Scott Verrill, artistically known as kwassa, is the kind of young creative you easily fall in love with. The South London-born singer-songwriter has been creating music since he was very young, around his childhood to pre-adolescent years, and was among the youngest band to ever play at Glastonbury while still having to attend school. For the past four years, Scott has been developing and perfecting his sound, becoming more mature and refined without losing those key elements that make him so special and loveable.
Metronomy / Sundara Karma / Big Wild / The Jungle Giants / seafret / Swim Deep / Tom Grennan / Drenge / Kate Tempest / Cavetown / Elder Island / Lauren Aquilina / Gengahr / Mini Mansions / The Academic / Black Honey / Kingswood / Sam Fender / Aaron Smith / Orla Gartland / VANT / The Sherlocks / C Duncan / Dream Wife / Confidence Man / Beabadoobee / Goat Girl / Elli Ingram / Ibibio Sound Machine / HalfNoise / Fur / Liz Lawrence / Skinny Living / Easy Life / Fatherson / Giant Rooks / Swimming Tapes / kwassa / James Gillespie / Bloxx / She Drew The Gun / Menace Beach / RuthAnne / Sea Girls / Spinn / Marsicans / Lion / The Slow Readers Club / Indoor Pets / Hak Baker / Ruston Kelly / Apre / Delilah Montagu / No Hot Ashes / KAWALA / Archie Faulks / Patawawa / John Buckley / Aeris Roves / Lowly / Pizzagirl / Far Caspian / Sports Team / Kojaque / The Snuts / Jesse Jo Stark / Childcare / Larkins / Redfaces / Zuzu / Greatest Hits / JVCK JAMES / whenyoung / Death By Unga Bunga / Sam Tompkins / Squid / Wovoka Gentle / Tamu Massif / Malena Zavala / Wasuremono / Millie Turner / Benin City / Another Sky / Wild Youth / Jeffe / Faux Pas / Ferris & Sylvester / Everyone You Know / Retro Video Club / Dancing On Tables / Saltwater Sun / Odina / Dayo Bello / The Hubbards / altopalo / Tertia May / Inhaler / Heavy Lungs / Swimming Girls / Body Type / Be Charlotte / These New South Whales / Hotel Lux / Oli Fox / Spielbergs / The Lottery Winners / Alligator / UPSAHL / The Dunts / Fuzzy Sun / Chappaqua Wrestling / Saint Agnes / The Murder Capital / Horror My Friend / Declan Welsh & The Decadent West / Lice / The Skinner Brothers / Lauran Hibberd / Honey Harper / The Pearl Harts / Bailen / Sea Legs / Thyla / Bessie Turner / Brand New Friend / Sophie And The Giants / The Mysterines / Alex Francis / Gently Tender / Ivory Wave / Katie Pruitt / Ed The Dog / Wooze / Walt Disco / TEAM PICTURE / hot milk / 404 / Rachel Chinouriri / Sunshine Frisbee Laserbeam / Heavy Rapids / Tom Joshua / Sun Silva / Sad Boys Club / Average Joe / Dead Naked Hippies / Brunswick / Eve Belle / Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard / MAX RAD / Shadowlark / Dan D'Lion / Talkboy / The Golden Age of Tv / VC Pines / Ormstons / The Collier / Tamzene / Curb / AK Patterson / In Your Prime / Big Society / Pip Hall / TALLSAINT / Teeff / Lucas Watt / Le Boom (IRL) / Tranqua Lite / Green Gardens / Household Dogs / Luckie / Hello Cosmos / Cruel World / Sam Wilde / Dboy (CAN) / Balcony (UK) / Luvia (UK)
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Metronomy / Cavetown / Beabadoobee / Sam Fender / Big Wild / seafret / The Jungle Giants / Sundara Karma / Tom Grennan / Elder Island / Easy Life / Aaron Smith / Kae Tempest / Swim Deep / The Academic / Orla Gartland / Drenge / Lauren Aquilina / Sea Girls / Inhaler / Giant Rooks / UPSAHL / Mini Mansions / Gengahr / Black Honey / Confidence Man / The Snuts / Fur / The Sherlocks / Squid / Sports Team / Kingswood / Goat Girl / Dream Wife / Far Caspian / VANT / C Duncan / Ibibio Sound Machine / Elli Ingram / KAWALA / James Gillespie / Skinny Living / Sam Tompkins / Liz Lawrence / HalfNoise / Everyone You