Jeans Team's 2012 Concert History

Jeans Team start in 1995 as a duo constisting of Franz Schütte and Reimo Herford. They found the legendary GALERIE BERLINTOKYO in Berlin Mitte and play their first official shows. For these shows Reimo and Franz performed to a preproduced video, they act as the companion volume. The 45 minute video ‘Baby' (1996) is Jeans Team’s first release.

German Indie
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2013 2 concerts
2012 2 concerts
2010 1 concert
2009 5 concerts
2008 5 concerts
2007 4 concerts
2006 1 concert
2005 1 concert
2004 1 concert
2001 2 concerts
2000 1 concert
 Nils Wortmann
 Susan Gebauer
 Stefanie Bojetul
 Didrik Tandberg Klausen
 Tommy Breitenstein
 Junk Bond Trader
 Robert Hendel
 Emma Symonds
 Jørgen Holst
 Odessa Stafford

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