Consisting of Los Angeles-based studio players, Jango is a group that has focused on Steely Dan-influenced soft rock/adult contemporary vocals as well as instrumental NAC/crossover music. The Jango project came about in 1998, when singer/saxophonist Steve Nieves (who had recorded as a leader for the now-defunct JMI label) and keyboardist Steve Le Gassick joined forces with guitarist Nick Kirgo, bassist Leon Johnson and drummer Dave Beyer. All of the musicians had been quite active in the L.
Diplo / Charli XCX / Toro Y Moi / Danny Brown / Jai Wolf / TOKiMONSTA / Duckwrth / Tkay Maidza / Flo Milli / 100 gecs / Sudan Archives / Cannons / The Beths / Magdalena Bay / Ariana DeBoo / IAN SWEET / Alla / Jango / The Black Tones / Enumclaw / King Youngblood / MICHELLE NYC / The Moss / Vox Rea / Beach Bunny / Remi Wolf
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Built to Spill / Men I Trust / Osees / Fruit Bats / We Were Promised Jetpacks / Mercury Rev / Guided By Voices / Snail Mail / Deerhoof / Geographer / The Districts / Deafheaven / Horse Feathers / Goth Babe / Typhoon / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / The Regrettes / Shannon and The Clams / Jeff Rosenstock / Durand Jones & The Indications / Sinkane / Kari Faux / Caroline Rose / Lightning Bolt / Dent May / Wilderado / Penelope Scott / Slothrust / Shawn James / William Basinski / Dance With The Dead / Yob / Sean Nicholas Savage / Ryley Walker / East Forest / Magic Sword / Nubya Garcia / Field Medic / James Tillman / Paul Cherry / OKEY DOKEY / Magdalena Bay / Jax Anderson / James Supercave / Flipturn / Spirit of the Beehive / Chris Cohen / Quasi / Luna Luna / Indigo De Souza / The Brothers Comatose / Mo Lowda & the Humble / Deradoorian / The Nude Party / Kim Gordon / Bbymutha / sera cahoone / Anik Khan / IAN SWEET / Ata Kak / Vanishing Twin / Próxima Parada / Nation of Language / Evolfo / Jeffrey Martin / Jens Kuross / Sarah Shook & the Disarmers / Witch Mountain / Thee Sacred Souls / The Lowest Pair / MarchFourth / The Ophelias / Ohmme / Mint Field / Deeper / Balto / Magna Carda / New Candys / Neal Francis / Geese / Dresage / LP Giobbi / Wu-Lu / Meltt / Ada Lea / Jackie Venson / Dougie Poole / Ghost Funk Orchestra / Fly Anakin / Sunny War / Tropa Magica / Abigail Lapell / Garcia Peoples / Gustaf / Paul Jacobs / Grumpster / Jango / Ducks Ltd. / Francis of Delirium / Blvck Hippie / Ami Dang / Johnny Franco / Pearl & The Oysters / goodboy noah / Pachyman / The Muckers / Bart Budwig / Don Lifted / Lande Hekt / Kassi Valazza / Maita / Jenny Don't & The Spurs / Silver Synthetic / The Macks / Babehoven / Prism Bitch / The Bobby Lees / the blind suns / All Things Blue / Tommy Alexander / Wombo / Tylor & the Train Robbers / Moldes / Joshy Soul / AtalhoS / High Pulp / Erisy Watt / Itchy Kitty / Joe Vann / Lady Dan / Mindparade / Blussh / Kadabra / Cal in Red / VEMM / The Moss(US) / Blunt Bangs / Blood Lemon / Jeremy Ferrara / Pictoria Vark / The Painted Roses / Coral Grief / Boot Juice / Cat Valley / Moon Owl's Mages / Paul Jacobs (Mtl) / Connor Jay Liess / YunG HPC / Prism B!tch / Spoon Benders (PDX) / Brother. (UT) / W.I.T.C.H. / Husbands (OKC) / Slurm Flirty Worm / Hurdy Gurdy Girls / Sheep Bridge Jumpers / Bart Budwig / High Pine Whiskey Yell / French Cassettes / the Republic Tigers
