Jason Zerbin Concert History

Jason Zerbin is an Edmonton based Indie Rock band carrying the name of it’s chief songwriter and front-man. Ryan Wegner, Jon Greig, Jeremy Dehek, and Peter Mol fill out the band forming layers of rich melody and moving rhythm. Unsatisfied with mere musical whim, Jason Zerbin’s songs unfold as a foray of those who desire to hear heaven’s melodies populating earth. His lyrics and soaring melodies are a testament to this. Undoubtedly, Jason Zerbin brings a fresh air of invigorating sound to a searching generation.

Date Concert Venue Location
May 28, 2010 –
May 30, 2010
YC Alberta 2010
Skillet / Bluetree / Disciple / Jason Upton / Jay & The Lovebirds / Junkyard Poets / Parachute Band / Leeland / Life Support / Tenth Avenue North / Thousand Foot Krutch / Unhindered / Jason Zerbin
Rexall Place Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
 Rachel Jane P

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