Incrypt Concert History

Melbourne’s own Rock/Metal act – INCRYPT have released their first Full length album for 2010 ‘MASTERPIECE’ two years in the making. From start to finish, a must have in your collection. The Band continue to create a Heavy Motivated Sound With a half time that will shake your boots.With catchy riffs and aggressive vocals A sound of their own and a massive Progression in the right direction. Have a listen and decide for yourself. Keeping it real is the aim.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 08, 2013
Summerset Avenue / To The Airship! / Oceans To Athena / Disasters / Incrypt

Bang! Summerset Avenue Reunion Show!

Royal Melbourne Hotel Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Heavy Metal
Thrash Metal
Speed Metal
Old School Thrash Metal
Australian Thrash Metal
 Daniel Bonney

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