Kowloon Ghost Syndicate formed in 2013 in Tokyo, Japan by veterans of the Japanese punk underground. Initially created by Naoki experimenting with samples on Garageband, before asking Yuichi and Yasutomo to join. Practicing as a 3-piece they searched for a second guitarist and new bassist so Yuichi could focus on vocals. The search ended with Kohei and Takumi, though Takumi would later leave and be replaced by Takayuki.
Stubborn Father 1st Album Release Live
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Stubborn Father / Swarrrm / Kowloon Ghost Syndicate / Kallaqri / Superstructure / Disgrunder May 18, 2019 Shino okubo japan Embedded by Fantomos
Stubborn Father / Swarrrm / Kowloon Ghost Syndicate / Kallaqri / Superstructure / Disgrunder May 18, 2019 Shino okubo japan Uploaded by Fantomos
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