The Keith! Party story begins in a decadent Brunswick sharehouse late one night in Summer 2007. Producer/singer/MC extraordinaire Talkshow Boy, aka Adrian Trajstman, already had four solo albums under his belt when he decided to take a step into a more collaborative and hip-hop-flavoured realm. Enter Cathead LaQuack, aka Spitfire Parade's Casio Keith McDougall. Inspired by his passion for grime, LaQuack stepped up to the bedroom computer and spat his first bars over Talkshow's beats, and a rap group was born.
These are photos from concerts where Keith! Party played, so they may be of other bands that played the concert as well.
Keith! Party / Emerald Woods / Simo Soo / Realname Jun 6, 2024 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Uploaded by Yooooooooooo