Jack De Marseille Concert History

Label management, production, remixes...after fifteen years behind the decks, French electronic music pioneer-DJ keeps on forging ahead. Fifteen years behind the decks and an obvious fact: Jack knows the dancefloor commandments inside out. He contributed creating them in France helping in the expansion of electronic music and also spreading the good word of French techno abroad. Nowadays, Jack de Marseille doesn't want anymore to look back on a past blending feat of arms and hour of glory.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 03, 2016
Dixon / Jack De Marseille Parc Valmer Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Oct 31, 2015
We Are Together Featival
"We Are Together Featival" / Broken Back / Cosmic Boys / Dana Ruh / Efix / Felix Jaehn / Fritz Kalkbrenner / Greg Delon / Gregor Tresher / Jack De Marseille / Joachim Pastor / Kenny Larkin / Nico Stojan / Stereoclip / STWO / Sven Vath / Thylacine / Worakls / David Prap / ______ / Chicks Luv Us / Nicolas Dermen / Sanji Nox Show all bands
Dock des Suds Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Jun 28, 2015
Jack De Marseille / Étienne de Crécy / Bob Sinclar / Big Ali / Hakimakli / Dawn Tallman / Klingande / Robin Schulz / Lost Frequencies / Felix Jaehn / Feder Stade Vélodrome Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Jan 24, 2015
"Winter Wooferland" / 808 state / Jack De Marseille

Winter Wooferland

Paradiso Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Apr 19, 2013
Dektone / Jack De Marseille / James Taylor Le Poste à Galène Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Jul 07, 2012
Jack De Marseille / Carl Cox Showcase Paris, Île-de-France, France
Aug 14, 2008
Sziget Festival
"Sziget Festival" / Kaiser Chiefs / The Presidents of The United States of America / Millencolin / Ludditak / Fanfara Tirana / Eths / Anselmo Crew / Rokia Traore / Jamiroquai / Iced Earth / Ky-Mani Marley / Vitalic / Jack De Marseille / Rhoda Scott / Holland Tsunami / Modeselektor / Foreign Beggars / Alamaailman Vasarat / Kispal es a Borz / Morpheus / Ideas / Sabaton / Dalriada / Beatrice / Rolor / Krizis / Les Touffes / Kretiennes / Che Sudaka / Kraak & Smaak / Neo Show all bands
Óbudai-sziget (Óbuda Island) Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Aug 12, 2008 –
Aug 18, 2008
Sziget Festival 2008
The Killers / MGMT / The Kooks / Iron Maiden / Justice / Alanis Morissette / José González / Kaiser Chiefs / Jamiroquai / The Wombats / Chase & Status / Volbeat / Flogging Molly / Parov Stelar / Apocalyptica / The Presidents of The United States of America / Ferry Corsten / Babyshambles / The Cribs / Serj Tankian / Róisín Murphy / Anti-Flag / Meshuggah / Foreign Beggars / Modeselektor / R.E.M. / Vitalic / Millencolin / Sabaton / Exodus / Kraak & Smaak / Ky-Mani Marley / Lee "Scratch" Perry / Iced Earth / TC / Carcass / Danko Jones / Die Ärzte / Adam Green / Goran Bregovic / Avantasia / Bruce Dickinson / John Digweed / Hocus Pocus / Maceo Parker / Rokia Traoré / Delinquent Habits / Natacha Atlas / 3 Inches Of Blood / Mory Kante / Yonderboi / Fish / Ленинград / Smooth / Pete Philly & Perquisite / Pro-Pain / Kutiman / Sunshine / Altan / Vektor / Mademoiselle K / Real Lies / The Brains / Moog / Brisa Roché / Moke / Sex Pistols / New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble / Kočani Orkestar / Adrian Sherwood / Anima Sound System / Marcus Intalex / Lacrimas Profundere / Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 / Flash / Coyote / Nils / Neo / Che Sudaka / Eths / Mass Hysteria / Quimby / Punnany Massif / The Youngsters / Ziggi / Voicst / Tankcsapda / Hollywood Rose / Kultur Shock / Fine Cut Bodies / Irie Maffia / Freedom Fighters / Kispál és a Borz / Izabo / Junkies / Dew-Scented / Besh O Drom / Terrakota / Vono Box / Beta / DJ Storm / Dalriada / Markscheider Kunst / Missill / Péterfy Bori & Love Band / Amanda Somerville / Junkie / PUNISH YOURSELF / La Caravane Passe / Insane / CHROM / Vad Fruttik / Hiperkarma / Kowalsky Meg A Vega / Kiscsillag / Parno Graszt / Csokolom / The Road / Scan X / Csik Zenekar / Rotor / Komonazmuk / Belmondo / Ostava / Pannonia Allstars Ska Orchestra / Alamaailman Vasarat / Peet / DJ Haze / Carbonfools / Selim Sesler / Lauren Harris / Heaven Street Seven / Trees / Sayag Jazz Machine / Sankofa / Harcsa Veronika / Crimson / Kumm / Muzsikas / Rhoda Scott / Karanyi / Anna & the Barbies / Singas Project / Kovary / Subscribe / Balkan Fanatik / N.u.k.e. / DJ Bootsie / Akkezdet Phiai / Alvin és a Mókusok / Depresszió / Magna Cum Laude / Erik Sumo Band / The Ivory Coast / Zum / HEIKE has the giggles / Wedge / Fanfara Tirana / Black Out / Supernem / Sear Bliss / Dijf Sanders / Deák Bill Gyula / Oszibarack / Kerekes Band / Nikola Parov / Beatrice / Colorstar / Kaukazus / Nevergreen / N&SK / Mystery Gang / Animal Cannibals / The Qualitons / Amber Smith / Mercedes Peon / Lajko Felix / Dopeman / Little Cow / Zanzibar / Chiki Liki Tu-a / Pál Utcai Fiúk / DST / Bridge To Solace / Jack De Marseille / Bal / Copy Con / Lollobrigida / Korai Orom / Beat Dis / Katapult / Anselmo Crew / Barabas Lorinc Eklektric / Kistehén Tánczenekar / Acquaragia Drom / Kalman Balogh / Blind Myself / Masfel / Paul Lamb & The King Snakes / Bornholm / Da Taz / Isu / Zuboly / Enzo Avitabile And Bottari / Nemjuci / Jambalaya / Replika / O'riás / Archaic / Hetkoznapi Csalodasok / Isten Hata Mogott / Rómeó Vérzik / The Last Charge / Superbutt / Romano Drom / Takats Tamas Dirty Blues Band / Jacked! / Prosectura / Kovbojok / DJ Bailey / Vladimir Cetkar / the KOLIN / Fókatelep / Airtist / Remorse / Operentzia / FRENK / Riddim Colony / Tudosok / Picasso / Dj Observer / Bankos / Szalóki Ági / Ladánybene 27 / Les Touffes Krétiennes / Дети Picasso / suhancos / Cadaveres / … И Друг Мой Грузовик / EZ Basic / Ris / Goya-project / Barbaro / Tom White / Ideas / Jazzékiel / Hangmás / The Trousers / Tigrics / Kampec Dolores / Sikztah / Dj Nonames / Shell Beach / Balaton / Red Star / DJ NA-GA / Hollywoodoo / MC Jakes / Sziámi / Psycho Mutants / Mory Kant / Karen Carroll / Collins And Behnam / Realistic Crew / Slipper / Maravilla De Florida / Kalapács / sZempöl / Nigun / A Kutya Vacsorája / Transglobal Underground & Natacha Atlas / Deti Picasso / Zorall / Zagar Feat. Underground Divas / Yellow Spots / Dj Palotai / Dj Lucca / DJ TAGADA / Sex Action / Terne Čhave / Nitelight / Hatóságilag Tilos / Tape Underground / Egy Kiss Erzsi Zene / SECTA CHAMELEON / Horda / European Mantra / Navrang / Kasko / Uzgin Uver / KEBAB / Urh / Pupilla / Mystery Gang Rockabilly Trio / Jamie Winchester & Hrutka Róbert / Esclin Syndo / Chief Rebel Angel / My New Zoo / Turn Of Mind / Hairy / Ludditák / WACKOR / Khl / Bobakrome / Üllői Úti Fuck / Anorganik / Tereskova / jurij / Orange the Juice / Kaltenecker Trio / Varga Zsuzsa / Mantra Porno / Török Ádám és a Mini / Ágoston Béla / Malacka és a Tahó / Cozombolis / Katan / ErkA / Myster Möbius / Dj Felipe / Room Of The Mad Robots / Vidámpark / DJ Clairvo / Hippikiller / My Small Community / Eatme / Tündérground / Mátyás Pribojszki Band / Szilvasi Gipsy Folk Band / Mangod Inc. / Honeyball / Gyöngyvér / Brisa Roch / Colombre Band / Fusio Group / Vida G / DJ Cadik / Gypsy Sound System / Amundsen / Tango Underground / Nulladik Változat / Mátyás Attila / zselenszky / Dan Von Schulz / Cskolom / Sinko / Ági és a Fiúk / Stenk / Folkfree / Hot X / Jza / Slam Jr. / Muzsiks / Ef. Zámbó Happy Dead Band / Utolsó Alkalom / Nové Mapy / Szimi / Vanessa & Sorba / Sulukule / Krízis / Kuhl / Tesstimony / Kispl S A Borz / Mercedes Pen / Kistehn Tnczenekar / Takács Eszter / Váczi Eszter és a Szörp / Mesterházy / A Kutya Vacsorja / Dek Bill Gyula / Ludditk / Ladnybene 27 / Depresszi / Hawky / Joint Ventura / Palomita / Gumilap / Naga&beta / Nasmith / C0p / Pterfy Bori & Love Band / unoYmedio / Rotkreis / Saint Petrol / Kaukzus / Pl Utcai Fik / Zanzibr / Csk Zenekar / Jutasi / Cserepes / Lajk Flix / Korai Rm / Msfl / Vidmpark / Vczi Eszter S a Szrp / Kalapcs / Pujara / Lopunk / Zubrowka / DJ Frequent / Lolobrigida / Grasshop / Met Spuug / Terne Have / Isten Hta Mgtt / Tndrground / Nov Mapy / Hangms / dijf / Ashowka / Free Style Chamber Orchestra / Tudsok / Szilvsi Gipsy Folk Band / Zgin Ver / Embers / Thirty Seconds to Mars Show all bands
Óbudai-sziget (Óbuda Island) Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
May 23, 2008
Dave Clarke / Green Velvet / Jack De Marseille Rex Club Paris, Île-de-France, France
May 15, 2007 –
May 20, 2007
Nuits Sonores 2007
Violent Femmes / Digitalism / Boys Noize / Apparat / SebastiAn / Matthew Dear / Yuksek / The Juan Maclean / Laurent Garnier / Ellen Allien / Miss Kittin / Petter / Agoria / Loco Dice / James Holden / Stereo Total / Shit Robot / Guy Gerber / Oxia / Joakim / Luke Vibert / Surkin / Audion / Rico / Chicks On Speed / The Raincoats / Tiefschwarz / Kalash / Damian Lazarus / DJ Marky / Swayzak / Thomas Schumacher / Cluster / Louie Vega / La Caution / Mix Master Mike / Son of Dave / Martin Buttrich / Taiwan Mc / Heavy Trash / Matthias Tanzmann / Danton Eeprom / Kid Congo and The Pink Monkey Birds / Stamina MC / Da Fresh / Akira / DJ Kentaro / Kiko / 120 Days / Luz / Nieve / Shonky / J.G. Thirlwell / Lee Van Dowski / Von Spar / Inch / Errorsmith / The Psychic Paramount / Scan X / Spitzer / Tony Conrad / Ike Yard / No One / FM Einheit / Nil / Scalde / Salaryman / Water Lilly / Klanguage / dDamage / Christian Marclay / Terrorist / Pierre Bastien / Schaeben&Voss / Tobias Thomas / Plaza De Funk / Angie Reed / Mr Jack / Jack De Marseille / Herve AK / Mlle Caro / Geiger / Flore / MC Chickaboo / Les Gourmets / Mirko / Agaskodo Teliverek / Slush / Dj Spy / Heko / Large Number / KooZ / SWEETLIGHT / Will White / Eedio / YOZ / Duracell / Shrink Orchestra / STALK / Computer Truck / Treacle / Odes / agathe max / Dj Science / Freddypogo / Cumshot Deluxe / lu&nl / eat_rabbit / David5 / Le Poulpe / Yanas / Cor100 / H20 Show all bands
LES SUBSISTANCES Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
Jul 14, 2005 –
Jul 17, 2005
