A critically acclaimed tastemaker, the collaborations between Joe and his carefully selected vocalists are always seamless. With a heavy nod towards a highly anticipated project on the horizon, 2019 has been the year that Joe Hertz sets pace.
Rag'n'Bone Man / Gabrielle Aplin / Stefflon Don / Betty Who / Dean Lewis / The Japanese House / Dan Croll / Homeshake / Shout Out Louds / Kano / Ásgeir / Rejjie Snow / Yellow Days / Soft Play (fka Slaves) / Dan Caplen / Blood Red Shoes / Lisa Mitchell / Kojo Funds / Parcels / Little Simz / Cherry Glazerr / Tom Grennan / Marika Hackman / DAGNY / Haux / Fickle Friends / Diane Birch / Rat Boy / Joe Hertz / Jay Som / Goose / Avelino / Her's / Yoke Lore / Tender / This Is The Kit / Hare Squead / The Magic Gang / Sampa The Great / Aldous Harding / Sophie Hunger / Nilüfer Yanya / Will Joseph Cook / Hannah Georgas / Julie Bergan / Youngr / Shogun / Gordi / The Big Moon / 67 / Skott / Hazel English / Lowell / Picture This / Belly Squad / Froth / Childhood / Mystic Braves / Pumarosa / Jordan Mackampa / Steve James / Harrison Brome / Dream Wife / Fazerdaze / Jane Weaver / Ten Fé / Darlia / Matt Maltese / Zeal & Ardor / Busty and the Bass / Flyte / Fil Bo Riva / The Wooden Sky / CABBAGE / John K. Samson / Liv Dawson / Tired Lion / Molly / Ten Tonnes / Coco / L.A. Salami / Swimming Tapes / Yonaka / Anteros / Baloji / Mozart's Sister / J. Bernardt / Otzeki / Tsar B / Kane Strang / SLØTFACE / HMLTD / Jerkcurb / Alice Jemima / Oscar Jerome / Tigercub / Pixx / Iman / Noga Erez / The Parrots / Richard Spaven / Catherine McGrath / Isobel Anderson / Mammút / Our Girl / Fuck Art, Let's Dance! / Gurr / XamVolo / The Goon Sax / Caro / Off Bloom / Olympia / Horse Thief / Jnthn Stein / Flamingods / Mosa Wild / FREAK / Cosima / Sälen / Fake Laugh / Francobollo / Mullally / North Downs / Lowly / Baby Queens / Kudu Blue / Slang / Jameszoo / Bryde / Callum Beattie / Adam Naas / Judas / TVAM / Jake Houlsby / Husky Loops / Childcare / The Rhythm Method / King Nun / Redfaces / Little Cub / Slowcoaches / Wild Front / Gabriella Cohen / Pierre Kwenders / The Wandering Hearts / Áine / Plaitum / Outlya / Blonde Diamond / Dead Pretties / The Bay Rays / Ill / Blackwaters / Debrah Scarlett / Stevie Parker / Flawes / Buvette / Odd Beholder / Mauno / Kolars / Jesse Terry / Be Charlotte / Keir / Tom Hickox / Nova Twins / JAGARA / Baba Shrimps / Charlie Straw / October Drift / Weirds / False Heads / One Sentence. Supervisor / Madonnatron / Mellow Gang / MarthaGunn / YOWL / Curse of Lono / Rosborough / Sonia Stein / Abattoir Blues / Callum Stewart / Niels Broos / Club Drive / Rory Wynne / Radical / The Brass Funkeys / Maria Kelly / Pixey / Dat Brass / Champs (UK) / White Kite / Sultan of the Disco / Native Dancer / Neonomora / MC Sniper / Petter Eldh / Bokito / s a r a s a r a / Like a Motorcycle / The Sandinistas / Bare Traps / Hyperculte / Vince James / forest of fools / Cheap Meat / Albert Man / Soshe / Cocoa Futures / Glassmaps / Irini Mando / Dakotamusic / Life / Pauli The PSM / Kojey / Ainslie Wills / Jerry Williams / ALMA / Folly Rae / Ailbhe Reddy / DAGNY / Hazel English / Anna Straker / Beauty Sleep / Sabella / Bess Atwell / Catherine McGrath / John Adams / Deaf Havana / Poor Nameless Boy