Know / The Murder Capital / Bloxx / Ruston Kelly / Swimming Tapes / RuthAnne / She Drew The Gun / Aeris Roves / Fatherson / Hak Baker / Rachel Chinouriri / Apre / Jesse Jo Stark / Spinn / JVCK JAMES / Delilah Montagu / The Slow Readers Club / The Mysterines / kwassa / Marsicans / hot milk / Kojaque / Pizzagirl / Larkins / Lion / No Hot Ashes / Indoor Pets / Menace Beach / Patawawa / Another Sky / Lowly / Heavy Lungs / Katie Pruitt / Millie Turner / Wasuremono / whenyoung / Archie Faulks / John Buckley / Zuzu / Bailen / Wild Youth / The Lottery Winners / Ferris & Sylvester / Childcare / Sophie And The Giants / Declan Welsh & The Decadent West / Lauran Hibberd / The Skinner Brothers / Greatest Hits / Tertia May / Redfaces / Hotel Lux / Voka Gentle / Retro Video Club / Death By Unga Bunga / Malena Zavala / Jeffe / Fuzzy Sun / These New South Whales / Dancing On Tables / altopalo / The Dunts / Tamu Massif / Chappaqua Wrestling / Saint Agnes / Body Type / Dayo Bello / Wooze / Odina / Honey Harper / Walt Disco / Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard / Swimming Girls / The Hubbards / Spielbergs / Oli Fox / Saltwater Sun / Balcony / Benin City / Bessie Turner / Faux Pas / Thyla / Lice / Be Charlotte / Alligator / Gently Tender / Dan D'Lion / MAX RAD / Horror My Friend / Alex Francis / VC Pines / The Pearl Harts / Ed The Dog / Ivory Wave / Sun Silva / Brand New Friend / 404 Guild / Tamzene / Sad Boys Club / Sea Legs / TEAM PICTURE / Heavy Rapids / Eve Belle / Talkboy / Tom Joshua / Shadowlark / Dead Naked Hippies / Sunshine Frisbee Laserbeam / Average Joe / Brunswick / Big Society / The Golden Age of Tv / AK Patterson / Ormstons / The Collier / Curb / Lucas Watt / Green Gardens / Teeff / In Your Prime / TALLSAINT / Pip Hall / Hello Cosmos / Tranqua Lite / Luckie / Household Dogs / Le Boom (IRL) / Sam Wilde / Cruel World / Dboy (CAN) / Luvia (UK)
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Loathe / Darwin Deez / Gengahr / The Mysterines / Only The Poets / Our Girl / Black Peaks / kwassa / Fangclub / Palm Reader / Bitch Falcon / Charlotte Carpenter / All Ears Avow / Modern Rituals / Elessar UK / Bottlemoth / Watercolours / Fine Creatures / Sean Walker / Baast / Stonecutter / Fawner / Hot Beige / Midnight in England
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"110 Above Music Festival" / Sundara Karma / Marsicans / Clean Cut Kid / High Tide / kwassa / Anteros / The RPMS / seafret / Martin Luke Brown / Plested / Sam Martin
Her / Rag'n'Bone Man / White Lies / Nothing But Thieves / Gabrielle Aplin / Tom Walker / AJ Tracey / Yellow Days / Frightened Rabbit / Wild Beasts / seafret / Temples / IDLES / Slaves / Gang of Youths / The Pigeon Detectives / The Hunna / DMA'S / Tom Grennan / Lewis Watson / Matt Maltese / Jagwar Ma / Easy Life / Nilüfer Yanya / Pale Waves / Joy Crookes / Rationale / Fickle Friends / Kllo / The Amazons / Tender / The Academic / Joe Fox / Jade Bird / The Magic Gang / Puma Blue / The Night Café / Kojey Radical / Laurel / The Big Moon / Jordan Mackampa / Let’s Eat Grandma / Jaws / Teleman / Black Honey / carmody / Leo Stannard / Yonaka / Honeyblood / Geowulf / Jake Isaac / Superfood / Fazerdaze / Bad Sounds / Dream Wife / VANT / IDER / Fish / Clean Cut Kid / Ten Tonnes / Childhood / The Orielles / Chinah / Liv Dawson / She Drew The Gun / The Pale White / Scarlet / HMLTD / Trudy and The Romance / Saint PHNX / Airways / Sonny / Sivu / Siv Jakobsen / Joel Baker / Otzeki / Amber Arcades / kwassa / Marsicans / Connie Constance / Clay / The Moonlandingz / Ekkah / Mosa Wild / MOSES / Wyvern Lingo / Gurr / Howl / Indoor Pets / The Gallery / Lea Porcelain / XamVolo / Sam Brookes / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Off Bloom / Casey Lowry / Fangclub / Flamingods / The Age Of L.U.N.A / Lisbon / Jordan Max / Slang / Banfi / FREAK / Shy Luv / Francobollo / Husky Loops / Kovic / Life / King Nun / The Wandering Hearts / Bryde / Strong Asian Mothers / Little Hours / Johnny Lloyd / Paris Youth Foundation / Áine / Redfaces / ARC / Judas / Kilo / Plastic Mermaids / Zach Said / Jordan Allen / Pixey / Blackwaters / Brian Deady / Anna Straker / FLING / Dead Pretties / Outlya / October Drift / The Bay Rays / Faux Pas / Dusk (USA) / Artificial Pleasure / Indigo Husk / Be Charlotte / MarthaGunn / Joy Room / Alex Francis / Tom Hickox / Annabel Allum / JAGARA / Adian Coker / Weirds / Tender Central / Carys Selvey / Eat Fast / TEAM PICTURE / NGOD / Treeboy & Arc / Club Drive / Atlas Wynd / Rory Wynne / Rory Butler / Shadowlark / Dead Naked Hippies / Luxury Death / Bad Nerves (UK) / Lamia / White Kite / Croox / Jakl / The Golden Age of Tv / Dead! (UK) / Chest Pains / Noctürn / Fletcher Jackson / Young Native / Kell / The Opera Comic / Jellyskin / WUZI / Piles Of Clothes / Sam Wilde / The Tiny Minds / Heir (UK) / Roe Green / Plaza (UK) / Furr (UK)
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Her / Rag'n'Bone Man / Nothing But Thieves / Matt Maltese / Tom Walker / White Lies / AJ Tracey / Gabrielle Aplin / IDLES / seafret / Yellow Days / Tom Grennan / Gang of Youths / DMA’s / Soft Play (fka Slaves) / Frightened Rabbit / Temples / Wild Beasts / Joy Crookes / The Hunna / The Pigeon Detectives / Hard Life / Nilüfer Yanya / Lewis Watson / Pale Waves / Jagwar Ma / The Academic / Puma Blue / Rationale / Laurel / The Amazons / Tender / Kllo / Jade Bird / The Big Moon / Fickle Friends / Jordan Mackampa / Yonaka / The Night Café / The Magic Gang / Kojey Radical / Joe Fox / Teleman / Black Honey / Bad Nerves / Let’s Eat Grandma / Jaws / Fazerdaze / Jake Isaac / Bad Sounds / carmody / Dream Wife / Geowulf / Honeyblood / Leo Stannard / Superfood / VANT / IDER / Fish / Clean Cut Kid / Ten Tonnes / Airways / Trudy and The Romance / The Orielles / HMLTD / Childhood / The Pale White / She Drew The Gun / Saint PHNX / Chinah / Scarlet / Liv Dawson / Siv Jakobsen / Sonny / Clay / Connie Constance / Joel Baker / Otzeki / Sivu / Marsicans / Amber Arcades / Ekkah / kwassa / The Moonlandingz / Life / Casey Lowry / MOSES / Gurr / Lea Porcelain / Mosa Wild / Pixey / Howl / Wyvern Lingo / Indoor Pets / Fangclub / The Gallery / Flamingods / XamVolo / Sam Brookes / King Nun / Off Bloom / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Jordan Max / Slang / The Wandering Hearts / The Age Of L.U.N.A / FREAK / Lisbon / Banfi / Husky Loops / Kovic / Francobollo / Shy Luv / Bryde / Paris Youth Foundation / October Drift / Strong Asian Mothers / Blackwaters / Áine / Johnny Lloyd / Plastic Mermaids / Little Hours / Kilo / Redfaces / Zach Said / ARC / Judas / Dead Pretties / Jordan Allen / Brian Deady / Anna Straker / FLING / Outlya / Alex Francis / The Bay Rays / Faux Pas / Be Charlotte / MarthaGunn / Artificial Pleasure / Dusk (USA) / Treeboy & Arc / Indigo Husk / Joy Room / Tom Hickox / Annabel Allum / JAGARA / Adian Coker / Tender Central / Weirds / Carys Selvey / TEAM PICTURE / Eat Fast / NGOD / Club Drive / Rory Butler / Shadowlark / Atlas Wynd / Rory Wynne / Dead Naked Hippies / Lamia / Jellyskin / Luxury Death / White Kite / Croox / Jakl / The Golden Age of Tv / Dead! (UK) / Noctürn / Chest Pains / Kell / Fletcher Jackson / Young Native / The Opera Comic / WUZI / Piles Of Clothes / The Tiny Minds / Sam Wilde / Roe Green / Heir (UK) / Plaza (UK) / Furr (UK)
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