Known as a pioneer of electronic music, Matthew Kratz aka Kraddy is one of the most innovative and remarkable artists of his day. He stands as a visionary in his field, a fresh voice that spans genres and artistic style. Hybridizing hip hop, dubstep and dancehall with digital edits and cuts, Kraddy's music is a voice from the future awakening our ears and minds to what is yet to come.
"Lightning In A Bottle" (Bradley) / Thao & The Get Down Stay Down / Vallis Alps / BASSNECTAR / Calyx & Teebee / JoaqoPelli / Kraddy / Shlump / Bonobo / Big Wild / Ivy Lab / Paper Diamond / Machinedrum / Edit / Richie Hawtin / Christian Smith / Stephan Bodzin / Electric Mantis / Templo / Zach Walker / Lonely Boy / The Seshen / Jeremy Sole / The Range / Elohim / Maddy O'Neal / KMLN / Gene Evaro Jr. / Delirians / Mansion / Noncoding
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Years & Years / Calvin Harris / Ellie Goulding / Baauer / Rancid / Guns N' Roses / Volbeat / Gary Clark Jr. / Sia / Alessia Cara / The Heavy / Jack Ü / LCD Soundsystem / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Of Monsters and Men / The Last Shadow Puppets / ZHU / M83 / Lord Huron / BØRNS / A$AP Rocky / Parov Stelar / Skepta / Rhye / Miami Horror / Disclosure / Pete Yorn / Courtney Barnett / Vince Staples / Lost Frequencies / Major Lazer / RL Grime / DJ Mustard / Snakehips / Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros / Zedd / SZA / Anderson Paak / Cold War Kids / Robert DeLong / Hudson Mohawke / RÜFÜS / Foals / Nosaj Thing / St Germain / Death Grips / Miike Snow / The Damned / Tensnake / Sufjan Stevens / Zella Day / Beach House / Goldroom / Wolf Alice / The 1975 / Savages / Joywave / Matthew Dear / HEALTH / TOKiMONSTA / Flume / CHVRCHES / MATOMA / BadBadNotGood / Ice Cube / Sasha / Låpsley / Matt and Kim / The Front Bottoms / The Chainsmokers / Lemaitre / Sam Feldt / G-Eazy / Mavis Staples / Chris Stapleton / Silversun Pickups / Christine and the Queens / Grimes / Tchami / James Bay / Alvvays / The Kills / Lush / Purity Ring / Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats / Maceo Plex / Gallant / Carla Morrison / Rae Sremmurd / Claptone / DJ Koze / AlunaGeorge / The Vandals / Ibeyi / Deafheaven / Bat For Lashes / Young Fathers / Melody's Echo Chamber / Deerhunter / Justin Martin / Halsey / Moon Taxi / Underworld / Tei Shi / Meg Myers / Crystal Fighters / 2manydjs (Live) / Joey Bada$$ / Kraddy / George Fitzgerald / Bob Moses / Stanton Warriors / Louis the Child / Thomas Jack / STWO / Kamasi Washington / John Digweed / Autolux / Shamir / Dubfire / The Arcs / Nina Kraviz / Lido / Nora en Pure / RÜFÜS DU SOL / Mr. Carmack / Chronixx / SG Lewis / Soul Clap / Girlpool / DMA'S / Adam Beyer / Epik High / Sweater Beats / AC Slater / Autograf / Protoje / Marco Carola / Frances / SOPHIE / Ex Hex / Vanic / Skin / Mano Le Tough / GoGo Penguin / Nu / Ida Engberg / Nic Fanciulli / Sam Gellaitry / Black Coffee / De Lux / Nicole Moudaber / Algiers / Kshmr / Hælos / DJ Ez / Cloves / Amine Edge & Dance / Ekali / Hotel Garuda / Fur Coat / Mbongwana Star / Nina Las Vegas / Prayers / Sheer Mag / Cut Snake / Gilligan Moss / Cassy / The Human Experience / The Black Madonna / Ardalan / Strangers You Know / Walker & Royce / Melvv / SNAILS (Montreal) / Satori / Bedouin / Sacha Robotti / The Dead Ships / Nico Luminous / Steady Holiday / Oona Dahl / Patricio / Shawni / Jesse Wright / MASHA (Serbia) / Hunter Leggitt / Run the Jewels / PHASES