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Dean Lewis / Rag'n'Bone Man / Matt Maltese / Little Simz / Parcels / The Japanese House / Stefflon Don / Gabrielle Aplin / Rejjie Snow / Yellow Days / Homeshake / Tom Grennan / Betty Who / Yoke Lore / Soft Play (fka Slaves) / Kano / Ásgeir / Nilüfer Yanya / Dan Caplen / Dan Croll / Kojo Funds / Shout Out Louds / Aldous Harding / Marika Hackman / Haux / Jay Som / Cherry Glazerr / DAGNY / This Is The Kit / Blood Red Shoes / Sampa The Great / Picture This / Goose / Avelino / Joe Hertz / Lisa Mitchell / Tender / Flyte / Rat Boy / The Big Moon / Fickle Friends / Jordan Mackampa / Hazel English / Yonaka / The Magic Gang / Hare Squead / Oscar Jerome / Will Joseph Cook / Zeal & Ardor / Diane Birch / Sophie Hunger / Noga Erez / Julie Bergan / Skott / Harrison Brome / 67 / Mystic Braves / Busty and the Bass / Fazerdaze / Gordi / Fil Bo Riva / Youngr / Froth / Belly Squad / Her's / Dream Wife / Coco / Shogun / Hannah Georgas / Jane Weaver / Ten Fé / Nova Twins / Lowell / Ten Tonnes / Pumarosa / Tigercub / Steve James / HMLTD / Childhood / J. Bernardt / Swimming Tapes / Tired Lion / L.A. Salami / Jerkcurb / CABBAGE / Liv Dawson / Darlia / Molly / SLØTFACE / John K. Samson / Caro / North Downs / Tsar B / Otzeki / The Wooden Sky / Baloji / Kane Strang / Anteros / Richard Spaven / Catherine McGrath / Pixx / Callum Beattie / Life / Our Girl / Iman / The Parrots / Lowly / Fake Laugh / Gurr / Alice Jemima / The Goon Sax / Mosa Wild / Pixey / TVAM / Adam Naas / Flamingods / XamVolo / Mozart's Sister / Cosima / Sälen / Mammút / King Nun / Off Bloom / Slang / Olympia / The Wandering Hearts / Isobel Anderson / Fuck Art, Let's Dance! / FREAK / Jnthn Stein / Pierre Kwenders / Husky Loops / Francobollo / Jake Houlsby / Mullally / Bryde / Kudu Blue / Jameszoo / Odd Beholder / Horse Thief / The Rhythm Method / October Drift / Childcare / Blackwaters / False Heads / Áine / Ill / Wild Front / Gabriella Cohen / Redfaces / Baby Queens / Judas / Radical / Dead Pretties / Buvette / Flawes / Little Cub / Petter Eldh / Keir / Kolars / Slowcoaches / Outlya / Pauli The PSM / Curse of Lono / Blonde Diamond / The Bay Rays / Plaitum / Be Charlotte / MarthaGunn / Mauno / Baba Shrimps / Debrah Scarlett / YOWL / Stevie Parker / Jesse Terry / One Sentence. Supervisor / Mellow Gang / Charlie Straw / Sonia Stein / Tom Hickox / Maria Kelly / Sultan of the Disco / JAGARA / Madonnatron / Rosborough / Niels Broos / Weirds / Native Dancer / The Brass Funkeys / Hyperculte / MC Sniper / Club Drive / Abattoir Blues / Dat Brass / Rory Wynne / Callum Stewart / Bokito / Neonomora / Like a Motorcycle / White Kite / Champs (UK) / Vince James / The Sandinistas / Bare Traps / s a r a s a r a / forest of fools / Cheap Meat / Albert Man / Irini Mando / Cocoa Futures / Soshe / Glassmaps / Dakotamusic / Kojey / Ainslee Woods
