Iszoloscope Concert History

Iszoloscope is an industrial band from Aylmer, Quebec, Canada, currently based in Montreal, formed in 1999 by CHUO 89.1 FM (the University of Ottawa's radio station) DJs Yann Faussurier and François Bénard, creating heavily processed ambience and bristling noisy beats. Iszoloscope pushes the abstract conceptualization of isolation and its induced altered states of consciousness into a powerful, ominous, and immersive dark sonic aesthetic that can be called its very own...

Date Concert Venue Location
Mar 16, 2023
Iszoloscope / Antigen Shift Monarch Tavern Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Aug 23, 2018 –
Aug 26, 2018
Infest Festival 2018
Peter Hook & The Light / Mesh / Elegant Machinery / Empirion / Cubanate / This Morn' Omina / Iszoloscope / Siva Six / Zeitgeist Zero / Valhall / Flesh Eating Foundation / SΛRIN / YURA YURA / Actors (CA) / Adam Is a Girl / Strvngers / Promenade Cinema / DEF NEON / Grave Diggers Union / Massenhysterie Show all bands
Student Central, University of Bradford Bradford, England, United Kingdom
Jun 02, 2017 –
Jun 05, 2017
Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2017 @ Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2017
Eden / Lebanon Hanover / Amanda Palmer / Skinny Puppy / Amorphis / The Mission / VNV Nation / The 69 Eyes / Rotting Christ / She Past Away / Drab Majesty / Cabaret Voltaire / Soviet Soviet / Esben and the Witch / Suicide Commando / Revolting Cocks / Rotersand / B-Movie / Ritual Howls / Whispering Sons / S.P.O.C.K / Scary Bitches / The Agnes Circle / Sex Gang Children / Varg / Desperate Journalist / Sylvaine / Sixth June / Peter Heppner / Noisuf-X / Jarboe / Ah! Kosmos / Spiritual Front / Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio / In the Woods... / CHROM / Virgin in Veil / Angels and Agony / Bloody Dead and Sexy / Hexperos / Finsterforst / The Vision Bleak / Massive Ego / Illuminate / Nim Vind / Ohm / Cryo / Black Nail Cabaret / Edward Ka-Spel / Shireen / Codex Empire / Frankenstein / Pouppée Fabrikk / Vogelfrey / Box and the Twins / Klez.e / Eisfabrik / Cephalgy / Klangstabil / Red Cell / Iszoloscope / This Morn' Omina / Sutcliffe Jugend / red mecca / The Devil and the Universe / Aeon Sable / Lolita Komplex / Saigon Blue Rain / Ah Cama-sotz / Sinistro / Autodafeh / Hord / Yggdrasil / Iamtheshadow / Annwn / Corde Oblique / Empusae / Peter Bjärgö / Whispers In the Shadow / Bfg / Der Blaue Reiter / Azar Swan / The Eye of Time / Welicoruss / Blac Kolor / Dunkelschön / Mlada Fronta / Ragnaröek / Thrudvangar / Der Fluch / Ianva / Unlight / LUCIFER’S AID / Too Dead to Die / Herbst in Peking / Rendered / Odroerir / Chemical Sweet Kid / CUELEBRE / Moon Far Away / Wires & Lights / 13th Monkey / Andi Sexgang / Nox Interna / DORSETSHIRE / Masquerade (FIN) / Landscape Body Machine / NIKOLAS SCHRECK / MACHINE DE BEAUVOIR / Vain Warr / Larrnakh / Besides (PL) / ANDYRA / HAUTVILLE / framheim / MGT & FRIENDS Show all bands
Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2017 Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Feb 25, 2017
Iszoloscope / ESA


