Kasa Concert History

There are 5 artists sharing this name:

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 13, 2011
Pianos Become The Teeth / Suis La Lune / Plague Sermon / Kerouac / Pariso / Kasa The Hydrant Brighton, England, United Kingdom
May 29, 2009 –
May 30, 2009
Ruhrpott Rodeo Festival 2009
Me First And The Gimme Gimmes / Cock Sparrer / Toy Dolls / Talco / Mad Sin / Bonecrusher / Kasa / Rasta Knast / Emscherkurve 77 / I Walk the Line / Fuckin' Faces / Scheisse Minnelli / 2nd District / Kleins / Atemnot / Chefdenker / Zaunpfahl / The Kleins / Gewapend Beton / Montreal / Los Fastidios / Cowboy Prostitutes / Bluttat Show all bands
Flugplatz Schwarze Heide Hünxe, Germany
Punk Rock
2011 1 concert
2009 1 concert

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