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Skrillex / Tame Impala / Mark Ronson / Lily Allen / Charli XCX / Missy Elliott / Duran Duran / Chemical Brothers / Little Dragon / Skepta / Stormzy / Duke Dumont / Flying Lotus / Flight Facilities / Jamie xx / Mura Masa / Jungle / Four Tet / Future Islands / Action Bronson / FKA twigs / Underworld / Ella Eyre / Lianne La Havas / HONNE / Wiley / Gorgon City / Gabrielle Aplin / The Jacksons / Jurassic 5 / Disciples / SG Lewis / Snap! / Madlib / Róisín Murphy / Ram Jam / Låpsley / Todd Terje / Slaves / Neneh Cherry / seafret / Pond / Level 42 / Lion Babe / High Contrast / Young Fathers / Shura / Heatwave / Andreya Triana / Shy FX / Kero Kero Bonito / Philip George / Palace / Redlight / Girlpool / Sleaford Mods / Benga / Joe Hertz / Kae Tempest / Rae Morris / Cymande / SOAK / Rat Boy / Jungle Brothers / Fickle Friends / 99 souls / Tale of Us / Kidnap / Alex Adair / Daniel Avery / Joy Orbison / Drenge / Walking on Cars / Shadow Child / Fat White Family / London Elektricity / LANTA / Dodgy / thomston / Fred V & Grafix / Kitty, Daisy & Lewis / Hannah Wants / Toddla T / Dub Pistols / Bearcubs / Guy Gerber / Erol Alkan / Low Steppa / Honeyblood / Ephemerals / LA Priest / Dean Blunt / Seth Troxler / All We Are / Wookie / Luke Vibert / Kiko Bun / Etherwood / TCTS / The Skints / Eagulls / Boy Better Know / Dinosaur Pile-Up / To Kill A King / My Nu Leng / Boxed In / DC Breaks / Karma Kid / Jonas Rathsman / George the Poet / salute / DJ Yoda / Tom Trago / Flava D / Chris Coco / LoneLady / Moxie / Clarence Clarity / Nick Warren / L.A. Salami / Ejeca / The Bohicas / Melé / Mike Skinner / David Rodigan / Andrew Weatherall / Kurupt FM / The Slow Show / Zinc / Jaguar Skills / Reprazent / Dynamite MC / Dense & Pika / Kate Simko / Real Lies / Dave Seaman / The Crazy World of Arthur Brown / Ekkah / Jackmaster / Will Varley / The Novelists / Horse Meat Disco / Alice Jemima / MistaJam / Annie Mac / Ghost Culture / Solar Bears / Formation / Indoor Pets / Greg Wilson / Tom Demac / B.Traits / Fono / Late Nite Tuff Guy / 2 Bad Mice / Kiwi / Gecko / Heidi / Ben UFO / Phil Mison / Skinny Girl Diet / Paranoid London / The Mispers / Eaves / The Cuban Brothers / Oneman / Wild Smiles / Benji B / Port Isla / Coco and the Butterfields / Plastic Mermaids / Shelter Point / Monki / Norman Jay MBE / Kassassin Street / Grant Lazlo / Andy Votel / Rocketnumbernine / Lucky Elephant / 47soul / Xylaroo / Olaf Stuut / Throwing Shade / Shanty / Murkage / Barely Legal / Rob da Bank / Tom Misch (DJ Set) / Slimzee / JAGARA / Sherwood & Pinch / Still Life / Steve Cobby / Pete Gooding / Logan Sama / Flight Brigade / Lloyd Yates / Ben Gomori / Tythe / Rudimental (DJ Set) / Goldray / Mark Archer / Josey Rebelle / Idiot Savant / Laucan / Mojo Filter / Solko / Flying White Dots / Champs (UK) / Apiento / Eighteen Nightmares at the Lux / Graceland / Klose One / Luv Jam / Laura Moody / The Fontanas / Kate Simko & London Electronic Orchestra / Esther Joy Lane / Madlib Dj Set / Gallows Ghost / Hudson Mohawke Dj Set / Tom Hyatt / Life Imitates Art / Mr Wilson’s Secondliners / Winterfalle / Cedric Maison / Polar Maps / Ba•Dow / YRSLF / Phil South / The Shellac Collective / Balearic Gabba Soundsystem / Venum Soundsystem / Work It DJs