Dour Festival 2005
M83 / Hot Chip / Mika / Bright Eyes / Cut Copy / Devendra Banhart / A-Trak / Anthrax / Roots Manuva / The Subways / Jamie Lidell / Amon Tobin / Television / Mylo / Barrington Levy / Vitalic / The Faint / Felix da Housecat / Killing Joke / Hawkwind / Sondre Lerche / Brooks / Sage Francis / IAMX / Little Brother / Napalm Death / The Wedding Present / Levellers / Front 242 / yellowman / Gabriel Rios / Madrugada / Richie Hawtin / Soulive / Friction / Electrelane / Israel Vibration / Anthony B / Cult of Luna / Erol Alkan / Sofa Surfers / Jaga Jazzist / Tahiti 80 / Stereo Total / Fantômas / Entombed / Gilles Peterson / Laibach / The Queers / Jesu / Absynthe Minded / Supersuckers / DJ Hype / Giant Sand / Luke / DJ Yoda / Anne Clark / Rahzel / Vive La Fête / The Hacker / Walls of Jericho / Catherine Feeny / Heltah Skeltah / Sohodolls / DJ Spinna / Scout Niblett / Zongamin / TTC / Mickey 3D / Project Pitchfork / Nashville Pussy / The Go Find / Robots In Disguise / Kery James / 13 & God / Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra / Unsane / dälek / Sole / Hexstatic / The Young Gods / Stretch Arm Strong / Diecast / Future Prophecies / Babylon Circus / Sinik / Millionaire / Styrofoam / Kiki / Hood / Maximilian Hecker / Sud Sound System / Alec Empire / Incantation / Looptroop / Headman / Murphy's Law / Dom And Roland / Zea / Electrocute / Psy 4 De La Rime / Blues Explosion / Isis / Eths / Logh / The Neon Judgement / Didier Super / Mass Hysteria / Soldout / Klub des Loosers / Joshua / Hulk / Sioen / Stash / Kool Shen / Resistance / Hatesphere / Martin Luther / Born From Pain / A Brand / Lofofora / Radium / Fever / The Penelopes / Ben Christophers / Daniel Darc / Desmond Dekker / Hermanos Inglesos / Exsonvaldes / Ewan Pearson / La Phaze / Waldorf / 25 Ta Life / Umoja / Les Georges Leningrad / The Outside Agency / Jerônimo / Sweatshop / Fake / Dwight Trible / Elisa do Brasil / Eclectic Method / Kaly Live Dub / Cataract / Malibu Stacy / Nid And Sancy / Modey Lemon / Jim Murple Memorial / Experience / DAAU - Die Anarchistische Abendunterhaltung / Blutch / Sayag Jazz Machine / Hollywood Porn Stars / Starfighter / Markus Kienzl / dDamage / Crystal Distortion / Les Fils De Teuhpu / Amen Ra / The Experimental Tropic Blues Band / Vatican DC / Natalia M King / Jack De Marseille / Senna / Flatcat / Superlux / Lady Jane / Explicit Samourai / The Moon Invaders / Austin Lace / Jamaica All Stars / The Glimmer Twins / Vegomatic / Flexa Lyndo / End of Days / Help She Can't Swim / Bacon Caravan Creek / Vandal X / Deadsoil / Skarbone 14 / Nhl / K-branding / Pitcho / Wawadadakwa / Seasick / Luke Wallace / Poulycroc / Raymondo / Cornflames / Le Bal'con / Tokyo Ska Paradise / DJ Touch / Raggamuffin Whiteman / Love is Love / Amharic / Sbastien Schuller / Saan Supa Crew / pompon / Cosy Mozzy / The Dallas Explosion / [t]kl / Skitsoy / Major Deluxe / Jeff Mills Dj / Skating Teenagers / Aba Shanti Soundsystem / Tōmn / SPORT DOEN / Ward 21 & the Scrucialists / LAWSTREET 16 / Jay Mayhem / Saule & the Pleurers / Elektrash / Murdock Dj / Ultime Team / Cleo's Family / T 67 / Les 100 Grammes De Ttes / System D Dj / Slam Live Show all bands
Dour, Wallonia, Belgium
2016 1 concert
2015 3 concerts
2013 1 concert
2012 1 concert
2008 3 concerts
2007 1 concert
2005 1 concert
 Craig Ralston
 Mathieu D

As Seen On: