark / Dinosaur Feathers / Bixel Boys / Mozart's Sister / Cuckoo Chaos / Whiskey Shivers / Bleu / Young Prisms / Library Voices / LOL Boys / Silver Swans / Lincoln Durham / Retro Stefson / Au / Wussy / Dubbel Dutch / The Rocketboys / Teeel / Just A Band / Soft Metals / New Roman Times / Gliss / Mean Jeans / The Eastern Sea / Spirit Animal / Maus Haus / Royalty / Possessed By Paul James / The Velvet Teen / Dark Time Sunshine / Sore Losers / Zambri / Fenster / Cubic Zirconia / Ume / Blaqstarr / Sounds Under Radio / Delhi 2 Dublin / Lex Land / Dre Skull / Zeale / New Build / Cold Fronts / Soul Khan / Pompeii / Waco Brothers / Nguzunguzu / Hollywood Holt / Driver Friendly / Jubilee / Ritualz / In Tall Buildings / Pujol / Hellbound Glory / My Jerusalem / Big Sleep / Future Unlimited / Rubies / The Blind Shake / Cashier No. 9 / Burger Records / Shimmering Stars / Peter Gregson / Samo Sound Boy / Kidstreet / Michael Logen / The Tontons / Mr. Pauer / the stamps / Loom / Vanaprasta / Aloud / Tim Sweeney / Pretty & Nice / Chic Gamine / Deleted Scenes / Voltaire Twins / The Seedy Seeds / Jess Williamson / Santah / Goldenboy / Burnt Ones / Ana Egge / Secret Colours / J Boogie / Star & Micey / My Best Fiend / Jennifer Castle / Couch / Lost Bayou Ramblers / Barb Wire Dolls / Total Slacker / Nakia / Bare Wires / The Drowning Men / grave babies / Cashier No.9 / Attwenger / Rebecca Loebe / Kosha Dillz / Boog Brown / Un / The Ashes / Philco Fiction / Tearist / Grandchildren / Nova Heart / Cousins / Mike Wexler / Ramesh / Telebit / Tango In the Attic / Dirty Ghosts / Bishop Morocco / The Young Evils / Light FM / Dad Rocks! / Aimon / Camden / Andy Clockwise / Dignan / Spanish Prisoners / Mallard / R.W. Grace / Telephoned / The Pauses / Fierce Creatures / Rachel Brooke / Canailles / RUST / Skewby / SORNE / vampillia / Nick Jaina / Au Palais / Rainbrother / Sun Hotel / ECID / The Foreign Resort / OBN III'S / Kid Congo Powers / Signs / Rockwell Knuckles / The Mess / Chains of Love / Dark Sister / Teeth & Tongue / Nightlife / Today the Moon, Tomorrow the Sun / James Leg / Salim Nourallah / The Dead Ships / Freshkills / Ear Pwr / Adam & The Amethysts / The Wonder Villains / Chris Garcia / Finn Riggins / KCRW / Sahara Smith / Amplified Heat / Eli Mardock / MAGNETIX / Fire Ex / 4th Pyramid / Time Wharp / Nightmare Air / Sundress / James Hand / Andy Suzuki & the Method / Vacances / V for Volume / Pree / Uncle Skeleton / ILLUMNTR / Daedalus / Whiskey Daredevils / Carnivores / The Hundred Days / Jef Barbara / Il Abanico / Sphynx / Hydra Melody / Chasing Kings / The Sour Notes / K-Holes / Cairo Knife Fight / M.A.K.U. SoundSystem / Mr. Bleat / Each Other / B L a C K I E / Restavrant / Unicycle Loves You / MonstrO / Shuga / Luster / Blasted Canyons / Cans / Terrible Twos / The Dandies / 'mexican Summer / Superstar DJs / Orthy / Henry + the Invisibles / TV Torso / SUENALO / Le Blorr / The Gardens / Sleepy Vikings / Wheelchair Sports Camp / The Lions Rampant / The Calamity Cubes / Cuba Cuba / The Zoltars / You Can Be a Wesley / The Boxing Lesson / Lilies on Mars / Phoebe Hunt / Films Of Colour / Nemes / Bethesda / Big John Bates / Supreme Dicks / The Wandas / Ruby Jane / The Funerals / Yearbook Committee / We Were Pirates / Inch Chua / Tumblr / Rademacher / Brighter Than a Thousand Suns / Brown Brogues / Sour Soul / Musikanto / Mwahaha / Foot/Ball / Frontier Brothers / The Beauvilles / UV Pop / Outer Minds / Noisey / Strange Powers / Zlam Dunk / Jeff Campbell / Tom Vandenavond / Kid Cedek / Stereo Is A Lie / Modern Time Machines / Ketamines / Citizen's Band / The Higher State / Suite 709 / Zzz's / Husky Burnette / The Dalles / Truth Universal / Soulicit / System and Station / Hillfolk Noir / Black Flamingo / The Rec. Center / Dikes Of Holland / Heavy Glow / Chapter 24 / Nena Anderson / Triple Cobra / Little Lo / Sundresses / Allen Thompson / The Manichean / Pets With Pets / Audrey Ryan / Chili Cold Blood / Future Blondes / Dangermaker / Elliot & the Ghost / TJ Kong and The Atomic Bomb / Paper Thick Walls / Throwing Up / Sunday Valley / New York Rivals / Cains & Abels / Streetwalkers / Dead Black Hearts / Smoke and Feathers / Tic Tic Boom! / Transgressive / grape st / The Silence Kit / Molly Rankin / Carletta Sue Kay / naked gods / The BGP / Standing Shadows / The Bottom Dollars / Black Bone Child / Suburbians / The Wrong Words / Fake Your Own Death / Alana Amram & The Rough Gems / ORO11 / Ariok / How I Quit Crack / Ssleeperhold / Japan Nite / Le Fleur / Men in Burka / Chelsea Crowell / Silent Drape Runners / Dear Rabbit / Duzheknew / Holy Fiction / DJ Scorpio / Soda Gardocki / Redgrave / Pearls Mahone / Nosaprise / Les Rav / Hello Wheels / Oh! Pears / Young Mothers / Mike Rocket / The Toothaches / Andra Suchy / Aisha Orazbayeva / The Pinz / Los Headaches / Common Anomaly / Johnny Hootrock / Lily Taylor / Tax the Wolf / Art Versus Industry / OldJack / The Silver Chords / Juston Stens / The Lost Pines / Jp Jones / Finnegan / Michelle Armstrong / Nike Nando / Shandy Mandies / Steel Toed Slippers / Oh My Me / Skeletonkids / Heyward Howkins / Mystery Twins / Brody and Choch / Pearls Mahone & the Oneeyed Jacks / O Giant Man / Kntrlr / Epic Ruins / John Wayne Bro / Two Tone Wolf Pack / Good Night, Gold Dust / Gamebouy / Cool Serbia / Ready to Live / Lagitagida / Iamsound / Fulton Read / Baby Teardrops / Vonnegut / Dolores Boys / M¥rrĦ Ka Ba / Sneakpeek / Greencarpetedstairs / Nokies / Auto Defiance / Break It Up / The Revolving Birds / Jealous Creatures / Jana G. / Pillage And Plunder / Brandon Reid / Shorty Boy-boy / The Akabane Vulgars on Strong Bypass / King Stork / Ceremonial Dagger / Aussie Bbq / John Neilson / Stout Cortez / Bur / Last Second Signal / Karma Jonze / Day Sailor / The Union Suits / Attia Taylor / Saito Johnny / Glendenning / The Liquid Kitchen / Iceland Airwaves / Brainbusters / Hashknife Outfit / Exoskeleton / The Fox Derby / Ben Kronberg / Soundspeak / Mike Textbeak / Samuel Davidson / A Sundae Drive / Charlie Blacksmoke / The Devil's Water / Far Out Fangtooth / Maywa Denki / Carpark / Clay Campania / Ivory Theory / INSOUND / Denver Smith / Scopitones / Maps on Fire / Madd3n / The Brett Netson Band / Shawn Reynaldo / Deuce Coup / Ïoda / Suicide Squeeze / Chris Thayer / Rhett Miller 12a / Paw Tracks / Blunt Fang / Andrew Leahy / Farmer Barrett / Alpha Wavez / John L. Sullivan / Shorty Boy Boy / Sesac / Beastial Mouths / DJ Mike Simonetti / Andy Vaughan / Rockfeedback / Nat Geo / Chris Keating Dj Set / Cameron Vannini / Sxsw Interactive at Mohawk / Thrillist / MWTX / Andrew Pierzina / Casey Ley / Eric Jennings / K C Solaris / M for Montreal / New Granada / Sweet Tea Pumpkin Pie / Aaron Blount
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The Invisible / Stricken City / Rowdy Superstar / Everything Everything / New Young Pony Club / Micachu / Planningtorock / The 2 Bears / Kwes. / Cocadisco / Visions of Trees / Boxsaga / British Males / Paul Byrne / Britpop Soundsystem Nite Versions / Itch
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