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Skrillex / Tame Impala / Mark Ronson / Lily Allen / Charli XCX / Missy Elliott / Duran Duran / Chemical Brothers / Little Dragon / Stormzy / Skepta / Duke Dumont / Flying Lotus / Jamie xx / Flight Facilities / Mura Masa / Jungle / Four Tet / FKA twigs / Future Islands / Action Bronson / Lianne La Havas / Underworld / HONNE / Ella Eyre / Wiley / Gorgon City / Gabrielle Aplin / The Jacksons / Jurassic 5 / SG Lewis / Disciples / Snap! / Madlib / Róisín Murphy / Låpsley / Ram Jam / seafret / Todd Terje / Slaves / Pond / Level 42 / Neneh Cherry / Lion Babe / High Contrast / Young Fathers / Palace / Shura / Kero Kero Bonito / Heatwave / Shy FX / Andreya Triana / Philip George / Redlight / Sleaford Mods / Kae Tempest / Girlpool / Joe Hertz / Benga / Cymande / Tale of Us / Rae Morris / SOAK / Rat Boy / Jungle Brothers / Daniel Avery / Kidnap / Fickle Friends / 99 souls / Joy Orbison / Alex Adair / Walking on Cars / Drenge / Fat White Family / Shadow Child / London Elektricity / Dodgy / LANTA / thomston / Fred V & Grafix / Kitty, Daisy & Lewis / Hannah Wants / Dean Blunt / Bearcubs / Dub Pistols / Guy Gerber / Toddla T / Low Steppa / Erol Alkan / Honeyblood / LA Priest / Ephemerals / Seth Troxler / Luke Vibert / Etherwood / All We Are / Wookie / The Skints / Kiko Bun / Dinosaur Pile-Up / TCTS / Eagulls / Boy Better Know / My Nu Leng / To Kill A King / Boxed In / DC Breaks / Karma Kid / salute / Jonas Rathsman / George the Poet / DJ Yoda / Tom Trago / Kurupt FM / Flava D / LoneLady / Chris Coco / Clarence Clarity / Moxie / Nick Warren / L.A. Salami / Ejeca / The Slow Show / Melé / Mike Skinner / The Bohicas / David Rodigan / Andrew Weatherall / Zinc / Jaguar Skills / Reprazent / Dense & Pika / Dynamite MC / Kate Simko / Real Lies / Dave Seaman / The Crazy World of Arthur Brown / The Novelists / Horse Meat Disco / Will Varley / Ekkah / Jackmaster / Alice Jemima / MistaJam / Annie Mac / Ghost Culture / Solar Bears / Greg Wilson / Tom Demac / Indoor Pets / Formation / B.Traits / Late Nite Tuff Guy / Kiwi / Fono / 2 Bad Mice / Heidi / Gecko / Paranoid London / Skinny Girl Diet / Ben UFO / Phil Mison / The Mispers / Eaves / The Cuban Brothers / Oneman / Wild Smiles / Benji B / Plastic Mermaids / Coco and the Butterfields / Port Isla / Norman Jay MBE / Monki / Shelter Point / 47soul / Grant Lazlo / Kassassin Street / Andy Votel / Rocketnumbernine / Lucky Elephant / Xylaroo / Olaf Stuut / Barely Legal / Murkage / Throwing Shade / Shanty / Rob da Bank / Tom Misch (DJ Set) / Sherwood & Pinch / Slimzee / JAGARA / Still Life / Steve Cobby / Pete Gooding / Logan Sama / Flight Brigade / Ben Gomori / Lloyd Yates / Tythe / Goldray / Rudimental (DJ Set) / Mark Archer / Josey Rebelle / Idiot Savant / Laucan / Apiento / Mojo Filter / Solko / Champs (UK) / Flying White Dots / Eighteen Nightmares at the Lux / Graceland / Luv Jam / Klose One / Laura Moody / The Fontanas / Kate Simko & London Electronic Orchestra / Madlib Dj Set / Esther Joy Lane / Hudson Mohawke Dj Set / Tom Hyatt / Gallows Ghost / Life Imitates Art / Mr Wilson’s Secondliners / Winterfalle / Cedric Maison / Polar Maps / Ba•Dow / Phil South / YRSLF / The Shellac Collective / Balearic Gabba Soundsystem / Work It DJs / Venum Soundsystem