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Built to Spill / Men I Trust / Osees / Fruit Bats / We Were Promised Jetpacks / Snail Mail / Mercury Rev / Guided By Voices / Deerhoof / Geographer / The Districts / Goth Babe / Deafheaven / Horse Feathers / Typhoon / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / The Regrettes / Shannon and The Clams / Durand Jones & The Indications / Jeff Rosenstock / Sinkane / Kari Faux / Caroline Rose / Penelope Scott / Lightning Bolt / Wilderado / Dent May / Slothrust / Shawn James / William Basinski / Dance With The Dead / Yob / Sean Nicholas Savage / Ryley Walker / Magdalena Bay / East Forest / Magic Sword / Nubya Garcia / Field Medic / Indigo De Souza / OKEY DOKEY / Paul Cherry / James Tillman / Flipturn / Spirit of the Beehive / Jax Anderson / James Supercave / Chris Cohen / Luna Luna / Quasi / The Brothers Comatose / The Nude Party / Mo Lowda & the Humble / Deradoorian / Kim Gordon / Bbymutha / sera cahoone / Anik Khan / Vanishing Twin / Ata Kak / IAN SWEET / Nation of Language / Próxima Parada / Thee Sacred Souls / Evolfo / Jeffrey Martin / Jens Kuross / Sarah Shook & the Disarmers / Witch Mountain / The Lowest Pair / The Ophelias / Deeper / MarchFourth / Ohmme / Neal Francis / Geese / Mint Field / LP Giobbi / Balto / Magna Carda / New Candys / Dresage / Meltt / Ada Lea / Wu-Lu / Jackie Venson / Dougie Poole / Fly Anakin / Ghost Funk Orchestra / Sunny War / Gustaf / Tropa Magica / Abigail Lapell / Garcia Peoples / Paul Jacobs / Grumpster / Ducks Ltd. / Blvck Hippie / Francis of Delirium / Pearl & The Oysters / Jango / Pachyman / Ami Dang / Johnny Franco / goodboy noah / The Muckers / Bart Budwig / Kassi Valazza / Don Lifted / Maita / Lande Hekt / Babehoven / Silver Synthetic / The Bobby Lees / Jenny Don't & The Spurs / Prism Bitch / The Macks / Wombo / All Things Blue / the blind suns / High Pulp / Joshy Soul / Tommy Alexander / Tylor & the Train Robbers / Moldes / Joe Vann / AtalhoS / Itchy Kitty / Erisy Watt / Lady Dan / Cal in Red / Kadabra / Mindparade / Blussh / Pictoria Vark / VEMM / Blunt Bangs / Blood Lemon / The Moss(US) / Boot Juice / Jeremy Ferrara / Coral Grief / The Painted Roses / Cat Valley / Paul Jacobs (Mtl) / Connor Jay Liess / Moon Owl's Mages / Spoon Benders (PDX) / Brother. (UT) / Prism B!tch / YunG HPC
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Tennis / Built to Spill / Calexico / Lake Street Dive / Japanese Breakfast / The Marías / Pell / THEM / Andy Shauf / Xiu Xiu / Prefuse 73 / The Felice Brothers / AJJ / Vundabar / Lightning Bolt / Sugar Candy Mountain / Torres / Sonny & The Sunsets / Nite Jewel / Larkin Poe / Monophonics / Algiers / William Basinski / The Kids / Esme Patterson / Charlie Parr / East Forest / Brother / Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah / James Supercave / Shivas / Rituals of Mine / Myke Bogan / John Craigie / Ratboys / Habibi / Mdou Moctar / Spooky Mansion / IAN SWEET / The Seshen / Lung / Armand