Julien Lourau Concert History

Born in 1970, Julien Lourau attentively listened to contemporary currents. Like a whole generation which grew up listening to fusion bands of the ‘70’s and the ‘80’s, the saxophonist naturally evolved in mixed sounds of his time. His first experiences alongside Noël Akchoté and the Bosnian pianist Bojan Zulfikarpasic in Trash Corporation actually reflect a creative ardour, a refusal of dogmas. We may find in it free influences, Ornette Coleman’s harmolody, a rock energy and a lot of freedom.

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 01, 2016
Snarky Puppy / Julien Lourau / Chris Bullock / Felipe Cabrera / Bob Lanzetti / Céline Bonacina / Mark Lettieri / Robert Sput Searight / Cory Henry / Antoine Berjeaut / Bill Laurance / Jon Scott / Robert Mitchell / mike maher / Jasser Haj Youssef /...
Snarky Puppy / Julien Lourau / Chris Bullock / Felipe Cabrera / Bob Lanzetti / Céline Bonacina / Mark Lettieri / Robert Sput Searight / Cory Henry / Antoine Berjeaut / Bill Laurance / Jon Scott / Robert Mitchell / mike maher / Jasser Haj Youssef / Mélissa Laveaux Show all bands
Grande Halle de la Villette Paris, Île-de-France, France
May 06, 2016
Jazz Sous Les Pommiers
"Jazz Sous Les Pommiers" / Airelle Besson / Laurent Coulondre / Pat Thomas & Kwashibu Area Band / Jef Neve / Leyla McCalla / Julien Lourau
Festival Grounds Coutances, France
Nu Jazz
Contemporary Jazz
French Jazz
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