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Skrillex / Tame Impala / Mark Ronson / Lily Allen / Chemical Brothers / Duran Duran / Charli XCX / Missy Elliott / Little Dragon / Flight Facilities / Flying Lotus / Jamie xx / Duke Dumont / Skepta / Future Islands / Mura Masa / Action Bronson / Four Tet / Underworld / Jungle / Stormzy / FKA twigs / Jurassic 5 / Ella Eyre / Lianne La Havas / Wiley / The Jacksons / Gabrielle Aplin / Gorgon City / HONNE / Disciples / Snap! / Ram Jam / Róisín Murphy / Låpsley / Todd Terje / SG Lewis / Madlib / Neneh Cherry / Level 42 / Slaves / Pond / Lion Babe / Andreya Triana / seafret / Heatwave / Young Fathers / High Contrast / Shura / Redlight / Philip George / Benga / Shy FX / Girlpool / Rae Morris / Jungle Brothers / Palace / SOAK / Fickle Friends / Alex Adair / Drenge / LANTA / Kate Tempest / Sleaford Mods / Kero Kero Bonito / Rat Boy / Kidnap / Joe Hertz / Joy Orbison / Cymande / 99 souls / London Elektricity / Daniel Avery / Shadow Child / Tale of Us / Dodgy / Walking on Cars / Kitty, Daisy & Lewis / Fat White Family / Fred V & Grafix / thomston / Dub Pistols / Toddla T / Hannah Wants / Honeyblood / Erol Alkan / All We Are / Seth Troxler / Eagulls / Guy Gerber / Bearcubs / To Kill A King / Wookie / Luke Vibert / Ephemerals / TCTS / LA Priest / DC Breaks / Karma Kid / Boxed In / Etherwood / The Skints / Boy Better Know / Low Steppa / Jonas Rathsman / My Nu Leng / DJ Yoda / Dean Blunt / George the Poet / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Kiko Bun / Tom Trago / salute / Chris Coco / LoneLady / The Bohicas / David Rodigan / Zinc / Nick Warren / Andrew Weatherall / Moxie / Jaguar Skills / Flava D / Melé / Mike Skinner / Ejeca / Reprazent / L.A. Salami / Dynamite MC / Clarence Clarity / The Slow Show / Kate Simko / Dave Seaman / The Crazy World of Arthur Brown / Dense & Pika / Jackmaster / Real Lies / MistaJam / Annie Mac / Solar Bears / Formation / The Novelists / Ghost Culture / Alice Jemima / Ekkah / B.Traits / Fono / Kurupt FM / Indoor Pets / Will Varley / Greg Wilson / 2 Bad Mice / Horse Meat Disco / Ben UFO / Phil Mison / Gecko / Heidi / Tom Demac / Kiwi / Late Nite Tuff Guy / Skinny Girl Diet / The Mispers / Eaves / Oneman / The Cuban Brothers / Wild Smiles / Benji B / Paranoid London / Port Isla / Coco and the Butterfields / Kassassin Street / Shelter Point / Norman Jay MBE / Plastic Mermaids / Andy Votel / Rocketnumbernine / Lucky Elephant / Monki / Grant Lazlo / Throwing Shade / Olaf Stuut / 47soul / Rob da Bank / Slimzee / Xylaroo / Murkage / Barely Legal / JAGARA / Shanty / Tom Misch (DJ Set) / Sherwood & Pinch / Logan Sama / Pete Gooding / Still Life / Flight Brigade / Lloyd Yates / Steve Cobby / Tythe / Rudimental (DJ Set) / Ben Gomori / Josey Rebelle / Goldray / Idiot Savant / Mark Archer / Laucan / Flying White Dots / Solko / Mojo Filter / Champs (UK) / Eighteen Nightmares at the Lux / Klose One / Graceland / Laura Moody / Luv Jam / The Fontanas / Kate Simko & London Electronic Orchestra / Esther Joy Lane / Apiento / Hudson Mohawke Dj Set / Madlib Dj Set / Gallows Ghost / Tom Hyatt / Cedric Maison / Winterfalle / Polar Maps / Mr Wilson’s Secondliners / Ba•Dow / Life Imitates Art / YRSLF / Phil South / The Shellac Collective / Balearic Gabba Soundsystem / Venum Soundsystem / Work It DJs
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