Hammer / Andrea Gibson / spaceface / Lost Lander / Sego / BLOSSOM (DJ) / Michael angelo batio / Con Brio / Wild Pink / Ariana and The Rose / Swsh / New Move / The Heligoats / Magna Carda / AROOJ AFTAB / Cheekface / Kainalu / Chong the Nomad / The L.E.D / Rosie Tucker / The Prids / Gary V / Luna Li / Rookie / Aan / Zeta / Acid Tongue / Justus Proffit / Smokey Brights / Sunny War / Laundry / Yasmin Williams / Girl Friday / Marian Call / The Grizzled Mighty / Alien Boy / Garcia Peoples / Small Million / Guayaba / Grumpster / sofia valdes / Jango / The Ghost Ease / Oh, Rose! / Street Fever / Joe Kaplow / Raccoon Tour / The Black Tones / Ami Dang / Fast Times / the Help / Ams / Sundog / No Good / Stranger Danger / Angel Du$t (US) / Vision Video / Nordista Freeze / NEOMA / The Still Tide / Hillfolk Noir / Jenny Don't & The Spurs / Roselit Bone / James Stevens / Julez / Mains & Monitors / Wild Powwers / Tres Leches / Weeping Icon / Prism Bitch / no aloha / Monsterwatch / Sun Blood Stories / Fretland / Jonathan Warren and The Billy Goats / Ezza Rose / Hummingbird of Death / Biddadat / CJ Boyd / Nutrients / Clinton Patterson / The Phets / Sons of Guns / Dear Rabbit / Zen Mother / Ivy Rose / Moldes / Western Daughter / Whippin Shitties / Beverly Crusher / Mo Troper / Sahab / The Groans / oYo / Pine Hearts / Howardian / Michael Manahan / Chris King & The Gutterballs / Real Don Music / Phono Pony / Serpentfoot / Antonioni / Nick Delffs / Lounge on Fire / Khanvict / Møtrik / General Mojos / Roadie / Bread & Circus / Cartalk / Banny Grove / Moon Palace / Itchy Kitty / Dirty Moogs / Pink Fuzz / Waltzer / OLIWA / Olivia Awbrey / See Night / Black Ends / Temple Canyon / Margo Cilker / KRYSTOS / CMMNWLTH / Afrosonics / College Level / Ingrown / Windoe / Dreckig / Warren Dunes / Swim Camp / White Bike / Auragraph / Groggy Bikini / The Brankas / Sick Wish / Dedicated Servers / Up Is The Down Is The / Wet Fruit / Lo Talker / Husbands (OKC) / Fingerprince / Blood Party / Pure Ivy / Ealdor Bealu / Thomas Paul / VEMM / Blackcat / Ana Lete / The Boys Ranch / Papas / Panther Car / Jupiter Holiday / Mother Yeti / Jerkwadz / Idyltime / People with Bodies / Transistor Send / Cal in Red / Rory Van James / Knuckle Pups / Psychic Bloom / Free Creatures / Blood Lemon / Illicit Nature / Parade of Bad Guys / Bodies on the Beach / Boot Juice / Braided Waves / Corduroy Blue / Breakfast in Silence / Rare Forms / Brent Penny / Savage Daughters / The Blanket Ghost / Dustin Morris / Trouble Town / The Love Bunch / With Child / The Seatopians / Methods Body / The Weary Times / The French Tips / Jason Wool / Blaqks / Hoofless / Ivy Wild / M A N E / Rejection Pact / Tag Along Friend / Black Bolt / Bad Motivator / Storie Grubb / Creature to Creature / James Plane Wreck / A.k.a. Belle / Madisun Proof / Blackfriar / Kitten Fight / Ghorot / Lucid Aisle / Jacq Maliq / Dendrons / Palomas / winterforever / Kissay / Gregory Rawlins / Dirt Russell / Family Worship Center / Trego / Killdeer String Band / Brent Amaker DeathSquad / Buttstuff / Robert Shredford / Cam Calloway / Self Care / Wend / Shaina Shepherd / Neocentrics / Cabeza / Jesse Blake Rundle / EvoluShawn / ohbrando / Mountains Like Tidal Waves / ACUDETH / He/lium She/lium / Golder Strange / Ruff Pups / Inland Isle / Mdnite / Rocci Johnson Band / PlexusPlay / Oh, Lonesome Ana / Bone Haus / Tambalka / Jimmy Vegas and the Phobes / Forrest VanTuyl / Gipsy Moonrise / Nightmare Blue / Rachael's Children / Wet Nights / Rider and Rolling Thunder / Lobo Lara / Daniel Kerr / Joshy / Speed the Pilgrim / Captain Snafu / Chaosmonaut / Kelsie Rose / Killin Me Kid / FONSONGS / DJ Fangy / The Vang Basics / The Scrub Oaks / proud titania / AURALUX / Phunktion / Dirtyworks / J. Wayne / Nichole G / Wendy Fox / Maksym / WOH club / Annie Bartholomew / Taylor Vidic / Joannes Knill / Aterrima / Cloudest Speaker / Endless Atlas / Tim Andreae / The Simplots / Porcelain Tongue / Mariah Priddy / Katana Boy / Les Fortunate / The New Mood / Spike Coggins and the Accused / Hurdy Gurdy Girls / tuct. & ronhepipes / Boy Drama / Low Water String Band / Good Not Great / 10 Cent Stranger / Aaron Davis & the Mystery Machine / Hand Trembler / Rodeo Screams / Mr. Grant Olsen / Ponderay / sstrawberry / Chief Broom / Bright Old Giant / Ryan Peck / Mellisan / Serge du Pre / Autonomic Pilot / empty suits / Charlie & the Changelings / High Pine Whiskey Yell / RahKeem / the chuckwagons / TROYJECT / Gretch N Rodgers / Heather Meuleman / Burl Haggard / Andrew Dixon RAGE / Eleven & Jason D / Angel Abaya / Frankie Tillo / Lonesome Jetboat Ramblers / Brooke Would / Ten-Speed Music/Isaac Pierce / St. Terrible (And the Gospel of Nothingness) / Frim Fram 4 / Earthlings Crew / Armongedden / Succubass / Effy K / Lord Friday The 13th / Valley Queen (Solo) / Trash Fence / Tora'dan / Steve Fulton Music / Cienega De Zacapu / Tejano Outlaw / Grupo Adiktos / Amuma Says No / Heaven Electric / Prism B!tch / Sharlese / Tracy Morrison
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Black Marble / Lotte Kestner / Froth / Spirit of the Beehive / The Body / Whale / Sparkle / The / Cate / Dee / Wretched / S.U.S / The Crown / Strange Ranger / Cassow / Chong the Nomad / Yung / Restless / Better Daze / MistaDC / Killer / Spiral Stairs / Deer / Gag / Heartless / Smokey Brights / Super / Fine / Jango / Pets / Photo Ops / Ritual Veil / PIT / Headless / DJ Orange / Among Authors / Emma Lee Toyoda / Chris Molitor / Table Sugar / DJ Patrick / Marshall Law Band / Lavoy / Kevin Long / Szn / Lower Species / Gabriella Rose / Mama Doll / Indian Goat / TÖpp / Windoe / The Emilys / Atari Ferrari / Daethstar / Fat Lady / Santa Poco / Blake Braley / Greying / The Carols / Bad Motivator / BaLonely / Sentient Divide / Swampheavy / Control Test / Late For The Parade / Dyed / Fun Ladies / Matt Mitchell Music Co / Peru Resh / Kung Fu Vinyl / Guardian Of The Underdog / Flee the Century / Heat Speak / Laminates / Funky Unkle / Liz Rognes / Rosethrow / Vernita Avenue / Ray Badness / Quaggadog / Nicholas Merz and the Humblers / Is The Solution / The Dapper Devils / Wran Q Ramone / Dj Unifest / Mini Murders / Bitwulf / Left Over Soul / Big Raffle / Dj Heem / Simmentall / Conflux Redux / Bitter Oak / Quayde / Dj C Mad
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Chris Staples / Lil B the Based God / Terror Pigeon! / Sun Blood Stories / Cosmos / Taylor Kingman / Briana Marela / Doug Martsch / Doug Martsch / Lavoy / Sarah Frazier / Nude Dude / Sama Davis / Other Desires / Dirt Russel / Lloyd And Saviour / Son Locust / Eightch / Svpper Clvb! / Jango
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Miguel / The Flaming Lips / Little Dragon / Cut Copy / BJ the Chicago Kid / Smino / Zola Jesus / Kamaiyah / Charlotte Day Wilson / Valerie June / Helio Sequence / Mirah / Maps & Atlases / Lusine / Jean Deaux / Jawbreaker / Switch / Protomartyr / Pomo / Overdo-z / Kari Faux / Yukon Blonde / Monsieur Perine / Wild Ones / Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real / Hot Snakes / Colleen Green / Murder City Devils / Y La Bamba / SOL! / Moving Pictures / Tacocat / Lo Moon / Hibou / Reva DeVito / Walker & Royce / Yasha / Dear Rouge / Otieno Terry / Elise Trouw / Tiny Vipers / DJ Nu-Mark / Bill Laurance / The Seshen / Mood / Tek.lun / Kyle Craft / Visible Cloaks / Lakim / Great Grandpa / Hat / The Funky Knuckles / Ben Zaidi / Nadus / NAVVI / SO LOKI / Pezzner / Party Nails / Steady Holiday / Black Belt Eagle Scout / Five Alarm Funk / Lifeformed / Pierre Kwenders / MikeQ / FORQ / Seiho / Parisalexa / Lena Raine / Special Explosion / Samini / Monroe / Ruler / Equiknoxx / MistaDC / Strange Ranger / Calico / Genders / alcordo / Jameson / Living Hour / So Pitted / Nuela Charles / Anna Elizabeth Laube / Silver Torches / Red Ribbon / Mr. Reed / Giants in the Trees / Orphan / Schwey / Ural Thomas and The Pain / Jango / Sassyblack / Mother Marygold / D. Tiffany / Selector Dub Narcotic / Cool Water / Kyo-Ken / Mehdi Nassouli / Cynthia Alexander / Snotty Nose Rez Kids / Brackets / Dirty Revival / Little Star / Spesh / Aramis / Moorea Masa / Grace Love / Slow Corpse / Whitney Ballen / High Step Society / Aaron J / Strawberry Mountain / Chanti Darling / SuperDuperKyle / Kung Foo Grip / Tobias the Owl / Cold Comfort / DJ Firmeza / Debit / Drexler / Ron Artis II / Ramonda Hammer / Sun Blood Stories / Daysormay / Little Destroyer / Gold Casio / Lori Goldston / dj100proof / Mother Of Pearl / FKL / Lushloss / Tres Leches / Lavoy / Blakk Soul / All Star Opera / Aramide / The cell phones / Whitney Lyman / dreamcatchr / Champagne Sunday / New Track City / RILLA / Debbie Miller / Thione Diop / Maiah Wynne / Ftb / Alec Shaw / Bakelite 78 / Mirrorgloss / Blood Drugs / Royce the Choice / Dryland / Gypsy Temple / Tekla Waterfield / Perry Porter / True Lovers / Blueyedsoul / Global Heat / Nsb / wristboi / Bujemane / Klein Zage / Khris P / Terror/Cactus / MADlines / American Nudism / Ben Townsend / Aaron J. Shay / Nazizi / Caela Bailey / Ralphy Davis / T.S The Solution / pat mchenry / Billy Brandt / Daniel Pak / Heather Thomas / Amen Viana / Wesley Holmes / Kristen Marlo / Momo Pixel / Misundvrstood / Khu.