Izal's 2020 Concert History

In 2010, with more than 10 years of experience behind them, five musicians came together to form IZAL. A band made up of Mikel Izal (vocals, composer, guitar, ukulele), Emanuel Pérez “Gato” (bass), Alejandro Jordá (drums and percussion), Alberto Pérez (guitar, Lap Steel) and Iván Mella (piano, keyboards, synthesizers ). Coming from different geographical locations, Madrid became their "base" of operations, which is why the name "Madrid band" has been highly honored since its inception, despite not being originally from the capital.

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 03, 2020
Izal WiZink Center Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Indie Rock
Indie Pop
Latin Rock
Spanish Pop
Spanish Indie Pop
Spanish Rock
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2022 7 concerts
2021 3 concerts
2020 1 concert
2019 4 concerts
2018 12 concerts
2017 2 concerts
2016 2 concerts
2015 5 concerts
2014 2 concerts
2013 2 concerts
 Alberto J Ruiz
 Joe Lemble
 Rob Kellas
 Gaby Valiente
 Nicolás Fernández Argelina
 Gaia Muse
 Ambar Escudero

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