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Carla Morrison / Calvin Harris / Claptone / DJ Koze / Ellie Goulding / The Vandals / Ibeyi / Young Fathers / Guns N' Roses / Deafheaven / Melody's Echo Chamber / Justin Martin / Moon Taxi / Of Monsters and Men / 2manydjs (Live) / Tei Shi / Sia / Meg Myers / Kraddy / George Fitzgerald / M83 / Stanton Warriors / Thomas Jack / Bob Moses / A$AP Rocky / John Digweed / Autolux / STWO / Disclosure / Louis the Child / Kamasi Washington / Shamir / Dubfire / Major Lazer / Nina Kraviz / The Arcs / Nora en Pure / Lido / Mr. Carmack / Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros / RÜFÜS DU SOL / Zedd / Chronixx / SG Lewis / Cold War Kids / Soul Clap / Girlpool / Foals / Adam Beyer / DMA'S / Sweater Beats / Miike Snow / Epik High / AC Slater / Sufjan Stevens / Autograf / Beach House / Protoje / Marco Carola / SOPHIE / The 1975 / CHVRCHES / Frances / Ex Hex / Skin / Mano Le Tough / Vanic / GoGo Penguin / Flume / Nu / Ida Engberg / Ice Cube / Nic Fanciulli / Sam Gellaitry / Matt and Kim / Black Coffee / The Chainsmokers / De Lux / Nicole Moudaber / Algiers / Hælos / G-Eazy / DJ Ez / Silversun Pickups / Cloves / Grimes / The Kills / Amine Edge & Dance / Fur Coat / James Bay / Ekali / Purity Ring / Hotel Garuda / Mbongwana Star / Nina Las Vegas / Prayers / Rae Sremmurd / Sheer Mag / Cut Snake / Cassy / Gilligan Moss / AlunaGeorge / The Human Experience / Ardalan / The Black Madonna / Bat For Lashes / Strangers You Know / Walker & Royce / Melvv / Deerhunter / Satori / SNAILS (Montreal) / Bedouin / Sacha Robotti / The Dead Ships / Halsey / Nico Luminous / Steady Holiday / Oona Dahl / Underworld / Patricio / Shawni / Jesse Wright / Crystal Fighters / MASHA (Serbia) / Joey Bada$$ / Hunter Leggitt / Parov Stelar / PHASES / Years & Years / Baauer / Rancid / Volbeat / Gary Clark Jr. / The Heavy / Jack Ü / Alessia Cara / LCD Soundsystem / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / The Last Shadow Puppets / ZHU / Lord Huron / BØRNS / Rhye / Skepta / Miami Horror / Pete Yorn / Courtney Barnett / Vince Staples / Lost Frequencies / RL Grime / DJ Mustard / Snakehips / SZA / Robert DeLong / Hudson Mohawke / Nosaj Thing / RÜFÜS / Anderson Paak / St Germain / The Damned / Death Grips / Tensnake / Zella Day / Goldroom / Savages / Wolf Alice / Joywave / Matthew Dear / HEALTH / TOKiMONSTA / MATOMA / Sasha / BadBadNotGood / The Front Bottoms / Lemaitre / Låpsley / Mavis Staples / Sam Feldt / Chris Stapleton / Alvvays / Tchami / Christine and the Queens / Lush / Maceo Plex / Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats / Gallant / Kshmr / Run the Jewels
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Calvin Harris / Ellie Goulding / Sia / A$AP Rocky / Guns N' Roses / Major Lazer / The Chainsmokers / Of Monsters and Men / Zedd / M83 / Disclosure / G-Eazy / Halsey / Flume / The 1975 / Rae Sremmurd / Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros / Foals / Cold War Kids / Alessia Cara / Sufjan Stevens / Beach House / SZA / Ice Cube / James Bay / Miike Snow / CHVRCHES / Joey Bada$$ / Grimes / AlunaGeorge / Matt and Kim / Vince Staples / Silversun Pickups / Years & Years / Purity Ring / LCD Soundsystem / The Kills / Lord Huron / BØRNS / ZHU / Snakehips / Deerhunter / Skepta / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Jack Ü / Bat For Lashes / Gary Clark Jr. / Underworld / Baauer / Chris Stapleton / Volbeat / Lost Frequencies / Run the Jewels / Crystal Fighters / MATOMA / Rancid / RÜFÜS DU SOL / The Last Shadow Puppets / Rhye / Courtney Barnett / The Heavy / Parov Stelar / Louis the Child / RL Grime / Sam Feldt / BadBadNotGood / Wolf Alice / DJ Mustard / Miami Horror / Christine and the Queens / Alvvays / Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats / Zella Day / Death Grips / Joywave / Gallant / Pete Yorn / Låpsley / Nosaj Thing / TOKiMONSTA / The Front Bottoms / SG Lewis / Robert DeLong / Tchami / The Damned / Hudson Mohawke / Lemaitre / Kamasi Washington / Kshmr / St Germain / Goldroom / Mavis Staples / Savages / Tensnake / Moon Taxi / Sasha / Claptone / Black Coffee / Carla Morrison / Bob Moses / HEALTH / Ibeyi / Matthew Dear / Young Fathers / Chronixx / DJ Koze / Nora en Pure / Melody's Echo Chamber / Tei Shi / Lido / Maceo Plex / Autograf / DMA'S / The Arcs / STWO / George Fitzgerald / Lush / Frances / Deafheaven / Girlpool / Meg Myers / The Vandals / Thomas Jack / Protoje / SOPHIE / Nina Kraviz / Shamir / Vanic / Justin Martin / Sweater Beats / GoGo Penguin / Epik High / Mr. Carmack / Stanton Warriors / Ekali / Cloves / Sam Gellaitry / Autolux / Dubfire / Nu / John Digweed / AC Slater / Kraddy / Adam Beyer / Mano Le Tough / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / Soul Clap / Marco Carola / Hælos / Hotel Garuda / Ex Hex / Algiers / Melvv / Skin / De Lux / Nic Fanciulli / Nicole Moudaber / Sheer Mag / The Black Madonna / Ida Engberg / Satori / Amine Edge & Dance / DJ Ez / Walker & Royce / Gilligan Moss / Prayers / Bedouin / The Human Experience / Mbongwana Star / Fur Coat / Cut Snake / PHASES / Strangers You Know / Nina Las Vegas / Ardalan / Sacha Robotti / Cassy / Steady Holiday / The Snails (US) / The Dead Ships / Nico Luminous / Oona Dahl / Shawni / Patricio / Jesse Wright / MASHA (Serbia) / Hunter Leggitt / Lucen Dossier Exprience / Anderson .Paak & The Free Nationals
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Calvin Harris / Ellie Goulding / Wolf Alice / Guns N' Roses / Sia / A$AP Rocky / Major Lazer / Of Monsters and Men / M83 / Disclosure / RÜFÜS / Zedd / The Chainsmokers / Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros / Flume / Sam Feldt / G-Eazy / Foals / The 1975 / Cold War Kids / Nosaj Thing / Beach House / Sufjan Stevens / Miike Snow / Zella Day / Rae Sremmurd / Ice Cube / Death Grips / Halsey / CHVRCHES / James Bay / Joywave / Alessia Cara / Matt and Kim / Grimes / Hudson Mohawke / Silversun Pickups / Robert DeLong / AlunaGeorge / Purity Ring / Låpsley / Joey Bada$$ / The Kills / SZA / Christine and the Queens / Years & Years / Deerhunter / The Damned / LCD Soundsystem / Bat For Lashes / Anderson .Paak / Vince Staples / Underworld / TOKiMONSTA / Baauer / St Germain / Jack Ü / Goldroom / BØRNS / Louis the Child / ZHU / Crystal Fighters / Gary Clark Jr. / Alvvays / Volbeat / Lord Huron / The Front Bottoms / Snakehips / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Gallant / Rancid / The Heavy / The Last Shadow Puppets / Savages / Skepta / Lost Frequencies / Run The Jewels / Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats / Parov Stelar / Rhye / Courtney Barnett / DJ Mustard / Tensnake / MATOMA / Lemaitre / Chris Stapleton / Tchami / RL Grime / HEALTH / Miami Horror / Matthew Dear / BadBadNotGood / Pete Yorn / Mavis Staples / Sasha / KSHMR / Carla Morrison / Kamasi Washington / Claptone / Ibeyi / SG Lewis / Moon Taxi / RÜFÜS DU SOL / Maceo Plex / Bob Moses / Young Fathers / Lush / Melody's Echo Chamber / Tei Shi / DJ Koze / Nora en Pure / Chronixx / Black Coffee / The Vandals / Deafheaven / The Arcs / Lido / STWO / Thomas Jack / Autograf / Meg Myers / Justin Martin / George Fitzgerald / Girlpool / Frances / DMA'S / Nina Kraviz / Shamir / Stanton Warriors / Mr. Carmack / Kraddy / Autolux / John Digweed / Protoje / Vanic / Sweater Beats / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / Dubfire / Epik High / GoGo Penguin / Adam Beyer / SOPHIE / Soul Clap / AC Slater / Sam Gellaitry / Nu / CLOVES / Mano Le Tough / Marco Carola / Ex Hex / Ekali / Hælos / Algiers / Skin / Hotel Garuda / Nic Fanciulli / Nicole Moudaber / Ida Engberg / De Lux / Sheer Mag / Melvv / DJ Ez / Amine Edge & Dance / The Black Madonna / Fur Coat / Mbongwana Star / PHASES / Prayers / Gilligan Moss / Cut Snake / Satori / Nina Las Vegas / The Human Experience / Bedouin / Strangers You Know / Walker & Royce / Cassy / Ardalan / SNAILS (Montreal) / Sacha Robotti / Steady Holiday / The Dead Ships / Nico Luminous / Oona Dahl / Shawni / Patricio / Jesse Wright / MASHA (Serbia) / Hunter Leggitt
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HEALTH / Calvin Harris / The Front Bottoms / Lemaitre / Ellie Goulding / Christine and the Queens / Sasha / Guns N' Roses / Mavis Staples / Gallant / Sia / Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats / Alvvays / Tchami / Carla Morrison / Of Monsters and Men / Lush / Claptone / Maceo Plex / A$AP Rocky / Louis the Child / Ibeyi / DJ Koze / M83 / Young Fathers / The Vandals / Major Lazer / Deafheaven / Melody's Echo Chamber / Kamasi Washington / Disclosure / Bob Moses / Zedd / Tei Shi / Moon Taxi / Justin Martin / Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros / Meg Myers / Thomas Jack / Foals / RÜFÜS DU SOL / STWO / George Fitzgerald / Cold War Kids / The Arcs / The Chainsmokers / Stanton Warriors / Beach House / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / Lido / Nora en Pure / Kraddy / SG Lewis / Flume / Chronixx / Autolux / The 1975 / John Digweed / Shamir / Nina Kraviz / Girlpool / Miike Snow / Dubfire / DMA'S / Sufjan Stevens / Mr. Carmack / Ice Cube / Autograf / CHVRCHES / Frances / Black Coffee / Sweater Beats / G-Eazy / Epik High / Adam Beyer / Matt and Kim / Protoje / Soul Clap / Vanic / AC Slater / SOPHIE / Marco Carola / Rae Sremmurd / GoGo Penguin / Grimes / Ex Hex / Silversun Pickups / Mano Le Tough / Nu / James Bay / Skin / Sam Gellaitry / Ida Engberg / Halsey / Purity Ring / The Kills / Nic Fanciulli / Hælos / Nicole Moudaber / AlunaGeorge / De Lux / Algiers / Bat For Lashes / Ekali / Hotel Garuda / DJ Ez / Deerhunter / Amine Edge & Dance / Joey Bada$$ / Fur Coat / Alessia Cara / Mbongwana Star / PHASES / Sheer Mag / Years & Years / Prayers / Nina Las Vegas / Underworld / Melvv / Baauer / Gilligan Moss / The Black Madonna / Crystal Fighters / Cut Snake / LCD Soundsystem / Cassy / Rancid / The Human Experience / Strangers You Know / Volbeat / Ardalan / Gary Clark Jr. / Walker & Royce / Satori / Jack Ü / Bedouin / SNAILS (Montreal) / The Heavy / Sacha Robotti / ZHU / The Dead Ships / Nico Luminous / Steady Holiday / Oona Dahl / Shawni / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Patricio / Jesse Wright / MASHA (Serbia) / Hunter Leggitt / Kshmr / The Last Shadow Puppets / BØRNS / Lord Huron / Anderson .Paak / Vince Staples / Skepta / Parov Stelar / Snakehips / Rhye / DJ Mustard / Lost Frequencies / SZA / Courtney Barnett / Miami Horror / RL Grime / Cloves / Pete Yorn / RÜFÜS / Run the Jewels / Nosaj Thing / Robert DeLong / Hudson Mohawke / MATOMA / Death Grips / Wolf Alice / Zella Day / The Damned / BadBadNotGood / St Germain / Goldroom / Savages / Joywave / Chris Stapleton / Tensnake / TOKiMONSTA / Låpsley / Matthew Dear / Sam Feldt
