In the Year of the Pig's 2011 Concert History

Beneath the neon-green glow of two bright stageside beer signs, Chapel Hill five-piece In the Year of the Pig sounded like our incredible hulks, just faster and brighter and less vulnerable. The band's metallic Motorik menace slapped the room in the ears, like spiky exclamation points stabbing the gaps open for Earth, now a torpid, monolithic, blues-based, heavy-bottomed band with a focus and mettle as elegant as it is arid. --

Stoner Rock
Doom Metal
Metallic Hardcore
Psychedelic Doom
Modern Hardcore
New England Metal
Seattle Metal
Cardiff Indie
Swedish Psychedelic Rock
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2022 1 concert
2016 1 concert
2011 2 concerts
2010 2 concerts
2007 1 concert
 Dave Schwentker
 Kerry Cantwell

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