Electrowerkz London, England, United Kingdom
Mar 25, 2016 –
Mar 27, 2016
Godflesh / Aesthetic Perfection / Grendel / Alice In Videoland / Neuroticfish / Organ Donors / Zardonic / Ivardensphere / The Gothsicles / Iszoloscope / Massiv in Mensch / Terrolokaust / Cyferdyne / Totentanz / Ginger Snap5 / Petrol Bastard / basszilla / Seraphim System / Kohl / Randolph & Mortimer / Ad3k / DJ Virul3nt / Andy McBain / Josh Rombout / PinkFoamy Show all bands
Corporation Sheffield, England, United Kingdom
Sep 19, 2015
Baroeg Open Air 2015
Vader / Igorrr / Black Sun Empire / The Algorithm / Batmobile / Raketkanon / Venom Inc. / Rats On Rafts / Ryker's / Iszoloscope / Voodoom / Gingerpig / Consumer Junk
Zuiderpark Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Apr 18, 2014 –
Apr 20, 2014
Resistanz Festival 2014
Assemblage 23 / Seabound / Belzebass / Die Sektor / Apoptygma Berzerk / Iszoloscope / Straftanz / Freakangel / CHROM / Cutoff.Sky / Cyberpunkers / Cyferdyne / Incubite / Nitro/Noise / Organ Donors / The.Invalid / This Morn' Omina / WormZ
Corporation Sheffield, England, United Kingdom
Jun 20, 2013 –
Jun 22, 2013
K.O.M.A. Festival 2013
Faderhead / Winterkälte / Leæther Strip / Wieloryb / Soman / Painbastard / 13th Monkey / Agonoize / Unter Null / Modulate / Iszoloscope / Phosgore / Alien Vampires / Heimataerde / Xotox / Ambassador21 / Suicide Inside / Kant Kino / Mono-Amine / KIEw / Substaat / D-Tox / Tactical Sekt vs FGFC820 / X-RX / Statik Sky / FabrikC / The Peoples Republic of Europe / Essence of Mind / Kopfer Kat / Dimensional Explosion / s-a-m Show all bands
Unknown venue Oslo, Oslo, Norway
May 19, 2011 –
May 23, 2011
Festival Kinetik 2011
VNV Nation / Front Line Assembly / Assemblage 23 / And One / Suicide Commando / Die Krupps / Aesthetic Perfection / God Module / / Agonoize / Unter Null / Solitary Experiments / Panzer Ag / Modulate / Squarehead / FGFC820 / System Syn / Terrorfakt / X-Rx / Bruderschaft / Klinik / Painbastard / Ivardensphere / Iszoloscope / Phosgore / W.a.s.t.e. / Everything Goes Cold / Sket / DJ Mighty Mike Saga / DJ Xris Smack / ESA / Xerox Show all bands
Métropolis Montréal, Québec, Canada
Show Duplicate for May 19, 2011
May 14, 2010
Festival Kinetik
"Festival Kinetik" / Combichrist / Absolute Body Control / Alien Vampires / DECODED FEEDBACK / Synapscape / FGFC820 / S.A.M / Komor Kommando / Edgey / Iszoloscope / Aliceffekt
Usine C Montréal, Québec, Canada
May 12, 2010 –
May 16, 2010
Kinetik Festival 3.0
Ascii.Disko / Leæther Strip / Vomito Negro / Tyske Ludder / Imperitive Reaction / 16 Volt / Chemlab / Left Spine Down / Combichrist / Absolute Body Control / Alien Vampires / Decoded Feedback / Synapscape / FGFC820 / SAM / Komor Kommando / Edgey / Iszoloscope / Aliceffekt / Hocico / Dive / Tactical Sekt / Hypnoskull / Ambassador21 / Terrorfakt / Destroid / Nachtmahr / FabrikC / Memmaker / Ivardensphere / Torrent Vaccine Vs. Synnack / Covenant / Rotersand / Melotron / Frozen Plasma / Faderhead / Lights of Euphoria / Run Level Zero / Unter Null / Cesium 137 / Fractured / Glenn Love / Detroit Diesal Show all bands
Usine C Montréal, Québec, Canada
May 14, 2009 –
May 17, 2009
Festival Kinetik 2.0 2009