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Calvin Harris / Ellie Goulding / Guns N' Roses / Of Monsters and Men / Anderson Paak / M83 / Sia / A$AP Rocky / Lush / Disclosure / Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros / Major Lazer / Zedd / Miike Snow / Cold War Kids / Sam Feldt / Sufjan Stevens / Foals / Beach House / Alvvays / Ice Cube / The 1975 / CHVRCHES / Matt and Kim / Flume / Silversun Pickups / Maceo Plex / Grimes / The Kills / Tchami / G-Eazy / Purity Ring / The Chainsmokers / The Vandals / Bat For Lashes / James Bay / AlunaGeorge / Deerhunter / Rae Sremmurd / Chris Stapleton / Underworld / Crystal Fighters / DJ Koze / Baauer / Rancid / Years & Years / Joey Bada$$ / Carla Morrison / Halsey / Claptone / The Heavy / Ibeyi / Volbeat / Gary Clark Jr. / Jack Ü / Deafheaven / Young Fathers / The Last Shadow Puppets / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats / LCD Soundsystem / Parov Stelar (Live) / Lord Huron / Christine and the Queens / ZHU / Miami Horror / Pete Yorn / Melody's Echo Chamber / Alessia Cara / Rhye / Justin Martin / Skepta / BØRNS / Courtney Barnett / RL Grime / 2manydjs / Lost Frequencies / Vince Staples / Robert DeLong / Gallant / Hudson Mohawke / Kraddy / DJ Mustard / Moon Taxi / Nosaj Thing / RÜFÜS / Meg Myers / St Germain / Tei Shi / SZA / Tensnake / Stanton Warriors / The Damned / George Fitzgerald / Death Grips / Matthew Dear / Snakehips / John Digweed / Zella Day / Goldroom / Savages / Autolux / HEALTH / Joywave / Wolf Alice / TOKiMONSTA / Sasha / Dubfire / The Front Bottoms / Mavis Staples / Lemaitre / Shamir / MATOMA / BadBadNotGood / Låpsley / Kshmr / Thomas Jack / STWO / Nina Kraviz / Bob Moses / Kamasi Washington / Nora en Pure / Mr. Carmack / The Arcs / Soul Clap / Lido / Adam Beyer / Chronixx / AC Slater / Louis the Child / Girlpool / Marco Carola / SOPHIE / Sweater Beats / Epik High / DMA'S / Skin / RÜFÜS DU SOL / PHASES / Protoje / Ex Hex / Autograf / SG Lewis / Mano Le Tough / Nu / Frances / Ida Engberg / GoGo Penguin / Nic Fanciulli / Vanic / Black Coffee / Nicole Moudaber / De Lux / Sam Gellaitry / Algiers / DJ Ez / Amine Edge & Dance / Hælos / Fur Coat / Mbongwana Star / Ekali / Hotel Garuda / Nina Las Vegas / Prayers / Sheer Mag / Cassy / The Human Experience / Cut Snake / Gilligan Moss / Ardalan / Walker & Royce / Black Madonna / Satori / Strangers You Know / Melvv / SNAILS (Montreal) / Sacha Robotti / Bedouin / Nico Luminous / The Dead Ships / Steady Holiday / Oona Dahl / Patricio / Jesse Wright / Shawni / MASHA (Serbia) / Hunter Leggitt / Cloves / Run the Jewels
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"Decibel Festival" / Douglas Dare / Pete Tong / Tensnake / Isis Graham / T. Williams / Sassmouth / Brian Lyons / Nordic Soul / Mimosa / Kraddy / Splatinum / Salva / Nadastrom / Groundislava / Deru / Greg Gives Peter Space / Rival Consoles / Lane 8 / MANIK
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Calvin Harris / Lana Del Rey / Ellie Goulding / Muse / Kid Cudi / Lorde / MGMT / Skrillex / Pharrell Williams / Foster The People / Bastille / Arcade Fire / Chance the Rapper / OutKast / Zedd / Cage The Elephant / Disclosure / Martin Garrix / The 1975 / Beck / Nas / Flume / Jhené Aiko / Queens of the Stone Age / A$AP Ferg / Empire of the Sun / Grouplove / Rudimental / HAIM / Bonobo / CHVRCHES / Galantis / Aloe Blacc / The Naked and Famous / Fatboy Slim / Tom Odell / The Head and the Heart / John Newman / Daughter / Bombay Bicycle Club / BANKS / Little Dragon / Broken Bells / AlunaGeorge / City and Colour / Duke Dumont / Solange / Washed Out / Flight Facilities / Dillon Francis / James Vincent McMorrow / Pet Shop Boys / Chromeo / The Internet / Blood Orange / Future Islands / Deorro / AFI / Mogwai / STRFKR / Krewella / Sleigh Bells / Neutral Milk Hotel / Warpaint / Kate Nash / White Lies / The Cult / Gorgon City / Duck Sauce / The Glitch Mob / Carnage / Showtek / RL Grime / Woodkid / Flatbush Zombies / Frank Turner / Flosstradamus / The Knife / MS MR / Adventure Club / Big Gigantic / Caravan Palace / Netsky / Girl Talk / Bryan Ferry / Foxygen / Ty Segall / Neko Case / Bicep / Surfer Blood / Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs / Poolside / Motörhead / The Replacements / Shlohmo / Gareth Emery / Holy Ghost / Temples / Good Times Ahead / Anti-Flag / Wye Oak / The Magician / Laura Mvula / Solomun / Classixx / Austra / Dum Dum Girls / Tiga / Title Fight / Beady Eye / Mako / Darkside / Maceo Plex / Bear Hands / Jagwar Ma / Chrome Sparks / Waxahatchee / Headhunterz / ZZ Ward / TJR / Slow Magic / Hot Since 82 / Nina Kraviz / The Preatures / The Afghan Whigs / Goat / Jon Spencer & the HITmakers / Laurent Garnier / MAKJ / J Roddy Walston & the Business / Graveyard / Aeroplane / Anthony Green / Kill Paris / Superchunk / ††† (Crosses) / Bad Manners / Sweater Beats / Fishbone / Michael Brun / Preservation Hall Jazz Band / Scuba / The Dismemberment Plan / Sound Remedy / Guy Gerber / Bombino / UZ / Kraddy / Dixon / The Martinez Brothers / Lafa Taylor / Art Department / Desert Dwellers / Toy Dolls / Blond:ish / Jonas Rathsman / Factory Floor / Drowners / Cajmere / Damian Lazarus / Nicole Moudaber / Young & Sick / Ratking / Lee Burridge / Kastle / K Theory / Thriftworks / The Bots / DJ Tennis / Bo Ningen / Syd Arthur / Isaac Tichauer / Saints of Valory / Ill-Esha / Thugfucker / Paul Basic / Love and Light / Gladkill / Freddy Todd / Davide Squillace / Christian Martin / Unlocking the Truth / DJ Falcon / Lowriderz / Carbon Airways / Mikey Lion / Eduardo Castillo / osc / Benji Vaughan / chrisB / Lucent Dossier Experience / John Beaver / Hopscotch / diamond saints / Jobot / Idiot Savant / Alessa / Jupit3r / Sugar Pill / The Gabba Gabba Heys / J.Philip / Sammy Bliss / Anna Luneo / hunterleggit / DJ Plasso / ethjck
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Calvin Harris / Lana Del Rey / Ellie Goulding / Muse / Kid Cudi / Lorde / MGMT / Skrillex / Pharrell Williams / Foster The People / Bastille / Arcade Fire / Chance the Rapper / OutKast / Zedd / Disclosure / Cage The Elephant / Martin Garrix / The 1975 / Beck / Nas / Flume / Jhené Aiko / Queens of the Stone Age / A$AP Ferg / Grouplove / Empire of the Sun / Rudimental / HAIM / Bonobo / CHVRCHES / Aloe Blacc / Galantis / The Naked and Famous / Fatboy Slim / The Head and the Heart / Tom Odell / John Newman / Daughter / Bombay Bicycle Club / BANKS / Little Dragon / Broken Bells / AlunaGeorge / City and Colour / Duke Dumont / Washed Out / Solange / Dillon Francis / Flight Facilities / James Vincent McMorrow / Pet Shop Boys / Chromeo / The Internet / Blood Orange / Deorro / Future Islands / AFI / Mogwai / STRFKR / Krewella / Sleigh Bells / Warpaint / Kate Nash / Neutral Milk Hotel / White Lies / The Cult / Gorgon City / Duck Sauce / The Glitch Mob / Carnage / Showtek / RL Grime / Woodkid / Flatbush Zombies / Flosstradamus / Frank Turner / MS MR / The Knife / Adventure Club / Big Gigantic / Netsky / Caravan Palace / Girl Talk / Foxygen / Bryan Ferry / Neko Case / Ty Segall / Bicep / Surfer Blood / Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs / Motörhead / The Replacements / Poolside / Shlohmo / Gareth Emery / Holy Ghost / Temples / Good Times Ahead / Anti-Flag / Wye Oak / The Magician / Laura Mvula / Classixx / Austra / Solomun / Dum Dum Girls / Tiga / Beady Eye / Mako / Darkside / Title Fight / Bear Hands / Jagwar Ma / Chrome Sparks / Maceo Plex / Waxahatchee / Headhunterz / TJR / ZZ Ward / Slow Magic / Hot Since 82 / The Preatures / Nina Kraviz / The Afghan Whigs / Jon Spencer & the HITmakers / Goat / Laurent Garnier / MAKJ / J Roddy Walston & the Business / Aeroplane / Graveyard / Kill Paris / Anthony Green / Superchunk / Bad Manners / ††† (Crosses) / Sweater Beats / Fishbone / Michael Brun / Preservation Hall Jazz Band / Scuba / Sound Remedy / The Dismemberment Plan / Guy Gerber / UZ / Bombino / Kraddy / Lafa Taylor / Dixon / Art Department / The Martinez Brothers / Toy Dolls / Desert Dwellers / Jonas Rathsman / Factory Floor / Drowners / Cajmere / Blond:ish / Damian Lazarus / Nicole Moudaber / Young & Sick / Ratking / Lee Burridge / Kastle / K Theory / Thriftworks / The Bots / DJ Tennis / Bo Ningen / Syd Arthur / Isaac Tichauer / Saints of Valory / Ill-Esha / Thugfucker / Paul Basic / Love and Light / Gladkill / Freddy Todd / Davide Squillace / Christian Martin / Unlocking the Truth / DJ Falcon / Lowriderz / Carbon Airways / Mikey Lion / Eduardo Castillo / osc / Benji Vaughan / chrisB / Lucent Dossier Experience / John Beaver / Hopscotch / diamond saints / Idiot Savant / Jobot / Alessa / Jupit3r / Sugar Pill / The Gabba Gabba Heys / Sammy Bliss / J.Philip / Anna Luneo / ethjck / DJ Plasso / hunterleggit / Capital Cities
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Calvin Harris / Lana Del Rey / Ellie Goulding / Muse / Kid Cudi / Lorde / MGMT / Skrillex / Pharrell Williams / Foster The People / Bastille / Arcade Fire / Chance the Rapper / OutKast / Zedd / Disclosure / Cage The Elephant / Martin Garrix / The 1975 / Beck / Nas / Flume / Jhené Aiko / Queens of the Stone Age / A$AP Ferg / Grouplove / Empire of the Sun / Rudimental / HAIM / Bonobo / CHVRCHES / Aloe Blacc / Galantis / The Naked and Famous / Fatboy Slim / The Head and the Heart / Tom Odell / John Newman / Daughter / Bombay Bicycle Club / BANKS / Little Dragon / Broken Bells / AlunaGeorge / City and Colour / Duke Dumont / Washed Out / Dillon Francis / Solange / Flight Facilities / James Vincent McMorrow / Pet Shop Boys / Chromeo / The Internet / Blood Orange / Deorro / Future Islands / AFI / Mogwai / STRFKR / Krewella / Sleigh Bells / Warpaint / Kate Nash / Neutral Milk Hotel / White Lies / The Cult / Gorgon City / Duck Sauce / The Glitch Mob / Carnage / Showtek / RL Grime / Woodkid / Flatbush Zombies / Flosstradamus / MS MR / Frank Turner / The Knife / Adventure Club / Big Gigantic / Netsky / Girl Talk / Caravan Palace / Foxygen / Bryan Ferry / Neko Case / Ty Segall / Bicep / Surfer Blood / Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs / Motörhead / The Replacements / Poolside / Shlohmo / Gareth Emery / Holy Ghost / Good Times Ahead / Temples / Wye Oak / Anti-Flag / The Magician / Laura Mvula / Classixx / Austra / Solomun / Dum Dum Girls / Tiga / Beady Eye / Mako / Darkside / Bear Hands / Jagwar Ma / Title Fight / Chrome Sparks / Maceo Plex / Waxahatchee / Headhunterz / TJR / ZZ Ward / Slow Magic / Hot Since 82 / The Preatures / Nina Kraviz / The Afghan Whigs / Jon Spencer & the HITmakers / Goat / Laurent Garnier / MAKJ / J Roddy Walston & the Business / Aeroplane / Kill Paris / Graveyard / Anthony Green / Superchunk / Bad Manners / ††† (Crosses) / Sweater Beats / Fishbone / Michael Brun / Preservation Hall Jazz Band / Scuba / Sound Remedy / The Dismemberment Plan / Guy Gerber / UZ / Kraddy / Bombino / Lafa Taylor / Dixon / Art Department / The Martinez Brothers / Toy Dolls / Desert Dwellers / Jonas Rathsman / Factory Floor / Drowners / Cajmere / Blond:ish / Damian Lazarus / Nicole Moudaber / Ratking / Young & Sick / Lee Burridge / Kastle / K Theory / Thriftworks / The Bots / DJ Tennis / Bo Ningen / Syd Arthur / Isaac Tichauer / Saints of Valory / Ill-Esha / Thugfucker / Paul Basic / Love and Light / Gladkill / Freddy Todd / Davide Squillace / Christian Martin / Unlocking the Truth / DJ Falcon / Lowriderz / Carbon Airways / Mikey Lion / Eduardo Castillo / osc / Benji Vaughan / chrisB / Lucent Dossier Experience / John Beaver / Hopscotch / diamond saints / Idiot Savant / Jobot / Alessa / Jupit3r / Sugar Pill / The Gabba Gabba Heys / Sammy Bliss / J.Philip / Anna Luneo / ethjck / DJ Plasso / hunterleggit
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Calvin Harris / Lana Del Rey / Ellie Goulding / Muse / Kid Cudi / Lorde / MGMT / Skrillex / Foster The People / Pharrell Williams / Bastille / Arcade Fire / Chance the Rapper / Zedd / OutKast / Disclosure / Cage The Elephant / Martin Garrix / Beck / The 1975 / Nas / Flume / Jhené Aiko / Queens of the Stone Age / Grouplove / A$AP Ferg / Empire of the Sun / Rudimental / HAIM / Aloe Blacc / CHVRCHES / The Naked and Famous / Galantis / Bonobo / Fatboy Slim / The Head and the Heart / John Newman / Daughter / Bombay Bicycle Club / BANKS / Tom Odell / Little Dragon / AlunaGeorge / Broken Bells / City and Colour / Washed Out / Dillon Francis / Duke Dumont / James Vincent McMorrow / Flight Facilities / Solange / Chromeo / Pet Shop Boys / The Internet / Deorro / AFI / Mogwai / Future Islands / Blood Orange / Krewella / STRFKR / Sleigh Bells / Kate Nash / Warpaint / Neutral Milk Hotel / White Lies / The Cult / Duck Sauce / Gorgon City / Carnage / The Glitch Mob / Showtek / RL Grime / Woodkid / Flatbush Zombies / Flosstradamus / MS MR / Adventure Club / Frank Turner / The Knife / Big Gigantic / Girl Talk / Netsky / Foxygen / Caravan Palace / Neko Case / Bryan Ferry / Ty Segall / Surfer Blood / Motörhead / Shlohmo / Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs / The Replacements / Holy Ghost / Good Times Ahead / Poolside / Gareth Emery / Temples / Wye Oak / The Magician / Bicep / Anti-Flag / Classixx / Laura Mvula / Austra / Dum Dum Girls / Tiga / Solomun / Beady Eye / Mako / Bear Hands / Jagwar Ma / Chrome Sparks / Darkside / Maceo Plex / TJR / ZZ Ward / Waxahatchee / Headhunterz / Slow Magic / Title Fight / Hot Since 82 / The Preatures / The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion / Nina Kraviz / The Afghan Whigs / Goat / MAKJ / Laurent Garnier / J Roddy Walston & the Business / Aeroplane / Kill Paris / Anthony Green / Graveyard / Superchunk / Sweater Beats / Bad Manners / Michael Brun / Fishbone / ††† (Crosses) / Scuba / Preservation Hall Jazz Band / Sound Remedy / The Dismemberment Plan / Guy Gerber / UZ / Kraddy / Bombino / Lafa Taylor / Art Department / Dixon / The Martinez Brothers / Toy Dolls / Desert Dwellers / Factory Floor / Jonas Rathsman / Drowners / Cajmere / Damian Lazarus / Ratking / Nicole Moudaber / Young & Sick / Blond:ish / Lee Burridge / Kastle / K Theory / The Bots / Thriftworks / DJ Tennis / Bo Ningen / Isaac Tichauer / Syd Arthur / Saints of Valory / Ill-Esha / Thugfucker / Paul Basic / Love and Light / Gladkill / Davide Squillace / Freddy Todd / Christian Martin / Unlocking the Truth / DJ Falcon / Lowriderz / Carbon Airways / Mikey Lion / Eduardo Castillo / osc / chrisB / Benji Vaughan / Lucent Dossier Experience / John Beaver / Hopscotch / diamond saints / Jobot / Idiot Savant / Alessa / Jupit3r / Sugar Pill / The Gabba Gabba Heys / Sammy Bliss / J.Philip / Anna Luneo / ethjck / DJ Plasso / hunterleggit
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