Knee Deep's 2011 Concert History

Sebastian Döring (AKA Superbird) started his career as a remixer and producer under the name of TBA. Together with Daniel Klein (AKA Gucciman), in the late 90's they formed a first successful project: Kiez Kidz, named as a hint of the city of Hamburg where they produced. At the same time, Sebastian Döring and Torsten Freese (AKA Toddie) met in the club life of Hamburg and both together started the Knee Deep partnership. Their ongoing single and - under the Knee Deep name - common productions, mainly for the R.

Deep House
Funky House
2019 1 concert
2018 1 concert
2017 1 concert
2016 1 concert
2014 2 concerts
2011 1 concert
2006 1 concert
 Sacramento Shows
 Vince Leus

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