éex' / Champagne Honeybee / Mr. Nicenice / High Pulp / DGS Samurai Champs / MKB Ultra / star meets sea / Allison Preisinger / Sealth / Dig-dug / Christa Says Yay / Sue Quigley / Noel Brass Jr. / The Brodcast / Micaiah Sawyer / David Guilbault / Katrina Charles / Allison Shirk / Sean Majors / PHNK / Nile Waters / Nairobi Horns Project / Marina and the Dreamboats / Found Sound Nation / Chase Henny / Swatkins Positive Agenda / The Sorority (Oakland) / TreRoss / Brian Lyons / Supreme La Rock / Michael Trew / Judd Wasserman / norman baker / Yung Futon / DJ Savvy Smith / Toya B / Torrey Pines / TA7J / Swoon(ish) / Storme Webber / DJ Zumba / No One Important / John Strayer / Jimmy the Pickpocket / Jim Marcotte / JENNGREEN / Javier Anderson / ItsTR3NT / Dune Butler / The Green (Reunion) / emecks / DJ BTBeats / DJ Equis / Caleb Cunningham / Butterfly Launches From Spar Pole / Bradford King / Ben Mish / Asahi (Reunion) / Allie LaRoe / Warren Dunes featuring Julia Massey / DJ Kween Kay$h / J Nasty (NY) / Fausto Bahia / DJ NHKGUY / Jon Yoon / Tony Snark / Karl Kamakahi / Abraham Neuwelt (ABRO)
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Miguel / The Flaming Lips / Little Dragon / Cut Copy / Smino / BJ the Chicago Kid / Charlotte Day Wilson / Kamaiyah / Zola Jesus / Valerie June / Jean Deaux / Monsieur Perine / Mirah / Protomartyr / The Helio Sequence / Kari Faux / Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real / Lusine / Maps & Atlases / Jawbreaker / Switch / Lena Raine / Walker & Royce / Pomo / Y La Bamba / Mood / Wild Ones / Overdo-z / Hot Snakes / Hibou / Yukon Blonde / Sol / Tacocat / Lo Moon / Colleen Green / Elise Trouw / Great Grandpa / Moving Pictures / Black Belt Eagle Scout / DJ Nu-Mark / Bill Laurance / Reva DeVito / The Funky Knuckles / Dear Rouge / Lifeformed / Otieno Terry / Yasha / Lakim / SO LOKI / Visible Cloaks / Strange Ranger / Tek.lun / The Seshen / Kyle Craft / Tiny Vipers / Ben Zaidi / NAVVI / Nsb / Steady Holiday / Pierre Kwenders / Parisalexa / Schwey / Hat / Snotty Nose Rez Kids / Five Alarm Funk / Party Nails / FORQ / MikeQ / Ural Thomas and The Pain / Nadus / Pezzner / Orphan / D. Tiffany / Equiknoxx / High Step Society / Samini / Seiho / MistaDC / Monroe / Special Explosion / Daysormay / Living Hour / High Pulp / Maiah Wynne / Ruler / Giants in the Trees / Calico / Nuela Charles / Jameson / alcordo / Genders / Ron Artis II / Jango / Anna Elizabeth Laube / So Pitted / Strawberry Mountain / Debit / Red Ribbon / Klein Zage / Aramis / Silver Torches / Slow Corpse / Terror/Cactus / Mr. Reed / Mother Marygold / Aaron J / Sassyblack / Brackets / Mehdi Nassouli / King Youngblood / Kyo-Ken / Little Star / Cynthia Alexander / Selector Dub Narcotic / Spesh / SuperDuperKyle / Dirty Revival / Whitney Ballen / Little Destroyer / DJ Firmeza / Cool Water / Grace Love / Tres Leches / Blakk Soul / Cold Comfort / Tobias the Owl / Drexler / Chanti Darling / Sun Blood Stories / RILLA / Ramonda Hammer / Moorea Masa / Lori Goldston / Kung Foo Grip / Aramide / Gold Casio / Alec Shaw / All Star Opera / Ftb / FKL / Mother Of Pearl / Lushloss / New Track City / The cell phones / Champagne Sunday / Royce the Choice / Nile Waters / Lavoy / dj100proof / Tekla Waterfield / Whitney Lyman / dreamcatchr / Mirrorgloss / Thione Diop / Dryland / Perry Porter / Debbie Miller / Amen Viana / Khris P / MADlines / Blood Drugs / Bakelite 78 / Khu.