Assemblage 23 / Project Pitchfork / Aesthetic Perfection / Grendel / Icon of Coil / God Module / Architect / Ayria / Das Ich / Pride And Fall / FGFC820 / Amduscia / Accessory / XP8 / The Reaper / Terrorfakt / Soman / Caustic / Necessary Response / Iszoloscope / Life Cried / Ad·ver·sary / Synapscape / DYM / Memmaker / Interlace / Noisex / Cervello Elettronico / Imminent Starvation / Winterkälte / Reaper (DE) / Mimetic / marching dynamics / Corrupted Suburbs Show all bands
Usine C Montréal, Québec, Canada
Sep 30, 2005 –
Oct 02, 2005
Maschinenfest 2005
Ah Cama-sotz / Ambassador 21 / Architect / Atrox / AZ Rotator / Brighter Death Now / Contagious Orgasm / Contaminant / Deutsch Nepal / Edgey / Empusae / Enduser / Imminent / Iszoloscope / Kirdec / Klangstabil / Kom Intern / Kraken / Lapsed / Loss / Mental Destruction / Morgenstern / Orphx / Pow[d]er Pussy / Punch Inc. / Rasputin / Roger Rotor / S.K.E.T. / Sonar / Synapscape Show all bands
Kulturfabrik Krefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Jun 18, 2004 –
Jun 20, 2004
Noxious Art Festival 2004
Acrylik / asche / Axiome / Brilliant Beast / Caterva / Chrysalide / Ebola / Empusae / Espektroplasma / Flint glass / Hegel / Imminent / Iszoloscope / K.Oz / Le Diktat / Le Talium / Lith / Mental Aggression / Modus Operandi / Monolith / Mono No Aware / Morgenstern / Muckrackers / Neon Cage Experiment / Nuclear Terror / Panic DHH / Proyecto Mirage / Punch Inc. / PUNISH YOURSELF / Ripit / Run(0) / Sonar / Sonic Area / Synapscape / Ten Data Keshin / The tar mapsal program / Twinkle / Winterkälte / X.Gamer / Zenta / Zotz Show all bands
Les Moulins de Pontcey Pontcey, France
Oct 03, 2003 –
Oct 05, 2003
Maschinenfest 2003
5F_55 / Ah Cama-sotz / Architect / asche / Axiome / Cellautomata / Converter / Detritus / Empusae / Hanin Elias / Hypnoskull / Iszoloscope / Klangstabil / Mono No Aware / Morgenstern / Needle Sharing / Panacea / Pow[d]er Pussy / Punch Inc. / Sonar / Synapscape / Telerotor / The [Law-Rah] Collective / Ultrastatals Show all bands
Schloss Leerodt Geilenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

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Maschinenfest 2003 on Oct 3, 2003 [219-small]

Maschinenfest 2003
Oct 3 - 5, 2003
 Geilenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
  Uploaded by Grindcrusher

Maschinenfest 2005 on Sep 30, 2005 [223-small]

Maschinenfest 2005
Sep 30 - Oct 2, 2005
 Krefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
  Uploaded by Grindcrusher

Noxious Art Festival 2004 on Jun 18, 2004 [106-small]

Noxious Art Festival 2004
Jun 18 - 20, 2004
 Pontcey, France
  Uploaded by Grindcrusher

Noxious Art Festival 2004 on Jun 18, 2004 [107-small]

Noxious Art Festival 2004
Jun 18 - 20, 2004
 Pontcey, France
  Uploaded by Grindcrusher

Industrial Rock
Dark Ambient
Power Noise
Rhythmic Noise
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2023 1 concert
2018 1 concert
2017 2 concerts
2016 1 concert
2015 1 concert
2014 1 concert
2013 1 concert
2011 1 concert
2010 2 concerts
2009 1 concert
2005 1 concert
2004 1 concert
2003 1 concert
 Troy Roberts
 Eric Mulligan
 Rich Hybrid
 Andreas Nachtplan
 João Freitas

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