éex' / wristboi / Nazizi / Chase Henny / Bujemane / T.S The Solution / True Lovers / Global Heat / Daniel Pak / Heather Thomas / American Nudism / Aaron J. Shay / Kristen Marlo / Ralphy Davis / Micaiah Sawyer / Ben Townsend / Nairobi Horns Project / Champagne Honeybee / pat mchenry / Blueyedsoul / Noel Brass Jr. / Momo Pixel / Marina and the Dreamboats / Caela Bailey / Mr. Nicenice / Billy Brandt / Swatkins Positive Agenda / The Brodcast / MKB Ultra / star meets sea / Allison Preisinger / Christa Says Yay / Wesley Holmes / Sue Quigley / Sealth / Dig-dug / Misundvrstood / DGS Samurai Champs / David Guilbault / Katrina Charles / Judd Wasserman / Yung Futon / PHNK / Warren Dunes featuring Julia Massey / TreRoss / Supreme La Rock / Michael Trew / Allison Shirk / norman baker / Sean Majors / DJ Savvy Smith / Toya B / Torrey Pines / TA7J / Swoon(ish) / Storme Webber / DJ Zumba / No One Important / John Strayer / Jimmy the Pickpocket / Jim Marcotte / JENNGREEN / Javier Anderson / ItsTR3NT / Dune Butler / The Green (Reunion) / Found Sound Nation / emecks / DJ BTBeats / DJ Equis / Caleb Cunningham / Butterfly Launches From Spar Pole / Bradford King / Ben Mish / Asahi (Reunion) / Allie LaRoe / DJ Kween Kay$h / J Nasty (NY) / Fausto Bahia / DJ NHKGUY / The Sorority (Oakland) / Jon Yoon / Tony Snark / Karl Kamakahi / Abraham Neuwelt (ABRO) / Brian Lyons / The Murder City Devils
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Built to Spill / Bryan John Appleby / Chris Staples / Cataldo / Cosmos / Finn Riggins / Vaudeville Etiquette / Jango / Joseph Hein / Holiday Friends / Sama Dams / Bart Budwig / Mise / Marshall Mclean / Charcoal Squids / An American Forrest / Itchy Kitty / Sam Dickinson / The Dancing Plague of 1518 / Mother Yeti / The Ambulanters / Skinny The Kid / Curtis / Sutton & the Scavengers / Landrace / Food Water Shelter / Ben Walden
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American Authors / OK Go / John Butler Trio / Frenship / Barns Courtney / MISSIO / Coast Modern / Coleman Hell / LOLO (US) / The Dip / The Blue Stones / Cobi / The Sweeplings / Naked Giants / The Chicharones / Lemolo / Dude York / kuinka / Hollow Wood / Iska Dhaaf / Night Argent / Bread and Butter / Porter Ray / Ravenna Woods / Genders / Vaudeville Etiquette / The Grizzled Mighty / The Fame Riot / Jango / Fauna Shade / Runaway Symphony / Elephant Gun Riot / Xperience (XP) / Marsalis / Marshall Mclean / Lavoy / Joyfield / Modern Sons / Mama Doll / Deschamp / Folkinception / Boat Race Weekend / Lou Era / T.S The Solution / Hey!! Is For Horses / Dawn Of Life / Andy Rumsey / Erin Parkes / Zack Quintana / Jus Right
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Van Morrison / Mike stern Band / Herbie Hancock Future to Future / Ronald Snijders Special Band / Jesse van Ruller, Roy Hargrove / Jango / Miriam Makeba / Jack Bruce & The Cuicoland Express / Keb' Mo' / Cuby and the Blizzards / Nils Petter Molvaer / Marcus Miller / Erykah Badu / George Duke Trio / Rachelle Ferrell / Michiel Borstlap / Bill Frisell / Zuco 103 / Bebel Gilberto / Jane Monheit
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